The Effects Of Plastic Waste Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,373 )

Plastic is the general common term for a wide range of synthetic or semi synthetic organic solid materials suitable for the manufacture of industrial products. Millions of plastic products are manufactured each year throughout the world. As the technology for their production increases, even more products will enter the "plastic age". The major chemicals that go into the making of plastic are highly toxic and pose serious ...

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Importance Of Tropical Rainforests Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,102 )

Recently the global climate changed anomalies, the temperature rise a lot in many countries in Europe, heat wave, hurricane caused many deaths in America, even Asia appear anomalous July snow weather and We all know that it is causing by climate change. For regulating climate, Rainforest play an important role, the destruction of tropical rainforest which is the most serious eco development problems encountered in recent decades. ...

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Poisoning In The Home Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

29 (11,360 )

Unintentional or accidental poisoning is a significant global public health problem. In 2004, an estimated 346000 people died worldwide from unintentional poisoning.[1]This appears to be an important health threat as it has crucial implications of costs and potential years of life lost. There are various categories of substances that may leads to poisoning and children are usually at greater risk due to developmental incompetencies and their dependence ...

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Environment Pollution Caused By Construction Activities Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,674 )

This chapter present the brief information and effects of the environmental issues happened in the Malaysian Construction Sites. This is a literature chapter review on the environmental pollution happened which caused by the construction activities in Malaysia. For example, air pollution, water pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, wastage problem, ground movements and etc. 2.2 Environment Pollution Caused by Construction Activities According to Krishnan Ganesh (2005) describe that ...

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How Does Hydro And Wave Energy Work Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,789 )

Energy also known as electricity is an important source of energy use all around the world. Electricity Energy helps do a lot of work such as it gives people light. It warms our bodies and homes. It runs our TVs and our cars. It makes us grow and move and think. Energy is the power to change things. It is the ability to do work. Light is ...

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Arguments For And Against Hydroelectric Power Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,966 )

The dams that are built are holding back a higher level of water in an area called the reservoir. From here the water is let through the plant intake and into the penstock which brings it down to a turbine water wheel at the lower water level. The water pressure increases at it flows down the penstock and it is this pressure as well as flow that ...

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Offshore Drilling Impacts And Solutions Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,969 )

Nowadays, there is a growing demand for hydrocarbons in the world market. This study was to determine the impacts of offshore drilling to the aquatic lives and methods to reduce it. Offshore drilling is the process to discover the hydrocarbons by drilling exploratory boreholes or wells on the seabed. The ocean is not that vast to dilute all the chemicals that had been discarding to it. The ...

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Characteristics Of Major Agro Ecological Zones Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,434 )

Africa is a very large continent with extremely wide range of soils (Bationo et al., 2006). The soils range from shallow with meager life-sustaining capacities to deeply weathered profiles that recycle and support large biomass. In many parts of Africa, inappropriate land use, poor management and lack of inputs have led to soil erosion, salinization and loss of vegetation resulting in a decline of agricultural productivity (Bationo ...

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What Are The Impacts Of Bottled Water Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,109 )

I believe that bottled water should be banned, because of the environmental impact & the health affects they cause. Bottled water is obviously not a healthier or cleaner option to normal tap water. Also, bottled water is despicably expensive when you compare it to the cost per gallon of tap water. Almost all bottled water sold in the United States is tap water, which is put in ...

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The Go Green Project Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,106 )

You might be surprised to hear that going green can mean just starting out with one simple step and then growing from there. Going green does not have to be hard. Don't let the "Going Green Snobs" turn you off from doing your part to help our planet. Did you know that more items can now be recycled than ever before? Just reusing things and reducing use ...

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Scientific Method Applied To Forensic Science Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,434 )

Forensic science is often described as "a science about patterns of crime mechanisms, about collection of information about the crime and its participants, about rules of evidence gathering, researching, evaluating and applying, and eventually about those media and methods based on this knowledge necessary for judicial scrutiny conduction and crime prevention" (Raton, 2003). It makes it natural for this science to use not only specific forensic methods, ...

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What Causes Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,621 )

Looking at the recent situation in big cities, it is not difficult to find out that these cities are suffering from serious problems in human health, atmosphere and creature. First of all, air contamination leads to bad effects on human health, which causes the appearance of a range of stern diseases such as chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, ...

