Develop Robust Action Criteria


02 Nov 2017

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Although estuaries represent some of the most valuable ecosystems on the planet (Costanza et al. 1997, Choi & Wang 2004, Eamus et al. 2005), they are among the most threatened (Lotze et al. 2006, Duke et al. 2007, Gehrke et al. 2011). Their location at the interface between land and sea provides access to both terrestrial and marine resources and moderate climates, making them the focus of a substantial proportion of the world’s population (Vitousek et al. 1997), while their setting as coastal inlets linked to river systems makes them key locations for transportation hubs and the focus of rapid, large-scale development (Edgar et al. 2000, Corn & Copeland 2010). As well as threats from increasing population pressure and development, the joint influences of rivers and the sea exposes them to impacts from climate variability, extreme events and sea level rise. This conjunction of high value and intense threats means estuaries are among the most threatened ecosystems (Newton et al. 2012), so ensuring their continued healthy functioning is an issue of primary concern if they are to continue to provide their diverse ecosystem services for future generations (Erwin 2009).

Areas of Concern

Connectivity: Of particular concern is the loss of key functions such as nursery ground provision, reductions in estuary environmental quality, alterations in salinity profiles, modification of nutrient supplies and food webs, and declines in the extent and diversity of functional estuarine habitats. Nursery ground provision is a one of the most critical roles that estuaries play (refs), a function provided by the interaction of diverse habitat components (Rozas & Hackney 1983) that contribute to the functional habitat mosaics (Sheaves 2009, Boström et al. 2011) that support nursery function. Although a vital facilitator allowing the components of these mosaics to interact (Sheaves 2005), connectivity has suffered wide-spread degradation, often as unforseen collateral damage of human activities: bunds and levees designed to prevent salt intrusion (refs) or increase the area of arable or habitable land (refs), roads that cut off areas of coastal wetlands breaking their attachment to estuaries (refs), and dams that prevent migration between estuaries and freshwater streams (Sheaves et al. 2008, Davis et al. 2012). Modification or loss of connectivity has many implications beyond impairment of nursery ground value; it can lead to alteration in the supply of allochthonus nutrients that are important contributors to estuarine productivity (Abrantes & Sheaves 2008, Abrantes & Sheaves 2010), modify the metapopulation dynamics that allow recolonisation of isolated estuarine wetlands (Sheaves & Johnston 2008), and allow pollutants to be directed into estuaries along pathways that avoid natural filters (refs).

Habitat damage: More directly apparent is the loss, damage and simplification of estuarine habitats. Perhaps most obvious is the loss of larger areas of coastal wetlands, excised by the construction of roads, levees and other works (refs). These intertidal areas are critical to estuary health and function because they contribute a substantial proportion of total estuarine productivity (refs), are critical feeding habitats for many species (refs), and are major contributors to nursery ground value (refs). Other readily identifiable damage is apparent in the loss of critical estuarine vegetation such as mangroves and seagrass (refs), a consequence of clearing and land reclamation (refs), increased pollution loads (refs), and alterations to turbidity and salinity profiles (refs). Less readily recognised is the loss of habitat structure resulting from the removal of large woody snags (LWS) and the clearing of bankside vegetation causing a reduction in snag generation (refs). The imposition of training walls and revetments can provide additional local habitat complexity (refs), but it comes at the cost of hardening of banks and the consequent loss of dynamic habitat change (refs) that leads to simplification of habitat structure at the whole-of-system scale (refs). Similarly, while docks may provide additional habitat structure, the shading by large dock platforms can lead to greatly reduced abundances of biota and impair habitat values (refs).

