Air Pollution In Beijing Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,483 )

Air pollution is the substances that accumulated in the atmosphere, which will endanger human health or produce other measured effects on living matter and other materials. [1]Air pollution is mainly emitted from the exhaust of motor vehicles, the combustion of fossil fuels as well as the burning process of coal and oil. As can be seen, the production of electricity generates the most of the pollution through ...

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The Effects Of Deforestation On The Atmosphere Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,909 )

Deforestation had been a sounding issue since the past decade. Not because of its contribution to human and urban development but to it brings many effects to the earth as a whole. This article will be focusing on two main effects that is caused by deforestation, which is damage on the atmosphere and biodiversity. The effects of deforestation on the atmosphere is the increase of carbon dioxide ...

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Suitable For Discharge Back Into The Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,676 )

The environment that we live in is our most valuable asset and we must not damage it by polluting the air, water ways and the earth. The concern about our environment has been taken into a serious matter in which all people and industries must play their part in keeping our environment clean and safe to live for a long time to come. The implementation of waste ...

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Analysing The Effects Of Forest Fires Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,904 )

Problem Area, Facts and Figures. A forest is an area which consists of a high density of trees. It contribute a major part of the ecosystem which are dominated with trees and other woody vegetation all the living organism of forest such as (plants, trees , herbs ,fungi, mammals birds , insects, reptiles , amphibians and other microorganism ) interact with each other and with the non ...

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Literature Review Of Greenhouse Farming Technology Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,609 )

This chapter presents a review of the literature on the topic of challenges faced when introducing greenhouse farming technology for agriculture. The chapter is structured on the basis of the research questions: Awareness of the product and its advantages to the farmers, challenges faced by farmers, legal issues surrounding this new technology and challenges faced by the firm introducing this new technology. Information is the key to ...

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A Study Of Tropical Revolving Storms Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,392 )

This report is about tropical revolving storms. Topics covered will include the formation of tropical revolving storms, the areas mainly affected by these storms, aviation hazards with relevance to tropical revolving storms, and a personal assessment of current and future techniques used for the prediction of tropical revolving storms. A tropical revolving storm originates in the tropics and is a cyclonic disturbance which involves strong convection that ...

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The Importance Of Sustainable Infrastructure Design Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,238 )

Infrastructure is the key to creating a healthy, happy and thriving economic climate in communities around the world. It is important to our future success and plays a critical role in creating and enhancing sustainability based on ESEM principles. By tradition, the leading concern among engineers has been the safety and reliability of major infrastructure entities. Until recently, sustainability has not been included in most infrastructure organisms ...

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The Impacts Of Melting Glacier Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,614 )

It is clear that the earth is getting hotter due to global warming. It was proved that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere had increased from 316 ppm in 1958 to 385 ppm in 2008 (Kirkham 2011, p.370) leading to the "Greenhouse effects" and causing many environmental issues as well as especially worsening the issue of melting glaciers. Many researches have showed that glaciers are melting ...

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What Are The Uses Of Nanotechnology Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,812 )

"Nanoscience and nanotechnology congers up visions of making, imaging, manipulating and utilizing things really small" and "the defining feature of nanochemistry is the utilization of synthetic chemistry to make nanoscale building blocks of different size and shape, composition and surface structure, charge and functionality"[1]. The initial concepts of nanotechnology were decribed by Richard Feynman in 1959 when he gave a talk describing a process involving individual atoms ...

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Sustainable Living In The 21st Century Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,011 )

Sustainable living is about a lifestyle that reduces an individual's or society's use of global natural resources (Ainoa et al. 2009). For sustainable living, we should conduct our lives in ways that are consistent with the core principles of sustainability, in natural balance and respectful of humanity's symbiotic relationship with the Earth's natural ecology and biological cycles (CELL, 2010?). Such a living style requires that we make ...

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The Recycling Of Electronic Waste In India Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,082 )

E-waste is growing rapidly and becoming the major issue of all over the world. E-waste components contain different types of toxic and hazardous substances those are harmful for environment and human health so it is necessary to handle and manage the E-waste in a proper and better way. In India the management of E-waste have a great significance due to the generation of large amount of E-waste ...

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A Study Of Soil Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,020 )

Soil is very important to us, but will polluting it harm all living organisms? Will we all die looking for food? Soil pollution is when toxic compounds, chemicals, salt, or disease causing agents are found in soil. It is mainly due to chemicals in herbicides and pesticides. This results in the change of the soil quality which is likely to affect the normal use of soil, plant ...

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Why Is Paper Recycling Important Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,542 )

The large amount of paper waste being generated in the past years has really being a great concern to the society, the disposal and treatment process involved in paper waste had being on the increase, Richard A. Venditti (1992) said "37% by weight of Municipal Solid waste are being generated are gotten from paper", but as at Due to this large amount of the paper waste being ...

