Computation Of Total Transfer Capability


02 Nov 2017

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Kerala Power System Study and Analysis

Aditya Gupta

V.I.T University, B.Tech-EEE, Final Year

University Registration Number – 09BEE004

Vellore, India

[email protected]

Mr. V.Suresh

Deputy General Manager

Power System Operation Corporation Limited

SRLDC, Bangalore, India

[email protected]

Dr. S.P.Sabberwal

Professor, School of Electrical Engineering

V.I.T University, Vellore

Vellore, India

[email protected]

Mr. P.R. Raghuram

Executive Director

Power System Operation Corporation Limited

SRLDC, Bangalore, India

[email protected]

Abstract—The paper presents the knowledge gathered from simulation of real time power system elements data in Kerala state, which is located in Southern Region of India. It is an attempt to calculate Available Transfer Capability (ATC) and Total Transfer Capability (TTC) by carefully studying the present power system scenario in the state. This paper also elaborates the present power system condition and bottlenecks in the transmission system which limits the capability of the system to meet higher consumer demand in the State.

Keywords-Available Transfer Capability; Total Transfer Capability; Power system condition; Kerala; India


Indian power system is a complex group of five electrical regions, one of the regions being Southern Region which is connected to other regions via three HVDC links but is the only electrical region in India which is yet to be synchronized with any of the remaining regions. India being a country where the power generation is less than the demand due to which system is prone to extreme strain. Southern Region of India has a huge potential for Wind Energy and in the past six years there has been addition of 12000MW [1] of wind power generating stations. On the other hand it can be observed from the study that even though renewable energy is being utilized but the supporting transmission capacity of element connecting these renewable energy sources have not been up-graded at the same pace as increase in generation from renewable resource. This is the same case with the transmission system present in Kerala. The system has not been improved according to the increase in the local power demand because of which there is a limit to how much power can be transmitted using the present system. Another factor that makes the case even more complex is that the Internal Generation of Kerala has not caught up with the increase in local demand which forces the local power control authority to import power from other states and from central GRID. However because of the present transmission system there is a limit to how much power can be drawn from regional grid. This limit is called as Total Transfer Capability (TTC). There are various reasons which makes it necessary to compute TTC and ATC for every control areas like: delay in commissioning of new generating stations and transmission elements, increasing stress on network due to increasing demand and avert situation like recent grid disturbance in N-E-W Grid. Southern Region Load Dispatch Center has initiated ATC and TTC calculation for every southern region state so as to maintain the overall system stability and also to determine the transmission elements which are a cause of concern and needs to be upgraded or figuring out the need of new transmission elements which can enhance the performance of the Southern Region transmission system.

What is Total Transfer Capability (TTC) and Available Transfer Capability (ATC)

Transfer Capacity

Transfer capacity is the arithmetic sum of the capacity of lines connecting two areas.

Total Transfer Capability

It is defined as the permissible power flow between two areas. Power is a resource that does not take into account the demarcation of territory but flows uniformly in the interconnected network. Depending on the network topology, spatial distribution and placement of generating stations [4]. A system comprises of many networks which dynamically interact with each other. This collective response of network determines the permissible limit of power flow between electrical areas. Total Transfer Capability is roughly 15-20% of the transfer capacity between two regions.

Available Transfer Capability

It is the capability of the physical transmission network for commercial use over the already committed uses. It is basically a measure of how much power the system is capable to transmit from point A to B taking into account the reliability margin and N-1 contingencies. Mathematically:

TTC and ATC in Indian Power system context

Indian states can satisfy their demand in three ways:

Power being generated by Generating stations owned by the state..

Share of power in Inter State Generating Stations (ISGS)

Procurement of power from other states or Private Generating Stations.

Out of the above three mentioned state owned generating stations are directly connected to the State transmission system but the other two: ISGS and Private Generating Stations might be placed in different states and are connected to the central GRID, hence the power is drawn from the GRID. A state is always aware of the share of power produced by the ISGS that it can draw from the grid but to meet higher demand a state has to procure power from private players or other states. Calculation of TTC and ATC gives an idea to a state about how much power it can draw from the grid without jeopardising the power system stability.

Depending on the ATC values a state approximately know how much power can be bought and how much demand can be met. It also allows state transmission utility to plan outage coordination.