Pollution and Water Quality: The input of pollutants into waterways also has important impacts on the function of estuarine habitats, by altering nutrient and chemical loads and overall water quality. This is particularly important in systems that run through urbanised, industrialised and/or agricultural areas (Basnyat et al. 1999, Harris 2001). Pollutants enter estuaries mainly from runoff from urban and agricultural areas, from construction and mining sites, from groundwater discharges, and from point sources such as sewage and industrial effluents (Kennish 1994, Lapointe & Matzie 1996, Carpenter et al. 1998, Mallin & McIver 2012). Contaminants associated with these wastes (e.g. organochlorine compounds, heavy metals) can negatively impact estuarine communities, not only by affecting the physiology of organisms (Larsson et al. 1985), but also by affecting behaviours such as feeding, predator avoidance, and reproductive and social behaviours (Jones & Reynolds 1997, Scott & Sloman 2004, Weis & Candelmo 2012). Contaminants can persist for decades, bioaccumulate in organism tissues and biomagnify up the food chains (Wren et al. 1995, Bro-Rasmussen 1996, Ullrich et al. 2001). They can affect animals’ neurologic, digestive and reproductive systems, and sublethal doses of toxins can lead to genetic abnormalities, affecting survival and reproductive output (Nicolas 1999, Sopinka et al. 2012). This can lead to changes in recruitment, dispersion patterns and abundance, and to changes in species diversity and overall trophic structure (McDowell 1993, Kennish 1994, 2002). Excess nutrients can also act as environmental pollutants. Nutrient enrichment from fertiliser, manure or sewage origin can stimulate excessive primary production and can lead to algal blooms (Anderson et al. 2002); increasing oxygen demand and causing eutrophication and fish kills (Carpenter et al. 1998, Smith et al. 1999). Land clearing can also lead to large amounts of suspended solids entering waterways, increasing turbidity and limiting estuarine primary production (May et al. 2003, Mead & Wiegner 2010), as well as altering sedimentation patterns and nutrient cycling (Harris 2001). Increased turbidity (Valiela et al. 1997, Burkholder et al. 2007), excessive nutrients (Valiela et al. 1997, Hemminga & Duarte 2000) and contaminants (e.g. Lewis & Devereux 2009) can affect habitats such as seagrass beds, with obvious consequences to trophic structure and habitat functioning (Weston 1990, Ingrid et al. 1996, Livingston 2000). Modification of coastal wetlands can also increase pollution threats. Not only can they trap nutrients (Hupp et al. 2008) and store pollutants (refs), but can generate severe hypoxic blackwater events that can lead to major fish kills in estuaries (Wong et al. 2010). These hypoxic events occur when flood water depleted by the bacterial metabolism of organic matter (Beamish et al. 2003, Hladyz et al. 2011) enters the estuary. Although blackwater events occur naturally, the magnitude and duration of estuarine deoxygenation may be intensified where large stores of decaying plant material are built up in bunded-off wetlands or where patterns of drainage have been heavily modified (Wong et al. 2010, Wong et al. 2011).


Anthropogenic habitat degradation, loss of connectivity and pollution has led to extensive degradation of estuarine fisheries stocks and ecosystems (Lester & Fairweather 2009, Condie et al. 2012). Preventing further damage is a complex and vexed political question, often with no simple solution. In contrast, there are many opportunities for cost-effective approaches to repair, restore and revitalise damaged estuarine habitats (Table #1). Restoring damaged habitats and critical connectivities can return lost habitats to productive ecosystems, increase the area of functional nursery habitats, increase the quality of both the degraded habitats and the estuaries they connect to, and restore lost mangrove forests and seagrass beds with substantial blue carbon benefits (Choi & Wang 2004). Restoration of damaged areas is particularly important because biodiversity and ecosystem function are rarely considered when prioritising locations for development meaning degraded areas often represent the loss of key functionality while the value of remnant natural areas is often low (Pressey et al. 2002, Rouget et al. 2003). Wetland and estuarine restoration has a long history in temperate and subtropical systems (Borde et al. 2004), but is in its infancy in the tropics. To date most focus has been on restoring fish passage (Doupe et al. 2005, Barlow & Baumgartner 2010), and replanting mangrove forests (Ren et al. 2011, Tamin et al. 2011). However, there are many other opportunities for repair and restoration of tropical wetlands, but as with restoring fish passages (Doupe et al. 2005), approaches will need to be carefully tuned to tropical climates, tropical ecosystems and tropical issues.

Table : Some options for estuary repair and remediation



Remediation of degraded natural assets

mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrass and riparian vegetation propagation and revegetation

acid sulphate soil remediation

rebuild elevation of subsided previously dyked marshes

Replacement of degraded natural assets


artificial reefs

replace hard engineering with soft engineering (softening edges)

remediation of hydrology


barrier removal (bund, culvert, dyke, weir, dam removal)

road re-routing

artificial channel construction

construction of fishways, fish ladders, etc.

construction of channels to reconnect habitat fragments

Reduce anthropogenic inputs

anthropogenic pollutant reduction (agricultural, urban and industrial pollutants)

reduce sediment and turbidity delivery

reduce boat wash effects (to reduce bank erosion, reduce turbidity)

