Design Fabrications And Measurement Of Biomimetic Flow Sensor


02 Nov 2017

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Mohd Norzaidi Mat Nawi1*, Asrulnizam Abd Manaf1,2, Mohd Rizal Arshad1, Othman Sidek2.

1Underwater Robotics Research Group (URRG), School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

2Collaborative microelectronic Design Excellence Center (CEDEC),

Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia,

14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

email*: [email protected]


This paper reported the design, fabrication and measurement of biomimetic hair cell based artificial hair cell in the fish lateral line system. In general, the biomimetic flow sensor consists of the single hair cell thta attached perpendicular to the substrate and was integrated with strain gage (Kyowa type: KFG-1N-120-C1-11). This biomimetic flow sensor was simulated using different flow rates to study the pressure and the strain distribution acting on the hair cell using computational fluid dynamic and finite element analysis approach. High performance sensor can be achieved by increasing the length of the hair cell and also by using low Young Modulus material. The biomimetic flow sensor has been fabricated for hair cell with 8000μm length, 2000μm width and 100μm thickness, where the thin copper film was chosen due to its mechanical properties. The response time for a sensor to respond completely to a change in input is about 50ms and the sensitivity in terms of output voltage and input flow rate is 0.2mV/ms-1. Also, the result obtained in the simulation is aligned with the experimental result. The experiment for moving object detection proved that this sensor enables to detect the moving object, and it is necessary for underwater applications, especially for monitoring and surveillance.

Keywords: Biomimetic, hair cell, strain gage, underwater applications


In recent years, the biomimetic or biological structures of nature give major contribution to the development of the underwater sensor with new inspiration where it helps to improve their capability and performance. As an example the artificial lateral line flow system for flow imaging on the fish body that help the underwater vehicle to perform in total darkness, it function is to determine the distance, location and direction of moving objects relative to a stationary target [1]. Generally, there had many types of the underwater sensor that have been developed including the acoustic sensor, optical sensor and electrochemical sensor. Acoustics are utilized to fulfill the needs of sonar and underwater communications for both capacitive type and piezoelectric type. Recent challenge for the underwater technology researcher in acoustic micro design is to minimize the size without compromising performances [2]. Flow sensor also important and commonly there have two types of principle that is thermal based hot wire anemometry and Doppler frequency shifts. The limitation of the current conventional flow sensor is the size to large and it is not suitable to form an array [3].

The lateral line system consists of 100 to 1000 sense organs called neuromasts that usually appear as faint lines running lengthwise down each side. Superficial neuromasts located in the skin in direct contact with the stream while canal neuromasts exist in the sub-epidermal canals connecting pore openings on the skin surface. Superficial neuromast, a fundamental mechanoreceptor, consists of a vertical cilium attach to a neuron. If the cilium of the hair cell is bent by the local fluid flow, the neuron that attached to the cilium stretches and produces action potentials [4]. The hair cell was attached to the lateral line system in the fish body where this system was used by many fish and bacteria to monitor the flow fields for maneuvering and survival under water [5]. By using this principle, many researchers have developed the sensor based on the hair cell by using different material and different types of sensing [6]. The general structure of the previous flow sensor consists of single hair cell that perpendicular to the substrate and using strain gage or piezoresistive to measure the strain due to the deflection of hair cells.

In this paper, we present on the development of biomimetic flow sensor based artificial hair cell that integrated with strain gage. The different dimension and material was simulated using FEM and CFD method. The finalize design was fabricated and tested for various of flow rate.

Overview of the biomimetic flow sensor

Figure 1

The schematic model for the prototype of the biomimetic flow sensor is shown in Figure 1 which is the sensor consisted of the hair cell that perpendicular to the substrate. The hair cell was integrated with general strain gage and was connected to the wheatstone bridge to measure the strain in voltage. External flow rate which is parallel to the sensor substrate imparted upon the hair cell will gave the deflection and induces the strain. Given the relationship between the strain and the flow rate in equation (1), where the strain (ε) is depended on the flow rate(uo), density of water(), elastic modulus(E), thickness (t), length(L) and the layer thickness (δ).