Consideration for assesment of Transfer Capability (TC)

The whole study was guided by the criteria set by the parameters and stability limits set by The Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) released by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) and Technical Standards for GRID Connectivity released by Central Electricity Authority (CEA) which lays down rules, guidelines and standards to be followed by various persons and participants in the system to plan, develop, maintain and operate the power system, in the most secure, reliable, economic and efficient manner, while facilitating healthy competition in the generation and supply of electricity. All the criteria taken into consideration are set by the above mentioned manuals

Planning Criteria

For efficient and economical functioning of power system to facilitate uninterrupted power flow of electricity from generating stations to load centers require proper planning in various horizons like short-term, mid-term, long term and real time also. Operational planning in other time horizons and operation in real time is taken care by the Regional Load Dispatch Center and the State Load Dispatch Centers [2][3]. A special manual is issued on transmission planning criteria issued by CEA is one of the most important reference document for planning and operational purposes.

Operating Limits

The ability of power system to reliably transfer power may be limited by the physical and electrical characteristics of the systems including any one or more of the following:

Thermal Limits: Maximum electrical current that a transmission line or electrical facility can conduct over specified time periods before it sustains permanent damage by overheating or before it violates public safety requirements.

Voltage Limits: System voltages and changes in voltage must be maintained within the acceptable range as defined in the Grid Code and CEA standards.

Stability Limits: Property of a power system that enables it to remain in a state of operating equilibrium under normal operating conditions and to regain an acceptable state of equilibrium after being subjected to a disturbance.

Network Topology and Generator-Load balance

Transfer capability is highly dependent on network topology hence, power system should be modelled using all the existing and future elements like Generating elements or Load centers which might be available in future for which the transfer capability is being assessed.

Reliability Margin

The transfer capability assessment depends upon a lot of theory and hypothesis. These include forecast of system environment, transmission system topology, projected customer demand and its distribution, generation dispatch, location of future generators, future weather conditions, available transmission facilities and existing and future power transactions. Such parameters are assembled to produce a scenario to be used to project transfer capabilities under a reasonable range of transmission contingencies as specified in the transmission planning criteria.

Therefore, calculations of future transfer capabilities must consider the inherent uncertainties in projecting such system parameters over longer time periods. Margins in the form of Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) must be kept aside to provide system flexibility in real time [6]. These margin are necessary for reliable transmission services.

Methodology for assesment TTC

Assessment of TTC requires real time data of all the transmission elements which are functioning in the concerned control area. The data required was collected from Power System Operation Corporation Limited (POSOCO) at their Southern Region Load Dispatch Center (SRLDC) located in Bangalore, India as this study was a part of a project carried out in this organization. The following methodology was followed for the study of Kerala Control Area [5].

PSSâ„¢E software which is offered by the Siemens was used for the simulation study.

The collected data was fed into the software and a diagram view was created for simulation study.

System till 66kV level was considered for Base case study

The created base system was cross checked with the SCADA data provided by the company for errors and duplication.

A base case was simulated real time data and then compared to the real time SCADA values to verify its accuracy.

Once the base case was successfully simulated, three different cases which had different levels of Internal Generationwere chosen for Kerala system study.

Critical elements in the power system were selected during the base case study and were used for N-1 contingency analysis.

For every case limiting agents were found which were then recommended to organization for review and upgradation.

Different values of TTC and ATC were found out for three different cases which were then analysed.

As it is practically not feasible to simulate and analyse every possible condition that a system has to go throughout its life time, hence a graph was plotted showing relation between: Internal Generation, ATC, TTC, Reliability Margin and wind generation in Tamil Nadu.

The result were then presented to a group of employees who work in Control Room and system study department in SRLDC to verify the study.

Base Case study of Kerala System

Base case study was performed to understand the transmission system of Kerala and to determine critical elements in the system.

Geographical Description

Figure - Geographical Description

Kerala is area wise smallest state when compared to the states present in the southern region. It is surrounded by Tamil Nadu in the East, Karnataka in the north and by Arabian Sea in the west. There are only two ways by which power can be supplied to Kerala, from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. In extreme south of Tamil Nadu there is a high wind area which makes it a suitable for the placement of wind power generating farms which can supply power to both Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Kerala is also gifted with good source of hydro energy but due to reservoir level limitation the hydro power plants are only used when there is high demand in Kerala.

Electrical System Description

Peak Demand of Kerala is far less when it is compared to the remaining three states in Southern Region of India. With a maximum demand of 3348MW which was observed on 19th March 2012 around 21:29HRS and a minimum demand of 1443MW which was observed on 25th April 2012 around 03:00HRS [1].

In general maximum internal hydro generation is used during peak hours. As we know Kerala meets major portion of its demand from the power drawn from the regional grid, as peak hours of Kerala is witnessed at the same time as peak hour of other states hence there is no excess power that can be provided to Kerala.

