Role of Technology for English Language Learners

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

18 (6,890 )

Introduction The role of technology as an alternative tool for instruction of English foreign language learners increases as educators recognize its possibilities to create both independent and collaborative learning environments in which students can acquire, immerse and practice a new language (Butler-Pascoe, 1997). Through the use of the Internet, word processors, video games multimedia, and practice programs, students can engage in individualized instruction designed to meet their ...

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Gender Differences in Speech

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

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A striking contrast between ‘the taciturn man' and the ‘cackling hen' Abstract: Are men really more casual and women more sophisticated while speaking? Despite both genders being part of the same human species, they do have a salient difference in the manner they interact, speak, react and even the topics they choose to talk about. While men are more at ease in their social contexts, women appear ...

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Margaret Thatcher and Martin Luther King Speech Comparison

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

5 (1,830 )

With reference to the two speakers Margaret Thatcher and Martin Luther King, compare the way in which English may be used for rhetorical purposes in political and religious speeches. Collins Dictionary defines ‘rhetoric’ as ‘the art or study of using language effectively and persuasively’ and it is no surprise that such a skill is often in evidence with great politicians or religious leaders. The need to actively ...

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The Monsters in My Head, Frank Langella's Essay

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

3 (1,035 )

The Monsters of Life In Frank Langella's essay “The Monsters in My Head,” Langella describes fear as a monster our imagination that changes as we get older, Langella also describes how one should confront and control the “monsters” that are in our heads. I agree with Langella, that one should not fear the “Monsters” of life that one should confront or overcome fear itself because, if one ...

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William Blake and William Wordsworth | Comparison

23 Feb 2017 14 Dec 2017

4 (1,295 )

William Blake and William Wordsworth are two poets that have a few very different views on life and the world. And quite a few close similarities, particularly their writing style, as in they way express their thoughts. William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, in the Lake District. His father was John Wordsworth, an attorney. The country and beautiful landscape struck Wordsworth's imagination ...

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Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass | Summary

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

2 (716 )

Frederick Douglass' revolutionary novel, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass; An American Slave, sent a seismic shock through American society, altered many people's perception of the “peculiar institution”, and utilized a stylistic combination of flawless rhetoric and his poignant first-hand account of childhood shattered by slavery. Douglass' childhood was marred by an all-encompassing sense of nothingness, he did not know his parentage, mother, age, or birthday; ...

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Ways To Overcome Plagiarism

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

6 (2,169 )

As we know, plagiarism has becoming part of life among colledge student. They cannot live without doing plagiarism because of it is easy way for them to do their assingment. Almost al the fresh graduate nowdays is not in high quality because of their plagiarism while their studying. They doens't really understand what they been studied and this will affected when they started to work. Their perfomance ...

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Lamb to the Slaughter and The Landlady by Roald Dahl

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

5 (1,837 )

COMPARING TWO SHORT STORIES IN THIS UNIT, WRITE AN ESSAY DISUCSSING HOW ROALD HAS USED VARIOUS TECHNIQUES (INCLUDING THE USE OF LANGUAGE) TO ENTERTAIN, INTRIGUE AND SHOCK THE READER In this coursework I am going to compare to short stories which are “Lamb to the Slaughter and “the Landlady” written by Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl specialises in writing stories for children in the 20th Century. Roald Dahl ...

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Steps of the Communication Process

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

8 (2,911 )

Question 1 1.0 Introduction The communication process made of a message being sent and perceived by the others. The message may be verbal or non-verbal. Communication means talking, making friends, interacting with people, having relationships either private life relationships or work related. Communicating with others is essential in leading a normal life. We all communicate in our own way but we need to learn how to do ...

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History of the English Language in India

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

10 (3,713 )

INTRODUCTION This study aims at studying the language needs of under graduates students, revealing the discrepancies of different participants with respect to actual English language skills and target language skills and then suggest corrections in curriculum, wherever required. The study is conducted at Sant Gadge Baba University; Amravati, on students studying in under-graduate courses.This chapter presents information on the background and purpose of the study. Next, research ...

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Post Modernism in Pop Culture and the Simpsons

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

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Attempts to define post-modernism can come in many different forms as different people have different ideas as to what exactly the term means. This being said, most people who take part in the debate over modernism and postmodernism share a consensus that postmodernism might be many things, but it certainly is linked with the growth of popular culture in the late twentieth century in the West. In ...

