The Reactor And Radioactive Particles


02 Nov 2017

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Student ID

Lecture Section


Pang Chih Jian


EM 208


Leang Wei Shyang


EM 208


Loo Ching Beng


EM 208


Chan Yong Qian


EM 208


Liyana Bt. Idrus


EM 209

Marking Scheme:

Assignment 2 Report




Ethical Case Study 50%

Section 1


Section 2


Section 3


Section 4


Code of Ethics Development 50%

Comprehension and concision










Table of content

Part 1: Section 1: Introductory Background………………………….…………………….……2

Section 2: Problem Presentation…………………………………………………………..3

Section 3: Problem Analysis

3.1 Economic Impact…………………………………………………………..4 - 5

3.2 Professional Responsibilities………………………………………………5 - 6

3.3 Risk Assessments

3.3.1 Health risks………………………………………………………….6

3.3.2 Environmental risks……………………………………………...6 - 7

Section 4: Conclusion and suggestions……………………………………………………8

Part 2: Code of Ethics ………………………………………………………………………..9 - 11


Part 1

Section 1: introductory Background

The need for nuclear power plant lies in the fact the hunger for electricity generation increases day by day. The depletion of fossil fuels such as coil, oil and gas lead to the search for some alternate power source and nuclear power is the only power source that can meet the future electricity demands in the future.

There are several advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power plant for generating electricity. The advantages includes: nuclear power plant is clean and environmental friendly as it does not generate green house gases into the atmosphere unlike thermal power plants. Little space are needed to build nuclear power plants compare to thermal power plant as the storage in nuclear plant requires lesser space. The electricity generation output efficiency of nuclear plants is higher compared to thermal power plants and the cost of the electricity generated per unit is much cheaper. The disadvantages of using nuclear power plants include: Safety is the main concern rather than electricity generation as there is a high risk of radiation leakage in case of any accident. Decay heat is produced from the reactor during its shutdown period. The heat needs to be continuously removed in order to prevent the melt down of the core which can cause accident and release of radiation. The power plants need to be placed near to sea or river as large volume of water is needed to remove the decay heat. Besides that, a large area around the power plants need to be isolated from living for safety purposes.

There are few cases of reactor meltdown such as Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania (1979), Chernobyl, Ukraine (1986).  In this report, we will discuss on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant were partially melt down on March 11, 2011, due to a massive 9.0 magnitude quake and it generated a powerful 13 – 15 meter height of tsunami that slammed the northeastern region of Japan and knocked out the power supply at the nuclear plant. The tidal waves from the tsunami even disabled the backup generators for cooling systems of the active reactors. This triggered a series of hydrogen explosions and released dangerously high levels of radioactive particles into the atmosphere. The Japanese government declared a nuclear emergency, evacuated 140,000 residents within 20 kilometers from the plant. In April 2011, the government raised the accident assessment to Level 7, the worst rating on an international disaster scale. The government also allowed the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), an operator of the damaged nuclear plant, to dump radiation-contained effluent from the nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean. This raises questioning and disagreement from many neighboring countries. The damaged nuclear plant continues to release waste water due to the damaged wall of the reactor and radioactive particles have been detected in tap water as far away as Tokyo, as well as in other agricultural products.

Section 2: Problem Presentation

On 11 March 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and approximately 14 meters height tsunami struck Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. These natural disasters knocked out the backup power system which are used to cool down the nuclear reactors from overheat at the plant. As the result of the malfunctions of the cooling system, 3 out of 6 reactors undergone fuel melting, hydrogen explosion and the release of the radioactive.

According to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) who operates the nuclear power plant, when the earthquake struck, the nuclear power reactors unit 1, 2 and 3 were generating electricity to the public and shut down automatically. The power supplies had been cutoff due to the earthquake. Therefore, the diesel generators which act as the backup power supplier were triggered. Unfortunately, the subsequent tsunami flooded the electrical switchgear for the diesel generators causing the power supplied to reactors unit 1 to 4 to be lost. It was a relief because reactor unit 4 was shut down due to the maintenance and its nuclear fuel had been removed. Reactors unit 5 and 6 are supplied with electricity from another functional generator that able to survive after the tsunami. [4].

The loss of power supplied in the boiling water reactors unit 1, 2 and 3 prevented the valves and pumps to operate. So, the excessive heat and pressure generated by the radioactive decay of the nuclear fuel in the reactor cores reacted with steam to produce a large amount of hydrogen. The hydrogen gas escaped throughout the whole building of reactor units 1, 2 and 3 and cause explosions. These explosions delays and interrupt the effort of the workers to restore the cooling systems and further increase the spread of radioactive. [5]

The explosions cause the radioactive material to be released into the atmosphere. Thus, the surrounding areas near the nuclear plant are highly radiated. Plant and animals cannot survive on these lands. The seawater that used to cool down the plant reactors were discharged into the sea that will result the environment became polluted. Even the normal drinking water had been measured and identified that there were radioactive contamination. [5].