Even though it has very less average demand and peak demand, still there is always shortage of approximately 100-500MW of power which was observed from the real time data for the cases which were considered for the simulation study.

Inter-State and Intra-state power flow

Inter-state: It is observed that the gap between the internal generation and demand has increased over the period of last ten years. Which can be described by the graph below [1]

This gap between internal generation and demand is met by drawing power from the Regional Grid.

Intra-Kerala: It is observed that the load is distributed all over the state but the major generating stations which have generating values greater then 100MW are placed at the southern part of Kerala and also most of its inter-state connections are connected to the southern part. Hence the power flow within the state is observed to flow from south to north. Another reason that this power flow is observed is because of the limited capacity of transmission line between Karnataka and Kerala in the north.

Figure - Load Distribution (Left), Generation Distribution (Right)

TTC and ATC computation for different cases

Various assumptions were made for the TTC and ATC calculations which are as follows:

Radial Mode of Kadakola-Kanyampet 220kV: If the KADAKOLA-KANYAMPET 220kV line which connects Karnataka to North of Kerala is connected in a normal grid connected mode (power can flow freely depending on the demand) then it will become overloaded as soon as the line is charged. This phenomenon can be explained on the basis that most of the Kerala generation is present in the south but when a power source suddenly becomes available in the north of Kerala, power feels it is convenient to flow from the above mentioned line hence in no time this line becomes overloaded beyond its normal operating limit. Due to this reason this line is always operated in radial mode.

Placement of Swing Bus: Ramagundam NTPC in Andhra Pradesh was made the swing bus as it is placed in different state and all the excess power from it trickles down through different lines hence making it most suitable for Kerala Simulation

All Transmission elements are in Service: It is basic criteria for TTC and ATC calculation that all the transmission elements should be working as they contribute to the line flow of the system.

350MVA capacity of EDMAN (220kV)-ABISEK42 (230kV): The line is considered to have a capacity of 350MVA because it is a 400kV line (TWIN MOOSE CONDUCTOR) which is charged at 220kV. This special type of conductor can carry 800MVA when charged at 400kV and only 350MVA when being used at 220kV

For CASE 1-4 these lines are the important transmission elements which were considered for the N-1 contingency because during the base case study these transmission line were loaded more than other elements and were supplying power to crucial load centers. These critical lines are mentioned below:

Important Transmission Elements

Important Transmission Elements

400/220kV TRICHUR4 - MADKTARA ICT (2*300 MVA)

220kV ABISEK42 - EDAMAN2 LINE (2*300 MVA)

220kV ABISEK42 - EDAMAN2 LINE (2*300 MVA)














In total of ten tests were performed for N-1 contingency analysis in every case where the above mentioned critical lines and transformer were tripped to check the stability and capability to draw from the grid. In Four out of these ten test the system failed to stay at a stable condition and hence the demand of Kerala had to be decreased to bring the system back to the stable point. As the internal generation was kept constant, the change in demand directly affected the drawl from the grid. This change in demand becomes the reliability margin.

CASE 1- Generation at the time of Minimum Demand

TTC was reached at a demand of 2746MW when Kerala was drawing 2332.3MW from the grid. The limiting agent was found out to be MADKTARA-SHORNUR 220kV line.

It was found that at a fixed value of internal generation (412MW) the system can safely draw a maximum of 2332.3MW (TTC) of power from the grid when all the transmission elements are functioning normally but in one of the test in CASE 1 when MADKTARA-MALPRMBA 220kV line is tripped for N-1 contingency analysis it was found that MADKTARA-SHORNUR 220kV line became loaded at critical level, hence the system is now operating in critical conditions where few of the lines have become overloaded. To bring the system back to the normal condition load of approximately 410MW (Reliability Margin) was shed across Kerala area after which the lines we observed to be critically loaded are now functioning within safe limits. We can conclude for CASE1 that if we have a fixed internal generation of 412MW with grid drawl of 1922MW (2332.3 – 410.3) (TTC – Reliability Margin), the system will remain stable even if any line or transformer trips in the Kerala system.

case1 characteristics


Value in MW

Kerala Internal Generation


Kerala demand met at TTC


Kerala demand met at ATC


Reliability Margin


Wind Generation in Tamil Nadu


CASE 2- Average Internal Generation

TTC was reached at a demand of 3000.4MW when Kerala was drawing 2226.4MW from the grid. The limiting agent was found out to be MADKTARA-SHORNUR 220kV line.

