Pai Comes From The Family


02 Nov 2017

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Paikea Apirana (Pai) comes from the family with the background of chiefs. She is vigorous and is very strong-minded to learn the aspects of being a leader. However her grandfather looks down at her because he reckons women cannot be leaders, and it’s against their tradition and culture. But even after being warned by the grandfather that she is not supposed to meddle with the things that only the boys are suppose to do, she is still so keen to know the virtues of a leader.

Pai is very much attracted in the leadership lesson, learning traditional songs and dances, but is given little encouragement by her grandfather. Hence Pai believes that she should be given a chance and she is certain that she can become a leader, although she knows that her grandfather totally disagrees with idea of her indulging in his lessons, she continues to sneak around and secretly follows up the lessons given by her grandfather.

After she comes to know that her uncle won a Taiaha tournament, she asks her uncle to teach her as well. From the lessons she really learns quite quickly and her grandfather gets furious when she beats Hemi (one of her grandfathers student) in a Taiaha fight.

Type of Power

Koro is seen as a very powerful leader in his village; he holds a legitimate power and has extensive knowledge about his people and his culture and traditions. Koro misuses his power by looking down at Pai, and believes that she cannot be a leader.

However with his people he is able to use his power very wisely, since he holds authority he is able to teach the boys about becoming a good leader.

Pai has the respect from the people and the people are happy to follow her, thus it is referent power, she is able to lead people with examples and the people are also able to trust her. She was so determined that even after her grandfather neglected her skills and ability she still was keen to learn the lessons that her grandfather was giving the boys.

The way Pai shows her leadership qualities is different from her grandfather, she wants her grandfather to accept her and she wants to lead the village to a successful future. Even though Pai is very young, yet she possesses the ability to encourage people. She is also very charismatic which really inspires her people.

One of the scenes that demonstrate the leadership analyses for both the leaders is where Koro screams at Pai, when she beats one of the guys in Taiaha fight. He tells her "You don’t mess around with the sacred things!" This shows how autocratic Koro is but even after that Pai is determined to learn and she believes she can be a leader, her determination makes her people respect her more.

Type of Organization/Level of Seniority

This leadership situation in the movie is a part of Ngati Konohi. The ancestor of these people is said to be Paikea. Koro the village chief believes in patrimonial line, thus he believes that Pai can never become a leader. He strongly hated the idea that Pai was indulging in the sacred things which was only meant for boys.

Koro had to be autocratic because he knew that people needed it so that the tradition and culture was kept alive. He was concerned about his people but at the same time he was more concerned about his traditions and culture. Koro blames Pai for her mothers and tin brothers’ death; he also thinks that all the bad things happening in the village is caused by Pai because she broke the village tradition and norm, by indulging in sacred things which were not meant for woman.

Individual Culture and Its Effect

As described above culture and tradition played a very vital role in the lives of both the characters. They strongly believe in their culture, and Koro is so autocratic just because his faith in his culture is strong, he sticks to the believe that woman cannot be leaders, and throughout the movie he was very positive about it, until when Pai proves that she was the much awaited leader. Pai believes she is the leader the people would want, and she takes a lot of interest in learning more about the tradition and culture.


Paikea in the movie illustrates trait theory, the qualities that she possesses as a leader comes from her chiefly background. She has the determination towards learning the steps of her grandfather, she has respect for her culture and people and in return her people respect her and trust her as well. She is a very charismatic leader, even after beating Hemi in a Taiaha fight, Hemi is willing to support her and help her. She is brave enough to jump into the sea to get her grandfathers whale tooth, which clearly describes her quality of bravery and courageous above all her determination to becoming a leader.

The movie ends with Koro accepting Pai as a Wise Leader, and the people and the whale following her commands.


Leadership Style

Dan Foreman is a 51 year old executive in his company who learns that his company is being restructured. He is a charismatic leader, who has the ability to motivate and influence people. He is respected and liked by his people.

Carter on the other hand is the new head of the advertisement department, because of him Dan is being demoted. Carter displays transformational leadership. Hence transformational leadership is characterized by the ability to bring about significant change in employees and the organization, thus the company believed that Carter would be the best to bring about changes in the company.

Effectiveness of a Leader

Dan is very determined, is very effective as a leader and is able to influence people. People really liked him and have respect for him. He was the kind of leader that people wanted.

Carter was also a very effective leader, because he was given the authority people always listen to him and followed him. He possesses great knowledge in his field, he had different kind of ideas as to how to promote and advertise. He also had the ability to influence people.

Type of Power

Dan displays charisma power, in charisma power, the leader is very influential, and thus that is what Dan displays, he is able to help his people and hence he was liked by the people, and respected. He also had respect for them, and he knew all his employees by their name.

Carter displays legitimate power and information power; he held the position of authority, though he was not very autocratic but he had the right to do what he wanted. Carter also demonstrates referent power thus he gained the power from the above management. He had ideas as to how to promote and advertise, he had skill in doing so.

Carter abuses his power by telling Dan to redundant the employees

A situation from the movie that would illustrate the leadership analysis for Dan and Carter would be, when Carter asks Dan to redundant some of the employees in order to save his own. Dan is very upset about the entire situation but because he knows he has to so he does as asked. He apologizes to his employees and tells them that that’s not what he wanted.