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Using Renewable Energy In Our Daily Lives Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,285 )

We all are concerned about our future with regard to the way we generate energy and power. Renewable energy is the process by which we use the radiant energy from the sun, wind, and hydropower etc. Unfortunately we are not using renewable energy in most cases and the methods by which we currently getting our raw materials for power and energy are simultaneously destroying our planet and ...

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The Importance Of Implementing Environmental Management Systems Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,365 )

In the latest Living Planet Report construction and road building was noted as being one of the largest drivers of biodiversity loss due to human activities (WWF, 2008). As global concern about society's impact on the environment rises, the pressure on organisations to work to a higher environmental standard is increasing. With the ever growing awareness and significance of environmental impact the successful implementation of an effective ...

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A Life Cycle Analysis Of A Dam Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,016 )

Dams are built for various purposes; the major function includes hydroelectric power generation, drinking water supply, irrigation, flood control, recreation etc. But the different incidents and studies done by several researchers proved that these large dams made for these purposes, also simultaneously pose substantial threats to the life, property and the environment throughout their lifecycle. The impacts may be different in different phases, namely construction, operation and ...

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Native Plant Selection And Plant Re Colonisation Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,275 )

Currently, there are approximately 1,017 kilometres of motorway in the Republic of Ireland with a view to possibly extending this to 1100 kilometres by 2015. (Wikipedia, 2011). Therefore, because of this vast sprawling motorway network which will possibly be extended throughout the country, I will seek to critically evaluate the vegetation suitable for this network with a view to sustaining the features of the local landscape and its ...

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Biodiversity Of Punjab Shiwaliks Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,208 )

There is an increasing awareness that biodiversity is not only intimately interconnected with long term health and vigor of the biosphere as an indicator of global environment but also as a regulator of ecosystem functioning. Tropical communities are often worse susceptible to loss of biological diversity than temperate communities because tropical species are occur in lower densities and are less widely distributed and often have weaker dispersal ...

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Deforestation And Displacement Of Tribals Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,974 )

Today we are living in a globalized world where we measure everything in terms of profit and with a sole aim of development. We lead our lives even without looking back for once. This competition motive may take us to a developed, technologically advanced era, but we are losing our own lives by destroying the environment without thinking for the consequences. Environment before fifty years and the ...

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Stirred Tank Reactor Volumetric Oxygen Transfer Coefficient Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,885 )

Among the fermentation processes, there are main factors to optimize and control to obtain the best yield and productivity such as pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in fermentation broth is affected by the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) which relates to agitation speed and aeration rate and the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) from the microorganisms in the broth. The volumetric oxygen transfer ...

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Migration From The Countryside To Cities Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,146 )

The desire to increase income encourages people who live in rural areas to leave their lands and homes. This movement is called 'Urbanisation' which means the migration from countryside to cities in particular in developing and poor countries. This terminology or buzzword emerges in Latin conference. It may be defined in different ways. MEDCs (more economics developed countries) and LEDCs (less economics developed countries), for example, have ...

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The Issue Of Heavy Metals Contamination Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,990 )

Rapid urbanization and industrialization has led to increase disposal of heavy metals and radionuclide into the environment. Heavy metals contamination problem increase rapidly is due to the increasing of the industrialization. The key property of heavy metal is the non-biodegradable properties of the heavy metal ions. As metal ion persistent in nature it will remain in the environment and poses environmental-disposal problems (Leitão, 2009). Among the pollution ...

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Urban Regeneration Of The Melbourne Docklands Area Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,232 )

It can be a challenge to introduce sustainable mixed-use infill development elements into existing cities because of the density issue. Since the attitude of communities of the public is that; high densities contribute to crime (Dekle and Mofson 1997) While plans are created for the redevelopment of urban centres and former industrial areas in Australia (VicUrban 2006) and around the world, many existing cities, struggle with environmental, ...

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Strengthening Community Resilience Through Disaster Risk Management Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,293 )

Disasters pose serious threats to development as it holds back country's progress and its achievement towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) while highlighting, particularly among poor countries, the prevailing poverty situation. Despite billions of budget spent by the government and assistance from the international development organizations for development programs and projects, interference of disasters could put these efforts into nothing; as disasters could result to enormous physical, ...

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How Environmentally Friendly Recycling Is Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,973 )

Recycling has always been seen as being Green. The average person does not realize there is a cost to recycling. Determine the cost (economics, environmental, and social) to recycling various materials, plastics, metals, paper, glass, etc. THESIS: Recycling does not only have economic casts but similarly important environmental and social costs. Each product should be reused as many times as possible while reduction in consumption would take ...

