Marketing Green Energy In Mauritius


02 Nov 2017

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In this paper I am explaining the scope, the demand and the use of green energy in Mauritius, its marketing and how it affects the global market. Now a day not only in Mauritius all the countries biggest problem is the energy and its consumption; mostly the electricity, the basic needed form of all the energy that mankind used widely. Mankind made so many technologies for converting most kind of energy to electrical energy and he used electricity to run most of his equipments. Just imagine the world without electricity, at least a day without electricity or an hour; we are that much depends to the electricity. Not only in Mauritius but the whole world is running for an easy, economic and an eco free system to produce electricity.

As I worked for the company SUSTAINABLE ENERGY ENGINEERING.Co.Ltd for 7 months, I worked in many fields as an Electrical Engineer, the work for the photovoltaic is one of the mind touching projects I ever had. I was in the designing section of the project, as I used software called SMA-SUNNY DESIGN to design the plant and I noticed how much of energy is made in that plant in a day with an initial one time investment. From that day onwards I was planning to make my dissertation paper on this. How Mauritius made green electricity, how the government helps on making their dreams come true and how they market this energy. I make this paper with all the relevant data’s I got from my boss and the director of the company Mr. Rishi Soodaye who helped in all the ways for the preparation of this paper.

In Mauritius Central Electricity Board (CEB) is the in charge body for the production and allotment of energy on the island under the Ministry of Natural resources Renewable Energy and Public Utilities. While the CEB with the head office in Curepipe produces about 40% of the total energy source in Mauritius, the rest is obtained from self-determining Power Producers mainly via sugar estates. The general electricity per capita per year in Mauritius is about 750 kW/h. Energy is produced by thermal means (80%), water, and bagasse (both accounting for the remaining 20%) from small sugar estates. (Gices, 2011)

There are 8 hydro electric power plants located scattered mostly in the southern part the island with a subtotal capacity of 59 MW. They are the Champagne Plant (with a capacity of 30 MW), the Ferney Plant (10 MW), the Tamarind Falls Plant (11.1 MW), Le Val Plant (4MW), La Ferme Plant (1.2 MW), the Reduit Plant (1.2 MW), the Cascade Cecile Plant (1MW) and the Magenta Plant (0.94 MW). Because of natural seasonal fluctuations in water supply and demand throughout the year, the power plants cannot operate at full capacity or in full efficiency and are thus not as reliable as thermal plants though they are cheap to maintain but cause serious environmental pollution and cause serious natural environment pollution. (Gices, 2011) Thermal energy is produced in thermal plants that works on heat all located in Port Louis, while Fort Victoria, Fort George and St Louis use diesel, the Nicolay Plant uses gas and coal to make electricity. The amount of energy produced by the thermal plants is about 324 MW. The hydro electric power plants at Champagne and Tamarind Falls (based on climatic conditions) also use gas to produce energy and with the Nicolay plant, the three amount to 85 MW. The sugar industry power plants produce around 254 MW of electricity from the FUEL Steam and Power Generation Co Ltd (36.7 MW), Consolidated Energy Ltd (28.4 MW), Compagnie Thermique de Belle Vue Ltee (71.2 MW), Compagnie Thermique du Sud Ltee (34.5 MW) and Compagnie Thermique de Savannah Ltee (83 MW). Gices (2011).

Residential sales:

Residential sales are estimate to grow from the estimated value figure of 521 GWh in 2002 to 630 GWh in 2011 to 798 GWh in 2012. These figures characterize average annual growth or yearly rates of about 4.9% over the next 5 years and 3.5% over the following five years. Today the standard Mauritian family unit uses about 1990 kWh of energy each year or in annually. But usage varies widely among suburban customers. From that about 17% of households consume less than 700 kWh of energy each year and about 14.7% consume more than 2,600 kWh of energy each year or in annually.

Appliances or the devices such as air conditioners, dishwashers, Television, and home office equipment are getting hold of in popularity in middle income households. The other common household appliances such as televisions and refrigerators are being replaced by larger units of electricity. Many intermediate and high earnings households are purchasing or buying reproduction appliances or low quality appliances or of duplicate things.

