Characteristics And Effects On The Environment


02 Nov 2017

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Textile processing sector is one of the most important and largest industrial sectors of Pakistan with regard to production .it alone accounts for 65% of the country’s export. There are approximately 670 mills in Pakistan of which 300 are in Karachi and rest in Punjab. Textile industry is characterized as large quantity of water consumption and a variety of chemical used. Water is used in wet process and lies in a range of 80-150 m3 per 1000 kg of the product. Wet process generates wastewater. In Pakistan textile industry discharge highly polluted waste water into the fresh water bodies adversely affecting the aquatic life and human health. Different process involved in textile industry produce different impacts on environment. This impacts start with the use of pesticides during the cultivation of natural fibers. However world’s wide environmental problems of textile industry are those which are linked with the water pollution caused by discharge of untreated effluent these chemicals can harm consumers if they retained in the fiber.

The impact of environmental regulations on the textile sector of Pakistan can be classified according to various parameters of waste water. The waste water generated by textile industry is high in BOD, COD, pH, temperature, color, turbidity and toxic chemicals, direct discharge of this wastewater in rivers or lakes can affect flora and fauna. Effluents of textile industry are generally hot, alkaline, and strong smelling, and coloured by chemicals used in dying process. Some of the chemicals, including dyes and pigments, are toxic or can lower the dissolved oxygen content of receiving waters, threaten aquatic life and damage general water quality downstream.

Effects on organisms in the environment can be either short term (acute) or long term (chronic). Many add-ons in dyeing namely carriers, dye-fixing agents, cationic retarders and heavy metal salts- are difficult to biodegrade and therefore have a negative impact on the environment. In textile waste water the toxic effect of heavy metals on animal and aquatic life is dependent on their physico-chemical form. In dye house effluent, heavy metals occur as a consequence of the heavy metals salts used in dyeing, the use of metal-complex dyes, or from the presence of impurities in dyestuffs. It has been observed that dyeing losses contribute to only 10- 30% of BOD of the total, with respect to COD, the contribution of dyes themselves is around 2-5%, while that of dye bath chemicals is as high as 25-35%.upto 50% of dyes may be lost directly into the waterways when using reactive dyes. Acetic acid used in disperse dyes on polyester exerts a high BOD and can account for 50- 90% of dye house BOD. The presence of dyes in waterways is easily detectable even when released in small concentrations.

Dyes may also be problematic if they are broken down anaerobically in the sediment, as toxic amines are often produced due to incomplete degradation by bacteria .the breakdown products of dyes are toxic and mutagenic to life. Dye used varies from day to day and sometimes even several times a day preliminary because of the batch wise nature of the dyeing process due to which a large pH swing is especially troublesome because the pH tolerance of conventional biological treatment is very limited the dye waste effluent is varied in color from purple, dark red, brown, grey, dark blue or black. There are almost more than 2000 different chemicals are used in textile industry from dyes to transfer agent. Being a chemically intensive industry textile industry is no 1 polluter of clean water after agriculture. It takes about 500 gallons of water to produce enough fabric to cover one sofa. Half a billion people already live in regions prone to chronic drought, and by 2025, that number is likely to increase by five-fold, to between one third and one half of the entire world population.

Global consumption of fresh water is doubling every year. The basic chemicals discharges in mill drainage are dyes, dextrin, gums, alcohol, fatty acids, soaps, detergents, sodium hydroxide, carbonates, sulfides, sulfites, carboxymethyl cellulose, gelatin, peroxides, resins chlorine, formaldehyde, acetic acid, starch along with heavy metal such as lead and mercury. There are no of problems which can be caused by dyes. Depending on exposure time and dye concentration, dyes can have acute and or chronic effects on exposed organisms. The presence of very small quantities of dyes in water less than 1 ppm is highly visible due to their brilliance. The primary concern about effluent color is not only its toxicity but also its undesirable aesthetic impact on receiving waters.

The color of reactive dyes is due to the presence of N=N azo bond and chromophoric group these dyes in both ordinary and hydrolyzed form are not easily biodegradable and thus even after treatment color may be present in the effluent The greatest environmental concern with dyes is their absorption and reflection of sunlight entering the water. Light absorption diminishes photosynthetic activity of algae and seriously influence on the food chain. Dyes can remain in the environment for an extended period of time, because of high thermal and photo stability. For instance, the half-life of hydrolyzed Reactive Blue 19 is about 46 years at pH 7 and 25°C. Many dyes and their breakdown products are carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic to life. There is ample evidence of their harmful effects. Triple primary cancers involving kidney, urinary bladder and liver of dye workers have been reported in a past several years. A lot of investigations of respiratory diseases in workers dealing with reactive dyes have been made. Certain reactive dyes have caused respiratory sensitization of workers occupationally exposed to them Most of the dyes, used in the textile industry are known only by their trade name, while their chemical nature and biological hazards are not known.

Textiles industry also have a huge impact on the environment from growing natural fibers to the finishing and dyeing process, to the substantial amounts of water and energy used to clean the textiles once in hand of the final user. For examples: Cotton is a water intensive crop and is often grown in water-scarce areas. Cotton requires a lot of toxic pesticides to grow and accounts for 16% of the global pesticide use, even though it's only 2.5% of all crops. These pesticides runoff and pollute local ground water. The discharge of organic pollutant either BOD or COD to the receiving stream can lead to the depletion of dissolved oxygen and thus creates anaerobic condition. Under anaerobic condition foul smelling compound such as hydrogen sulfides may be produced. This will consequently upset the biological activity in stream.

A study appearing in the October 2006 issue of the "Journal of Environmental Biology" investigated the effects of textile dye waste water on the health of the freshwater fish. The researchers measured the toxic effects of untreated waste water on the shape and size of the fishes' red blood cells, or RBCs, and compared them to the same parameters in fish that inhabited areas with treated waste water. The study found that there were significant differences in both the shape and size of RBCs caused by the untreated effluent and recommended that these parameters be included in future monitoring of toxic effects on all fish species. Untreated textile dye waste water is detrimental to the reproductive capabilities of most animals that come into contact with it.

An article published in the March 2005 issue of "Reproductive Toxicology" investigated the effects of untreated waste water on the body weight and the weight of reproductive organs of animals. The researchers orally administered both treated and untreated waste water to two groups of animals. They found that the group ingesting the untreated waste water had significantly reduced body weights and their reproductive organs were up to 44% smaller. Additionally, they found very unhealthy reductions in total protein concentrations of up to 70% and cholesterol was depleted by up to 9%.

Effluent Characteristics of Textile Wastewater





Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)


Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)


Total suspended solids (mg/L)


Total dissolved solids (mg/L)


Chloride (mg/L)


Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L)


Color (Pt.-Co)



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