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Theories on Discourse and Changes in Ideology

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

11 (4,086 )

Language, that makes us the "Crown of Creatures", empowers us with an expressive medium which we exploit to communicate, understand, interpret, negate, acknowledge, appreciate, influence, persuade, dominate, control, etc. Metaphorically speaking, language helps us to caress and comfort our feelings, excite and thrill our spirit, rattle our nerves, kill our desire, and so on. Language is a variegated phenomenon. It can emotionally move and affect us as ...

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Poetry of Jimmy Santiago Baca

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

3 (993 )

Many writers and poets have drawn inspiration and motivation from their childhood, past experiences, and hope for the future. Abandoned to an orphanage at a young age, Jimmy Santiago Baca was convicted of drug possession by the age of twenty-one. During his many years in prison, Baca learned how to read and write, eventually publishing his early poems from within the prison walls.  Despite his accomplishments and ...

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Comparison of He's Just Not That Into You and 17 Again

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

2 (674 )

People are always looking forward to watch romantic comedy movie as a way to spend time together with their beloved ones. In fact, romantic comedy is a general phrase for comedies that basically deal with the foolishness and misunderstanding of either young or middle aged lovers, in a light-hearted and happily manner which commonly inhibits serious parody. A typical plot of a romantic comedy is that two ...

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Emily Dickinson's Symbolism of Death

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

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Emily Dickinson is thought to be “one of the greatest American poets that have ever existed” (Benfey 5). Her poems can be directly linked to her life and many of them are about death. Only seven of Dickinson's poems were published while she was alive and her works were heavily criticized. However, despite the harsh criticism her works on the subjects of life and death are now ...

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Organ Donation: Ethical Arguments and the Law

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

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According to Erich, (2004) “Organ donation” is defined as the taking away of tissue from one individual's body to let the transplantation of that tissue into another individual's body. Major organs for example; the lungs, liver and heart and kidneys can be contributed and donated, also parts of tissue for example the heart valves, corneas, tendons and skin can also be given. Organs and tissue can generally ...

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Chocolate: History and Benefits

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

13 (4,838 )

CHOCOLATE Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, and hearts on Valentine's Day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, to produce chocolate milk ...

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Traditions During the Halloween Period

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

21 (8,303 )

Halloween Introduction Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31st. When people celebrate halloween they use some customes and hold the party, decorate their house, watch horror movies, visit haunted houses, bonfires, carving jack o'lantern, and also do trick or treat. Those are just some activities that usually happen in the halloween nowadays. But just several countries that celebrate it as a holiday. In ...

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Problems Faced by Saudi Arabia

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

5 (1,686 )

Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula. It has an appraise population of 27.5 million. Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia. The official language in is Arabic and the Saudi legal system is based on the Islamic constitution. It is the homeland of the Islam, where the two major holy mosques are found. They discovered oil in 1936 which made the country wealthier. ...

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Theories of Motivation for Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

16 (6,296 )

This paper is an attempt to understand the complex relationship between Second Language Learning (SLA) and motivation. The paper first develops some common theories in SLA and attempts to show the difficulties L2 learners have when learning a new language. The paper highlights these difficulties in relation to language acquisition and motivation. Motivation is discussed with reference to SLA learning and shows how our understanding of motivation ...

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Genetically Modified (GM): Pros and Cons

23 Mar 2015 14 Dec 2017

5 (1,839 )

Food is a vital source for the survival of mankind. The current global food crisis has become too significant a problem that we cannot avoid this issue any further. Several solutions are made to salvage the situation like educating the nations on eating habits, population control and providing food and financial aid to poor countries that face hunger and famine. However, enforcing birth control and changing eating ...

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Phases Of The Listening Comprehension

02 Nov 2017

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TILLINGEROVÁ, Milena: Fázy zručnosti počúvanie s porozumením. [Záverečná práca]. Univerzita KonÅ¡tantína Filozofa v Nitre. Pedagogická fakulta; KLIÅ  â€" Katedra lingvodidaktiky a interkultúrnych Å¡túdií. Å koliteľ: PhDr. Božena Horváthová, PhD. Nitra PF UKF v Nitre, 2013. s. Hlavným cieľom záverečnej práce je analyzovaÅ¥ fázy počúvania s porozumením: fázu pred počúvaním textu, fázu počas počúvania textu a fázu po počúvaní ...