Section 3: Problem Analysis

3.1 Economic impact

After the nuclear disasters, Japan had lost severe physical and human capital. The total cost was estimated to start from 250 billion to 309 billion. The GDP of the Japan was approximate 5.7% at that moment. Due to the destroyed of the plant, the other plants were shut down to be repaired and checked to ensure the safety. These blackouts had last for 3 to 4 hours and cause some problems to the production lines and industrial sectors. The factories could not operate without any electricity. [1].

In production line, there were high level of radiation detected in the Tokyo’s water supply, vegetables and some milk around the nuclear plant. The U.S Food and Drug Administration had banned the import of vegetables (spinach and kakina) and milk from certain areas of Japan such as Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi and Gunma. All the milk products and vegetables from these areas were detained unless they were proved to be free from radionuclide. The European Union, Hong Kong, Singapore, India and Canada had required to increase the surveillance of food products from Japan. [4].

Japan plays crucial roles as the supplier of parts and also producer of final products. However, when the nuclear disaster occurred, the manufacturing of automobiles, semiconductors, electronic components were affected. Companies such as Hitachi, Fujitsu, Sony, NEC and the others were facing the suspension of production due to the breakdown of the machines. They could either wait for the radioactive to clear so that they could repair the machines or import the required parts from overseas. Thus, these conditions caused the company to face the financial matters. [7].

In order to rebuild the damaged area, Japan required numerous of construction supplies. These materials may not enough if they bought locally. They required importing from China, Korea and other nations. Thus, this would increase the expenses of the government. Besides, his incident also affected the tourism of Japan. The numbers of tourists would decrease due to the radioactive radiation. [7].

This disaster caused some ripple effects in the world trade market. In Japan, The prices of oil and food were raised. The rate of unemployment had increased. The equity markets were expected to recover as soon as the disaster was cleared. The currency and the interest rate were being affected. Large numbers of investors had bought yen in anticipation that Japan’s government will repatriate overseas investments so that the insurance payouts and rebuilding costs could be covered. [1].

3.2 Professional Responsibility

In Fukushima nuclear power plant, all the reactors were designed based on the safety manual by the regulatory agency. The reactors designs also employed a Defense-in-Depth philosophy to prevent or minimize the release of radioactive substances during the abnormal conditions. The philosophy can be categorized into 5 groups that are Defense-in-Depth I, Defense-in-Depth II, Defense-in-Depth III, Defense-in-Depth IV and Defense-in-Depth V. Besides that, there were also active and passive safety system to ensure severe accidents which may occur can be solved. They were tested with the design-basis accidents which means that the plant able to encounter specific accident scenarios. However, the design basis earthquake for Fukushima was 8.0 magnitudes whereas the design basis tsunami was 5.7 meters. Therefore, the plants in Fukushima were destroyed in the unexpected natural disasters.

When the earthquake stroked the plant, the workers immediately tried to restore the power supply to cool down the nuclear cores which were still operating. As the diesel generators were also out of function, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) began to try to cool the reactors with sea water. In order to prevent the nuclear chain reaction to occur, Neutron-absorbing boron was added. Besides, the spent fuel pools held water to prevent the spent fuel rods to be overheated. Therefore, effort such as sprayed water into the pools and dropped water from helicopters were made to retain the water for cooling purpose.

Japan also received some assistance from some countries and agencies such as United States and International Atomic Energy Agency. Their assistance included transporting of pumps, fresh water and boron, capturing the live scene at the plant by remote camera, supplying decontamination and radiation monitoring equipments, using Global Hawk surveillance drones, providing evacuation support and giving medical support.

For Japan government, they had cooperated with the local officers to evacuate the citizens of Fukushima to the safety areas. This was a challenging task as the destruction of the infrastructure redundant the rescue tasks. Radiation Monitoring on the basis needs and people had been carried out to make sure that the people were free from radiation. They destroyed all the contaminated foods and isolate the radiated humans for treatments. The government also distributed the iodine tablets to public to protect them from radioactive. At the same time, the clean up and decontamination of the nuclear plant were carried out so that the plant would not release any harmful materials. For long term protection, they had monitored the entire environment and had eliminated the radioactive contaminated foods from the food chain. They also buried all the waste.