It was found that at a fixed value of internal generation (774MW) the system can safely draw a maximum of 2226.4MW (TTC) of power from the grid when all the transmission elements are functioning normally but in one of the test in CASE 2 when MADKTARA-MALPRMBA 220kV line is tripped for N-1 contingency analysis it was found that MADKTARA-SHORNUR 220kV line became loaded at critical level, hence the system is now operating in critical conditions where few of the lines have become overloaded. To bring the system back to the normal condition load of approximately 484MW (RM) was shed across Kerala area after which the lines we observed to be critically loaded are now functioning within safe limits. We can conclude for CASE2 that if we have a fixed internal generation of 774MW with grid drawl of 1742MW (ATC), the system will remain stable even if any line or transformer trips in the Kerala system.

case2 characteristics


Value in MW

Kerala Internal Generation


Kerala demand met at TTC


Kerala demand met at ATC


Reliability Margin


Wind Generation in Tamil Nadu


CASE 3-Maximum Internal Generation

TTC was reached at a demand of 3434.5MW when Kerala was drawing approximately 1464.5MW from the grid. The limiting agent was found out to be MADKTARA-SHORNUR 220kV line.

It was found that at a fixed value of internal generation (1970MW) the system can safely draw a maximum of 1464.5MW (TTC) of power from the grid when all the transmission elements are functioning normally but in one of the test in CASE 3 when AREACODE-KANHIROD 220kV line was tripped for N-1 contingency analysis it was found that AREACODE-VADAKARA 220kV line became loaded at critical level, hence the system is now operating in critical conditions where few of the lines have become overloaded. To bring the system back to the normal condition load of approximately 428.4MW (RM) was shed across Kerala area after which the lines we observed to be critically loaded are now functioning within safe limits. We can conclude for CASE3 that if we have a fixed internal generation of 1970MW with grid drawl of 1036.1MW, the system will remain stable even if any line or transformer trips in the Kerala system.

case3 characteristics


Value in MW

Kerala Internal Generation


Kerala demand met at TTC


Kerala demand met at ATC


Reliability Margin


Wind Generation in Tamil Nadu


CASE 4-High Wind Generation in Tamil Nadu

It was observed in this case that because of high wind generation in Tamil Nadu, high amount of power is being transferred from the high wind generating area to Kerala through the ABISEK42-EDMAN2 230kV line which is carrying around 270 MW at TTC level.

TTC was reached at a demand of 3137MW when Kerala was drawing approximately 1925MW from the grid. The limiting agent was found out to ABISEK42-EDMAN2 220kV Line.

Figure - Relation between TTC and internal GenerationIt was found that at a fixed value of internal generation (1212MW) the system can safely draw a maximum of 1925MW (TTC) of power from the grid when all the transmission elements are functioning normally but in one of the test in CASE 4 where ABISEK42-EDMAN2 220kV CKT1 line is tripped for N-1 contingency analysis, it was found that ABISEK42-EDMAN2 230kV CKT2 line became loaded at critical level, hence the system is now operating in critical conditions where few of the lines have become overloaded. To bring the system back to the normal condition load of approximately 761.4MW was shed across Kerala area after which the lines we observed to be critically loaded are now functioning within safe limits. We can conclude for CASE4 that if we have a fixed internal generation of 1212MW with grid drawl of 1163.6MW, the system will remain stable even if any line or transformer trips in the Kerala system.

case4 characteristics


Value in MW

Kerala Internal Generation


Kerala demand met at TTC


Kerala demand met at ATC


Reliability Margin


Wind Generation in Tamil Nadu


Result and Inference

Maximum TTC was observed in CASE1 when internal generation was minimum. Minimum TTC was observed in CASE 3 when the internal generation was maximum.

It is noticed that in most of the cases the limiting element is found out to be MADKTARA-MALPRMBA 220kV line which supplied power to northern part of Kerala. This line should be reviewed as it plays a crucial role in the system and in future it will be required to upgrade this line to meet higher peak demand. It is also noticed that Kerala is very much dependent on power produced by ISGS stations and hence it should try setting up new power plant inside its area. Because of the system limitation it is noticed that system is only capable of meeting maximum demand of 3334.5 MW power when internal generation is at 1970MW and drawl from regional grid is 1464.5MW. It is also observed that as Kerala draws major part of power required from the grid it has become necessary to strengthen these inter-state lines that can exchange of more power. The graph showing relation between different system parameters is shown below:


I would like to thank Power System Operation Corporation Limited, Bangalore (SRLDC) to give me an opportunity to carry out this study in their organization and provide me with data required for the study and experts who guided me during my study.


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