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The Flaws Of Fracking Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,654 )

Most people who drive cars or heat their houses would concur that finding a cheaper, more accessible substitute for oil would be a positive advancement. With benefits such as energy independence from foreign oil companies and economic stimulus, natural gas drilling seems the obvious solution. However, substituting oil drilling with natural gas drilling is not as positive of an alternative as it may seem. Commonly known as ...

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Examining Evidence Of Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,198 )

The definition of climate change is the change in global climate over time due to Natural and human influences. The main natural influence is the Greenhouse effect. Some scientists have come to the conclusion that the world is experiencing climate change, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising, the polar icecaps are melting and sea levels are rising. Health issues connected to climate change include Water, food ...

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Pollution Of A Alumina Refinery Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,993 )

There have been numerous perspectives on CSR for example CSR has been described as obligatory charitable giving, strategic philanthropy, community involvement, or cause-related marketing. Despite these, none of them holistically define CSR. Blomqvist and Posner (2004) define CSR as follows: CSR involves doing business in a responsible fashion that delivers value not only to the organization, but also to its stakeholders and the community within which it ...

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What Is Sustainable Packaging Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,937 )

In this section I am looking at current views and definitions of the industry on sustainable packaging. An article from the Sustainable Packaging Alliance claims that: "There is no clear understanding internationally, about what constitutes ' sustainable packaging'. Policy initiatives have tended to focus on resource and waste reduction and recycling, for example the current European Packaging Directive." (Sustainable Packaging Alliance, 2002) This is backed up by ...

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Factors Influencing Water Supply In South Africa Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,667 )

"The average rainfall in South Africa is about 450 millimetres per year (mm/annum).  Our rainfall has a water supply potential per capita of just over 1 100 cubic metres per year (m3/annum" Johannesburg, which is in the North has wet summers and dry winters, while Cape Town experiences much of its rainfall during its winter season. South Africa has very different weather patterns, so much so that ...

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Does Malaysia Need The Green Belt Concept Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,512 )

Malaysia is moving forward to be an industrialized economy. Malaysia moved from material production to manufacturing. The Malaysia manufacturing sector contributed 32% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007, exports of manufactured products account for 75% of Malaysia's total export in 2007. The manufacturing industries have become the economy's main source of growth in recent years. According to the Third Industrial Masterplan (IMP3) 2006 - 2020, ...

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Weaknesses Of The Ecological Footprint Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,495 )

flourishing at a yearly rate of 4. Contribution of the industry in the economy has become a global trend. However, as the tourist industry flourishes, those activities have also resulted into environmental impact issues, such as traffic congestion, over- exploitation of natural resources, and issues created by inappropriate tourist behaviors. Apart from the effects on human, natural, and culture heritages, these create a lot of pollution (Wu, ...

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The Physical Soil Properties Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

27 (10,652 )

Soils are composed of five main components mineral particles derived from rocks by weathering; organic materials - humus from dead and decaying plant material; soil water - in which nutrient elements are dissolved; soil air - both carbon dioxide and oxygen; and living organisms including bacteria that help plant decomposition. Soils differ in their fertility levels, because they have different proportions of these components and because the ...

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Global Warming Rough Draft Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,220 )

In recent discussions on the topic of Global Warming, a controversial issue has been whether the facts support this as a real issue and that the worlds temperature is in fact warming or one of this being a myth and the planets overall temperatures are not raising any more or less than in any other time in history. On the one hand, some argue that patterns of ...

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Smog Pollution And Problems It Causes Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,711 )

Smog pollution is a major problem that this planet is suffering from everyday. It has affected our homes, weather, and health. It is a very dangerous situation for us if we do not do anything about it. Smog pollution is caused by chemicals, automobiles, factories and corporations. The greatest thing we can do as a society is try to find a way to help prevent and stop ...

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hydrogen Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (916 )

Hydrogen is a combination of the Greek words "Hydro" and "Genes" meaning "water" and "generator". It is the first element in the periodic table. Hydrogen is the main component of water, which covers over 60% of the planet's surface. 1Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the world, although it also exists as a free gas on Earth. Currently hydrogen is produced mainly from fossil fuels for ...

