Radiated Susceptibility Of Electronic Subsystems


02 Nov 2017

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An electromagnetic interference is an unwanted electromagnetic energy, (whether intentionally or unintentionally generated), of almost any frequency and energy level. EMI is defined to exist when undesirable voltages or currents are present to adversely influence the performance of an electronic circuit or system. An EMI, or summation of EMIs, can over time induce a charge (static voltage) on an ungrounded conductor coupled in a capacitive circuit, i.e., an isolated capacitor [1].

One of the side effects from an ESD is an induced EMI. An ESD-induced EMI in the

near-vicinity of critical equipment can cause data errors, temporary resets or even power-up resets requiring operator intervention [2]. This is caused by EMI undergoing conversion to a voltage or current, which in turn corrupts the operation of the circuit/logic inputs and cause systems errors. Sources of radiated electromagnetic energy from ESD are very common in today’s scenario, from furniture ESD, raised flooring ESD, Human Body ESD, hand held toolbox ESD and metal-to-metal ESD [3-7].

An ESD event can have a fast rise time of less than 1ns, especially for low voltage discharges (2 to 4 kV) [5]. The very fast rise time of an ESD may be preserved if it flows through a metal conductor, resulting in radiated EMI. The waveform for an ESD event includes high-frequency components with a frequency range from DC to over 6 GHz [4]. This electromagnetic radiation (EM) can readily couple to circuit traces (conductors acting as antennae). For ungrounded conductors coupled within a capacitive circuit, this EM wave can induce a static charge, building up until a discharge, breakdown, recombination, or neutralization occurs. High-speed circuits, by their nature, tend to be very susceptible to high-frequency signals such as those from a nearby ESD event.

The effects from undesired electromagnetic radiation, on ungrounded or unshielded conductors are commonly underestimated. Today's TTL and CMOS logic states have logic ‘0’ at 0.8 V or lower and logic ‘1’ at 2.0 V or higher. This leads to a smaller indeterminate range of 1.2 V for most TTL and some CMOS logic circuits and places the logic inputs from these circuit traces or cable connections susceptible to induced EMI voltages exceeding this range. Induced voltages over 2 V have been measured on a printed circuit assembly (PCA) 90 cm from the furniture ESD [3, 4]. Two Volts is enough voltage to easily drive a TTL circuit let alone an ECL circuit into a logic error [1].

What often looks like software errors in process equipment may actually be caused by an external static charge (or discharge) problem. An ESD event anywhere in a room can cause an EMI. That EMI can couple into a system through cables or open chassis and induce a noise voltage greater than the logic inputs’ indeterminate range and cause a single event upset. EMI effects to the microprocessors or other circuit logic latch-ups in process equipment can manifest itself in a number of ways, such as random hangs, robotic malfunction, or software errors, all resulting in downtime and reduced throughput.

A high energy ESD can drive a substantial EMI energy to couple and charge passive circuits or energize active circuits with significant system problems. EMC practices involving shielding designs typically account for EMI from known sources, but should also consider unplanned sources such as ESD events in the near vicinity of the active or sensitive systems. All electronic devices are susceptible to damage or logic error states from ESD and EMI, respectively. With today’s logic devices having smaller noise margins and indeterminate ranges, susceptibility to ESD-induced EMI should be accounted for in the design and implementation of the systems incorporating logic circuits.

In practice, ESD impulses are spectral excitations across a broad frequency span. The spectral distribution is established by the rise time, while the intensity is established by the current delivered to the system-product. At low ESD voltages where the rise times of less than 1ns tend to exhibit a spectral distribution well over 1 GHz, system-products may be more susceptible due to the ‘match’ of the ESD spectra to fast circuit devices. At higher ESD voltages where the rise times are much slower, the system-products are less susceptible. Spectra from longer ESD rise times can influence responses in interface cables (which can support the lower-spectra of current) where the spectra from faster rise times can couple through local apertures in shields or circuit devices to cause system response. Considered in combination, it is possible for a system to exhibit ESD responses to lower ESD voltages (e.g. 2 to 4 kV) and not to mid-ESD range voltages (e.g. 5 to 8 kV) and also not to higher (> 10 kV) levels. This also exposes another ‘myth’; that testing a system-product at high ESD amplitudes will assure immunity at lower amplitudes. It is always better to test the system at all specified standard voltages.

This chapter covers in detail the mathematical computation done to predict the effect of the radiated electromagnetic (EM) fields on the induced voltages of a subsystem for various distances from the ESD source. MATLAB program is included in Appendix A (program A7). The response of the VHF amplifier, which is the electronic subsystem under consideration, to the radiated EM fields due to an ESD event is computed.

