Recent Advancements And Techniques In Manufacture


02 Nov 2017

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The paper briefs the manufacturing technique of solar cells from plastic i.e. ,organic polymers the working process of solar energy production from the organic solar cells with their ease of usage .


Plastic solar cells could cut the cost of solar power by making use ofinexpensive organic polymers rather than the expensive silicon used in most solar cells.These polymers can be processed using low cost equipment such asinkjet printers or coating equipment employeed in making photographic film, which reduces both capital and manufacturing costs compared with conventional(silicon) solar cell manufacturing.

Fig.1 organic solar cell

Unlike conventional solar cells which are packed in modules made of glass and aluminium ans is rigid and heavy ,organic solar cells are lightweight and flexible. This makes them attractive for portable applications. They can be designed in a range of colours, which can make them easier to incorporate attractively into certain applications.


This solarcell design included two main components: a polymer that releases electrons when exposed to sunlight, and carbon nano structures called fullerens, which escort those electrons away from the polymers and to an external electronic circuit, generating


It is intriguing to think of photovoltaic(PV)elements based on thin plastic films . The flexibility offered through the chemical tailoring of desired properties, as well as the cheap technology already well developed for all kinds of plastic thin film applications would make such an approach a sure hit. The mechanical flexibility of plastic materials is welcome for all PV applications onto curved surfaces of architectural integration. By casting semo-transparent plastic, PV thin films between insulating window glass, large unused areas(the windows) can be employeed for power generation in addition to limited roof areas of crowded cities. Even the color of such PV elements can be varied by sacrificing some parts of the visible solar spectrum

An encouraging breakthrough in realizing higher efficiencies has been achieved by mixing electron + donor-type polymers with suitable electron acceptors. The photo physics of conjugated polymer/fullerene solid composites has been particularly well investigated over last eight years. An understanding in photo physics in detail has allowed the realization of prototype PV devices with solar power conversion efficiencies of around 3% and this has inturn triggered enhanced emphasis from several groups worldwide, pursuing this research with increasing support from industry as well as public funding agencies. On the other hand there is a common problem for all applications of conjugated polymers: stability. Even though the expection on the life times of electronic devices is shrinking due to very short life/fashion cycles of such applications and even though industry may be interested in the cost of an item rather than in avery long durability of it ,a shelf lifetime of several years as well as an operational lifetime of tens of thousands of hours are requested for all durable applications. Conjugated polymers have to be protected from air and separate ,with the hole remaining behind and the electron passing into the acceptor.Because charge carriers have diffusion lengths of just 3-10 nm in typical organic semiconductors,planar cells must be thin,but the thin cells absorb light less well.Bulk heterojunctions (BHJs),a blend of electrons donar and acceptor materials is cast as a mixture ,which then phase seperates . Regions of each material in the device are separated by only several nanometers, a distance suited for carrier diffusion.BHJs require sensitive control over materials morphology on nanoscale. A number of variables, solvents, and the donor-acceptor weight ratio.

Fig.2 Architecture

The next logical step beyond BHJs are ordered nanomaterials for solarcells, or ordered heterojunctions(OHJs) . OHJs minimize the variability associated with BHJs.OHJs are generally hybrids of ordered inorganic materials and organic active regions. For example, a photovoltaic polymer can be deposited in to pores in a ceramic such as TiO2. Since holes must still diffuse the length of the pore through the polymer to a contact, OHJs do suffer thickness limitations. Mitigating the hole mobility bottleneck is key to further enhancing device performance of OHJ’s


Device Physics:

Polymer solar cells usually consist of an electron or hole-blocking layer on top of an indium tin oxide(ITO)conductive glass followed by electron donor and an electron acceptor (in the case of bulk heterojunction solar cells), a hole or electron blocking layer, and metalelectrode on top. The nature and order of the blocking layers- as well as the nature of the metal electrode- depends on whether the cell follows a regular or an inverted device architecture.