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The Right To Access Clean Water Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,890 )

Human rights ensure that the basic needs of a human are provided equally to all individuals regardless of monetary stature, race, religion or discrimination of any sort. It works to maintain that both, the bearer and the recipient play an active role in this providence. In the 21st century Human Rights is becoming much more important and playing an additional vital role as further needs are being ...

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Oil Palm Industry In Indonesia Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,280 )

Palm oil industry gives main contribution for economic development in Indonesia. The industry is expected to be able to increase the income of a large number of poor in rural Indonesia. However the increasing demand for palm oil will give incentive for Government of Indonesia to increase national production. In some developed countries, oil palm is used as a substitute for trans fats, which is one of ...

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Solid Waste Management Case Study In Bristol Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,894 )

The management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is a major environmental crisis throughout of the World, which everyone is concerned about. In the United Kingdom, the quantity of municipal waste has increased and 46.9 per cent of the total collected waste has disposed of in landfill in 2009/10 (DEFRA, 2010b). In comparison, the Netherlands and Denmark have disposed of almost no municipal waste to landfill and other ...

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The Issues For Building Resilient Communities Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,268 )

Hazards are found everywhere and so the onus is always upon the communities involved to find ways to deal with such hazards (Benini et al 2008), some of which may have serious consequences while others may be less serious. Harzards which are posed by disasters may however, have far reaching effects on the local communities and in most cases there may not be adequate ways of tackling ...

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Life Safety And Property Protection Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,563 )

Life Safety - "Refers to the joint consideration of both the life and physical wellbeing of individuals." 1. This, in relation to buildings, includes both the occupants and firefighters and requires different levels of fire precautions, to that required for property protection and business disruption. To sum up life safety, the fire protection needs to ensure that all occupants can safely evacuate the building and firefighters if ...

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Greenery And Sustainability Urban Planning Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,813 )

Urban development through construction of roads, building, bridges and even landscaping can have significant impacts on the environment. Many environmentalists regard the preservation and introduction of greenery as fulfilling an indispensable urban infrastructure requirement. Chan and Lee (2008) suggest that urban renewal is commonly adopted to cope with changing urban environment, to rectify the problem of urban decay and to meet various socio-economic objectives. Although the provision ...

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Applications Of Remote Sensing Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,372 )

Remote sensing technique has emerged as an effective tool for systematic survey, analysis, and better management of natural resources (land, soil, water, forests, mountains) along with the monitoring of desertification, flood, drought, and landform change. It provides a vast scope to explore, identify, and analyze the natural resources of undeveloped regions. It documents the dynamic changes in physical processes and resulting landforms, usually by satellite images. This ...

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A Study Of Indian Space Technology Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,527 )

India has an impressive array of achievements in the development of space technology for various applications. From a humble beginning with a small RH 75 rocket in the sixties to the successful launch of PSLV-D2 with 804 kg IRS-P2 in October, 1994, the Indian space programme has made remarkable progress through a well integrated, self-reliant programme. Eight Indian satellites are now in various stages of operation in ...

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Basic Concepts Of Phytoremediation Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,484 )

Contamination of soil in oil refinery has been an environmental issue of modern industrialization in many countries. The main reason for this contamination is the contaminated products generated during the activities associated with purifying and refining petroleum in oil refinery. Those activities including distillation, chemical treatment, product transfer and storage and so on are the contributors of the contaminants. These consist of the petroleum hydrocarbons, asbestos, metals, ...

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Why Is Recycling So Important Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,012 )

Recycling is a process of using waste materials into new products to prevent wastage of useful materials, reduces the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce usage of energy, reduces mainly land pollution and water pollution by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal. Recycling is a key component of reducing modern waste and is the third component of the 3R concepts that are "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" . The recycling symbol is ...

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Eutrophication Is World Wide Environmental Issue Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,724 )

Environmental problems that are related to high concentration nutrients. It is the process due to increment of algae productivity which affects adversely aquatic life and also human and animal health. It is mainly influenced by humankind activities that include agriculture and sewage effluent due to creating high amount of nutrients. Although the increased production may increase the rate of lake filling, it is incorrect to define eutrophication ...

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The Effectiveness Of Incineration In The Uk Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (925 )

Incineration is a waste treatment technology that involves the combustion of organic materials and/or substances, incineration of waste materials converts the waste into incinerator bottom ash, flue gases, particulates, and heat which can be used to generate electric power (Jacqueline, et al 2007). According to Long (2006), incineration of waste is beneficial to the reduction of waste. Long listed two main advantages of waste incineration, first one ...

