The Issue Of Slavery


02 Nov 2017

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FN: 860243

Dr: Glavanakova.

18. February, 2013

The Treatment Of The Issue Of Slavery In H. B. Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin and H. Melville's Benito Cereno .

In Uncle Tom’s Cabin , Stowe presents the worst aspects of slavery ,the evil of slavery , the image she provides in her work is the life of the slaves in the best conditions and situations is miserable and hopeless , so can we even imagine it in the worst situations? Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a clear anti-slavery novel , expressing social protest against slavery, Stowe’s message is addressed to every reader but especially to the Northern reader of her time, because the novel was published after the Fugitive Slave act Of 1850 which banned by law , any American to assist , help or support a runway slave in any way. In Uncle Tom’s Cabin , Although Arthur Shelby and his wife has a good relationship with their slaves , they treat them in gently and kindly when Arthur Shelby finds himself without money , and everything he owns is in risk to be lost , the first thing that springs to his mind is to sell two of his slaves to Mr. Haley in order to earn some money. Uncle Tom is middle-aged man who has a family and Harry the son of his maid Eliza , whom Shelby’s wife has promised not to let her husband to sell him , but still she

Zozan Latif Ali

FN: 860243

Dr: Glavanakova.

18. February, 2013

fails to persuade him not to sell Harry. The point is despite of the good relationship between Mt Shelby and the slaves , when needed they are still treated simply objects that belong to Shelby. In the first parts of the novel Stow sheds light on the brightest side of slavery by the end of the novel on the darkest side also – that is when Uncle Tom was sold to Simon Lagree . Slavery in its best cases but nightmarish in the worst , after Uncle Tom was sold to Lagree , he suffered all kinds of manipulation , mistreating and harassing. Such as sexual abuse , beating and even murder.

Another theme concerning slavery which Stowe reveals is the opposition between the Christianity and Christian morals as in comparison with slavery and the ways slaves are being treated. In the course of the novel we can see that the more a person has faith , morals and believes in God’s justice , the more he/she refuses slavery and does not accept the way they are being treated. For instance Eva , a girl which Uncle Tom meets in the boat during the trip with Mr. Haley , when she drops in the water Uncle Tom saves her life and her father decides to buy him. Eva is the example of the unacceptability of slavery in the deepest sense , she can be regarded as one of the first examples anti- racism, in the novel us said that she can not even understand why would anyone make difference between a black and a white person.

Zozan Latif Ali

FN: 860243

Dr: Glavanakova.

18. February, 2013

Another theme of Christianity that Stowe views , is kind of supernatural power , a higher power , but this supernatural is not in the sense of gothic or horror , it is just the opposite it is a supernatural power derived from faith, there are several scenes throughout the novel which give us an impression of the power of supernatural , beginning with the scene when Liza tries to escape with her son Harry , so she rescues him from being sold by Author Shelby , the way she leaps over the river although the river is half frozen , she seems not to feel any pain or suffer walking above it. Also we can see another scene of supernatural power of Christianity , that is the faith will always be stronger in one way or another , than the pain and suffering of life this is clearly seen when Eva dies , she sees a glimpse of heaven , and she feels happy and kind of comfortable , she finds peace even before her death. The same is with Uncle Tom’s death , when he is beaten and hurt , under the suffering his faith is getting weaker and starts to fade , he is visited by those religious visions to restore it. Both Eva and Uncle Tom are compared to the Christ in their faith and their death , that is each of them in such a way to provide salvation to the others , Tom’s death helps Emmeline and Cathy to escape it also leads to the freedom of slaves on the Shelby farm , while Eva’s death lead on the one hand that Ophelia

Zozan Latif Ali

FN: 860243

Dr: Glavanakova.

18. February, 2013

recognized her racial prejudice and on the other hand St. Clare’s conversion into Christianity when he was dying. Stowe is trying to convey a message that Christianity morals are not only opposed to slavery, but Christianity , faith , and moral could be the way to fight against slavery.

In Uncle Tom’s Cabin slavery, in addition to being highly unethical, inhuman and evil , it is also portrayed as unviable in economic, social, and political terms.

One more important theme in Stowe’s work , is the role of the woman , although the novel is written before the feminist movement and the seek for women’s rights , the novel presents images of the perfect woman , moral , gentle and smart. In some ways wives can influence their husbands in a good way.

Moving on to Melville’s Benito Cereno, the basic difference is the in Benito Cereno the issue of slavery is treated in a kind of gothic way , through the ambiguity of the sea , the hard life of sailors. Melville unlike Stowe starts from the darker side , slavery is not only evil but it cam make slaves themselves evil in their struggle for their freedom. The image of a ship preoccupied by slaves who turned against their Lords our owners , and asked Capitan Cereno to take them back to Africa , to their homes. It again reveals the unfair ways in which black people are being treated , one very important thing is the

Zozan Latif Ali

FN: 860243

Dr: Glavanakova.

18. February, 2013

symbolic sentence in front of the ship " follow your Lord" , the white are always the lords but the situation has been reversed even for some time on the board of that ship.

On the other hand Melville like Stowe shows the best of the relationship between the Lord and his slave , for instance also Babo was executed by the end of the novel , his Lord Benito Cereno dies suffering and remembering his faithful slave!


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