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Exploring How Blogs Can Support Reading Development

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

This is a thought-paper exploring how blogs, a Web 2.0 technology, can be utilized to support writing as a key component of reading development. This paper seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice in specific terms that are beneficial to reading specialists by providing pedagogical strategies and examples that demonstrate how blogging can ...

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Laboratory Of Computer Science

02 Nov 2017

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Laboratory of Computer Science Template for Preparation of Papers for IEEE Sponsored Conferences & Symposia - EditedAbstract—These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IEEE conferences. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. Instructions about final paper and ...

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What Is Translation And Translation Studies

02 Nov 2017

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The present dissertation is largely based on research in the field of translation. Translation is an influential valid feature of our society, and it symbolizes one of the most important aspects in shaping the upcoming course of the planet. The translator’s tasks are complex and refer to his abilities of dealing with every aspect of ...

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Management Of Human Resources Of The Restaurant

02 Nov 2017

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Industrial Orientation Report Oda Wallwitz Job: Waitress Industrial Orientation Report Oda Wallwitz - 218847 Stenden hogeschool International Hospitality Management Leeuwarden The Netherlands Submitted in Partial Fulfilment for the Requirements of the degree Programme Bachelor of Business Administration March, 2012 Plagiarism Form DECLARATION 1. This work is composed by me / by us. 2. This work ...

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The Current Situation Of English Language Teaching

02 Nov 2017

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Yang Ting School of Foreign Languages, CWNU, Nanchong, China, 637002 Abstract: Nowadays English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, the ultimate purpose of learning English is for communication. Therefore, in the process of English language teaching, it is particularly important for teachers to develop students’ listening and speaking skills. This ...

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Investigate The Employment Of Politeness Strategies

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Chapter 5 5.1 Introduction Brown and Levinson (1978) said that a precondition to all human interactions is to cooperation which, among other ways can be established and maintained by polite language. Polite language is governed by the social dimensions of power, distance and absolute ranking of imposition within a society". In this present study, the ...

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Interaction With Unreal Tournament

02 Nov 2017

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Education And The Language Gap

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

[STUDENTS NAME] [NAME OF INSTRUCTOR] [CLASS] Rhetorical Critique on Arne Duncan’s Speech "Education and the Language Gap" Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, includes many convincing logical arguments in his speech "Education and the Language Gap" at the Foreign Language Summit. Through the use of facts he appeals to the audience for the expansion of ...

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The Demand For Soft Skills

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Abstract: For many years, ESP instruction was confined to teaching specialized terminology and translating texts. However, today’s globalized professional environment requires that its members should also master a set of communicative skills that round off their specialist knowledge if they are to complete their tasks effectively and preserve their margin of success. In spite of ...

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What Is The Value Of Studying English

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Language is the complex system we use to communicate. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English Language by David Crystal defines language as ‘the systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self expression’. [2003: p.464]. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the ...

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Discovery Of Frequent Patterns And Association Rule

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY The purpose of this chapter is to provide the in depth review of the related topics concerning research area. It will provide review on Frequent Patterns, Association Rule Mining on single level, Multi Level Datasets, non-redundant association rules and interesting measures for Association Rules. In addition, the previous works on Association ...

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The Digital Image Processing

02 Nov 2017

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We consider a new approach to image segmentation following the Chan-Vese Model. The idea would be to find drawbacks, followed by their removal and to create a faster model by combining it with Split Bregman Method and Globally Convex Image Segmentation method. Globally Convex Method transforms a non-convex problem into a convex one .Split ...

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Explain Technology To People

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Unit 03 LIGHTEN UP Selection Name NL10NLSB-U03-S02 Serif or Sans Serif body text Page numbers (i.e., 2-6) 53-55 Number of text columns (i.e., 1, 2, up to designer) Up to designer Vocabulary text NO   Other important information for design [page 53] [catch title] Pet Peeves [catch byline] Monologue by Trent McClellan [catch text] I ...

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Work Life Balance The Diagnosis

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

The world today has changed a lot from the world that we knew some 5-6 decades ago. At that time, when a couple decided to live in or marry, the man would most likely to be the provider of the family and the woman would be the home maker. Both had more or less clear-cut ...