Manipulation to alter nutrient levels

harvesting aquatic plants to remove nutrients

fertilising to remediate nutrient starved systems

Improve habitat values of anthropogenic structures

improving light conditions under structures (e.g. to allow seagrass growth)

enhancing rock walls with habitat structure (e.g. with intertidal pools)


enhancement of degraded fish stocks

Control of invasive species

to directly reduce harmful biological interactions (e.g. invasive competitors or predators)

to reduce secondary effects (e.g. removal of waterweed chokes that decompose and produce hypoxic barriers to biological connections)

Compensatory habitat construction

building new saltmarsh areas

Regulatory protection

marine protected areas

Increase resilience

restoring habitat and food-web complexity


As degradation accelerates, the urgency for estuary repair and restoration increases. So, it is timely to begin to integrate current understand into key principles for efficient and effective action to produce optimal ecological, ecosystem and biodiversity outcomes. The interacting effects of tides and freshwater flows and complex biophysical interactions mean that estuaries are inherently complex non-linear, non-equilibrium systems that are routinely both situation- and scale-dependent, with dependence a function of both current and past events (Harris & Heathwaite 2005). In complex systems such as these, outcomes are driven by causal thickets (complexes of overlapping cause-effect relationships operating across multiple scales) (Wimsatt 2007), rather than simple direct causal relationships, leading to high levels of uncertainty resulting in complicated relationships between cause and effect (Harris & Heathwaite 2012). Incremental and chronic impacts make the development of degradation difficult to detect ("death by a thousand cuts") (ref. Jared Diamond Collapse I think but maybe Guns, Germs and Steel (or both)), as impacts from multiple sources across diverse spatial and temporal scales lead to variable and often chaotic outcomes, unknown thresholds make tipping points uncertain, and unexpected or catastrophic events (black swans or perfect storms) (Pate-Cornell 2012) with low predictability but high impact (Taleb 2007), can produce unpredicted outcomes. As a result, substantial variability will always be present at multiple scales, models and predictions will be uncertain and the knowledge base rarely adequate, meaning optimal outcomes will be difficult to define and the course of change difficult to predict. Consequently, regulatory and governance paradigms that assume that management actions will produce predictable results will be flawed (Harris & Heathwaite 2012), so management needs a strong input from science to understand and deal with uncertainty. It also means that direct outcomes of particular actions will be difficult to measure so careful science will be needed to develop new approaches to produce realistic measurement of change. – need to add refs particularly Lempert papers


Objective: To develop a set of principles to help direct realistic outcomes for estuarine repair, remediation and revitalisation by ensuring decisions, prioritisation, actions and measurement of the success are based on sound and robust science.

7 or 8 Principles

The complex relationships between action and outcomes in estuaries means the success of repair and revitalisation will be dependent on flexible adaptive management that is strongly knowledge based (Harris & Heathwaite 2012). Consequently, management needs a strong input from science to ensure that the complexities and uncertainties of cause and effect relationships are understood and are effectively factored into decision making, and to guard against unrealistic expectations about expected outcomes, how they will be manifested and how they can be measured. Unrealistic expectations are an anathema to effective action because they predispose the appearance of failure, and one of the main reason remediation actions are judged to have failed (ref) and a key reason many potentially effective programs are not continued in the long term (ref). In contrast, an ‘eyes-open’ approach provides a solid basis for effective evidence-based management interventions with achievable outcomes. So some principles aimed at ensuring decisions lead to achievable outcomes and that science has an effective input……

Principle 1: Identify and specify the objectives

Clarity of the objective is paramount. Identifying, developing, specifying and articulating a well-considered, clear, succinct objective underpins the success of any restoration and repair initiative. Without it, the project will lack focus and will be unlikely to lead to a coherent and constructive outcome. A clear objective provides the logic underlying the development of specific aims, and serves as a reference point to ensure the aims address the particular question or problem at hand. The objective may be specified by a legal requirement or a policy driver, ot the articulation of broader social or economic considerations. Whichever the case, it needs to be carefully crafted to detail a specific outcome and be clearly linked to the problem or issue it is addressing. Because of the complexity of issues involved, developing the objective requires high level input from experts on policy, science and management.