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The Basic Energy Sources For Electric Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,385 )

What are the basic energy sources for electric energy? Electricity is a converted energy. So it's being the basic energy source for simple motor to the complex computer system. In this aspect it runs our life with efficiency and conveniently. There for it is important to aware where does it come from and how does it create. The electric energy can be generated in various ways but ...

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River And Water Management Flood Control Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,160 )

Floods are a major concern in many parts of the world due to the many losses experienced in time of floods. Therefore, flood management techniques are very important in areas that are prone to frequent flooding. Flood management techniques are structures designed with the aim of containing floodwater in order to control floodplains. The designing of flood control techniques entails estimating the levels of water that causes ...

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The Harmful Effects Of Coal Mining Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,170 )

Coal mining particularly surface mining requires large areas of land to be temporary disturbed. It causes and number of harmful effects. This raises environmental and human challenges, including, the impact of its activities on the neighboring community, impacts on biodiversity, water and air pollution. Trees, plants, and topsoil are cleared from coal mining areas, destroying forests and wildlife habitat, encouraging soil erosion and floods, and stirring up ...

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Direct Hydration Reacts Propene And Water Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,428 )

Being a secondary alcohol, isopropyl alcohol can be oxidized to acetone, which is the corresponding ketone. This can be achieved using oxidizing agents such as chromic acid, or by dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol over a heated copper catalyst: (CH3)2CHOH ? (CH3)2CO + H2 Isopropyl alcohol is often used as both solvent and hydride source in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction and other transfer hydrogenation reactions; it is oxidized to ...

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The Potential Pros And Cons Of Recycling Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,974 )

What is the reason behind recycle? Using less money is behind think the desire to save money, energy and earth's resources is the main reason behind recycling. As is well known that the less energy is used the less pollution is released by factories. What is the importance of Recycling? We can summarize the importance of Recycling by the following points: saving energy saving land space saving ...

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Energy Security For India Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,569 )

India stands on the verge of achieving its dream of being a world power today as her economy races ahead seemingly unstoppable. Though we have been able to achieve food security to feed our burgeoning population, the hunger of our economy is yet to be satiated. A growing economy demands energy & an uninterrupted supply of energy. Today in this world of competing economies, the conflict of ...

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Humans Impact On Biomes Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,632 )

Human beings have continuously continued with interference of different biomes and thus bringing various modifications to these biomes. If efforts are not enhanced in conserving the natural world, we shall continue experiencing deteriorating weather factors like the global warming. Failure to conserve our biosphere will ultimately hurt the human race. This annotated bibliography gives insight on the resources that provide useful information on impact of human beings ...

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Climate Change Impact On The Caribbean Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (970 )

The purpose of this brief is to provide accurate information on how climate change will impact Caribbean trade, business and the environment. Realistic mitigation and cost-effective adaptation measures for dealing with this phenomenon are needed. On one hand, climate change presents challenging potential environmental problems and threatens the very foundation of sustainable development and economic stability in the region (Nicholas, 2007 and Bueno, Herzfeld, Stanton, and Ackerman, ...

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The Biogas Production Worldwide Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,882 )

Energy is a necessary concomitant of human existence. Basically, there exist various sources of energy like coal and other petroleum products that are commercially exploited for many useful reasons. These fossil fuels have become a strong pillar of the economy and it has penetrated so deep in the mechanism of human living that it has become almost impossible to think of a world running without fossil fuel. ...

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The Effects Of Carbon Dioxide Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,002 )

Carbon dioxide is a simple mixture of exactly what it sounds like; one part carbon with two oxygen atoms attached to it. Carbon dioxide is in a gaseous state at normal temperatures and its chemical equation is stated as CO2. The gas originates from many different sources around the globe. Some of the most common and highest producers of CO2 are: fossil fuel combustion, iron and steel ...

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Factors Affecting Wheat Growth And Yield Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,410 )

Continuous use of inorganic fertilizers affects the soil structure and cause environmental pollutions. Sustainable agriculture is one that produces abundant food without depleting the earth's resources or polluting its environment. Organic farming provides several benefits to the growers. It reduces production cost and it is an environmentally friendly method of cultivation. Addition of organic fertilizers improves soil structure and enhances activities of useful soil organisms. Agricultural commodities resulted from ...

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Impact Of Population Growth On The Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,500 )

The world has been experiencing a rapid increase in human population for the past 10, 000 years. According to the most recent U.N. statistics, population has grown from several millions back in the B.C. to over 6.6 billion in the 21st century. Even though the growth rate is gradually slowing, the U.N. population Division still expect the worldwide population to very much hit 9.1 billion by 2050. ...

