Analysis Of The Major Types Of Water Quality


02 Nov 2017

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Shah Murtaza Rashid Al Masud

Najran University

Address (Najran, Saudi Arabia)

[email protected]


ABSTRACT— ­­­The expert system (ES) proposed in this paper is able to easily identify the major types of water quality and make appropriate recommendations according to the users’ needs for bottle drinking water, sea water, and even for irrigation water. Although water is important of all living substances human-animals-fish-plants-agriculture, water is uninterruptedly polluted naturally and artificially which finally effects on its quality. Due to the dearth of data and facts about the quality of water, the harmful effects of water to the animals’ body including human, and also necessity of perfect water for agriculture remain unknown. As a result all the creatures depend on water suffer a lot. To identify the types of water in this research paper we analyzed the physical indicators of water namely: positive hydrogen-pH level, total dissolved solids-TDS level, electrical conductivity-EC level, and temperature-T0C level. The inspiration behind this exertion was due to the inadequate knowledge about the quality of water and the need to provide novel approaches towards water quality identification and management. A rule-based, web enabled expert system shell: expertise2go was used to design about 56 rules which involved a knowledge component, decision component, design component, graphical user interface component, and the user component.

Keywords— Water quality, Expert system, pH, TDS, EC, Temperature, Rule-based, Knowledge



Expert systems (ES) are a division of artificial intelligence (AI), and were established by the AI community in the mid-1960s. An expert system can be defined as "an intelligent computer program that uses knowledge and inference procedures to solve problems that are difficult enough to require significant human expertise for their solutions [1]". We can understand from this definition that expertise can be transferred from a human to a computer and then stored in the computer in a suitable form that users can call upon the computer for specific advice as needed. Then the system can make inferences and arrive at a specific conclusion to give advices and explains, if necessary, the logic behind the advice. ES provide powerful and flexible means for obtaining solutions to a variety of problems that often cannot be dealt with by other, more traditional and orthodox methods [2]. The terminology expert system and knowledge-based system (KBS) are often used synonymously. The four main components of KBS are: a knowledge base, an inference engine, a knowledge engineering tool, and a specific user interface. Some of KBS important applications include the following: medical treatment, engineering failure analysis, decision support, knowledge representation, climate forecasting, decision making and learning, and chemical process controlling [2].

Advantages of using Expert systems

An expert system can be available 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Ingenious expert systems are able to unambiguously explain in detail the reasoning that led to a conclusion.

Human expert may be too tired, unwilling or unable to do this all the time.

Never "forgets" to ask a question, as a human might

The expertise is permanent. Unlike human experts that may retire, quit or die the expert system's knowledge will last indefinitely.

Depending on the software and hardware expert systems may respond faster than a human expert.

Expert systems contain the knowledge of many experts.

A multi-user expert system can serve more users at a time.

By taking the above considerations into the account, our contributions are as follows:

Analysis the factors of physical indicator of water that are directly related to its quality.

Identify the major water quality types, namely: neutrality of water, fresh water types, drinking water quality, salinity, acidity, and alkalinity of water according to the factors EC, TDS, T0C, and pH for designing the proposed expert system.

Design a rule-based expert system which is able to analysis rules and facts automatically according to the users’ demands and also able to make necessary recommendations when needed following the rules of certainty factors (CF). In the Introduction section, present clearly and briefly the problem investigated, with relevant references. The main results should be enunciated.

After analyzing the physicochemical indicators of water our expert system classified and obtained the result of water quality types into: neutral, acidic, severe acidic, alkaline, brine, saline, slightly saline, moderate saline, highly saline, sea and rain water, fresh water, drinking and excellent drinking water including bottled drinking water, brackish to highly brackish water.

The proposed expert system will be very helpful for the researchers to identifying water types, and recommendations necessary for life stock, aquatic life, cattle, and plants. As the proposed system is web-based, so at any time from any place any user can access to it and get recommendations he needed.

This paper is organized in this way, Section 2 Problem definition. Section 3 Analysis the major types of water quality; Section 4 Expert system’s main components and an analytical model for the proposed system; Section 5 Design of the proposed expert system, Section 6 Conclusion and finally Section 7 References.


One of the water’s significant characteristics-"extraordinarily versatile molecules" all known form of life existing on earth, from the largest mammals to the smallest microbes including plants relies on water [3].

Important water characteristics related to human body, animal life, and plants including: [4]

First of all our body is made of 90% water, blood contains 80% water and is vital in many organisms.