It is important to understand the nature of the driver shaping the objective. Different drivers may lead to different objectives that may or may not be compatible. For example, in the State of Queensland, Australia, two different Acts relate to the protection of estuarine habitats. The Nature Conservation Act 1992 provides for the conservation of nature (Part 2, S 4) while the Fisheries Act 1994 provides for the use, conservation and enhancement of the community’s fisheries resources and fish habitats (Fisheries Act 1994, S 3 (1)). Thus, the emphasis of the Fisheries Act 1994 is on optimising ecological services for human use, whereas the Nature Conservation Act 1992 focuses on conservation of natural ecosystems (Dale et al. 2010). Objectives based on the two acts would be similar but in many cases could direct the focus of restoration to different outcomes. However, there is an obvious need to ensure action is compatible with both Acts, ensuring conservation and food security goals align. A careful crafting and statement of the objectives may well solve this. For instance, both goals could be served by a focus on returning function and enhancing resilience. Conflicting outcomes due to completing requirements or aspirations need to be identified and reconciled to allow specification of an unambiguous objective with well-defined outcomes. Considering and reconciling conflicting objectives at this stage can pre-empt many of the problems that bedevil restoration problems (ref).

Do we need something about identifying and defining specific short-, medium- and long-term goals and target outcomes?

Principle 2: Develop Robust Action Criteria that Acknowledge Inherent Uncertainty

Explicitly determining the criteria for deciding on remediation and repair actions is critical for success because it provides the framework for converting the clear exposition of objectives into achievable actions. One obvious criterion is the feasibility of the action. Actions need to be logistically and logically possible given the situation, and achievable with the available financial resources and available technical ability and capacity. Although considering these "logistic" constraints is basic to any successful action, there is a second component to feasibility that has just as large an impact on success but is less well understood: understanding the limits on predictability of outcomes imposed by the nature and extent of uncertainty.

Estuaries are profoundly interconnected systems, with substantial variability across a diversity of scales, leading to complex relationships between cause and effect that produce a substantial component of uncertainty that cannot be predicted based on data or models (Harris & Heathwaite 2005, Harris & Heathwaite 2012); making optimal outcomes difficult to define and the consequences of actions difficult to forecast. This complexity also affects predictability in an indirect way because it means that the knowledge base will almost invariably be deficient (Harris & Heathwaite 2012), further compromising the ability to determine optimal actions. Consequently, the development of appropriate remediation and repair action plans will be taken in an environment of deep and complex uncertainty. It is imperative that this uncertainty is taken into account when developing the criteria for decision making; action plan development needs to be underpinned by a clear understanding of the limitations of predictability of the action-outcome link in an uncertain environment. Without it, action plans are likely to be based on flawed assumptions about predictability, meaning expected outcomes are unlikely to be achieved. Moreover, difficulty in defining outcomes means measures of success are likely to be overoptimistic or unrealistically precise, resulting in criteria for success that are difficult to achieve and meaning positive outcomes may well go unrecognised or be undervalued.

Investing in actions to promote change means making appropriate decisions in the face underlying risk. As a result, the level of uncertainty determines the type of decision making that is likely to be effective. Decisions are traditionally based on optimum expected utility (OEU), which assumes the likelihood of a particular outcome can be described by a single probability distribution, leading to a predictable link between action and effect. When uncertainty and cause-effect relationships are well understood, OEU will provide the optimal decision (Lempert & Collins 2007). However, this will rarely be the case with ecological questions, where complexity limits what can be deduced (Harris & Heathwaite 2012), so there is pervasive uncertainty about the outcome of actions (Lo & Mueller 2010). As a result, approaches that allow robust decision making in the face of uncertainty are required. Almost at the opposite extreme to assuming a defined optimal outcome based on OEU is the precautionary approach, where decision makers aim to prevent future harm when the causal link between action and outcome is unclear. While the avoidance of harm makes the precautionary approach appealing, it rarely provides a basis for effective decision making because it provides no way of reconciling competing goals (Lempert & Collins 2007). Robust decision making (RDM) provide a way forward when substantial uncertainty limits predictability of outcomes and, consequently, the determination of optimal outcomes (Lempert et al. 2010). RDMs are based on the idea that where outcomes are uncertain it is best to use robustness rather than optimality as a decision criterion, to characterise uncertainty with multiple representations of the future and to select strategies that perform acceptably across the range of plausible outcomes (Lempert et al. 2010). In effect, a robust strategy is insensitive to uncertainty about specific outcomes (Lempert & Schlesinger 2000). An RDM might involve trading optimal performance for reduced sensitivity to violations of assumptions, adopting a strategy that performs well across a wide range of alternative responses, or selecting an approach, such as a no-regrets strategy, that keeps options open (Lempert & Collins 2007). RDM strategies should be adaptive in the sense that they should be designed to shape and maximise the options available to future decision makers (Lempert et al. 2010). An RDM approach challenges decision makers to explore a wide range of plausible outcomes, and can therefore help reduce problems of overconfidence in outcomes that hamper the success of traditional decision-analytic methods when uncertainty is substantial (Lempert et al. 2006).