Commercial Sales:

Sales to commercial customers are calculated to grow from the figure of 450 GWh recorded in 2002 to 600 GWh in 2007 and to 820 GWh in 2012. These figures signify typical annual growth rates of 7.5 % over the next 5 years and 6.9 % over the next 5 years. Commercial sales are ordinary to account for the principal growth in CEB’s taken as a whole sales in the coming years, as they have done in the past decade. The typical large office building (18 storeys or above) in Port Louis consumes about 4.7 GWh of electricity per year or annually, in the order of equal to the consumption of 3,500 households.

Industrial sales:

Industrial sales are estimate to grow from the figure of 620 GWh in 2002 to 790 GWh in 2012, representing an normal annual or yearly growth rate of 4.5%

2.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Energy:

2.1 Advantages of Green Energy:

One of the major advantages with the use of renewable energy is that as it is renewable and there for it is therefore sustainable and so will never run out or finish. Renewable energy amenities generally require low maintenance cost than conventional generators (Whatever generators we use, depends on the system). Their fuel that is the natural material being derived from nature and available resources reduces the costs of operation. Even more importantly, renewable energy produces little or no waste products such as carbon dioxide or other chemical pollutants, so has minimal impact on the environment. It’s free of pollution and made no harm to any of the living things. Renewable energy projects can also bring economic benefits to many regional areas, as most projects are located away from large urban centres and suburbs of the capital cities. These economic benefits may be from the increased use of local services as well as tourism. Most of the project are one time investment, and will get profit throughout the life time.

2.2 Disadvantage of Green Energy:

One disadvantage with renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate the quantities of electricity that are as huge as those produced by conventional fossil fuel generators (Comparing to other countries fossil fuels are the primary source of producing electricity). This may mean that we need to diminish the amount of energy we use or merely build more energy services. The other thing it shows is that it also indicates that the best solution to our energy problems may be to have a balance of many dissimilar power sources. Another disadvantage of renewable energy sources is the reliability of supply. Renewable energy often relies on the weather for its source of power. Hydro power plant generators need rain to fill dams to supply flowing water. Wind turbines need wind to turn the blades so that it can turn the turbines, and solar collectors also need clear skies and sunshine to collect heat and build electricity. When these resources are unavailable so is the ability to make energy from them. This can be changeable and conflicting. The present cost of renewable energy technology is also far in excess of conventional fossil fuel generation. This is because it is a innovative technology and as such has tremendously large principal cost or capital cost. Energy is merely a transitional good. Consuming energy is a means to an extremity now a day, the end being the condition of energy-related needs such as production or manufacturing of goods, maintaining adequate lighting, cooking, as long as mobility. The crucial challenge for sustainable energy utilization and production is, therefore, is to satisfy the suitable level of energy-related needs of every man kind or to all citizens is being by using a variety of technology and fuels tailored to local situation rather than merely increasing energy supplies, while keeping the general cost and environmental or the natual damage as low as possible.

3.0 Methods for Producing Green Energy:

Solar Energy

Wind Energy

Tidal Energy

Wave Energy

Geothermal Energy

Hydrological or Hydro Electric Power

3.1 Solar Energy:

Solar Energy is one of the widely used methods to produce green energy in the whole world. It’s also known as Photovoltaic cells. In Solar the sunlight is captured and converted to electrical energy and its stored depends on the need. For capturing the sun light they use a panel called Solar panels, which capture the sunlight and convert this sunlight to electrical energy and stored in a battery, which is taken as we needed. In this paper I mention on solar panels or solar energy or PV (Photovoltaic) systems, as widely used method in Mauritius.

3.2 Wind Energy:

Wind Energy is the second method to produce green energy, in Mauritius. In 1995 Mauritius had a project on wind turbines, it was an American based project and later drop because of some technical problems. Comparing the wind energy and the solar energy wind turbine projects are of high initial cost compare to the solar energy. Mauritius is touched with a lot of winds; its geographical location is like it gets a normal wind range from 12.87 Km/Hr to 20-30 Km/ Hr in higher regions. In wind energy a turbine is rotated by the force of the wind, thus the turbine rotates and electricity is produced and stored on the battery. This method is also implemented in Mauritius; a new project based on wind energy is starting on the south.