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Solid Waste Management In India Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,562 )

In this report, some problems in solid waste management in India will be discussed as well as the efforts made by the government and the residents of India to help reduce the problems in managing the solid waste generated by the residents. BACKGROUND map_of_india50.jpg India is known as one of the most populous countries in the world. It appears to be the second country to have the ...

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Argumentative Essay On Drinking Water Shortage Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,313 )

Although most of the earth's surface is covered with water, water shortage is a serious threat to the survival of humanity at present and in future. There is a water crisis which faces many parts of the world and it is a threat to survival of human beings since humans are primarily dependent on water. Shortage in drinking water is a major problem facing developing countries which ...

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The Negative Human Effects On Marine Resources Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,320 )

What negative effects do human activities have on Marine and Coastal resources from Addington Beach to Aliwal Shoal? The coastline of South Africa stretches for 3000km of which 80% consists of sandy beaches backed by low sand dunes. The focused areas of Addington Beach through to Aliwal Shoal, which contain diversity of fish and other species (including whales, seabirds and tunas), provide opportunities for economic and social ...

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Remedial Works For Roofing Defects Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,522 )

Building defects also known as imperfections of a building which mean the building fail to fulfil the requirement of its function, performance, statutory of user and the building defect will show an evident within the structure, services, fabric or other facilities of the affected the building (Watt, 1999). Some examples of a defect are cracking, damage and deterioration of brick walls, sagging of roof, leaking and so ...

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Impact Of Cyclone Nargis In Myanmar Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,942 )

In May 2008, a very severe cyclonic storm1 named Nargis caused the worst national natural disaster in the history of Myanmar. It killed almost 80,000 people and thousands of people are still missing in this catastrophic event1. The devastating cyclone was initiated in the area of deep convection, which was established in the Bay of Bengal, in late May and then intensified rapidly into a severe cyclone ...

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The Importance Of The Air We Breathe Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,776 )

Almost all life on earth depends upon clean to function and survive. However, when the air we breathe in becomes polluted, we to become polluted. Polluted with harmful toxins, germs, viruses, etc. Some may wonder, "Well, what exactly is air pollution?" Air pollution is the presence in the air of one or more solid, liquid, or gaseous substances in such a concentration and of such duration as ...

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Energy Policy For Libya Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,364 )

Libya is Africa's largest oil producing and exporting country, located in the heart of North Africa, the country is home to 6 million inhabitants distributed over an area covering 1,750,000 Km2. Crude oil is an integral part of the Libyan economy and forms the basis on which the Libyan energy policy is formed, however, with increasing global drive towards more sustainable and renewable energy sources, admits issues ...

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How Do Water Boilers Work Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,569 )

A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other liquid is heated in order to generate steam or vapor which is then used for other external processes. Water is a useful and cheap medium for transferring heat to a process. When water is boiled into steam, its volume increases about 1600 times, generating a force that is very explosive. This can be achieved by combustion ...

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Solutions To Environmental Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (962 )

It is believed that globalization has numerous benefits to the economy of China. In recent decades, China has witnessed rapid economic growth due to economic reforms. Its GDP has increased by more than seven percent per annum. However the fact that globalization negatively affects the environment cannot be ignored. Apparently China is witnessing serous environmental problems. Not only do these problems impair the progress in the economic ...

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The Importance Of Finding Alternative Materials Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,591 )

What is Alternative Building? This is usually the type of building that are considered alternative today, have their heredity in structures that humans have been constructing for centuries. The reason why these building techniques are gaining popularity in modern times is twofold. First, the old building techniques are far more eco-friendly than the majority structures we used to seeing; second, these structures are simple enough in nature ...

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Literature On Solid Waste Management In Nigeria Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,232 )

Research both past and present into solid waste in Nigeria like most developing countries with an absence of adequate solid waste management system has been focused more on adequate collection and disposal options than on the waste generators, storage or even an avenue for waste reduction which aids in reuse and recycling, hence creating major gaps. These gaps are areas that need to address to ensure that ...

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Overview Of The Water Purifier Industry Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,114 )

Approximately 80% of diseases in India are caused by water borne micro organisms. This is true in rural as well as urban India. However, awareness of health risks linked to unsafe water is still very low among the rural population. The few who treat water resort to boiling or use domestic candle filters. In comparison, the urban Indian is definitely more health conscious and understands the necessity ...

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Effects Of Improper Waste Management Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,304 )

The issue of Waste Management has be an ongoing issue in Nigeria but came into lime light in 1988 with the disposal of toxic waste in the then Delta State (Edo state). Nigeria as the most populous country in Africa has an estimated population size of about 160 million people, a growth rate of 2.37% and generates an annual municipal waste figure of 25,000,000 tones. This policy ...