Mathematical Analysis of effect of ESD Generated EM Radiated Fields on Electronic Subsystem using MATLAB

Lot of efforts has gone into the study of ESD current waveforms in order to develop discharge simulators for simplifying and standardizing ESD susceptibility testing [8-10]. The radiated fields associated with ESD events [11] have received much less attention compared to conducted susceptibility [12, 13]. This work predicts the ESD response of the front end of the radio frequency subsystems working in very high frequency (VHF) band. ESD event may take place at various distances from the antenna connected to electronic subsystem. This work is modeled on similar computation presented by Shastry and Hariharan [14] for fields at 1-meter distance from the ESD source. A mathematical computation of the effects of spatial electric fields from an ESD source is presented. These fields may affect the normal functioning of an electronic system.

Mathematical modeling is carried out to obtain the response of VHF amplifier to ESD generated radiated EM fields. ESD source is a Capacitive Spark Discharge (CSD) source. The transient current element has been modeled as a short dipole. The electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity have been computed by varying distance along the = /2 direction for the CSD current. The frequency spectra of these E and H fields are obtained by taking Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The open circuit voltage induced by ESD generated transient fields at antenna terminals and the voltage coupled to the input of VHF amplifier fed by antenna is computed by varying distance. The time domain representation of the real part of the voltage at output terminals of VHF amplifier is computed by varying distance from ESD source. Mathematical computation using MATLAB (program A7 in Appendix A) is carried out to predict the effect of the radiated fields on the induced voltages of a subsystem for various distances (0.5 to 4.0 m) from ESD source.



VHF Amplifier


Vin Av

ESD event

Radiated EM Field




plane Distance r

Figure 4.1 Block diagram of ESD coupling into VHF amplifier

Transient Current Source – mathematical modeling

ESD current waveform used in this study is based on CSD model described by Norberg et.al. [15]. This model assumes that the discharge current i(t) may be expressed as

i(t ) P eqt sin(st )


where the values of P, q, s are selected as mentioned in reference [14] for a simple current waveform for the CSD from an ESD simulator and the current pulse shown in Figure 4.2 fits the pulse shape obtained by equation (1) when P = 90 Amps, q = 1.5 107 and s = 107. ESD waveform is not modeled on any real event. More realistic models based on IEC 61000- 4-2 standard like the equivalent circuit models and full wave models [16-19] were not considered.

The transient current flowing through the object under test may be represented by a z-oriented current element located with its center at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system. Hertzian Dipole model was adopted, though it is a highly simplified model for simulating fields of ESD. The fact that the radiator is not just the arc, but the entire circuit formed by the simulator, discharge head, target and return strap [20] is not taken into account. The advanced full wave model for system level coupling simulation [20] was not considered.

Radiated Transient fields – mathematical analysis

The field component at any point P (r, , ) of the short dipole [14] is expressed in terms of spherical coordinates r, and are as follows:

L Cos 

i (t )

i(t) dt 

Er (t) 


0 2 

 r


 r3 


0 

 


L Sin 

E (t )  


i(t )  

i(t ) i(t ) dt


 


 4

r dt


0 r 2

 r 3 

H ( t ) 

i ( t )  


L S i n

1 d i ( t )

 4 

 2 

r c d t r

 


µo = 4 10-7 H/m = permeability of free space

o = (1 / 36  ) 10-9 F/m = permittivity of free space

c = 3 108 m /s = velocity of light in free space

0 = 120π = intrinsic impedance of free space

L = Length of the current element

t = t’ – r / c = time variable for retarded current

t’ = time variable

The field intensities along the direction =/2 have been computed for various distances (r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m) for 0 t 400ns. The corresponding frequency spectra of the E and H fields are given in Figure 4.3 & Figure 4.4. These are obtained by taking a 2000 point DFT of the sample points obtained using (3) & (4) with = /2, L = 10mm and r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m. From the spectra it is observed that a greater part of the energy due to ESD simulation currents has frequency components in the range of 200 to 400 MHz extending to the VHF and UHF bands


Figure 4.2 ESD Current Waveform

Figure 4.3 Frequency Spectrum of H-field

Figure 4.4 Frequency Spectrum of E-field

Radiated field to antenna coupling model

The open circuit voltage Voc induced by ESD generated radiated fields at the antenna terminals are found using the relation



 h . E


where h = vector effective height and E i = electric field at antenna terminals.

Assuming the vector effective height of the antenna is parallel to the polarization of the incident E-field and antenna terminals are located at = /2, the frequency spectrum of open circuit voltage induced at antenna terminals, is expressed as

Voc () 

he () E ()


where he() = angular frequency dependent complex effective height

Eθ() = frequency spectrum of E-field at = /2

The published data of he() [21] for UHF/VHF communication antenna AT-1076 (operating frequency band 225 – 400 MHz) is used along with spline interpolation for computing effective height. The frequency spectra of open circuit voltage induced up to 400 MHz at the antenna input terminals for distances r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m by using the he() data is shown in Figure 4.5.