3.3 Tidal Energy:

In an island like Mauritius surrounded by the sea, electricity can be made from the tidal also. In tidal type energy making, the movement of the tidal drives the turbine which in turn rotates the rotor and energy is formed and it’s stored in the battery. In tidal energy a tidal barrage is made, a tidal barrage is a kind of dam. When the tidal comes and hit on this barrages water rushes through the holes made in the barrages which turns the turbines. Many places this barrages are used as bridges also. Tidal energy is widely used in United Kingdom and there it’s a success also. As comparing to the solar, wind and the tidal, solar power is cheaper and wind and the tidal have almost huge initial investments. But in a country like Mauritius here we have a lot of scope for this tidal energy.

3.4 Wave Energy:

Wave energy is almost same as that of the tidal energy. In a place like Mauritius surrounded by sea electrical energy can be taken from the sea. It’s available plenty in Mauritius. Big sea waves in the west can produce much good amount of electrical energy. Wave energy works like filling sea water from the tide to a cavity, on the shore which compresses the trapped air in the cavity which turns the turbine. By the turbine turns and the electrical energy is formed and stored in the battery. Comparing to all other projects this one also has big initial investment. It’s usually used in small scales.

3.5 Geothermal Energy:

Geothermal energy is one of the rarest types of energy production in all kinds. It’s used in places with volcanic regions. In this natural heat of the earth is used. Cold water is pumped into the area where large amount of heat is located. This heat makes this cold water to vaporise and this steam is collected and used to turn the turbine. This turbine turns make electricity. It has a infinite energy supply but the problem is it’s not applicable to every place. It’s successful in places like New Zealand and in Iceland. This project is very dangerous and the risk factor is very high. This project is also having big initial investment.

3.6 Hydrological or Hydro Electric Power:

It’s the most common method used for the production of electricity in world wide. In Mauritius they also depends hydro electric power. In the southern part we can see so many hydro electric power plants with a total capacity of about 59 MW. In hydro electric power plants works in a way like water is collected by building dams. This collected water is passed through high pressure pipes and this pressurised water is used to turn the turbines. Hydro electric power plants also depend on the water resources and the rain. When the availability of the rain gets decreases the percentage of electric production also decreases. Comparing to all the above types initial investment is huge for this. Countries like India and China depends hydro electric power plants.

4.0 How Solar Energy Grid Works as profit- The Marketing area:

In Mauritius people and companies produce solar energy for their own purpose and for profit also. Its work like this the people or the company will have three different energy meters one meter will show how much they consume and the other meter show how much they produce and the third meter shows the difference. If the consumption is higher than the production they have to pay from their hand and if the consumption is less than the production they will get the money from the nation energy board. Usually the customer had to pay the electricity bill separately and get a cheque for the production per units on every three months or six months that depends on the capacity of the plant. If it’s a small scale plant then the producer will get the cheque on every six month and if the plant is on a large scale he will get it on every three month.

Government will provide so many help for producing green energy in Mauritius, banks like MCB is providing 85% acquisition cost loan on Photovoltaic systems. Government give subsidiary funds for providing these kinds of photo voltaic systems and for the solar water heaters also. Agencies like AFD (Agence Francaise Development) also raise fund for producing green energy in Mauritius. The funds from UNDP (United Nation Development Program) can also used for the production of the green energy in Mauritius. Across most technologies, renewable energy industries saw continued growth in equipment manufacturing, sales, and installation during 2011. Solar PV and onshore or the ground wind power experienced theatrical price reductions during the course of the year resulting from flagging costs due to economies of scale, advance in technology and other factors, but also due to reductions or suspicions in government policy support.

In Mauritius there are no equipments made for the production of Photovoltaic systems. All the equipments they get are from abroad. Most of the equipments are from United Kingdom, United States of America, and Australia and from China. Green power markets also exist in Australia, Canada, and Japan, and at least one company offers green power to retail customers in South Africa. Major companies are also playing an increasingly important role in the renewable power sector purchasing green power, installing renewable energy systems, and purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). Mac Neil Roa (14June2004)

4.1 Government Influence on Green Energy Project:

In partnership with UNEP, the Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit is currently developing or just making their step in National Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) for Mauritius. One of the solution precedence areas well known during the scoping implement for the project is the need for an achievement plan on Sustainable Energy conservation. A working group was constituted in order to enlarge the achievement plan. From governments indicate of view there are three kinds of energy consumptions in Mauritius they are:

Demand-side energy efficiency: This most significant choice relates to industrial or to technical, executive and character method to reduce or to lower the maximum total energy needed to light/cool our houses, produce goods, etc.