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Benefits Of Farm Machinery Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,350 )

Man as a power unit is futile and nonproductive. He is confined to about 0.1 horse power uninterrupted turnout, hence account almost nothing as a source of power. Thus if a farmer wants to create an ample output from his labor he must be an efficient producer. Undoubtedly this efficiency will rely on the substitution of human and livestock labor with machinery. This replacement is termed as ...

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Coal As An Alternative Energy Source Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,670 )

The dictionary meaning of alternative is offering a choice of second possibility in other words it is something like replacement. In our case coal is good alternative source of energy as it can replace most of the energy sources that are in existence. Alternative source of energy is a huge term that refers to any source of usable energy intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired ...

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The Social Functions Of Food Food Wastage Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,799 )

Every night, one in seven people will go to bed hungry all over the world; one out of four children are underweight in developing countries. In 21 century, food shortage is still a serious problem that have not solved. 925 millions people are suffering from hungry, 98% of these people are living in developing countries. There are numerous reasons leading to the food shortage issue. For example: ...

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Quality Management Systems Of Dairy In India Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,570 )

In the new WTO led freer trade environment, Indian food industry can compete Globally only if it is price and quality competitive .Due to the liberalization of Indian economy and the onset of WTO regime, quality Competitiveness will matter most in Indian food industry. Hence serious consideration had given to quality issues in Indian food industries. The Indian government is motivating the dairy and other food processing ...

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Analysis Of The Mare Chicose Landfill Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,700 )

The purpose of this research was to have an overview of how a landfill is being managed. To be more knowledgeable of the techniques that is being put in practice for a good management. In addition, to identify the negative effects of landfill to workers, the population and environments. A site visit at Mare Chicose Landfill was conducted for that purpose. With the help of an Engineer ...

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How Does The Carbon Cycle Work Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,657 )

The carbon cycle can be defined as the continuous biological process through which the carbon is exchanged between the environment and the organisms. It also refers to the thermonuclear reactions which are brought about by nucleus of a carbon -12 atom when it absorbs protons. The sporadic climate changes being experienced in the world today are attributable to the disruption of carbon cycle in one way or ...

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Water Management Of The Thar Desert Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,966 )

The Thar Desert, also known at the Indian Desert is located partly in Rajasthan state, northwestern India, Punjab province, Sindh province and eastern Pakistan in Asia. (Britannica) Its precise location is between latitudes 24° and 28° north and between longitude 68°and 71° east. (Irrigation) This desert is considered one of the smallest hot deserts in the world only, 77,000 square miles (200,000km²) (Britannica) yet it has the ...

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Water And Soil Pollution In Pakistan Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,660 )

Water is polluted when it consiste that things. that make it useless for a given use. Fresh water is basically to the survival of human beings and mostly other land-dependent life forms.97 % of the earth's water is the salt water of oceans and seas. Most of the remaining 3 %is in polar ice caps, glaciers, the atmosphere or underground and hard to reach. Only 0.4 %is ...

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The Application Of Wind Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,605 )

Wind comes from the suns uneven heating onto the earth surfaces, as hot air raises cold air sinks; there is a change in pressure, from high to low. Hence the change in pressure generated the movement of the air, as such wind is produced. Wind can be identifying as air in motion. Application of wind came a long way back to the past; during ancient time, sea ...

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Pyrometallurgical Recovery Of Metals From Electronic Waste Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

10 (3,993 )

Veldbuizen and Sipple (1994) acknowledged that materials entering into the reactor are immersed in a molten metal bath where the temperature is around 1250 degrees, which is churned by a mixture of supercharged air. The combustion of plastics and other inflammable constituents in the feeding process reduce the cost of energy. In the reactor, all impurities including iron, zinc and lead are converted into oxides and then ...

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Efficient Technology To Save Energy In Construction Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,094 )

The literature review has numerous objectives. These objectives exist to assist the researcher dealing with the relevant problem to give meaning to the findings. The more information the researcher can collect, the more the researcher can undertake the relevant research problem stated (Leedy, 2005:65). This chapter will discuss what importance green energy has on the saving of natural resources and energy in South Africa. The result of ...

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Cause And Effects Of Land Degradation Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,092 )

Land degradation is an issue of increasing concern to most countries. It is a concept in which the value of the environment is affected by one or more combination of human induced processes acting upon the land. It also means the deterioration in the quantity of land or soil that affects phenomena such as floods and bushfires. The land degradation threatens not only the viability of agriculture, ...