Fig.3 Acceptor and donor

In bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells,light generates excitons with subsequent separation of charges in the interface between an electron donor and acceptor blend within the device’s active layer. These charges then transport to the device’s electrodes where these charges flow outside the cell, perform work and then re-enter the device on the opposite side. The cell’s efficiency is limited by several factors especially non-geminate recombination. Hole mobility leads to faster conduction across the active layer.

Organic photovoltaics are made of electron donor and electron acceptor materials rather than semiconductor p-n junctions. The molecules forming the electron donor region of organic p-v cells, where exciton electron-hole pairs are generated, are generally conjugated polymers processing delocalized π electronsthat result from carbon p orbital hybridization. These π electrons can be excited by light in or near the visible part of the spectrum from molecules highest occupied molecular orbital(HOMO) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital(LUMO), denoted by π- π* transition. The energy band gap between these orbitals determines which wavelength of light can be absorbed.

Unlike in an inorganic crystalline PV cell material, with its band structure and delocalized electrons, excitons in organic photovoltaics are strongly bound with an energy between 0.1 and 1.4ev .This strong binding occurs because electronic wave functions in organic molecules are more localized, and electrostatic attraction can thus keep an electron and a hole together as an exiction. The electron and hole can be separated by providing an interface across which the chemical potential of electron decreases. The material that absorbs the photon is the donor, and the material which acquires the electron is the acceptor. In Fig.3, the polymer chain is the donor and the fullerene is the acceptor. After dissociation, the electron and hole may be still joined as a "geminate pair", and an electric field is then required to separate them.

After exciton dissociation, the electron and the hole must be collected at contacts. If charge carrier mobility is insufficient, the carriers will not reach the contacts, and will instead recombine at trap sites or remain in the device as undesirable space charges that oppose the drift of the new carriers. The second problem can occur if the electron and hole mobilities are not matched. In that case, space charge limited photo current(SCLP) hinders device performance.

Organic photovoltaics can be fabricated with an active polymer or a fullerene based electron acceptor. Illumination of this system by visible light leads to electron transfer from the polymer to a fullerene molecule. As a result, the formation of photo induced quasi particle or poloron(P+), occurs on the polymer chain and the fullerene becomes a radical anion (C60-). These polarons are highly active and can diffuse away.


Step 1: light absorption => Exciton generation

Light is absorbed in the donor material eg:conjugated polymer.

Strongly bound electron hole pairs called excitons are thus generated on the polymer chain.

Very high absorption coefficient, device thickness is approximately on 100nm scale, as compared to the inorganic polycrystalline semiconductor whose thickness is on the scale of 1 to 100 micron. CuInSe2 (1 micron), crystalline Si (100 micron).

But these have narrow absorption bands, as shown for two conjugated polymers P3HT and PCPDTBT in comparison to CuInSe2. This drawback could be circumvented by synthesis of novel materials, or multijunction concepts(tandem solar cells).

Fig. 4.1 Exciton generation

Step 2: Exciton diffusion => to acceptor interface

The photo generated excitons are strongly coulomb bound due to the low dielectric constant in organic materials, and the corresponding low screening length allow the charges to see each other very well.

Electrically neutral excitons can move only by diffusion.

In order to dissociate in to an electron-hole pair, it has to find an acceptor site (eg: fullerene molecule.

It has short exciton diffusion length of few nanometers, therefore bilayer concept cannot be used.

Instead bulk heterojunction solar cells of intermixed donor and acceptor materials such as conjugated polymers blended with fullerene derivatives are used.

Fig. 4.2 Exciton diffusion

Step 3: Exciton dissociation => Polaron pair generation

Excitons dissociate only at energetically favourable acceptor molecules such as fullerenes, when energy gain is larger than the exciton binding energy.

Then an electron transfer or charge transfer takes place, dissociating the exciton in to an electron on the fullerene acceptor, and a hole remaining on the polymer.

This electron-hole pair is still coulomb bound, and is called geminate pair or polaron pair.