CD is the drag coefficient and it is depended on the Reynolds number. We assume the flow is laminar and Reynolds number is given


where uo is the flow rate, x is the hair cell location from the leading edge and Ê‹ is the kinematic viscosity. When related to the underwater sensing, it needed to consider the flow parameter such as flow pattern and pressure force. The pressure force increases linearly with the speed of the fluid mean the pressure is increased as the flow rate is increased. Drag coefficient, CD also varies as a function of flow direction, object position, object size, fluid density and fluid viscosity. In this paper, we use the numerical approach to study the effect of dimension and material to the performance of sensor. Commonly, the package FLUENT and Mechanical APDL in ANSYS [7] was used to simulate the performance of the sensor.

Design and simulation

The different length 8000µm, 6000µm, 4000µm and 1000µm were selected and two materials which are copper and silicon were chosen in this simulation. The important properties such as Young’s Modulus, E and Poisson ratio, v for materials are listed in Table 1. The width and the thickness of the hair cell were fixed to 2000µm and 100µm because of the base strain gage size. The brief description about the FLUENT, FLUENT it is a general purpose Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code based on the finite volume method and it is used to analyze the velocity behavior and the pressure force acting on the sensor based on the size of the sensor. The whole FLUENT software package includes the FLUENT and the pre-processor Gambit. Gambit software was used to create the volume and generate the mesh. In mesh generation, the Tet/Hybrid element was selected due to the design of the geometry and 1198000 of mesh volumes were generated using this method. After an appropriate mesh is finished in Gambit, Fluent solver was used for the simulation setup, the solving process and the post-processing of the results. The numerical simulation solves the equation of the mass and momentum conservation equations in terms of primitive variable velocity and pressure of a constant property fluid



ρ and ʋ are the density and kinematic viscosity of water, respectively. U is the vector velocity and P is the pressure. The iteration for simulation was stopped at 150 because it has already met the criterion, and it is limited to 1E-5 for convergence criterion. The Figure 2 shows pressure coefficient contours for the front surface of the hair cell with dimension 2000μm width, 100μm thickness and 8000μm length at velocity 0.1m/s. The left sidebar represents the magnitude of the pressure where the highest pressure is 8.71Pa. Next, the various of flow rate and different length of hair cell was simulated. The Figure 3 shows the plotted graph of the pressure acting on the hair cell for different length of hair cells. The pressure increases as the length of hair cell increased. The 1000μm length of hair cell produced smallest pressure due to the small surface of the hair cell compared to others, meanwhile the hair cell with length of 8000μm recorded the highest pressure.

Figure 2

Figure 3

The pressure force from the FLUENT is substituted into the model in Mechanical APDL Ansys for finite element method (FEM) solution. The aim was to perform structural analysis to analyze the strain distribution of the hair cell. ANSYS software was used as a tool for prediction of pressure in modeling and also allows researchers to predict the pressure distribution in certain cross-sectional areas. The Figure 4 shows the strain distribution in hair cell 8000µm length, 2000μm width, 100μm thickness using silicone material. The red color indicates the maximum strain. The expected strain is 0.758 E-6 at selected area based on the strain gage installation location. The result from the simulation using different length is plotted in Figure 5 for silicon and copper material. The silicon-based sensor was generally used in the development of the sensor and for this research we proposed another material which is copper. The copper material which is has the low Young Modulus gives the highest strain compared with silicon material as shown in Figure 5. Therefore, the copper material was chosen for the next step that is fabrication process.

Table 1 List of material properties

Types of material

Young’s Modulus, E (MPa)

Poisson’s ration,







Figure 4

Figure 5

Fabrication and Experiment setup

The biomimetic flow sensor with 2000μm width, 100μm thickness and 8000μm length was chosen for the fabrication process. The thin copper film with 100µm thickness was cut using the wire Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) process to form the cantilever. The advantages of the Wire EDM process can produce the sharp internal corners slightly rounded with the smallest radius of 0.25mm and also the edge of the final product is smooth. The strain gage was installed upper and lower to complete the half bridge connection of Wheatstone bridge which is consisted of two active strain gage. Next, the surface of both upper and lower is coated using Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to make the sensor water proof by dropping a little amount of PDMS solvent. PDMS is a silicon-based polymer that usually used in the fabrication of microdevices due to its interesting feature related to our desired application, including biocompatible, gas permeable, deform, chemically inert, and exhibit low autofluorescence. In this fabrication the PDMS solvent is made by mixing the curing agent and PDMS base about 1:10. Then, the strain gage was installed upper and lower of hair cell. Finally, the hair cell was formed by making a 90o angle to produce the vertical cantilever. The illustration of the fabrication process is shown in Figure 6 and the fabricated model in Figure 7.

Figure 6.

