Figure Lightning Protection Zones


02 Nov 2017

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1 Introduction

The UK government has introduced a new initiative aimed at encouraging the nationwide adoption of renewable energy technologies. Named the Feed –in Tariff, this initiative will see owners of renewable energy equipment being paid not only for energy use but also the amount of surplus energy they supply to the UK National Grid. As one of the most common used energy, solar energy is growing at double-digit rates worldwide. And it will continue to keep the pace in coming years. However, the risk of this solar system is obvious. The security problem has been viewed as one of the most essential elements in the protection of a solar system. System security, which typically means stability of a system under normal or abnormal conditions, involves the protection of different devices. This report aims to provide available protection to the solar system in the Group 8 feasibility report.

2 Lightning protection

To maximize sunlight exposure, the solar panels are normally installed on the rooftops of house. However, these installations can make a solar system vulnerable to lightning. The lightning strikes will not only affect the safety of people but also associate with the loss of economic value. To reduce the loss of the lightning, protection measures should be provided. This part aims to provide an available method to protect the typical household in UK from the lightning strikes based on IEC 62305.

2.1 Lightning directly stroke prevention measures

The solar panels are usually installed on the roof of buildings, which is located in Lighting Protection Zone 0. According to the threat of lightning, the Lighting protection zones are defined below (see figure 1). With respect to IEC 62305, the lightning directly prevention measures should be provided if the solar panels are not covered in the protection area. To a typical house in UK, the solar panels can take lightning directly stroke prevention measures through setting the rolling sphere radius as 60m. Besides this, the metal stents of solar panels should be equipotential connected with the lightning rod as well as connect with roof LPS (Lightning protection system).

Figure Lightning protection zones (IEC 62305-1)


zone where the threat is due to the direct lightning flash and the full lightning electromagnetic field. The internal systems may be subjected to full or partial lightning surge current;


zone protected against direct lightning flashes but where the threat is the full lightning electromagnetic field. The internal systems may be subjected to partial lightning surge currents;


zone where the surge current is limited by current sharing and by SPDs at the boundary. Spatial shielding may attenuate the lightning electromagnetic field;

LPZ 2, …, n

zone where the surge current may be further limited by current sharing and by additional SPDs at the boundary. Additional spatial shielding may be used to further attenuate the lightning electromagnetic field.

Generally, the charge controller, battery and inverter are installed in the interior, which belongs to LPZ 1. However, if these devices are installed on the surface of the building (LPZ 0), such as the situation in this project, they should also be covered in the protection area of the air terminals. Therefore, their metal housing should be directly connected with metal stents of solar panels, air terminals and the LPS.

2.2 Anti-lightning electromagnetic pulse measures

2.2.1 Voltage equalizing and equipotential bonding

In order to minimize the potential difference between different metals and fault voltage hazards, the metal devices around the solar panels, charge controller, battery, metal housing of inverter metal slots and air terminals should make use of equipotential bonding. According to the IEC 62305, there are two main connection structures of equipotential bonding, which are star structure (S) and mesh structure (M). Generally, the star structure is used in relatively small and limited system. Therefore, the solar system in this project, which belongs to the micro generation scheme, should make use of star structure. The whole system should be connected to the grounding devices using S-structure equipotential bonding.

2.2.2 Reasonable wiring and shielding measures

In order to reduce the electromagnetic interference, solar panel lines should be laid in the proper path and use line shields. Besides this, the cable with metal shield should be laid through metal pipes. On the surface of lightning protection area, the cable metal shielding layer and the metal pipes (metal pipes should be grounded at both ends) should be equipotential bonded and grounded.

2.3 Grounding system

The grounding system aims to transfer the lightning current from an air terminal to earth as soon as possible by means of the protection conductor to as to protect persons from indirect contacts, and the grounding devices of the PV system requires a small enough grounding resistance and reasonable layout. Based on IEC 62305-3, for earth-termination systems, there are two basic types of earth electrode arrangement apply. charu Additionally, the depth of grounding devices should be no less than 0.5~ 0.8 m. Also, the material should normally use corrosion resistant flat-rolled steel or round steel, because the impulse grounding resistances of these two materials are normally no larger than 10Ω. In this project, we assume that the grounding system is installed in a typical UK house. Therefore, the different metal devices can be directly connected with the grounding system of the house through using S or M structure. For the buildings which are not equipped with the grounding systems, an independent grounding device should be built to provide a convenient condition to the different metal devices of the solar system.