The time domain representation of the magnitude of induced open circuit voltage is obtained by taking 2000-point Inverse DFT of Voc(). The magnitude of the induced open circuit voltage is plotted for various distances (r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m) and is shown in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.5 Magnitude of frequency spectrum of open circuit voltage coupled to the antenna terminals

Figure 4.6 Real part of open circuit voltage coupled to antenna terminals

Antenna to amplifier coupling model

The voltage coupled to the input of the VHF amplifier fed by the antenna depends on the antenna impedance and input impedance of the amplifier. The input voltage (without considering the cable effect) is given by

V ( ) 

Z i n

V (  )


i n o c

Z in

Z a

where Zin = input impedance of the VHF amplifier (assumed to be 50 amplifier)

and Za = antenna impedance

Using the published data on Za [21], a spline interpolation routine has been written for computing Za in the 30 to 300 MHZ band. The spectrum of Vin () up to 400 MHz is computed for r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m and is shown in Figure 4.7. The time domain representation of the real part of the voltage coupled to the amplifier input terminals for distances (r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m) is plotted in Figure 4.8. If the distance between the ESD generator and the antenna is increased or decreased, this peak magnitude also changes accordingly.

Figure 4.7 Magnitude of frequency spectrum of

voltage coupled to the amplifier input

Figure 4.8 Real part of voltage coupled to the amplifier input

Amplifier Model

The frequency spectrum of the voltage at the amplifier output terminals is given by

Vout () 



where Av () is the voltage gain of the amplifier stage.

An n-channel dual gate MOSFET (3N187) was chosen as an active device to construct the RF amplifier and a set of Y-parameters (for desired operating point to give most suitable self bias for the device) was taken from data sheets in reference [22]. For a single stage amplifier, the voltage gain expressed in terms of Y- parameters of the active device and load admittance is given by

A v (  ) 


Y 0 Y L


where YF = short circuit forward transfer admittance

YO = Short circuit output admittance and

YL = load admittance.

The RF amplifier used has a centre frequency of 232 MHz and a bandwidth of 10 MHz. The voltage gain curve for the amplifier has been plotted in the Figure 4.9 using the data given in [15]. The saturation and non linear effects of the amplifier were not taken into account.

The magnitude of frequency spectrum of the output voltage of the amplifier for r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m shown in Figure 4.10 is obtained from (8) and the voltage gain curve for dual gate MOSFET VHF amplifier. The time domain representation of the real part of the amplifier output voltage for distances (r = 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3m) is shown in Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.9 Voltage gain curve for the dual gate MOSFET VHF amplifier

Figure 4.10 Magnitude of frequency spectrum of output voltage of the amplifier

Figure 4.11 Real part of amplifier output voltage

Analysis of response of VHF amplifier to Radiated ESD

The analysis was carried out for distances ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 m and the values are listed in Table 4.1. The electric field intensity decreases sharply from 575.74 V/m at 0.5 m to

101.97 V/m at 1.0 cm and further falls to 4.25V/m at 2.0 m. Similarly the voltage coupled into the input terminals of the VHF amplifier decreases sharply from 7.45 V at 0.5 m to 1.32 V at 1.0 m and further falls to 0.055 V at 2.0 m. So it can be concluded that the amplitude of response of VHF amplifier decreases sharply with increase in distance from the ESD source.

Table 4.1: Peak Values (Absolute) for Various Distances from VHF amplifier

Distance (m)

E (V/m)

H (A/m)

Voc (volts)

Vin (volts)

Vout (volts)

















































4.9 Conclusions

The modeling of the response of a VHF amplifier to an ESD generated EM radiated field is done in Sections 4.3 and 4.4; and Figure 4.1 using capacitive spark discharge current source and Hertzian dipole model. This work analyses the coupling of voltage due to radiated ESD into antenna terminals, from antenna terminals to the amplifier input and finally the amplifier response to this induced ESD. The results obtained for a distance of one metre from ESD source presented in Table 4.1 correlate with the published results [14].

It is observed that a greater part of the energy due to ESD simulation currents has frequency components in the range of 200 to 400 MHz extending to the VHF and UHF bands as discussed in section 4.4. So the VHF amplifier is susceptible to ESD events in this frequency range. If the distance between the ESD generator and the pickup antenna is decreased, the peak magnitude of the voltage coupled to the amplifier input terminals increases as depicted in Table 4.1. The amplitude of the fields at antenna terminals, open circuit voltage at antenna input terminals, voltage at the input and output of the VHF

amplifier decreases sharply with increase in distance from ESD source as shown in Table 4.1. It has been observed that the induced voltages at the amplifier input terminals can be as high as 7.446 V with a rise time of approximately 1 ns for a distance of 0.5 m between the ESD generator and the pickup antenna. This can cause malfunction of the electronic circuitry inside the amplifier.


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