Fig.4.3 Exciton dissociation

Step 4: Polaron pair dissociation => free electron-hole pairs

The polaron pairs are coulomb bound.

They need to be dissociated this time by an electric field which is equal to built-in voltage + applied voltage.

Therefore the photo current in organic solar cells depends strongly on the applied voltage.

This is a major loss mechanism in organic solar cells.

Fig.4.4 Polaron pair dissociation

Step 5: Charge transport => photocurrent

The electrons and holes are transported to their respective electrodes, driven by the electric field, and moved by a hopping transport process.

Hopping is a very slow charge transport, with low carrier mobility at least a factor of 1000 smaller than for Si crystal. While the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells is only a bit less.

Indeed, our current research indicates that a loss of free charge carriers by non-geminate recombination during the charge transport to the contacts is only marginal.

Therefore higher mobility doesnot improve the power conversion efficiency significantly.

Fig.4.5 Photocurrent generation


Manufacturing process and cost

Organic solar cells can be easily manufactured compared to Si based cells, and this is due to their molecular nature of the materials used. Molecules are easy to work with and can be used with thin films substrates that are 1,000 times thinner than Si cells (in the order of few hundred nanometers). This fact by itself can reduce the cost production significantly.

Since organic materials are highly compatible with wide range of substrates, they present versatility in their production methods. These methods include solution processes like ink or paints, high throughput printing techniques, roll-to-roll technology and many more, that enable organic solar cells to cover large thin film surfaces easily and cost effectively. All above methods have low energy and temperature demands compared to conventional semiconductive cells and can reduce cost by a factor of 10 or 20.

Tailoring molecular properties

An important advantage of organic materials used in solar cell manufacturing is the ability to tailor it molecular properties in order to fit the application. Molecular engineering can change the molecular mass, bandgap, and the ability to generate charges by modifying the length and functional group of the polymers. Moreover, new unique formulations can be developed with the combination of organic and inorganic molecules, making possible to print the organic solar cells in any desired pattern or color.

Desirable properties

The tailoring of molecular properties and the versatility of production methods described earlier enable organic polymer solar cells to present series of desirable properties. These solar modules are amazingly lighter and more flexible compared to their heavy and rigid counter parts, and thus less prone to damage and failure. They can exist in various portable forms like rolled forms etc and their flexibility makes storage, installation, transport much easier.

Environmental impact

The energy consumed to manufacture an organic solar cells is less compared to that of manufacturing a conventional inorganic solar cells. Consequently, the energy effecieny doesn’t have to be as high as that of conventional solar cell’s efficiency. An extensive use of organic solar cells could contribute to increased use of solar power globally and make renewable energy sources friendlier to the average customer.

Multiple uses and applications

The present situation indicates that organic solar cells cannot substitute conventional solar cells in energy conversion field. However , their use seems to be more targeted towards specific applications such as recharging surfaces for laptops, phones, clothes, and packages, or to supply power for small portable devices, such as cell phones and MP3 players.

Other than domestic use recent developments have shown a military application potential for organic solar modules. Research in US (Konarka) has shown that organic cells could be used in soldier tents to generate electricity and supply power to other military equipment such as night vision scopes, and GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers. This technology is thought to be extremely valuable for demanding missions.


The current situation

Organic solar cells have certain disadvantages, and the first disadvantage is its low efficiency. It has only 5% efficiency comapared to 15% of Si solar cells. It has short lifetime. Nonetheless their numerous benefits can justify the current international investment and research in developing new polymeric materials, new combinations and structures to enhance efficiency and achieve low-cost and large-scale production within the next years. A commercially viable organic solar cell production is the target of the next decade. In early 2004 ,researchers developed this technology to achieve an efficiency of 5% which was a world record. Now an efficiency of 10% has come within our reach.


Major problem faced by the society nowadays is power cut and organic solar cells provide a solution to this power crisis if its efficiency is increased. As organic solar cells are cheaper these could be afforded by a common man.


[1] Technology Review India

[2] Article in Advenced FunctionalMaterials


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