The inherent uncertainty of responses in estuarine ecosystems suggests that RDMs will usually be most appropriate. RDMs are based on the idea of minimising the potential of unacceptable outcomes. Different types of RDMs use different approaches and criteria for making decisions (Table #2). Development of option sets usually proceeds via quantitative assessment of competing models of system behaviour (Lempert et al. 2010), but because the methods are based on simple logic they lend themselves to qualitative displays of options that allow stakeholders to make informed decisions (Lempert & Collins 2007) as long as they understand the approach, the goal of the exercise and the nature of uncertainty. RDM methods are aimed at the development of strategies that satisfy particular robust goals (Table #3). The characteristics of strategy developed may be influenced to some extent by the approach chosen but the strategy chosen will often satisfy more than one of the robust criteria (Hallegatte 2009). The unpredictable nature of the action-outcome link will mean there will almost invariably be incomplete certainty about the attainment of the goal; for instance, in reality no-regrets strategies will usually be low-regrets or low-probability-of-regret strategies.

Table : Three different approaches for making Robust Decisions (based on (Lempert & Collins 2007))

RDM Approach


Trading Some Optimal Performance for Less Sensitivity to Assumptions

The aim is to find strategies that reduce the major risks due to uncertainty at the expense of not aiming for the overall best possible outcome. The decision on the best strategy is then determined by the trade-off between acceptable risk and an acceptable outcome.

Keeping Options Open

The aim is to produce an interim outcome that moves towards a definable goal but is conservative in the sense that its results don’t constrain future decisions aimed at achieving the goal. It is important when uncertainty is large because it allows for progress to be made followed by re-evaluation of the interim outcomes.

Satisficing Over a Wide Range of Futures

The aim is to find a robust strategy that performs reasonably across a wide range of plausible futures. Tends to produce many strategies that are acceptable choices.

Table : Some common robust strategy goals, their attributes and examples





Actions that will produce no known detrimental impacts on the target situation regardless of uncertainty of outcomes and that have no known adverse collateral impacts

Replanting mangroves to replace forest lost after a cyclone

Improve the habitat value of a seawall

Minimising collateral damage

Choices that minimise detrimental impacts to other sectors of actions that address imperative needs

Make choices that have the lowest impact on surrounding values (e.g. agriculture) where immediate action is required (e.g. due to legislation) to prevent severe degradation of a protected areas


Actions that minimise future damage and costs of retrofitting if initial outcomes are inappropriate

Constructing a culvert under a road to reconnect an isolated area of coastal wetland

Bet hedging

Solutions that incorporate ‘safety’ features"; important where desirable actions may have undesirable outcomes under some circumstances

Reconnect wetlands with culverts but include flood gates to allow exclusion of excessive tidal water to maintain hypersaline conditions

Safety margin

Build in extra capacity to facilitate future change that extends the effectiveness time-frame of actions; increases longevity of beneficial outcomes; usually an addition to other strategies

Assume sea-level rise will be faster than predicted and increase minimum elevation criteria for resettlement when moving dwellings landward away from foreshores

Increasing time horizon for additional action

Actions that allow time for other options to be developed and implemented

Move houses back from foreshores to facilitate habitat migration allowing time for development of alternative responses to habitat loss

Balancing risk and reward

Choose less attractive action with more assured benefit where value of the attractive action with greater potential value is uncertain

Restock fish if value of removing a barrier is uncertain in the long term (e.g. because of uncertainty about future river flow patterns)

Soft options

Approaches that do not involve remedial actions; these are reversible solutions that keep options open

Detailed monitoring to give early warning of the need for specific action if it is ever required, coupled with pre-planning of potential responses

Action criteria based on understanding of the nature and extent of uncertainty provide the basis for identifying achievable outcomes and sensible approaches to measuring their success. However, it is critical that all parties involved in the process have a full appreciation of uncertainty and its implications. Communicating this effectively and ensuring that this understanding is explicit in all levels of decision making is a major challenge, but is critical to success; it is necessary both to ensure that uncertainty is fully included in decision making and to enable end-users (e.g. politicians, the public sector) to understand the value of outcomes free from unrealistic expectations.