Almost all our cells live in a watery environment.

Protein synthesis requires water.

A regulator of body temperature, helps cooling body; and a buffering agent to regulate pH (acidity or alkalinity) of body fluids.

When a seed absorbs water, its outer coat splits. Then the baby plant, called an embryo, can get the oxygen it needs from the soil [5].

Applying water in irrigation assuring sufficient soil moisture is available for good plant growth. Under irrigation, soil and water compatibility is very important [6].

71 % of earth's surface is covered by water. But 97 % of this amount of water is saltwater in oceans and seas. The other 3 % are fresh water in form of surface and ground water, whereof 2.5 % are unavailable because they are bounded in glaciers, ice caps, rocks or soils. Another 0.497 % is polluted water, so that only 0.003 % of the whole water on earth is usable for drinking water [7] [8]. This is the water found in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and those underground sources that are shallow enough to be tapped at an affordable cost. Only this amount is regularly renewed by rain and snowfall, and is therefore available on a sustainable basis, the present global fresh water condition is shown in Figure 1[9].

Figure 1: Distribution of earth’s water [9]

Physical, chemical and microbiological water quality indicators are used to identify the types of water [10]. In our paper we emphasized over the physical quality indicator. The main factors related to this indicator are: pH, TDS, EC, SAR, and Temperature [11]. The amount of these quality factors in all types of water is not same. That is why the quality of water is varied and is classified as: neutral water, fresh water, drinking water, sodic water, alkaline water, acidic water, saline water, brackish water, brine water [12][13].

In this paper we proposed ES with facts and rules in a form that it could easily be evaluated water types and made necessary decisions.

analysis of the major types of water quality

As we already known that water is indispensable for life for every organism and for healthy ecosystems. But its quality varies region to region worldwide. The water quality worldwide depends on several factors such as, soil structure, groundwater, and water table.

Water salinity or sodicity (in some cases alkalinity) globally depend on the following factors: Temperature, TDS (Total Dissolved Salts/ Solids: mg/L), EC (Electrical conductivity: µS/cm), SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio), ESP (Exchangeable Sodium Percentage), pH (Positive Hydrogen), and Anions and Cations: eg. Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, Cl-, SO42-, CO32-, HCO3- [14].

The most influential water quality guideline on crop (irrigation) productivity is the water salinity hazard as measured by electrical conductivity (ECw), as shown in Table 1 [15]. The primary effect of high ECw water on crop productivity is the inability of the plant to compete with ions in the soil solution for water (physiological drought). The higher the EC, the less water is available to plants, even though the soil may appear wet. Because plants can only transpire "pure" water, usable plant water in the soil solution decreases dramatically as EC increases. The EC and TDS unit conversion is mentioned in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively [16].

Conductivity is often used as an estimate of total dissolved salts/ solids (TDS) content of water samples. Table 4 [17] [18] shows the classification of quality of water in terms of TDS. Upon studying and analyzing the Tables (1-4) mentioned above we identified the data that assess the safety of water according to its salinity level as mentioned in Table 5 It also shows relationship between TDS and EC in natural water. A relationship of TDS = 0.64 EC units is used to calculate salinity level of water.

Table 1: Classification of water based on EC

Classes of water

Electrical Conductivity (dS/m)*

Class 1, Excellent


Class 2, Good

0.25 - 0.75

Class 3, Permissible

0.76 - 2.00

Class 4, Doubtful

2.01 - 3.00

Class 5, Unsuitable


Table 2: EC and TDS unit conversion




Total Salinity


Total dissolved solids

mg/La; ppmb


Electrical conductivity

dS/mc; mmho/cmd; µmho/cme,



1 dS/m = 1 mmho/cm = 1000 µmho/cm= 1000 µS/cm. TDS= 0.64* EC

1 mg/L = 1 ppm

amg/L = milligrams per liter; bppm = parts per million; cdS/m = deciSiemens per meter at 25° C;

dmmho/cm = millimhos per centimeter at 25° C; eµmho/cm = micromhos per centimeter at 25°C; fµS/cm = microSiemens per centimeter at 25°C.