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The Oral Skills In The Classroom

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

K:\Dropbox\LOGO UNED.jpg FACULTAD DE FILOLOGÍA Máster Universitario en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la Enseñanza y Tratamiento de Lenguas. Tarea 4. Autor: Antonio Martínez Martínez Equipo Docente: Profª. Dra. Noa Talaván Zanón Prof. D. José Javier Ávila Cabrera Murcia, mayo 2013. Index. Page: Introduction. ………………………………………………….. Testing types. …………………………………………………. Tools for the assessment ...

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The Iterated Prisoners Dilemma

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Shashank Shetty Abstract Cooperation has always been recognized as a fundamental ingredient in the cre- ation of societies and the generation of wealth. As a concept, it has been studied for many years. Yet, in practice, its emergence and persistence are less understood. In the following, a game theoretic approach to the study of cooperation ...

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The Vocabulary Requirement

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

Vocabulary is one of the main obstacles for second language learners to study foreign language. According to the requirements of the new curriculum standards (refers to Table1), students will complete five compulsory modules in high school English learning. Based on this, there are six modules in the order of elective teaching ...

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Primal Dual Column Generation Method

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

\label{ch:pdcgm} In this chapter we present theoretical and computational developments of the primal-dual column generation method (PDCGM). Firstly, we describe the method and its main components and provide evidence of its convergence. In the second part, we present the results of computational tests aimed to compare the performance of the primal-dual column generation method against ...

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Logistics And Supply Chain Management

02 Nov 2017

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NAME TANG, Fa Suet Franciess DEGREE BA (Hons) Logistics and Supply Chain Management TUTOR Dr. Artie Ng TITLE How supply chain tools to strengthen corporation competitiveness. DATE April 2013 STUDENT No 11007080B0 Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the BA (Hons) Logistics and Supply Chain Management Of Northumbria University DECLARATIONS I declare ...

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Three Point Correlation Functions

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

\end{abstract} \sect{Introduction} One of the active areas of research in theoretical high-energy physics in recent years has been the correspondence between gauge and string theories. Following the impressive conjecture made by Maldacena \cite{Maldacena} that type IIB string theory on $AdS_5\times S^5$ is dual to ${\cal N}=4$ super-Yang--Mills theory with a large number of colors, an ...

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Most Foreign Language Teachers

02 Nov 2017

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英语输入量与学生英语学习成绩的关系研究 覃琼芳 学 科 专 业: 教育硕士 研 究 方 向: 学科教学 英语 论文答辩日期: 指导教师(签名): 答辩委员会主席(签名): 答辩委员会委员(签名): A Research in the Relationship between English Input and Students’ Achievements A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master’s Degree by QinQiongfang ...

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A Query Based Arabic Text Summarization

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

Abstract—With the problem of increased web resources and the huge amount of information available, the necessity of having automatic summarization systems appeared. Since summarization is needed the most in the process of searching for information on the web, where the user aims at a certain domain of interest according to his query, in this case ...

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The Use Of Social Networks

02 Nov 2017

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Abstract This paper explores the relationship between SNS' usage and academic performance of students. A sample of 100 English-speaking students, both undergraduate and graduate was selected from Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy. Personally administered survey was used as a data collection tool. Students' academic performance satisfaction was used as a dependent variable. The independent variables showed how ...

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Analysis Of Affixation In English And Vietnamese

02 Nov 2017

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A purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols is defined as language (Sapir, Language, P.7). Therefore, every language itself provides attentive learners with a wide knowledge of the primary function, social nature as well as the important characteristic which is the system of ...

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Role Of Assessments In Leadership Maturation

02 Nov 2017

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By Lucille Greeff Introduction Given that the journey from conventional to post conventional maturity takes time and is complex as well as personal, approaches that provide opportunities for scalability and speed are valuable additions to any development process of this nature. The judicious use of assessments offer such an opportunity, especially if the framework that ...

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Field Theory Ward Identities

02 Nov 2017

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with two non-protected operators dual to massive string states with rotation in $S^5$, in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Field theory Ward identities make predictions about the all-loop behaviour of these correlators. In particular, they restrict the fusion coefficient to be proportional to the R-charge of the operators or to their dimension, respectively, with ...