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The Ability Of Sound To Shatter Glass Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,171 )

There is a myth that claims that the piercing voice of the soprano vocalist has the power to shatter a wine glass. In this media-driven world, we are often shown television portrayals of such events; there is also evidence and personal testimony that supports the statement. Scientific research has also proved that sound can break a glass and the laws of physics have proven that this is ...

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Deforestation The Causes Effects And Controlling Techniques Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,629 )

As we all know that fires, urbanization, and other infrastructures from the main causes of deforestation. Also we All know that living organism in this ecosystem was facing or will suffering from deforestation impact directly or indirectly through other environmental issues that happen because of deforestation. Therefore , in the next few papers we will illustrate to the seriousness and the importance of this problem depending on ...

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The Water Storage Reservoirs Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,289 )

This report primarily focuses on two main reservoirs in Melbourne - Sugarloaf and Cardinia Reservoir. It also describes the general problem of distribution of potable water to Melbourne and the measures proposed to overcome this problem. There are ten main reservoirs which distributes water to the Melbourne city and other surrounding areas. These ten reservoirs have a combined capacity of 1,812,175 million litres of water. The sediments ...

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Design Of Wastewater Treatment Plant Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

18 (7,100 )

Industrial wastewater treatment covers the mechanisms and processes used to treat waters that have been contaminated in some way by industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment or its re-use. It involves mainly three stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. Activated sludge process can be used to treat the wastewater produces from Oushadi Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals. Contaminants include oils, particulate solids, materials having ...

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Case Study At Kampung Laut Old Mosque Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,613 )

This chapter is an introductory chapter that intends to clarify the background of the study and discuss several related studies to indentify its problem statement. Based on these discussions, the study determines the specific research problem. Accordingly, the research method, research objectives, and research assumption will be formulated. Finally, the chapter presents the scope and the limit of the research, research framework and the structure of the ...

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The Proposed Visiting Centre At Elkhorn Slough Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,191 )

Elkhorn Slough has a visitors' centre that focuses on the conservation of natural resources and biological history of the area. The Strategic Plan for 2006-10 (Elkhorn Slough Foundation [ESF], 2006) has an objective to increase membership and numbers of visitors but laments the limited capacity of the existing centre. It is therefore necessary to build a new centre to cater for the increased membership and visitors. Global ...

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Causes And Effects Of Food Insecurity Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,392 )

State reconstruction is primarily aimed at restoring peace and stability. One of the key factors that threaten peace and stability is food insecurity. This paper focuses on the key challenge of improving food security in protracted crises as well as during post conflict times. The goal of achieving food security often becomes a daunting challenge, especially when emergencies persist for years or even decades as evidenced in the ...

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Climate Change And The Disaster Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,556 )

Climate change and the disaster of the environment have driven the planet in a crucial state. Although it is irreversible, countries all over the world have entered a route of mitigating this disaster. In this essay we are going to talk about how Hamburg, one of the largest cities in Europe and one of the largest and busiest ports worldwide, have managed to solve in a big ...

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The Lack Of Potable Water Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (997 )

Clean drinking water is one of the most important international health issues today. The lack of potable water poses a huge problem in parched regions of the world where freshwater is becoming very scarce and expensive. Water is very important in everyday life. Although, more than two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water, shortage of potable water is a serious issue that many countries suffer from. ...

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What Are The Prospects Of Underwater Building Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (2,963 )

Population in Egypt increased in the last 10 years and reached 80 million with average annual growth 2.04%. Traffic congestion is the largest problem that Egypt faces, and it has a great effect on air quality, travelling time, business, and cost. The government always tries to solve the congestion by building new bridges, flyovers and subways, but unfortunately it fails due to the increase of population. In ...

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The Modernization Of China And Its Impact Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,002 )

The issue of global warming started way back in the early 1990s and since then there has been growing international concerns on combating global warming. In a step to bring all nations on board, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) was established in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro (Yu, 2008). The main objective of treaty was to deliberate on reducing green house gases emissions by ...

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Why We Need To Save The Tiger Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,170 )

The Tiger is a symbol of wilderness and well being of the ecosystem. By conserving and saving tigers the entire ecosystem is conserved as the tiger is the apex predator that keeps the food chain in balance by preventing the forests from being grazed to decimation by herbivores which would multiply unsustainably in its absence. At the same time, the tiger cannot survive without a minimum level ...

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The Process Of Coastal Erosion Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,571 )

Coastal erosion is a natural process in which sand and rocks are dislodged from the shoreline by various eroding agents. Wave erosion is one of the major eroding agents which erode the beaches by breaking the rocks. In coastal erosion land is permanently and completely shifted from one region to another. The intensity of erosion along a beach is influenced by how hard a wave hits it; ...