3: Identify and Evaluate Solutions based on Action Criteria

In identifying and evaluating potential solutions, it is vital to refer back to the objective (developed in detail in Principle 1), because a clear focus on well-defined goals helps to ensure efficient progress towards viable outcomes, rather than rambling progress and poorly directed effort that often results if goals are unclear. Explicit goals also provide valuable information on appropriate actions. For example, solutions under a goal of "restoring fisheries productivity to an estuary" may be different to solutions where the goal is to "maximise the tourism value of a degraded tidal wetland", even though both objectives may refer to the same system. The issue of contrasting goals highlights a further issue: the need to ensure outcomes are compatible with both environmental outcomes and human needs and aspirations.

In most cases the complexity of responses in estuary ecosystems will mean robust action criteria are most appropriate. RDMs are unlikely to lead to a single solution with a single tightly definable outcome, so identification and evaluation of solutions based on RDM action criteria should take a broadly inclusive and innovative view, with the full range of available options scoped and evaluated.

There is an extensive body of literature on the development and application of RDMs to economic management (Lempert et al. 2006) and climate change (Lempert & Schlesinger 2000, Hallegatte 2009), and these methods have recently come into prominence in ecological situations (Harris & Heathwaite 2012). The process is iterative: firstly, the candidate robust strategies and clusters of future states of the world to which they are vulnerable are identified, and then the trade-offs in reducing the likelihoods of these vulnerabilities are evaluated (Lempert et al. 2006). This approach also systematically generates clusters of key futures interpretable as narrative scenarios that are easily communicated to stakeholders and decision makers (Lempert & Collins 2007). Decisions under the various RDM approaches (e.g. Keeping Options Open, Satisficing Over a Wide Range of Futures) are developed using quantitative simulations based on the best available science. Uncertainty is characterised for one or more system models relating actions to outcomes with multiple, plausible probability distributions capturing uncertainty about model input parameters. Repeated simulations are run for each candidate strategy, and treated as an independent instance of a Bayesian Decision Analysis, and evaluated to indicate which strategy(s) perform well in addressing the objective while being relatively insensitive to most of the uncertainties (Lempert et al. 2006). Evaluation of the strategies that perform well and those that perform poorly can suggest alternative approaches that may provide better performance, as well as providing insights into the trade-offs involved in the different options.

4: Identify Knowledge Gaps

Because restoration and repair actions will need to be developed in a landscape of incomplete understanding about processes and data subject to substantial error, it is important to build in identification of key knowledge gaps as an explicit component of the process. Knowledge gap should extend to all aspects of the problem (ecological, governance, social), and feed back in an adaptive loop to inform model evaluation and selection. There are many ways in which this step can bolster the likelihood of successful; for example, understanding how science and governance need to interact in the particular situation can highlight both potential impediments and advantageous possibilities and pathways.

Some vital knowledge that will be lacking in most situations includes: location-specific understanding of key ecological processes, location-specific vulnerability and risk assessments, and a full understanding of all the stake-holders likely to be impacted by change. It is important that resources are allocated to addressing key knowledge gaps because these are by definition major impediments to successful restoration planning and implementation.

5: Spatial Prioritisation

Since there are generally many more potential sites for restoration than can be accommodated with the available resources (e.g. time, funding, staff), spatial prioritization is vital. Resources that support informed prioritisation, i.e. the identification of the most important sites to be restored, will be well spent because arbitrary prioritisation is common and a major reason for miss-allocation of resources and sub-optimal outcomes (ref).

6. Adaptive Restoration Pathways

Once the areas to restore are prioritized, the restoration activities are planned and implemented. Since the best restoration strategies for each situation are generally not known, an adaptive restoration approach should be used. This strategy has been previously used with success in restoration projects of coastal wetlands and estuaries, especially in North America (e.g. Hennessey 1994, Thom 2000, Anderson et al. 2003, Zedler 2005). In adaptive restoration, projects are planned as experiments designed to test the effectiveness of alternative management actions in achieving the original restoration goals (Holling 1978, Simberloff et al. 1999, Zedler 2001, Murray a&nd Marmorek 2003, Zedler & Callaway 2003). Thus, the overall area can be considered as an experiment where different sites are subjected to different restoration treatments and used as independent replicates (Holling 1978). This approach helps clarify cause-effect relationships and identify the most efficient restoration activities while at the same time contributing to ecological and socioeconomic restoration goals ("learning by doing"; Walters and Holling 1990). Even if the best outcomes are not immediately achieved, any new information can be used to suggest corrective measures, or be useful for future restoration efforts. On the other hand, if most restoration activities used are successful, the overall area will likely be more resilient to future disturbances due to the variability in restoration actions used. Thus, will be possible to learn from both successes and failures.