Table 3: Conversion of natural water quality factors


To Convert

Multiply By

To Obtain

Water salinity hazard

ECw (dS/m) for ECw <5 dS/m


TDS (mg/L)

Water salinity hazard

EC (dS/m) for EC >5 dS/m


TDS (mg/L)

Table 4: Water quality types in term of TDS


TDS concentration (mg/L)

Drinking water



Fresh water


No problems

Slightly saline



Moderate saline


Possible diarrhea

Saline Water


Avoid usage

Highly saline


Avoid usage, sea water

Brine water


Severe salinity

Table 5: Assessing safety of water according to its salinity level


Generally Safe

Slight to Moderate Risk (slightly saline)

Severe Risk

(highly saline)

Total dissolved solids (TDS)

less than 1,000 mg/L

1,000 to 10,000 mg/L

more than 10,000 mg/L

Electrical conductivity (EC) of water

less than 1700 µS/cm

1700 to 17,000 µS/cm

more than 17,000 µS/cm

Other than TDS and EC in water, the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is a measure of the suitability of water for use in agricultural irrigation, as determined by the concentrations of solids dissolved in the water. It is also a measure of the sodicity of soil, as determined from analysis of water extracted from the soil. The formula for calculating sodium adsorption ratio is:

SAR = [Na+] / {([Ca2+] + [Mg2+]) / 2}1/2, -----------(1)

Where, sodium, calcium, and magnesium are in mill equivalents/liter and are obtained from a saturated paste soil extract. To convert ppm or mg/L Na+ to meq/L, divide by 23, for Ca2+ divide by 20, and for Mg2+ divide by 12.2 [19].

Another factor of water is directly related to the quality of natural/ irrigation, even salinity of water, this is PH. The acidity or basicity of water is expressed as pH (< 7.0 acidic; > 7.0 basic) [20]. The normal pH range for neutral, irrigation, and saline water are 7, from 6.5 to 8.4, and 8.4 respectfully. The water quality criteria respect to TDS, EC, and SAR is shown on Table 6.

Table 6: Water quality criteria in low precipitation region


EC (dS/m)

TDS (mg/L)


Neutral, Suitable for usage, irrigation




Slightly saline, marginal usage, and irrigation




Highly saline; unsafe, unsuitable for use and irrigation




Water’s acidity and alkalinity mainly depends on the two major factors: pH and temperature. If the temperature of water increases the pH level decrease-it means water is acidic, and when temperature decrease the pH level in water increase-it means water is alkaline [21]. Upon studying and analyzing the factors mentioned above we again classified the quality of water, namely neutral, acidic, and alkaline in respect to pH, and temperature as shown in Table 7, and Table 9. Table 8 shows the relationship between the temperature level and pH level of water.

Table 7: Water types identification using pH factor



Water neutral


Fresh water


Water acidic


Water alkaline


Saline water


Brine water


Table 8: Relationship between pH and Temperature


Temperature (0C)


25 0c


>25 0c


<25 0c

Table 9: Water quality types and temperature: a relationship

Temperature Scale

Remarks (water type)

=250 C


< 250 C

Alkaline/ Base

>250 C


an analytical model for the proposed expert system

The knowledge-based system (KBS) analyzed and designed for this research depends on the structure of expert system. The structure of expert system has five main components: user interface, working memory, inference engine, knowledge base, and explanatory facility [22], with these major ES components there are some additional components in our proposed system namely: system interface, sensors, water source, and users, as shown in Figure 2. The major components are briefly explained below.

Knowledge base - declarative representation of the expertise, often in IF THEN rules;

Working storage - the data which is specific to a problem being solved;

Inference engine - the code at the core of the system which derives recommendations from the knowledge base and problem-specific data in working storage;

User interface - the code that controls the dialog between the user and the system;

Explanation Facility-Illustrates to the user how and why the system gave a certain cause for the failure, i.e. explains the reasoning of the system to the user.

In this proposed expert system we used forward chaining (reasoning) method where an interpreter uses a set of rules and a set of facts to perform an action [23].

This method involves checking the condition part of a rule to determine whether it is true or false. If the condition is true, then the action part of the rule is also true. This procedure continues until a solution is found or a dead end is reached. Forward chaining is commonly referred to as data-driven reasoning. This method composed of three components. These are:

The rule set;

A working storage area which contains the current state of the system;

An inference engine which knows how to apply the rules;

The rules are of the form: left hand side (LHS) ==> right hand side (RHS), in short: IF---THEN. The LHS is a collection of conditions which must be matched in working storage for the rule to be executed. The RHS contains the actions to be taken if the LHS conditions are met.

The execution cycle of the system is:

Select a rule whose left hand side conditions match the current state as stored in the working storage.

Execute the right hand side of that rule, thus somehow changing the current state.

Repeat until there are no rules which apply.