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Convolutional Codes Simulation Using Matlab Computer Science Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,535 )

Abstract: In order to reduce the effects of random and burst errors in transmitted signal it is necessary to use error-control coding. We researched some possibilities of such coding using the MATLAB Communications Toolbox. There are two types of codes available Linear Block Codes and Convolutional Codes. In block coding the coding algorithm transforms each piece (block) of information into a code word part of which is ...

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The Fertilizer Industry In India Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,430 )

The fertilizer plant was established in 1906 in Tamil Nadu. The growth of the fertilizer industry began in 1951 with plant establishment by Fertilizer Corporation of India. The constant demand of fertilizer resulted in Green Revolution and lead to spreading of industry in industry in several parts of India. Today, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala and Punjab produce over half of the total produce of fertilizer ...

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Purpose And Importance Of Tertiary Treatment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,306 )

The main purpose of the tertiary treatment is to ensure that the treated water which is to be released on to the environment is biologically accepted by all other fresh water organisms such as weeds and algae. This part of the treatment includes processes like physical water treatment, lagooning, and excessive nutrient removal ensure that the discharged water is raised in effluent quality before proceeding to ...

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The Sichuan Earthquake In 2008 Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (4,930 )

On the afternoon of the 12th of May 2008, a threatening 8.0-magnitude of earthquake occurred on the Northwest of Chengdu, Sichuan and Southwest of Beijing in China. The China Official stated that 69,227 people were confirmed dead, 68,636people were in Sichuan territory and 374,176 people were injured with 18,222people were missing. The earthquake caused about 5 million people homeless. An estimation of 5.36 million buildings collapsed and more ...

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Energy Management And Conservation In India Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,482 )

Energy is needed for functioning of day-to-day activities in households, organizations, factories and businesses. Without sufficient energy, work cannot be done or there is a delay in the performance of activities. This affects productivity and profits of businesses. Energy can be obtained from various renewable and non-renewable sources. Over the years, the natural sources are depleting leading to price rise of fuels thereby increasing costs for generation ...

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Impact Of Globalisation On Biodiversity Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,013 )

Biodiversity is the diverseness in the different varieties of flora and fauna in a particular habitat. It comprises of the totality of genes, species and ecosystems in a specific place. It serves as a source of aesthetic and economic value, is used as food and related items, provides scientific information and replaces engineering solutions such as flood control and water pollution abatement. Bio richness thus is rated ...

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The Impact Of Automobile On Air Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,366 )

Air pollution caused by cars is one of the biggest challenges for air pollution that environmentalist are working with now a days. In the 1920s the first car was invented with a combustible engine. Henry Ford was the creator and also later founded Ford Motor Company. The invention of the car was known to be one of the biggest inventions in the 1920's it made transportation a ...

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Research Proposal On Resource Management Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

14 (5,293 )

Introduction: This is an individual components assignment with carried an individual presentation. This assignment is consists of a research proposals. A research proposal is written specification of an intended research. In order to, from the particular topic do the literature review, problem statement, methodology, project objective and results expectation. When do research on literature review as a researcher needed to find information through the scholarly journal, scholarly ...

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Study On Hydroelectricity In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,774 )

Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. Hydropower or water power is power derived from the energy of falling water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. Since ancient times, hydropower has been used for irrigation and the operation of various mechanical devices, such as watermills, sawmills, ...

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Ecosystem Services In Human Systems Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,079 )

Ecosystem services in human-environment systems: What is the problem? Ecosystems deliver goods and services of enormous value to the human society (Pearce and Moran, 1994; Costanza et al., 1997; Daily, 1997). However, intensive land and water use, extraction of natural resources, and chemical emissions into the environment lead to a worldwide degradation of biodiversity and of the supporting services, provisioning services, regulating services and cultural services which ...

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The Consequences Of Melting Polar Ice Caps Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,435 )

The polar ice caps that we see today have taken centuries to form and they ve been melting from time to time in order to form lakes and rivers that are essential not only for animal and plant life, but for humans as well all over the world. Furthermore, as precipitation takes its toll the ice caps that melt gets replaced by fresh snow that is later ...

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Hazardous And Industrial Waste Disposal Issues Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,414 )

The handling of the hazardous materials is complicated by the increasing magnitude of waste generated each year, the variety of materials that become refuse, the vast array of chemicals that may eventually leak from containers and burial sites; the difficulty of monitoring landfill sites for leachates, the difficulty of adequately sequestering waste to inhibit leaching, the variability of soils and their sorption capacities for leachates, the variability ...