Type of Organization/Level of Seniority

The film In Good Company is written and directed by Paul Weitz. It is a film based on about good versus evil set on the battlefield of contemporary corporate culture, a site of the leading blood sport.

The type of leadership situation in the movie In Good Company is based on two leaders struggling to maintain their position and struggling to get along with each other. Carter a young leader who is yet to learn a lot about his work, he thinks he could be the best hence that’s why he was chosen to replace Dan, the 51 year old executive in the company, who has been working there for quite a long. Dan finds it very uncomfortable to be working for a man half his age.

Carter has the slender erect and anxious bones of a young man still immature and growing into his adult body, so much so that even when standing at rest, he seems anxious to dive forward.

Individual Culture and Its Effect

The film In Good Company is based on about good versus evil set on the battlefield of contemporary corporate culture, a site of the leading blood sport. Both the characters don’t show much of their culture concern but are well aware of it.


This film illustrates great man theory. Great man theory sought to identify the inherited traits leaders possessed that distinguish them from people who weren’t leaders with the premise that some people are born with traits that make them natural leaders, thus Dan illustrates the qualities a leader needs according to great man theory.

At the end of the film Carter realizes that Dan is the kind of leader that everyone wanted, therefore he tells him that he has learnt a lot from Dan. Dan on the other hand gets his position back Carter is able to learn what he lacks and he believes he could have never been better then Dan.


The Fellowship of the Ring directed by Peter Jackson is an adventure of the members of the fellowship of the ring.

The two leaders chosen from this movie are Gandalf The Grey and Frodo Baggins.

Leadership Style

Gandalf The Grey is a very intelligent and courageous leader. The leadership quality which Gandalf demonstrates is more of transactional leadership, where there is exchange of process between leaders and followers. On the other hand he is also very charismatic, thus he has the ability to motivate and inspire. He has the ability to make his own decisions. He guides Frodo to the right path and tells him what needs to be done.

On the other hand Frodo is a very young leader chosen to destroy the ring. He illustrates transformational leadership, a leadership which is characterized by the ability to bring about significant change in followers. He has been given that responsibility through his uncle Bilbo Baggins. He is unaware of most of the facts but is very determined to do what he thinks is right. He leads Samwise, Pippin and Merry. Even though the ring is making him evil he still has the will to destroy it, he is able to focus his mind and differentiate between the good and evil.

Effectiveness of A Leader

Gandalf demonstrates a very effective leadership quality, he has his power which makes him stronger and thus people are willing to follow him and respect him. He possesses great knowledge and experience.

Frodo also shows a very effective leadership quality, his followers are willing to support him and follow him. He is able to lead them and is considerate about his followers. He feels that the ring should be destroyed and he believes he can do it. Even after having Sauron follow him, he doesn’t gives up. Thus Frodo is very courageous and keeps going with what he is tasked to do.

Type of Power

Gandalf holds information power, a leader who has possession of important information at a needed time. He also has the expert power, where he holds experience, skills and abilities and is very knowledgeable. Apart from that Gandalf also holds charisma power, he has the ability to influence and motivate his followers.

Frodo Baggins holds referent power, a power that is given to him through his uncle Bilbo Baggins. We can also say that Frodo illustrates legitimate power, where he is given the responsibility to destroy the ring by Gandalf. This kind of power is normally inherited, thus he got the responsibility because his uncle Bilbo Baggins has been holding the possession of the ring for so many years.

A situation from the movie that would illustrate the leadership analysis for Gandalf and Frodo would be, the scene where Gandalf tells Frodo that he needs to leave the Shire immediately with the ring, he tells him that he is suppose to take it to Mordor and destroy it, Frodo though unaware of the power of the ring and Sauron, he still takes the responsibility and promises to do as asked.

Type of Organization and Level of Seniority and Its Effect

The Dark Lord Sauron forged a ring with all his evil powers he filled it with cruelty and the one that posses it will become evil as well and can gain immortality. Thus it is called as the precious by the creature Gollum, who found it hundreds of years back and from him it came to Bilbo Baggins which was then given to Frodo to destroy it, thus Sauron now wants to get it back so that he can rule the earth.

Gandalf The Grey, held a very high level of power, he also held informative power and expert power, he attained the position due to his experience and knowledge and abilities, He is able to guide Frodo, and is very influential.

Frodo is a young leader yet determined to do what he is tasked to.

Individual Culture and Its Effect

Culture is very strongly followed by all the characters; it plays a huge role in their lives. Hence it is their culture that makes them what they are. For example Frodo who is a hobbit, is a very charismatic person, unaware of many things but yet determined. As a hobbit he was very smart and courageous.


This movie has mostly illustrated trait theory. It is a story based on different kinds of leaders. Frodo illustrates all his trait quality such as persistence towards the destruction of the ring, respect for his people and the ability to be a effectiveness. He is charismatic and possesses all qualities of a leader, such as determined, courageous, bravery above all he never gave up that showed his confidence.

Gandalf showed informative leadership, experience and charismatic. He is very influential. He was more concerned about the people. And he believed Frodo is the one who could destroy the ring.


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