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A Classification Of Verb

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

The majority of English words we use every day were taken from the Latin or Greek languages. In order to know the meaning of an unknown word, we have to find the meaning of its stem. Many words are formed from combination of other words or from combination of words and prefixes or suffixes. It ...

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Second Language Acquisition In Different Languages

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

In what ways can knowledge on first language acquisition and second language acquisition / learning contribute to be a better, effective teaching of second languages? Introduction Each language has own structure, so when we learn our first language our mind tunes into particular work and we pay attention to particular cues of the meaning , ...

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Creation Of A Humanoid Character

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

An investigation into the creation of a humanoid character. Focusing on effective design, efficiency in the games engine, and maintaining the level of detail displayed on characters throughout cinematic trailers. Thomas Watson Games Concept Design BSc Supervised by Tom Elgon Contents Creating an Effective Character Introduction NEED THIS Gender It is generally suggested that the ...

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The Civil Aviation Authority

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

English Department Composition IV I-101 Professor: Lic. Dinier Amador Serrano Valeria Rojas I Quarter – 2013 Chapter 1 Context In this part of the chapter the researcher is going to be developed the vision, the mission of the institution, the reasons for its creation, and who the actual directors of the Civil Aviation Authority are. ...

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History And Development Of The English Language

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

The origins of Received Pronunciation were inherited from the nineteenth century and before, due to the class and status structures. "Received Pronunciation" was not a label when Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was first published in 1757 but was later coined in 1869 by the linguist A J Ellis. However it only became used and accredited when ...

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Mining Functional Dependencies In Database

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

Dhanyamol Antony Dept. of Computer Science SCT College of Engineering Trivandrum, India [email protected] Rejimoan R Dept. of Computer Science SCT College of Engineering Trivandrum, India [email protected] ABSTRACT— The determination of functional dependencies is an important part of designing databases in the relational model, and in database normalization and denormalization. It is important in knowledge discovery, database semantics analysis, database ...

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Integrity Plagiarism Among University Student

02 Nov 2017

8 (8 )

Abstract: Tertiary education is facing the still endless problems such as plagiarism and cheating. Plagiarism is such unethical action that is famously taken by university students in completing their assignment. This paper will focused on the plagiarism activities among university student. This paper will cover the definition of plagiarism, the concept and theory, challenges and ...

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The Post Listening Phase

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

In the theoretical part of the paper we first and foremost sought to analyze listening phases such as pre-listening phase, while-listening phase and post-listening phase. We defined the term listening comprehension as well as the significance of listening comprehension. According to Pokrivčáková (2010, p.61) listening is ‘a receptive communicative skill. It provides the aural input ...

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The Television Series Conversation

02 Nov 2017

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By KaiTing Huang Introduction In the traditional language classroom, the emphasis of teaching is often placed on the importance of the teaching of language structure and fails to address the importance of communicative competence (Carlo, 1994). We often found that second language learners of English who are well equipped with knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, syntax ...

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Increasing The Comprehensible English Input

02 Nov 2017

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(1)Can increasing the comprehensible English input promote students’ English achievement? (2) What are students’ attitudes towards the increase of comprehensible English input ? 3.2 Subjects The subjects who participated in this experiment were all students of grade 5 in Jiu shuikeng Primary School, Panyu, Guangzhou. Of the 90 students,32 were girls and 58 were boys. ...

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Riding Posture Is Determined

02 Nov 2017

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A number focus on a narrow range of topics – I do not know of any that cover from a Learner to a Road Racer and everyone in between. There is also no Australian book that covers riding technique in detail (remember this as Australians ride on the other side from the U.S. and most ...

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The British Sign Language

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Chapter 1 Introduction Background Avatar for text to British Sign Language will be developed in collaboration with TECHNABLING. This company develops and manages digital technologies that help and support people in achieving and retaining better abilities, lifestyle and independence. This includes technologies that help people around the home, at work and in many areas of ...

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Detailed Study Of The Types Of Phonetics

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

In phonetics a flap or tap is a type of consonantal sound, which is produced with a single contraction of the muscles so that one articulator (such as the tongue) is thrown against another Contrast with stops and trills The main difference between a flap and a stop consonant is that in a flap, there ...