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A Study Of The City Of Jaipur Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,499 )

The city of Jaipur, nestled in the rugged hills of Aravallis, popularly known as the "Pink City", was founded in 1727 AD by one of the greatest rulers of the Kachhawaha clan, the astronomer king Sawai Jai Singh. The pink colour was used at the time of making to create an impression of red sandstone buildings of Mughal cities - and repainted in 1876, during the visit ...

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Environmental Issues In Australia Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (962 )

Climate change has come to a stop and is now a major political talking point in Australia in the last two decades. Persistent drought and resulting water restrictions during the first decade of the twenty-first century are an example of natural events attributed by the mainstream media to climate change 1.1 Energy use Australia is a major exporter and consumer of coal, the combustion of which liberates ...

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Industrial Air Pollution In Trinidad And Tobago Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,412 )

The contamination of the atmosphere by any toxic or radioactive gases and particulate matter as a result of human activity defines air pollution. (EMA State of the Environment Report 2000) Over the years Trinidad and Tobago has focus on industrialization developing several industrial estates but greater focus was made to the energy sectors. They current have three major energy based industrial sites. The Point Lisas industrial estate, ...

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Insights Of Ecology Into Nature And Protection Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

8 (3,064 )

Ecology which is a Greek word is defined as a scientific study of the relations or interactions between the organisms and their environment. Ecology also involves the study of ecosystems which is the science dealing with the network of interaction between organisms at different scales of organization. Since ecology involves all forms of biodiversity, the ecologists have therefore carried extensive research involving the smallest organisms as well ...

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Effects Of Barapukuria Coal Mining On Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

37 (14,494 )

The over increasing gap between supply of and energy is problem for many countries around the world. Governments are forced to examine different sources of energy in an attempt to create secure energy supply. The results of these examinations cover a large range of energy sources, not only traditional ones such as oil and gas, also nuclear-power and renewable resources. In addition governments are looking at increasing ...

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Questions And Answers On Hazardous Wastes Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,455 )

Explain what is meant by a 'secure' and a 'sanitary' landfill. What advantages to they have over open pit landfills? Landfills which are disposing of hazardous waste on land can either be classed as secure or sanitary. A secure landfill is where a liner that may be either a permeable clay or plastic is used. This prevents leakage from occurring (notes ref). This type of Landfill is ...

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The Process And Problems Of Land Clearing Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (998 )

Land clearing is an activity of chopping down trees, stumps, and other obstacles from an area as required to increase the size of the crop producing land base of an existing farm, to obtain logs or for urbanization. Australia native forests cover about 164 millions hectares which is about 21% of the continent (WWF 2007). Therefore, 50-100 plant and animal species are disappearing. Australia has the fifth ...

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The Problems Of Human Population Levels Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

7 (2,731 )

Suppose the world population stopped growing today (whew!) What environmental problems would that solve? Which ones would remain? What remaining problems would get worse? The biggest problem facing our environment today is the population of our planet. If the population of the world stopped today it would help improve living standards and perhaps facilitate more time to improve technology plus help balance the natural resources we have ...

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A Study Of Bonding In Coordination Compounds Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,327 )

A Satisfactory theory of bonding in coordination compound must account for properties such as colour and magnetism as well as stereochemistry and bond strength. No single theory as yet does all this for us. Rather several different approaches have been applied to transition metal complexes Introduction- A Satisfactory theory of bonding in coordination compound must account for properties such as colour and magnetism as well as stereochemistry ...

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Problems Of Waste Disposal In Developing Countries Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

11 (4,296 )

J. Staniskis (2005), said "the acceptance that waste is there, it will always be there cannot lead to waste management solution. We need to know the reasons of waste generation, the can we prevent it". This goes to mean, municipal waste is evident and something needs to be done about it if we need to save lives and protect the environment for the present and the future ...

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Case Study Of River Severn At Caersws Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

9 (3,390 )

River is freshwater providing natural resources for food, recreation, energy, transportation, irrigation and drinking. However, the quality and quantity of river water have been limited due to climate change and other pollutions from sewage and food waste or farm effluent in the whole world. Moreover, other river issues which results from hydraulic principles of river have occurred frequently since the ancient civilizations in many countries, such as ...

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Pros And Cons Of Electric Power Engineering Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,750 )

Electric power has becoming a necessity in our daily lives. As the use of fossil fuels are slowly running out and phasing out, the use of environmentally friendly energy is now becoming popular and cheaper too. Electrical power is then transmitted after an electric charge has been generated and converted into electricity. It is then distributed to substations then to the homes at a level of voltage, ...

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What Are The Benefits Of Eco Briquettes Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,038 )

Unsustainable of earth's resources and environmental problems are major current problems that occurred by over consumption and inefficient way of using. Climate change, resource depletion, loss of biodiversity, and air pollution has a major impact on many citizens and the earth which require people change their current behavior. Climate change and global warming are part of serious issues these days and are also part of the most ...