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Applications Of Chemical Equilibrium In Industrial Processes Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,280 )

From the simple processes of dissolution and crystallization in a saturated sugar solution to a complicated industrial process of oxidation and reduction in industry chemical equilibrium plays a major role. Chemical equilibrium is the balance in the rate of two opposing reversible reactions with no change applied to the system with applied constant pressure and temperature. In a system where carbon monoxide is reacting with oxygen gas ...

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The Importance Of Biodiversity And Effects Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,422 )

The importance of biodiversity has lack know by peoples. Human is actually relying on the biodiversity to survive because biodiversity provide useful and necessary resources such as food and raw material of medicine. Besides, the biodiversity is important role that working on ecosystem. It is kind of transportation of ecosystem service. The ecosystem provides services such as protection of soil thus the biodiversity loss is related to ...

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Disadvantages Of The Open Cycle Configuration Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,841 )

The main problems of today's society are; the ever increasing demand in energy, a possible resource shortage and environmental pollution. Therefore a lot of money is spent in research to find alternative ways of producing energy using Earth's natural resources like wind, sun and the ocean. This report is a study on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) which might be the answer to the energy and environmental ...

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Overfishing Is Quickly Becoming A Major Problem Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,283 )

90% of large species, like tuna, Swordfish, cod are subject to the impact of industrial fishing, has been facing varying degrees of extinction risk. Seafood is a major motivation led to overfishing, even though more and more people are aware of the seriousness of this problem. To prevent and reduce overfishing, the government has to implement some measures to stop fishermen from fishing in danger areas. The ...

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Origin History And Development Of EIA Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,189 )

Law of nature dictates that where there is a gain there is a loss. All developmental projects despite having positive aspects do have significant negative impacts on nearby communities and the natural environment. People and properties may be influenced in one way or the other. Disturbances to the natural environment may include soil erosion, changes to streams and underground water, and interference with animal and plant life. ...

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The Real Situation Of Water Pollution In Vietnam Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,817 )

Water is a very vital source for human being and creature. In our daily life, there are no days people do not use water. Estimate there are about 250 liters of water is used for daily activities, 1,500 liters is used for industry and 2,000 liters is used for agriculture. Water, which covers about 99% weights of creatures live in it and 44% of human weight of ...

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Governments Role In Conservation Of The Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,905 )

Wide spread on climate change and global warming has been immensely forced the nations to the sustainable development. Environmental challenges in various bio diversity in balances has been wide spread more over the world. Improper Land Use Planning and Bio diversity in balances to the Conservation of Micro ecosystems is challenging to whole nations. Sri Lankan challenges however have been land degradation due to Soil Erosion, depletion ...

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A Bomb Calorimeter Practical Experiment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,781 )

A bomb calorimeter is an instrument used to determine the heat of combustion generated when a weighed amount of fuel is burned in a controlled environment. The colorimeter device allows for a controlled ignition of a multitude of fuels whilst constantly measuring the temperature of combustion. These temperature measurements are then converted to an energy output for the fuel [3]. This experiment entails the testing of five ...

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Case Study Of Mercury Poisoning In Canada Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,205 )

Between 1962 and 1970, the Wabigon river which was considered as a very important freshwater resource in the north-western part of Ontario, and a major source of food supply for the people of Grassy Narrows and the Wabasseemoong First Nation communities was poisoned when a pulp and paper mill industry known as Dryden paper mill, situated in the north of the river was believed to have pumped ...

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Automatic System Water Tap Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,675 )

Nowadays, most people want a life that modern life requires that they are easy, fast and environmentally friendly. As we know the use of sinks at this time is still using the old system of using mechanical taps controlled by humans. As we can see today many public toilets using a box to put the liquid soap which they need a space to put the equipment. Users ...

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The Use Of Sewage Sludge As A Fertilizer Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,815 )

Fertilizers necessary for the maintenance and increase of soil productivity are classified into two categories: 1) organic fertilizers consisted of crop residues, sludge and manure, and 2) inorganic fertilizers which are synthetic fertilizers consisted of 3 key elements: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (Merrington, 2002). Organic Fertilizers Sludge Sewage sludge also known as bio-solid is the remainder product of domestic or urban waste water cleaning at waste water ...