3 Over-voltage and over-current protection

To minimize the hazards of over-voltage and over-current, which are typically caused by the lightning electromagnetic pulses, multi-stage surge protection device should be installed on the lines and cables of solar system. This protection method is generally consisted of two different components. Firstly, the power surge protection devices are installed on the lines between the output of the solar panels and the charge controller. The power surge protection devices should have differential mode filter contained for the purpose of helping eliminate the conduction of electromagnetic interference on the line. Secondly, due to the high cost of the devices such as charge controller, battery and inverter, the second level of power surge protection should be installed in these components to prevent them from lightning hazards. Additionally, if the inverter output is connected with some important devices, a level 3 protection should be provided as well.

3.1 Over-current protection method

According to BS EN7671 Sec 712 for Solar PV Power Supply systems, the maximum conductors current must be equal to or greater than 1.25× ISC STC, which stands for the electrical data applies under Standard Test Conditions (STC). Additionally, IEC 61643-12 specify that the maximum circuit current is normally defined as 125% of the short-circuit current of the PV module (ISC). That means the overcurrent protective device and the conductors are sized at a value of 125% of the maximum circuit current or 1.56×ISC. Generally, the value of ISC is provided by the manufacturers.

However, the maximum short-circuit current ISC is typically only 110~115% of the maximum power current of the PV module, which means that we need a fuse much more sensitive than the normal one. The normal fuse is sensitive to a large short-circuit current, and it takes actions very fast on that current. Unlike the normal one, the PV system limits the maximum available value of the short-circuit current to a relatively small value and the over-current protective devices will need to operate effectively on low levels of fault current.

Depending on the required capacity of the solar system, there are 10 solar panels connected as a string, and there are 5 strings in parallel to achieve higher currents in this project. If the solar system has three or more strings connected in parallel, they should be protected because the fault current which is caused by the strings is strong enough to damage the devices. Generally, fuse is used in string protection, which is connected in parallel with each string. It will not only minimize the safety hazards, but also isolate the faulted string so that the rest of the solar system can be guaranteed to continue to generate electricity. The selection method is shown in figure 2.

Figure PV fuse selection method

In this project, the short circuit current is 3.8A and the voltage rated is 17.1V.


The max conductor short-circuit current= 1.56× ISC= 1.56×3.8A= 5.928A.

N=5 (5 parallel solar panel strings)

Array maximum short-circuit current= (N-1)×ISC= (5-1) ×3.8A= 15.2A

From the calculation above, the array maximum short-circuit current is greater than the conductor withstand, hence string fuses are required

In= 1.56× ISC= 1.56×3.8A= 5.928A

Select next higher rating of 8A, such as DCM 8A/600Vdc.

The fuse selected will protect the solar panel strings.

3.2 Over-voltage protection method

When considering the over-voltage protection of the solar system, there are several aspects need to be considered to evaluate the risk of the overvoltage:

The area covered by the solar panels, the more the area is expanded, the more the risk of overvoltage may suffer

The risk is multiple, not only include direct effects, but also include the indirect effects

When the solar PV system is used in industrial sites, the risk of operation over-voltages should be taken in account as well

The risks level is directly linked to the density of local lightning and the exposure of the lines

Over-voltage may occur in electrical installations for various reasons. It may be caused by:

Lightning strike (directly strike or indirectly strike such as nearly or on buildings and PV installations, or on lightning conductors)

The distribution network as a result of lightning or any works carried out

Variations in the electrical field due to lightning

There are mainly two ways of protecting the system from overvoltage. The first method is through using equipotential bonding, which has been specified in 2.2.1. The basis way is to put a medium conductor that ensures equipotential bonding between all the conductive parts of a PV installation. This aims to bond all grounded conductors and metal parts and thus create equal potential at all points in the installed system. The second method is by using surge protection devices (SPDs). SPDs are not only important to protect some sensitive devices such as inverter, monitoring devices and PV modules, but also other sensitive equipments powered by the 230VAC electrical distribution network. In this project, the equipotential bonding method is adopted for two reasons: 1) SPDs are not necessary for micro-generation scheme such as solar PV system in this project. 2) Equipotential bonding method can be easily available than the SPDs.