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Green Technology And Alternative Energy Storage Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,166 )

This report was carried out to identify different type of energy and various form of storing them. Energy allow us to perform work, the parameter that determine their type, method of storing them, the form of energy to be store, capacity of energy they can store, how quickly they can store, how often they can release the energy stored are the discussion of this write up. The ...

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Does Water Hyacinth Affect The Ph Level Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

5 (1,656 )

Invasive aquatic plant species are causing a growing threat in South Africa, as well as the whole world. These plants threaten the freshwater bodies causing a wide spread degradation on the environment. This study aims to see if Water Hyacinth can help the environment in which it inhabits by neutralising the pH level of acid water. As water hyacinth is a fast growing invasive species that can ...

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Essentials Of Obtaining Leed Certification Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

12 (4,699 )

LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a voluntary, consensus-based, market­-driven program that provides third-party verification of green buildings through a rating system. It was founded by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), and Robert K. Watson headed it, Founding Chairman LEED Steering Committee from 1995 until 2006. USGBC is accepted and followed all over the world for the establishment of green buildings. Through this ...

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Land Resources Land As A Resource Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

23 (9,106 )

Land or soil is one of the natural bases for human life and social development. Soils are defined and characterized on the basis of their morphological profiles because the assemblage of obvious physical features represented by these units are often related to the less obvious features of their chemical composition, chemical properties, and fertility. Men have tilled the soil and irrigated and drained it for at least ...

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The Non Renewable Resources In India Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,341 )

The Non-renewable energy sources are those natural resources which are available on the earth and that cannot be re-generated within a short span of time. These type of resources cannot be reproduced, grown, generated and once depleted there is no more available for future needs. Also considered non-renewable are resources that are consumed much faster than nature can create them. The Non-renewable energy has some advantages that ...

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Definition Of Energy Crisis Importance Of Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

3 (1,199 )

An energy crisis is any great blockage in supply of energy resources to an economy. It often refers to a decrease in the supply of electricity as compared to its demand. None can deny the importance of energy in today's world. Energy drives man's domestic life, industry, agriculture, and his automobiles, etc. Whenever there is a storage of energy all walks of life are affected. Pakistan face ...

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Long Term Global Warming Effects Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

6 (2,354 )

Global warming is recognized to be the effect of increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases. In Australia, however, experts discover that land use/land cover change (LUCC) has potential impacts on the exacerbation of climate change consequences. To address this issue, the Australian government calls for the execution of several methods to prevent further deterioration of Australian ecosystem. Such steps are needed to reduce the harmful effects of long-term global ...

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What Are Aforestation And Deforestation Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

17 (6,754 )

2.causes of the deforestation in the world:- (1)Forests are threatened by both biotic and a-biotic factors such as climatic hazards, diseases prompted by insects or pathogens, threats of a purely anthropogenic nature, fires, atmospheric pollution, deforastation, and the increase in social pressures.  But this classic division is a bit artificial, since man is partly responsible for all these threats. Indeed the mark of human actions is always present ...

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The Ecosystems At Risk Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

13 (5,078 )

An ecosystem is the dynamic link of flora and fauna and micro-organism communities and their non-living surroundings. Two highly specialised ecosystems are coral reefs and coastal dunes. An example of a coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef which spans roughly 2,300 kilometres making it the largest reef in the world. The reef is home to a range of animals and plants and is known for its ...

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Is Global Warming A Natural Phenomenon Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,361 )

Is the temperature rising or is it just us? One of the most highly debated topics in today's society is global warming. Are we humans destroying the Earth we live on without knowing its devastating effects or is it the inevitable? Some say that the burden we put on the Earth is causing a rise in the greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide emissions. Others argue that global ...

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Urban Waterfront Revitalization Through Landscape Approach Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

16 (6,357 )

Urban waterfronts have heavily degraded and received bad perception from urban dwellers. There are needs of effective urban waterfront revitalization programs to achieve a sustainable development of those waterfronts. This research studies is to formulize a landscape approach principles into revitalization program of urban waterfront. This study uses archival analysis to identified type of urban waterfront revitalization programs around the world and to understanding the role of ...

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Implementing Green Technology In Malaysian Construction Industry Environmental Sciences Essay

23 Mar 2015

4 (1,472 )

This study covers the research on challenges of implementing green technology in Malaysian construction industry. This chapter comprises of background of the study, problem statement, objectives of study, significance of study, research methodology, and limitations of study, organisation of chapter and summary. 1.2 Background of the Study Green is a term that refers to something that environmental friendly in which helps to tackle global warming and climate change. ...

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