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Synthesis And Characterization Of Cobalt Carboxylates Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,450 )

Plastics are commonly added with certain additives for developing its better characteristics. Recent decades, some kinds of additives which are known as prodegradant additives are being developed for plastics film. Prodegradant additives can result in accelerating plastics degradation. It is important to develop prodegradant additives since plastic waste is viewed as a serious worldwide environmental and health concern as its character of being non-degradable. Many pro-degradant additives, ...

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Environmental Ethical Issues And Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,097 )

Environmental ethics is the ethical relationship between people and the environment in which we live. There are many ethical issues and decisions that people make, within the respect of the environment. Environmental quality is necessary for human life. People rebuild their environments every day. The environment is filled with artifacts, soil, air, water, and the different climates. Culture and nature all play a special role to the ...

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Climate Change And Creating Climate Refugees Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,819 )

Introduction 1.1 Background The world is undergoing a broad set of global changes, like changes in population density, climate, resource use, land use, biodiversity, and urbanization and globalization processes. Climate change is one of the drivers of global change, which has over the years been received strong focus by scientists, policy-makers and leaders of the world (Vitousek, 1994). At present climate change is considered as emerging global ...

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The Importance Of Environmental Risk Assessments Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,241 )

Environmental risk assessment is an integral part of a project. It is important that a project attributes due weight and consideration to the assessment's conclusions, although it is just as imperative that an assessment identifies the assessment endpoints in order to determine the application and usefulness of the assessment. Depending on the specific project, an environmental risk assessment can be utilised to assist a project to assess ...

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Mekong River Upstream Privileges And Downstream Threat Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,976 )

The Mekong River (Langcang Jiang) is located in Southeast Asia, and it is considered as the seventh largest river in the world in terms of discharge and the tenth longest river in terms of length. Its origin is at Tibet Plateau, Yunnan Province, China, then flowing 4200 kilometers through Myanmar, Laos PDR, Thailand, Cambodia, and finally through the extensive delta in Vietnam into South China Sea. The ...

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Cause And Effects Of Smog Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,711 )

Smog pollution is a major problem that this planet is suffering from everyday. It has affected our homes, weather, and health. It is a very dangerous situation for us if we do not do anything about it. Smog pollution is caused by chemicals, automobiles, factories and corporations. The greatest thing we can do as a society is try to find a way to help prevent and stop ...

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Over Population And Effects On Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,895 )

Over population is defined as the condition in which the population density increases to a limit that hassle the environment impairment, diminution of natural resources, deterioration in quality of life, and population crash. The problem of unrestrained population growth found to be one of the most major issues of recent time as it affects the welfare and happiness of all the world population. It demands the focus ...

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Linking Modern Technology To Global Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,039 )

The 21st century, often referred to the era of globalization, we are expecting to make tremendous advancements in the field of science, technology and telecommunication. The rapid change of technology over the past thirty years has brought the many innovative changes and as a result of advancement in technology and increasing the standard of living. Scientists are producing new modern technology for the welfare of human results ...

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Case Study Of The Akosombo Hydroelectric Dam Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,687 )

The construction of Akosombo dam on the Volta river basin in Ghana created Volta Lake the largest man-made lake by surface area in the World. The purpose of this study was to examine the benefit and consequences of the dam on social, environmental and health issues. Critical analyses of primary literature over five decades were reviewed and some management solutions were outlined. The Akosombo hydroelectric project (HEP) ...

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How Important Are Fossil Fuels To Society Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,803 )

Thirst for knowledge is human's natural behaviour which has led to various inventions and discoveries. Humans need energy for doing all types of work. Without generating energy, all the luxuries of everyday life will come to an end. Fossil fuels, a remarkable discovery by humans have simplified our lives. However, the rate at which these resources are being depleted are threatening to run out soon. Fossil fuel ...

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Waste Management Of A Fast Food Restaurant Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,414 )

Schroeder (2007) explains operations management is a part of business that is concerned with the production of goods and services, and employs the task of ensuring that business operations are efficient and effective. It is also concerned with the management of resources and the distribution of goods and services to customers. Naylor (2002) says that operations management is the study that focuses on the effective planning, scheduling, ...

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The Importance Of Wastewater Treatment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,769 )

Water scarcity is the major problem that is faced all across the world. Although 2/3rd of the earths crust is made up of water but all this water is not available for drinking and for other human activities as either it is locked in the form of ice or present in the form of vast saline oceans and seas. It has been found out that 97% of ...