Figure 7

The strain gage is working with the Wheatstone bridge to convert the mechanical quantities (strain) to an electrical signal (voltage). The zero voltage is indicated the bridge of Wheatstone is balance. The half bridge which means there have two active gage was selected because it can minimize the measurement error based on the temperature changes. When both strain gauges are active, the resistance either increased or decreased by the same proportion in response to changes in temperature. The Wheatstone bridge was connected to the low noise amplifier because the output voltage is too small. Then, the amplifier voltage is connected to the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to convert the analog signal to the digital to enable the measurement data to communicate with computers using Hyperterminal. The Figure 8 shows the complete circuit for the measurement. Before do the measurement, one edge of the sensor was polished to present a sharp profile facing the flow. Then, the sensor is put on the rectangular bar with position totally merged in the water in the titling flume channel as shown in Figure 9. The flow rate was manually controlled by using the titling flume channel where it produced the laminar flow. The flow rate between 0.15m/s to 0.45m/s was applied passing the sensor and it is calibrated with conventional Vectrino Doppler by NORTEK Company. The experiment was triplicates for each flow rate and the average value was taken to make sure the data was accurate. For the experiment of moving object detection, the hollow cylinder was located in the front of sensor and was dragged passing the object. For this experiment, the flow rate was fixed to 0.2m/s.

Figure 8

Figure 9

Characterization of sensor

5.1 Impulse response

Figure 10

During the measurement, it seems the measurement data have a lot of noise from the measurement circuit. This problem was solved by using the analog low-pass filter in Matlab software (MatLab version, The Math Works Inc.). In the development of the sensor, the response time is important where the sensor with a quicker response time will be more effective. The response time or impulse response is the amount of time required for a sensor to respond completely to a change in input. The Figure 10 shows the response time which measure the object in a short period of time and from that graph we calculate the time constant is about 50ms where it is measured from responses maximum to half maximum.

5.2 Flow rate measurement

When a flow rate was applied to the flow sensor, it produces the pressure force and induces the strain. The induced strain will give the unbalanced condition for circuit of Wheatstone bridge and produce the output voltage. The Figure 11 shows the reading in voltage for flow rate 0.2m/s and 0.4m/s where each reading has output voltage 0.02mV and 0.05mV respectively. To make sure the reading was accurate, the measurement is triplicate and obtained the average value. Increasing the flow rate will increase the output voltage. The Figure 12 shows the experimental and simulation for various of flow rate. The voltage, V for the simulation is calculated using equation (5)


where Eo, and G are bridge voltage and gage factor of strain gage. The sensitivity of the sensor is equal to 0.2mV/ms-1.

Figure 11

Figure 12

5.3 Moving object detection

The illustration for the experiments of moving object detection is shown in Figure 13. The cylinder with diameter 6cm was located in the front of the sensor and the reading was recorded from 0 to 7second. The Figure 14 shows the observed signal coming from the moving object.. At t=5s, the distance between the object and sensor approximately 2cm which is the closest distance and the output voltage is at maximum about 0.07mV. However, there have many conditions that affected the signal such as a signal that reflected from the wall and the turbulence produce by a moving object. Therefore, further experiment needs to be performed in order to investigate the flow pattern. This biomimetic flow sensor based artificial hair cell can be used for various types of underwater application and also can be optimized in terms of size and finding a suitable sensing method to replace common sensing method such as piezoresistive and strain gage. This work is only to prove the ability of the sensor and comparative study between simulation and experiment.

Figure 13

Figure 14


The development of the biomimetic flow sensor including design, simulation and measurement have been studied and discussed. The sensitivity of the sensor can be achieved by increasing the length of the hair cell and using low elastic modulus material. The copper material is better than silicon material in terms of high deflection due to the applied flow rate. The fabrication method also has been proposed by using the wire EDM process to cut the copper thin film and integrated with strain gage. The PDMS was used to isolate the sensor to make the sensor is water proof. We are able to measure the flow rate in range 0.1m/s until 0.4m/s. The response time and sensitivity of the sensor are 50ms and 0.2mV/ms-1 respectively. The experiment for the moving object detection proved that the sensor capable of to monitor surrounding as long as there have flow changes. The high efficiency sensor will give the excellent performance especially in underwater sensing.


The author is a USM fellowship holder. This study was supported by short term grant number 304/PELECT/60310023 and grant number 1001/PELECT/814168. The authors also would like to thank all members of Underwater Robotic Research Group (URRG), USM and School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for their support and assistance throughout the work.


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