Co-generation: Beginning of on-site or the combined co-generation of high temperature and power can radically improve energy competence on the supply side.

Renewable energy: Twisted and used or the recycled onsite through biomass or solar thermal collectors, etc as well as that fed into electricity connection grids.

4.2 Barriers:

One of the basic steps for the necessary to allow flourishing execution of any exploit Plan is the need to comprehend the barriers confront it, and how to triumph over those. Barriers to achieving the energy competence probable involve both market-dependent issues and academic or the institutional issues. The market barriers put off consumers from buying energy competent products and services; the institutional or the academic barriers put off energy institutions from promoting energy efficiency. One imperative thing is lack of awareness and understanding of energy competence. Energy competence opportunities are regularly overlooked due to the simple fact that industry and other consumers are uninformed that they subsist. It is in the purpose of this action plan to develop awareness in such matters and to bring acquaintance into the various sectors. There is for example, a low punter attentiveness of the benefits of specific energy efficiency technologies and practices. Institutional or academic Barriers and confrontation to change: There is a frequent false impression, predominantly in industry, that energy competence will disrupt production processes and that changes should not be made unless entirely necessary. Energy Audits will deal with this problem.

The other problems are be short of of capability for conducting Energy Audits and implementing Energy Management Systems and be deficient in application of up to date management skills describing to energy management in public as well as in private sector enterprises.

4.3 Current Status:

The annual or the yearly principal energy prerequisite per capita has been increases from 0.73 tonnes (tones of oil equivalent) in 1990 to 1.3 toe in 2011.

The total principal energy prerequisite was 1380 kilo tone in 2011. Mauritius is greatly dependent relative on imported fossil fuels for its energy requirements. Around 83% of the total principal energy prerequisite was met by imported fuels (oil, LPG and coal) form South Africa and from other African countries and the remaining 19% getting from home sources (bagasse, hydro and fuel wood). The largest patrons of energy were the transportation and industrialized sectors which accounted for 50.2 % and 32.6% of the total energy utilization correspondingly. Domestic expenditure accounted for about 13.2% of the total energy expenditure.

The contribution of fossil fuels in the total energy prerequisite increased from 64% in 1992 to 83.4% in 2007. Programs for mounting good organization and increasing renewable energy are thus not keeping pace with mounting demand and economic growth. The raise in electricity utilization is at a sustained rate of 6.1%. The contribution of electricity from renewable sources (bagasse and hydro) has decreased from 31.3% in 1996 to about 24.5% in 2007. The contribution of coal in electricity creation rose to 41.2% in 2007 while involvement of fuel oil and diesel fell marginally to 38.3%. The concentration of energy use is 0.62 tonne per 1000 USD of GDP. This can be related to 0.23 tonne per 1000 USD in OECD countries or 0.19 toes per 1000 USD in EU-15. The possibility for better energy efficiency is apparent from today’s huge gap between developed countries like Japan and Europe and Mauritius.

The Electricity Act 1939, by the government of Mauritius as amended and the Independent Power Producers Act control electricity production and use in Mauritius. The tariff is intended so as to deject wastage. Three piece of legislation have been made but not yet come to act, and would have major impacts or role on the electricity segment, namely the Utility Regulatory Authority Act 2004 by the government of Mauritius, the Electricity Act 2005 passed by the parliament and the Competition Bill 2007 by the Mauritian government. Guiding principle on electricity is under the accountability of the Ministry of Public Utilities while policy on transportation fuel is under the accountability of the Ministry of Industry, SMEs, Commerce and Cooperatives- Commerce Division, with importation issues delegated to the State Trading Corporation.

The Final Draft National Energy Policy 2008 passed by the government of Mauritius looks forwarded at energy utilization in both the electricity and transportation sectors. The innovative policy and its achievement plan turn around three core axes: Better energy competence through further energy competent appliances or vehicles buildings, labelling, taxation, strong linkages with sustainable tourism etc. Improved safety of energy provide through augmented share of renewable in the energy merging, micro production, carbon taxation, using cleaner technologies or utilities for coal power plants, etc, and; Dropping the want for energy forces mostly through sustainable lifestyles, improved land planning thereby dropping commuting, mass transportation, tele-working, flexitime, etc.

A very number of energy reduction projects are in the channel and are designed to be implemented by a range of institutions or through academic strategies. Some of the present initiatives connected to electricity savings are:

Numerous plans introduced to the allocation of CEB by CFLs in secondary schools with copybook having energy stash directions.