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Reporting Test Results Band Descriptors

02 Nov 2017

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E-mail communication has become widespread in commendation between educational, administrative and business institutions. ESP learners will almost certainly need to become familiar with the conventions of wring e-mail message (see but this is a different question from that of how e-mail can be used in ESP teaching. We have read of e-mail being ...

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Silicon Strain Gauge Metal Diaphragm Sensors

02 Nov 2017

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% QUOTE \vfill \begin{quotation} \begin{flushright} \emph{ This Chapter is based on the following article: \\ W. Hasenkamp, et. al., \\ "Polyimide/su-8 catheter-tip mems gauge pressure sensor", \\ Biomedical Microdevices (published).} \end{flushright} \end{quotation} \vfill \begin{quotation} \begin{flushright} \emph{ The human mind treats a new idea the same way \\ the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it.\\ ...

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Form Of The Verb

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

CHAPTER 1 The majority of English words we use every day were taken from the Latin or Greek languages. In order to know the meaning of an unknown word, we have to find the meaning of its stem. Many words are formed from combination of other words or from combination of words and prefixes or ...

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Master Golf In Four Weeks

02 Nov 2017

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motion.jpg Table of Contents Introduction Golf is a challenging as well as a fulfilling game enjoyed by an incredible number of men, women, and youth around the globe. But it can also be considered a frustrating sport. The mechanics behind a good golf swing technique are complex and often difficult to apply. Billions of dollars ...

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Main Language Of International Circulation

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction.............................................................................................................5 Chapter 1: Creativity..............................................................................................7 Chapter 2: Creative Writing................................................................................16 Chapter 3: Teaching Creative Writing in secondary school............................32 Conclusions............................................................................................................44 Bibliography..........................................................................................................46 Introduction In the past few years, the teaching of English has become more and more important. English is the main language of international circulation. You cannot go anywhere abroad if you do not know English, at least ...

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The Definitions And Concepts Of Plagiarism

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

Abstract: Tertiary education is facing the still endless problems such as plagiarism and cheating. Plagiarism is such unethical action that is famously taken by university students in completing their assignment. This paper will focused on the plagiarism activities among university student. This paper will cover the definition of plagiarism, the concept and theory, challenges and ...

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Revive Your Super Amazing Relationship

02 Nov 2017

2 (2 )

Copyright © 2013 Emma Ward All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: The Author and Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible ...

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Conducting Qualitative Human Communication Study

02 Nov 2017

1 (1 )

The reason of this feedback is to bring into light with the essential methods of planning, reporting and conducting qualitative human communication study. Spotlighting on communication criticism plus ethnographic study, it introduces students with different methods and theories which can improve the understanding of most types of communication, counting media events, public address, organizational interaction, ...

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Current Cognitive Theories Of Learning

02 Nov 2017

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* Tim Seifert* * Faculty of Education* * Fall 1993* Current cognitive theories of learning point to the important role students' thought processes play in learning. Students need to be mentally active processors of information if learning is to occur. In these formulations, several criteria must be met if learning is to occur. ...

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Cell Phone As Appropriate Information Technology

02 Nov 2017

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19. Last Mayo, in an article ‘the digital divide: scarcity, inequality and conflict’ in the book entitled ‘Digital Cultures’ edited by Glen Creeber and Royston Martin mentioned about digital divide and other concomitant divides like geographical divide, social divide and democratic divide. According to the researchers, inequality in access to ownership of new media ...

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The Cambodia Educational System

02 Nov 2017

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Cambodia educational system has undergone many twists and turns in the history; the education of the nation collapsed during the genocidal regime (1975-79). After the fall of Pol Pot regime, however, the kingdom’s education system has been reborn and continuously reformed to meet the demand of economic and social development (Mak, 2006). Foreign languages were ...

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Writing Will Be Archived Forever

02 Nov 2017

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Although writing papers is hard work, writing a good paper is one of the most satisfying and long-lasting accomplishments of scientific research. A well written scientific paper must fulfill two objectives. First, it must clearly and completely describe the procedures that were followed and the results that were obtained. Second, it must place these results ...

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Different Strategies Used During Learning

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

Elsamma Lucose University Different Strategies used during Learning Learning style: As per the VARK questioner results, it gives a remark of stating that it’s a multimodal learning preference. Multimodal learning style refers to multiple ways of learning things which is preferred by 60% of the population. Multimodal learning person are those who have ...