The syntax of the rules is:

rule <rule id>:

[<N> : <condition>,.......]


[<action>, ....].

Where: rule id - a unique identifier for the rule; N – optional identification for the condition; condition - a pattern to match against working storage; action - an action to take. The Figure 3 mentioned below represents the concept of the forward chaining algorithm.

Figure 2: Structure of proposed expert system

Figure 3: The forward chaining algorithm model for the proposed system.

A formal model of the proposed system was built using Unified Modelling Language (UML) [24]. A Use Case diagram graphically depicts the interactions between the system, the external system (if any) and the user. Use case diagrams play a major role in system design because it acts as a roadmap in constructing the structure of the system; it also defines who will use the system and in what way the user expects to interact with the system. The following Figure 4 shows the user-system interaction by Use Case for this proposed expert system.

The purpose of the use case diagram is to portray:

The actor.

A set of use cases for a system.

The relations between the actor and the use cases.

Here, we introduced the main Use cases which extend, include or use other Use cases.

User Interface (UI)

Knowledge base (KB)

Inference Engine (IE)

Finding solution

Making decision, and

Exit the system

Figure 4: Use Case Diagram for proposed ES


The Knowledge Engineer acquires knowledge from experts in specific field, through standardization process, and sorts out the collected knowledge from experts to formed rules. In water types identification system, the way of knowledge representation is production rule. The production rule uses the presentation way of "IF P THEN Q", P is precondition, and Q is conclusion [25].

The proposed expert system’s knowledge base is developed by decision table or knowledge base table. Where the condition part of the decision table is called the condition stub and the action part the action stub shown in the Figure 5 as mentioned below. Each column represents a rule, and when all of the conditions in a column are satisfied, the action or actions designated in that column represent the recommended decision [26].








Figure 5: A decision table.

The connection between decision Tables and rules in a rule-based expert system is easily seen in the following decision table as shown in Table 10. "Y" and "N" in the condition stub represent "Yes" and "No" ("T" and "F" could be used representing "True" and "False") and an "X" in the action stub means the action is recommended. "-" in a cell means the condition or action is irrelevant, shown in Table 10 [26]. Using the concepts getting from the Table 10 we developed a new table, Table 11, which shows the combination between decision table rules for our proposed system.

Table 10: Combination between decision table rules in rule-based expert system

















Tabl1 11: Combination between decision table rules in rule-based expert system for the proposed system (e.g. Rule 1, 13, 40)







PH level




TDS level



EC level




Temperature level

(degree C)

Sea water. Contains high degree of salts. Acceptable for sea fishes, animals, and plants.

Fresh water, but with a bitter taste. Mere acidic. Acceptable for fresh water fish, plants, and cattle.

Neutral water, excellent quality, ideal drinking water, very soft.

The recommendation (action)

The rule-based shell in proposed ES stores the knowledge in rules, which are logic-based structures, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Storage of knowledge in rules.

The knowledge based system makes inferences by deciding which rules are satisfied by facts stored in the working memory and executes the rule with highest priority and propose proper correcting solution. The rules whose patterns are satisfied by facts in the working memory are stored in the agenda part of the inference engine. Figure 7 explains the inference process of the system using the rules listed in Figure 6 and Figure 8 shows the relationships between the rules used in this system.

For expert systems to work in the real world they must also be able to deal with uncertainty because the expert's rules might be vague or the user might be unsure of answers. In our system, the knowledge base contains data that are based on certain and proven facts and it has the capability to handle a user’s uncertainty.

Figure 7: The production system after the Rule 1 is fired.

Figure 8: Relationships among Rules.

For expert systems to work in the real world they must also be able to deal with uncertainty because the expert's rules might be vague or the user might be unsure of answers. In our system, the knowledge base contains data that are based on certain and proven facts and it has the capability to handle a user’s uncertainty.


In this paper we analyzed and designed an expert system to identify the major water quality types. The quality of water is a very vital issue all around the world, and of course this quality depends on physical, chemical and microbiological water quality indicators. All these three indicators are varying region to region due to precipitation, natural and man-made contaminant, etc. In this paper we gave our attention over the physical factor. Now we are looking forward to design an expert system to identify the types of water quality using all three water quality indicators. During the design period we had to analysis all of the factors related to physical indicator of water quality, namely pH, TDS, EC, SAR, and Temperature. Our system never gave the wrong recommendation/ action according to the rules used. In summary, the system has the characteristics of good expert systems, such as high performance, adequate response time, understandability.


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