Manage or control the road or street lighting by CEB and home authorities to make sure that street lights do not hang about lighted during daytime. Demand side Management (DSM) projects by CEB supported through messages and information operation, contest, drawing competition; free sharing or gifting of CFLs in isolated areas and in the island of Rodrigues, allotment of energy saving stickers and calendars in lower primary schools and in primary schools.

In addition, some of the upcoming projects in electricity savings are:

One significant thing is from the commencement that is from the selling of Low Energy Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to the common public by the Central Electricity Board (CEB), at cheap price using carbon acclaim from the voluntary carbon market. The next thing is the growth of a Grid Code scheme by CEB to give a structure for small and big self-governing generators to import and export electricity on the network. And the third thing is the expansion of a Time of Use Tariff by CEB to dishearten electricity use during peak time. Energy Savings movement by Energy Services Division of the Ministry of Public Utilities (MPU),by substituting of lights with energy economy tube lights. Energy Efficiency-Product Labelling plan by MPU. Energy Management in use of thermal made steam derived from fossil-fuels. In the case of the Textile Industry, by the University Of Mauritius Recommendations Of Utilities Committee at Ministry of Industry, SMEs, Commerce and Cooperatives by Enterprise Mauritius for reserve competence in industries section. Green Productivity Clinic at National Productivity and Competitiveness Council (NPCC) to give confidence cleaner creation through improved energy competence along manufacture lines. And the last thing is the expansion of an Energy Cluster in Mauritius, to encourage solar (thermal and photovoltaic) including export prospective.

4.4 Steps for making Green Mauritius:

Budget 2008-2009: Building Green Mauritius - "Maurice Ile Durable

In the 2008-2009 budget announced, the Minister of Finance and Economic Development announced the revamping of the National Energy subsidize into a Maurice Ile Durable (MID) subsidize. The subsidize fund, which will be under the guidance of the MPU, will hold up efforts to guard the environment through process of recycling, this give confidence more well-organized use of energy and boost the dependence on renewable energy. The finance will drum up funds through taxes, government subsidies, expansion partners, carbon credits and the private as well as the government sector, as well as airlines offsetting their carbon credits.

4.5 Key Steps include:

Wind Energy project at Bigara

New hydro units at Midlands and La Nicoliere

Landfill Gas to Electricity project at Mare Chicose

Optimize the use of bagasse and cane field residues

Setting up of an "Observatoire de l’Energie" and an information campaign

Solar Water heater loan scheme

Reduction of duty on solar water heater and spare parts

Introduction of summer time(pilot project in 2008)

Setting up of a solid waste recycling program

50% reduction of taxes on hybrid vehicles

Presentation of an "Energy Efficiency Bill"

Increase of Road Tax according to engine capacity

4.6 Goals of the Action Plan:

The main goal of the Action Plan is future to hand round as a road plan for Mauritius. To recognize the significant and sensible steps needed for sustainable energy use. This plan gives way for the instant execution of low-cost interventions as well as high cost measures with short repay periods. These will be followed later by average term and longer term asset opportunity. Specifically, the Plan's general goals for the next five years are to make the use of energy in households, offices, industry and transportation become more sustainable. The expansion of decentralized renewable energy sources like solar, wind and tidal is also an central element of sustainable energy utilization and will be taken up by MPU following the 2008-2009 budgetary speech.

The Six strategies are use to obtain the above goals:

Strategy1: Energy Savings in the suburban Sector

Project 1: To expand smallest amount energy presentation standards (MEPS) for key appliances Led by Government of Mauritius’s MPU with Ministry of Industry, SMEs, Commerce and Cooperatives & MSB

Project 2: Phasing away of luminescent lamps Led by Government of Mauritius MPU, with Ministry of Industry, SME’s, Commerce and Cooperatives Commerce Division & MSB

Strategy 2: Energy reserves in the Commercial and Industrial area

Project 1: Making the Building efficiency of Energy Audit Providers and encouragement of Energy Service Companies by NPCC and University Of Mauritius.

Project 2: Expand MEPS for industrial boiler competence, air conditioning, electric motors or machines done by MPU in collaboration with a research institution.

Project 3: Usual Energy auditing is to be made mandatory for high energy users by MPU.