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Old Norse And Scandinavian Influence On English

02 Nov 2017

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The history of English language is usually divided up into four major periods that can be justified both on the basis of linguistic differences and on the basis of historical events that influenced the later development of English language [1] . These periods are Old English (450-1150), Middle English (1150-1500), Early Modern English (1500-1700) and Modern ...

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The Fastest Method To Learn Spanish

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

Understanding a brand-new foreign language is never ever an easy job and a selection of people have different approaches for getting a brand-new foreign language. The quickest way to do so is to on a regular basis communicate with somebody who knows the best ways to speak the language with complete confidence, considering that this ...

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An Important Factor In Data Mining

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

Keywords: Knowledge discovery, Clustering methods, Incremental clustering. 1. Introduction Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) have been attracting a huge amount of research, industry, scientific and media in real-time applications. The increasing speed of the large and enormous databases in recent life makes it hard for the human being to analyze and extract ...

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The Main Source Of Energy

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction Entrepreneurship is the process that brought the individual to identify new chances and trying to convert the chances given into marketable products and services. According to Vinod Khosla, entrepreneurship is about the person dare to dream and try hard to make the dream come true. Part I :Profile of the past Source of energy ...

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The Spanish And Andalusian Scenes

02 Nov 2017

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In this section I will discuss the changes that occurred in Spain regarding foreign language education as well as the changes that Andalusia has undergone in the same field. Furthermore, I will also review the main methods used in second language education, as they are usually connected to the changes in education policies implemented in ...

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The Persuasion And Argumentation

02 Nov 2017

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Introduction More than any other kind of discourse, political discourse is eminently persuasive; thus, political speeches represent a special form of persuasion and argumentation which play a crucial role for every political action since this action is prepared, accompanied, influenced and played by language. Thus, the relationship between discourse and people’s purposes is manifested in ...

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Ict Tools Bridge To Learning

02 Nov 2017

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By MR. LINO M. PAGALING T-III, Talavera Central School In this fast phased world where everything changes with a blink of an eye, education faces a tough challenge. The challenge to fuse learners’ basic education with today’s generation of information technology learning. Information Communication Technology (ICT) provides a window for our learners to ...

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Three Scales Of Emotional Tone

02 Nov 2017

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Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework The purpose of the following chapter is to provide a theoretical background to support the different techniques a translator use during the translation process. Moreover, it will develop information related to the text analysis, translation methods, and translation techniques. All this information will help the reader to have a better understanding ...

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The Key Issue In Argument Structure

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

English: Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Argument structure in syntax is a term that came into use in the 1980s in America. The phrase is used to render the concept that the European had on clause syntax. They refer to it as valency. A valency describes the type of clause can be used together with ...

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The Complex Phenomena Of Language Learning

02 Nov 2017

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INTRDUCTION 1.1. Content of the problem Language learning is a complex phenemonan. It has a psychological aspects since it is a cognitive process. Moreover, it has a sociological aspect since language is a human characteristic enabling communication. A language can not be set apart from the culture of the people speaking that language. Therefore, any language ...

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The Rationale For Checklist Criteria Selection

02 Nov 2017

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We have chosen five main criteria for our check list which consist of 2 impressionistic evaluations and 3 in-depth evaluations; Layout, Appropriateness, Content, Exercises and Activities and Value, respectively. First of all, a good textbook must have an attractive and organized layout. A layout is how the materials in the textbook are organized and arranged. A ...

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The Least Effective Responses

02 Nov 2017

6 (6 )

Communications Assignment Society and Health z3422504 [Pick the date] Table of Contents Introduction This interview was conducted on the 2nd of April at the interviewee’s house. James, a 19 year old male, discussed with me his experiences of fighting a nasopharyngeal cancer since he was 9 years old. This cancer was successfully treated through chemotherapy ...

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Translating Your Thinking Into Logical Words

02 Nov 2017

4 (4 )

[Author’s Name] [Professor’s Name] [Course title] Reflective Paper One of the hardest lessons in life is translating your thinking into logical words. We never know how hard that is unless we try. Personally speaking, the trip of discovering knowledge starts from the English course, whereas the goal of this course was to convert the knowledge ...