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Causes And Effects Of Water Shortage Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,265 )

Water crises have focused peoples attention on water shortage and degradation. Scarce water resources have had negative impacts on the world. Dubale states that water shortage and water degradation are causing serious problems for international security and for people's health. Rozelle, Huang and Zhang (1997) explain that people face water shortages do not have enough water to meet their daily needs, while water degradation causes a decrease ...

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Aquaculture And Fishing Industries Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,520 )

What are aquaculture and fishing industries? Aquaculture is the art, science and business of rearing aquatic organisms in fresh or marine water under controlled or semi-controlled conditions. The fishing industry activity concerned with culturing, processing, preserving and marketing of fish and fish products. Next, there are many types of aquaculture. For example, types of aquaculture are extensive farming or cage farming and intensive aquaculture. Furthermore, the types ...

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The Objective Of Green Building Concept Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,794 )

Buildings, as offices, are responsible for around forty percent of the expenses borne by the business in operations. It is estimated that by the year 2050, the residential and office buildings will consume thirty eight percent of the total global energy and will release three thousand eight hundred mega tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere. Green Building is a technique of constructing buildings using processes and materials ...

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Economy Society And Sustainable Development Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,220 )

Carter (2001) Sustainable development is an indefinite concept with a meaning that is complex and challenged. Dresner (2002:63) has argued that sustainability is like other essential political ideas, such as liberty and justice, which are 'contestable concepts'. However, people may not agree on the exact meaning, does not mean that there is no meaning at all. European Commission (EC) (2009:7) Sustainable development is a fundamental and all-embracing ...

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Negative Impact Of The Bauxite Mining Industry Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,329 )

This study is an investigation into the negative impact of the bauxite mining industry on the community of Myersville, St. Elizabeth. The research will entail: What are the negative impacts that the mining industry has on the community of Myersville? What are the effects of the negative impacts that the community is faced with? How can the negative impacts be alleviated? LITERATURE REVIEW According to Effects of ...

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Food Security Under Threat From Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,700 )

The changing of the world's climate is real. Already, 2 billion people face the daily struggle to survive malnutrition. The causes are complex but there is no doubt that climate change has played a part and is likely to exacerbate the situation into the future. Climate change affects food security in multiple ways: a negative impact on crop yields, stability of food supplies, and the ability of ...

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Impacts Of Urban Development On Wetlands Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

15 (5,920 )

According to Ramsar convention 1971, wetlands are defined as areas of marsh, fern, peat land or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporal, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, blackish or salty, including areas of marine water, the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6m (Davies, 1993). Wetlands may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, islands of water ...

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Mercury Problems In Oil And Gas Industries Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,381 )

Mercury is a natural occurring element and could be present in various stages of oil and natural gas exploration, production and processing. Mercury is not only hazardous to human health and the environment but could also attack process equipment components that have mercury reactive materials, leading to potential catastrophic failure to the plant. The mercury associated with petroleum and natural gas production and processing enters the environment ...

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The Ecological Impact Of Coal Mining Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,770 )

The goal of coal mining is to economically remove coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content, and since the 1880s is widely used to generate electricity. Steel and cement industries use coal as a fuel for extraction of iron from iron ore and for cement production. Coal is the most important fossil fuel around the world and vital for its energy security. In ...

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How Important Is Energy Sustainability Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,253 )

Thesis statement: With non renewable resources of energy being consumed at a very rapid rate, sustainability of energy has become the need of the hour. In the current context of meeting the global energy demands nuclear energy meets every reasonable criterion for sustainability. The increase in the concerns about the harmful side-effects of global warming, coupled with a faster dwindling of the conventional sources of energy, have ...

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Fossil Fuel Depletion In Cuba Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,548 )

Fossil fuels are running out. As the world becomes more urbanised, the need for energy is growing. Fossil fuel depletion is an environmental issue which should be looked at seriously if the human population is to survive in a comfortable manner after relying on non-renewable resources for so long. Cuba is one small country (located south of Florida in the United States, and east of Mexico) which ...

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Light Pollution In Hong Kong Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,205 )

Hong Kong is well-known as the Pearl of the Orient because of its bright lights of skyline at night. It is generally acknowledged by business parties that the brighter the lights in the city, the more business opportunities they will grab. (Lau, 2012) Nevertheless, behind this glamorous metropolitan city, the overuse of outdoor lighting facilities sacrifices Hong Kong's valuable natural resources and citizens' good living environment. Light ...

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