In adaptive restoration, the projects should follow an iterative pathway of discrete steps that lead to increasing effectiveness of restoration activities, so that one of the best restoration options can be ultimately identified (Pastorok 1997, Zedler 2001, refs). The first step of this process is the identification of well defined objectives and restoration goals, as described in Principle 1. In the second step, the restoration plan is designed and planned, detailing the actions that will be implemented while testing hypothesis regarding key uncertainties and knowledge gaps (following principles 2, 3 and 4), to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the different potential restoration strategies. Alternative hypothesis, restoration designs and uncertainties are explored, while taking into account the costs, feasibility, risks, and a statistically sound experimental design. The third step is implementation, where the restoration plan is put into practice. This is followed by monitoring, which should be designed not only to ensure that restoration activities are appropriately conducted, but especially to assess the effectiveness of restoration activities used. The fifth step consists on the evaluation of the results in light of the objectives and initial predictions to identify supported/rejected hypotheses and determine how the used approaches contributed towards restoration objectives. The sixth and final step is the adjustment of activities, where data from monitoring and evaluation is used to reviewing progress towards outcomes and to redesign the restoration plan based on what was learned in the previous steps. This is therefore a circular process, as findings from monitoring and evaluation provide feedback to select the most efficient restoration actions to be considered in the following phases of the project (Holling 1978, Walters 1986, Taylor et al. 1997).

Adaptive management can be active or passive (Walters and Holling 1990, Anderson et al. 2003). In active management, several alternative activities are implemented at different sites to test specific hypotheses about the best restoration options. This process can be done in sequential phases, where the area is subdivided into several modules and some modules are subjected to different treatments. The most effective treatment or treatments identified during monitoring and evaluation can then be implemented more widely in the following steps. So, information gained from early experiments is used to inform actions on the following phases, where further hypothesis are tested (Pastorok et al. 1997, Zedler and Callaway 2003, Zedler 2005). Although active restoration requires a relatively large initial investment (funds, labour), several alternatives can be tested concurrently, so it is possible to rapidly gain information on the most efficient restorations activities for each case.

In passive management, the available information and expertise is used to select the restoration strategy more likely to be effective in a particular situation, and that strategy is implemented. So, only one strategy is implemented at a time. The performance of that strategy is later assessed during monitoring and evaluation, and subsequent decisions on the best restoration actions are made based on that new information. Passive management projects are initially less costly, but if the tested strategies are not successful the whole process might need to be repeated several times, taking longer to identify the most effective restoration approaches. Also, because different options are not initially tested, the chosen strategies at the end might not be the best possible. Natural environmental change can also confound results, making it difficult to draw conclusions on the effects of the strategy used.

Although the best approach to the success of restoration projects, adaptive restoration has some logistic difficulties. For example, implementation and monitoring can be expensive, so some alternative strategies might never be evaluated and it will not possible to learn from their outcomes. The designed monitoring plan can also be inadequate to inform about the best restoration options, or it can take a long time to discriminate between the efficiency of different restoration actions. This, coupled with the natural variability of natural systems, might difficult the identification of cause-effect relationships, leading to unclear outcomes.

7: Evaluation and Monitoring

Build in explicit evaluation and monitoring as a key and necessary component to (a) audit change, (b) evaluate concordance with pre-determined goals, and (c) give early warning of any adjustments to planning that might be necessary

Monitoring and evaluation should address function not just composition, focussing on (i) biologically realised connectivity (movement via artificial tags (particularly acoustic) and natural tags (stable isotopes, microchemistry etc.)), (ii) assemblage change, (iii) food webs and supporting sources of primary production, (iv) habitat quality and quantity, and (v) water quality – also monitioring needs to be at an intensity that is relevant to the issues (see H & H 2012 p. 94)

Must have strong baseline


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