3.3 Risk Assessments

3.3.1 Health Risk

Based on the assessment by the world scientific bodies, the citizens around the Fukushima nuclear plant would be suffered with different cancers. These predicted high risk cancers were leukemia, thyroid cancer, female breast cancer and all solid cancers combined. These cancers were expected to be continued over a life-time and might over 15 years after the incident. The lifetime attribute-able risk (LAR) was predicted that only the areas near Fukushima were affected. Cities further away from Fukushima such as Tokyo would not have severe risk of cancers. However, it was a relief that the studies had proved the risk of the radiation-induced hereditary effects was low. [3].

There was also an assessment on the health risk of the emergency workers. None of the seven reported death of the workers was due to the exposure of radiation (2 disaster-related, 3 heart attack, 1 sepsis case, 1 leukemia). The potential health problem due to the exposure of radiation can be categorized into 4 scenarios. Scenario 1 represents low doses of radiation to all tissues, Scenario 2 contains moderate thyroid doses and lower doses to tissues, Scenario 3 shows that workers received higher and more homogeneous tissues doses include thyroid doses and Scenario 4 relates to the workers who had high thyroid doses due to the inhalation of radioactive iodine. Because of the tissues doses received were below the threshold doses, therefore, no effect of radiation exposure had been detected except the thyroid disorders. They believed that the exposure of radioactive even a little bit of it would create a risk to their health as well as to the other generations due to the heritable risks. [6].

3.3.2 Environmental risk

Once the nuclear plant exploded, the radioactive materials such as the poisonous gaseous and the molten fuel had entered the environment. This was a serious matter as these hazardous materials would pollute the air and water. So, when we inhaled the oxygen, the nuclides can directly enter our bodies. The radioactive materials might fall on the food. When we ate the contaminated food we would indirectly expose to radioactive. Furthermore, the living stock (cows and goats) consumed the polluted grass, the radioactive materials would go to our bodies when we ate the living stocks. When we ate the contaminated vegetables, the same situation also would harm our bodies. So, as day passes, the whole food chain would be destroyed. [2].

The water pollution would destroy the natural biodiversity. The contaminated water that discharged into the sea affected the aquatic food chain. As the contaminated water evaporated, the radioactive materials would combine with the water droplets in the cloud and landed on the surface of earth when the sky rained. People might get the skin diseases when they swim or contact with the water. There was a report showed that the drinking water contained the radioactive substances that exceed the safety limits. Some agriculture products had been restricted as the soil was detected to contain the radioactive materials. [8].

Section 4: Conclusion & Suggestions

The event of Fukushima was a disaster to be remembered and learnt from. The prevention of the same error and loopholes of the system must be rectified to prevent any catastrophic nuclear disaster from repeating itself. The event has caused a drastic drop on the economy in Japan with much pressure from the leaders of the world because it effects in global radiation reading. The professionalism in handling emergency cases like this is crucial. However, prevention is always better than cure, the design of the reactor is not fully prepared for worst-case scenarios to reduce the casualties. After the incident, the radiation has spread into the fresh water system due to the leakage of the building. Contaminated drinking water caused by the leakage has been a serious issue to children and pregnancy women’s health. Environmental risk in the reactor meltdown has caused the site of the nuclear reactor to be inhabitable for few decades. The radioactive waste will flow into the water and effect the environment in many ways. 

Therefore the design of future nuclear reactors has to be improved to counter numerous factors to ensure their safe operation. Improvement on the design of future nuclear reactors might help in avoiding this disaster. Firstly, modular standalone system design is required to be placed at each reactor isolated from the other. This can prevent either one of the reactors to compromise another reactor that situated by each other such as missile strike, power failure or even man-made incidents. In the case of Fukushima, reactor 4 was in maintenance during the quake, but the roof where exploded due to the explosive hydrogen flows from reactor 3 into reactor 4 as both the reactors are using common vent. The current reactors in operation around the world are second or third generation systems, with most of the first-generation systems having been decommission some time ago. Research and development effort into advanced generation IV reactor are in progress and it is based on eight technology goals. This includes the improvement of nuclear safety, improvement of proliferation resistance, minimize waste, improvement on natural resource utilization, the ability to consume existing nuclear waste in the production of electricity, and the decrease of cost to build and run such plants. Therefore the future of nuclear energy is bright with a big risk of low cost and low waste but cautions need to be taken in having such big power in control.

Part 2

Code of Ethics

Ethics are the pillars of our human culture. Ethics consist of a system of moral principles and accepted beliefs that govern our behaviour. It is a form of moral philosophy that involes systematising, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour. In our daily lives, we make important decisions or take actions based on our ethical compass. It will be there throughout the course of our life once ethics are learned. Ethical beliefs can be molded not only through events or happenings but also through religious beliefs or through lessons learned from family members. As we move forward in our daily lives, we learn ethics from each other. It is crucial to learn more about it and continue to develop and polish our ethical beliefs. Every person has a different set of ethical beliefs and no two people should have the identical set of ethical beliefs. Below are a list of rules that I try to follow in my daily life.