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To Communicate Is To Convey A Message

02 Nov 2017

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Page 1 Introduction Page 2 Content 2.1) 2.2) Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Introduction To communicate is to convey a message between people. This ...

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Personal Strengths And Weaknesses

02 Nov 2017

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CERTIFICATE IN COMMERCE INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT LEARNING TO LEARN CSS101 Name : Joey Chartichai Wan IC : 930713-07-5231 Index No : PP102746 Batch No : 1238 CAMPUS : PENANG WORD COUNT : 2050 Guidelines to students The word count should be limited to 1,000 words for the each question. Use Font Times New Roman 12, and ...

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Textism The Modern Language

02 Nov 2017

7 (7 )

Wilmore Brown Mr. Lemon English 102 Textism: The Modern Language The use of text language is very prominent in today’s society and this has had a profound impact on the development of language skills in young people. Texting, like other forms of electronic communication can be time consuming and addictive which may lead to ...

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Textbooks In The Efl Esl Classroom

02 Nov 2017

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CHAPTER 2 Literature Review This section presents the way I was looking for the literature to support and to frame my paper. Almost all the document I got is from the internet. I used the Google search engine as a main source of getting information. By typing the key word in the box such as ...

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Application Of Humor In English Teaching Classroom

02 Nov 2017

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On the Application of Humor in English Teaching Classroom Cheng Juan Thesis statement: Humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. It has great significance in people’s daily life. And when it is applied into English teaching classroom in China, students can achieve more than ever. This thesis focuses ...

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The Course Of Iraq Opportunities

02 Nov 2017

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In this chapter, the collected data are presented and interpreted. It starts with an account of the course of Iraq Opportunities and the way grammar is presented in it. The description of the course is displayed according to the objectives stated by the Ministry of Education presented in the Teacher's Book accompanying the text book ...

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Teaching Simple Past Passive Sentences To Students

02 Nov 2017

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The researcher is motivated to extend a Task- Based approach to teaching simple past passive sentences to high school students in Iran. The goal is to convince government and educational policymakers to take a long-term view of the development of TBLT in Iran, to revamp curricula, to update English syllabi, to produce new English textbooks, and ...

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Natural Language Processing Tools

02 Nov 2017

3 (3 )

resolving coreferential mentions in blog comments Table of Contents List of Figures Introduction Background Thecoreference is defined in linguistic as the grammatical relation between two words that have a common referent. In computational linguistics,coreference resolution is related to discourse. Pronouns and other referring expressions should be placed together into an equivalence class in order to ...

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The Critiques Of Krashens

02 Nov 2017

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Some researchers don’t agree with Krashen about the Input Hypothesis . They mainly thinks that it is too simple and it can be tested, and it fails to define the concept of "comprehensible input"and overstates the importance of it, etc. (Zou Weicheng, 2000; Jing Zenglin, 1991). Psychologists like McLaughlin (1987) sharply criticizes Krashen’s Input Hypothesis ...

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Knowledge Discovery In Databases

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

Keywords: Knowledge discovery, Clustering methods, Incremental clustering. 1. Introduction Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) have been attracting a huge amount of research, industry, scientific and media in real-time applications. The increasing speed of the large and enormous databases in recent life makes it hard for the human being to analyze and extract ...

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The Natural Language Processing

02 Nov 2017

9 (9 )

CHAPTER 6 Chapter Outline-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Language and Natural Language Processing Difficulty and Knowledge required for Natural Language Understanding Components and Levels of Natural Language Processing Classification of Grammar Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing Technique Transition Network and Augmented Transition Network Pragmatic Analysis Sentence Generation Machine Translation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Introduction- Natural language processing refers to the use ...

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A Brief Contrastive Approach

02 Nov 2017

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The word gender comes from the Latin word genus which originally related to race or kind. In the Indo-European languages, gender has not always referred to gender distinctions. There were languages where only two categories existed, where a noun had to fit in one of them, no matter of its meaning. The grammatical gender is ...

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An Integration Of Machine Translation

02 Nov 2017

5 (5 )

Abstract This paper provides an integration of machine translation and speech synthesis system for converting English text to Tamil speech in English to Tamil speech to speech translation system. Speech to speech translation system consists of three components: speech recognition, machine translation and speech synthesis. Many procedures for incorporation of speech recognition and machine translation ...

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