4 Protection on the DC side

The direct current component of a typical photovoltaic system consists of a generator formed by the parallel of the strings of solar panels connected in series, charge controller, battery and inverter, which is shown in figure 3. As mentioned above, the specific characteristic of the solar modules is high level of voltage along with short-circuit currents with values very near to those produced in normal conditions. Therefore, the whole system requires a very precise assessment of the protection and isolating devices, which must be able to suppress direct fault currents under high voltages and relatively low current within a short period. This component aims to provide protection for the DC side of the solar system as well as list different solutions.

Figure Solar PV system (AC side) (ABB)


4.1 String protection against reverse currents

There are many factors that may cause the reverse current, such as a short circuit in a PV module, fault wiring and solar modules being partially in the shade. This phenomenon occurs if the open-circuit voltage of one string is significantly different from the open voltage of parallel strings connected to the same inverter, which means the different voltage between the strings will cause the reverse current. The current flows from the healthy strings to the fault one instead of flowing to the inverter and supplying the power to the AC network (see figure 4). The value of the reverse current can be extremely high, especially there are a large number of strings. Reverse current can cause the high temperature and even fires in the PV devices.

Figure Reverse currents schematic diagram


4.1.1 Reverse currents selection method

Generally, there is no risk of reverse current when there is only one string in the system. When there are two strings in the system, the reverse current is normally lower than the maximum withstand ability. However, when the stings number is more than three, the reverse current protection should be used. In accordance with IEC 61730-2 standard, the maximum reverse current value (IRM) should be provided by the manufacturer. The reverse current in the faulty string equals to the total current of the healthy strings.



IRM refers to the maximum reverse current characteristic of PV modules in accordance with IEC 61730-2.

NS refers to the total number of strings

ISC MAX refers to the maximum short-circuit current of PV strings.

4.1.2 Reverse currents protection methods

There are different methods for protect the solar PV strings in secure conditions, such as reverse cut-off diode, fuses and miniature circuit-breakers.

Reverse cut-off diode

Each diode is connected with one string in the solar PV system, which is shown in figure 5. This method has many advantages:

The diode can effectively prevent the reverse current.

The diode will only cost a little but works very stable

However, the disadvantages are also obvious since not everyone considers it suitable for protecting the strings. It is not suitable for protections (IEC TS 62257-7-1) as the blocking diode may not function correctly and could be short-circuited. Additionally, diodes lead to a power loss owing to the effect of the voltage drop on connection. If the reverse cut-off diode are chosen, the maximum reverse voltage (in accordance with the IEC 60364-7-712 standards) must be at least twice the open circuit UOC string voltage in STC conditions.


Figure Reverse cut-off diode connected with strings


Fuses are most widely used in protection the strings for many reasons. It is very simple to use and low cost. If the fault occurs, unlike the diode, it cut off the fault current. The connection of the fuses is shown in figure 6.

However, the disadvantages must be considered:

It need replacement after trip

They are only sensitive for a high value of current, but not sensitive in a low fault current

The strings are liable to power reversals, the fuses can only be used for a very small number of strings

This solution dose not completely prevent the reverse current because the fuse current must be sized between no less than 1.25 ISC and no more than the value sized by the manufacturer. The detail chosen method has been specified in Chapter 3.1.


Figure Fuses connected with the strings

Miniature circuit-breakers

The miniature circuit-breaker is a further method for protecting the PV strings. It can work under high level voltage with a low current, which is obviously a good solution to protect the system (see figure 7). Not only provides the protection, the miniature circuit-breaker can also isolate the fault components within a single device. The only disadvantage is not so economical.


Figure Miniature circuit-breakers connected with the strings

4.2 Battery circuit (including battery, inverter and disconnects) protection

The battery is regarded as one of the most important elements in the solar system. It is not only used for storage energy, but also for constant voltage output. Batteries must have overcurrent protection as well as disconnects on the output sides because the current between the inverter and the battery is bidirectional. It flows forward from the battery to the inverter when the battery works as a voltage source, while the current moves backwards when the battery is being charged. Therefore, an overcurrent device should be installed between the battery and the inverter to prevent the high available fault current from the battery. The choosing method is specified in chapter

5 Protection on the AC side

Figure Solar PV system (DC side) (ABB)

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