General Rules

Respect others. Be respectful to everyone. Respect everyone whom you encounter regardless of their social status, age, gender and race.

Be honest. Be honest in every encounter. Admit your mistakes and take responsibility for those mistakes. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government admitted that it is their mistakes for not keeping the records of key meetings during the nuclear crisis. Data were sent by email to the Fukushima prefecture government but not shared with others. The data was revealed more than a year later after the disaster.

Be fair-minded. Treat all the parties in contact with the same degree of fairness. Never practice impartiality and prioritize one side over the other.

Always stick with your moral compass. When faced with a decision and uncertain of the choice or action to take, always use your moral beliefs and values and don’t let other factors affect your decision making process.

Be polite. Be polite to everyone all the time regardless of the venue and the people around you. Apologize if a mistake is made.

Never abuse others. Never abuse others or the people around you for your own benefits intentionally or unintentionally. Never sacrifice or use those around you as a stepping stone for you to achieve your goals.

Treat everyone as how you wished to be treated. Treat everyone whom you encounter with respect and dignity that you wish to have in return.

Work Rules

Always be prepared. Always do preparations beforehand. Do some "homework" and "studies" before taking on a new task. Seek for advice if you don’t understand. Be physically and mentally prepared. For the Fukishima nuclear disaster, TEPCO did not make sufficient preparations to cope with critical nuclear accidents. Almost all electricity sources were lost after the batteries and power supply boards inundated.

Always pursue knowledge. Always seek out for advices and pursue more knowledge to refine yourself throughout your careers in life. In the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government do not have sufficient knowledge on where to build the nuclear plant. They made a mistake on building it so close to the ocean.

Be well-mannered. Be kind, polite and courteous to the people around you. Bear in mind that they share the same workplace as you and work together as a team with you.

Practice punctuality. Well-aware of the time and always be on time for your work shift, meetings, interviews, or any work related activity which you are involved in.

Be motivated. Always stay motivated at work and try to motivate the people around you in your workplace as well.

Be a team player. Always practice teamwork with your colleagues. Never tackle a rising problem when it is too much for you to handle alone, share and handle it together with your colleagues.

Be respectful to your co-workers, leaders and peers. Always respect your co-workers, leaders and peers in the workplace. Respect their knowledge and opinions regardless of their age, gender and race.

Respect your clients. Respect every clients of yours that you wish to have in return. Work hard to earn their respects. Treat them like they are your friends.

Work hard, play hard. Always stay serious, focus and give your work a 100% attention. When you are not at work, you can enjoy as much as you like.

Personal Rules

Follow your own beliefs. Always follow and do what you feel right. Do not succumb to peer pressure or any other factors that might affect your beliefs.

Aware of safety. Be alert of your situation; never put yourself in a dangerous situation. Never risk your own safety as well as others’. Do not allow others to be in the situations in which they can be harmed. In the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the examinations of the nuclear plants’ tsunami resistance measures were not planned by TEPCO. No further actions were planned to deal with this subject before year 2012.

Be responsible. Take responsibility for your actions and bear the consequences that they have. For the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government has admitted that their communication were bad and there were a lot of delays regarding the distribution of the data from SPEEDI (System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information).

Admit and learn from mistakes. Admit the mistakes that you made. Learn from them, identify what you did wrong and carry out the necessary steps for you to improve youself. After the nuclear disaster, a meeting was held by a group of 6 nuclear energy specialists invited by NISA (Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) to discuss the lessons to be learned from the accident. They have reached a conclusion that the nuclear power plants should have multiple power sources, nuclear power plants should be able to supply and maintain electricity even during an earthquake or other emergencies. TEPCO should examine the reason behind the failure of the equipment and necessary actions should be taken to prevent such failures in the future.

Aware of your own limits. Know your own limits. Never risk yourself challenging your own limits. Know when you should stop and take a break. Don’t exhaust yourself in life.

Dress appropriately. Always dress in a proper way that compliment you and others. Your outward image highly affects first impressions.

Refine yourself to be a better person. Never stop to learn more about yourself and others. Learn from your mistakes and past experiences and take every opportunity to work your way up to be a better person.

Do not be biased. Accept the differences in others. Do not judge people and things that may appear different.

Avoid situations that may challenge your ethical beliefs. Do not put yourself in situations where your ethical beliefs might be questioned or challenged. Take the necessary steps to avoid yourself being put in such situations.

Do not waste your time. Lost time never comes back. Spend your time wisely.

Work hard to achieve your goals in life. Nothing in life comes free. Always make your effort and work hard towards your goals in order to achieve it.


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