Project 4: Assist SMEs in delivered out energy audits with a embattled scheme by SEHDA, NPCC and Enterprise Mauritius.

Strategy 3: Energy reserves in the Public Sector

Project: Involve all public sector bodies to create annual reports setting out their energy competence performance and progress and make possible exchange of energy competence best practices between public sector bodies through the web. (MPU) This scheme has also been recognized by the working group on Sustainable Government Practices.

Project 1: Involve public bodies to buy only energy efficient lighting as from 2008 when installing or replacing lighting by MPU and Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

Strategy 4: Energy reserves in the Transport Sector

Project 1: Increase Consumer Knowledge about benefits of Sustainable Driving including as long as tools for energy efficient vehicle assortment provided by TMRSU.

Project 2: Study on Vehicular Emissions and Competence Structure on Emission Testing by MOE, MPI and University Of Mauritius.

Project 3: Control the consumer to modal swing and behavioural change such as the Park and Ride Schemes, Incentives for car pooling, Bicycle and electro motives use etc through education and sensitization campaigns provide by TMRSU.

Strategy 5: On-Site Renewable Energy Improvement

Projects under this plan are to be undertaken by MPU under the functioning of the National Energy Policy and Action Plan and the 2008-2009 budgetary channel.

Strategy 6: Education and Consciousness and R&D

Education and consciousness on Energy Savings is looked into by the SCP technical operational group on Education and Communication for Sustainable Lifestyles. However, there is a need to expand an incorporated investigate strategy that will enable more useful conclusion making by policy makers.

Project 1: Plan a Strategic Research Plan on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (MPU)

This Action Plan will be achieved mainly through enabling instruments and interventions. These will comprise bury alia economic and law-making means, minimum concert standards, energy organization activities and energy audits as well as endorsement of well-organized practices. The possible of carbon funding will be cautiously looked into functioning, capitalizing on opportunities obtainable under the current UNDP by Millennium Development Goals Carbon Facility.

This Action Plan will be implemented throughout functioning teams as outlined within the manuscript. Systems will be put in place to intermittently monitor development against the targets.

4.7 Alternative Strategies:

Strategy 1: Energy investments in the Residential Sector


Home appliances are the world’s highest growing consumers of energy after automobiles. Suburban sales are predicted to rise from the figure of 532 GWh in 2002 to 665 GWh in 2007 to 770 GWh in 2012. These figures correspond to regular annual growth rates of 5.7% over the next 5 years and 4.2% over the following five years. Today the regular Mauritian family unit uses about 1790 kWh of energy. But tradition varies broadly among suburban customers. About 20% of households get through less than 650 kWh of vigour each year and about 25% consume more than 2,550 kWh of energy each year. Appliances such as air conditioners, dishwashers, Television, and home office apparatus are gaining in reputation in middle income households. Other general household appliances such as televisions and refrigerators are being moved by larger units. Many standard and towering income households are purchasing low quality products or duplicate appliances.

Competence standards have been effectively useful overseas and have brought about important improvements in efficiencies. The plan is to expand Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for key appliances to be sold on the market as well as a step out of the use of luminescent lamps. Failure to comply with MEPS results in penalties. An alertness campaign must also be launched to support consumers to make the most of the energy efficiency of their air-conditioners. The aim of MEPS is to entail manufacturers to get better the energy competence of their appliance designs. MEPS also have the result of removing appliances with low energy competence, from the marketplace. The board approved that as a first step, MEPS will be formulated for refrigerators and air conditioners.

Intention of Strategy:

The intention of the strategy is to steady the energy utilization in the households. A explicit target could be to achieve at least 27% raise of energy capable household’s appliances to be purchased within the next 5 years and attain at least 12% decline of average energy utilization in the households within 5 years.

Tools Selection:

Product in sequence, legislation and alertness raising actions are recognized as the most suitable tools to use for promoting cheap energy consumption in household appliances. Products in turn will provide the system and consumers with information on energy competence while alertness raising actions would promote people to buy energy competent household appliances.

4.8 Significant Steps for Functioning

MPU to set up an implementation team on MEPS and phasing out of incandescent bulbs

Pilot Industry discussion and Preliminary Cost or Benefit study

The experienced authority (MPU) needs to expand the least Energy Efficiency values for what is to be measured as energy competent household appliances. This should be based on scientific studies and discussion with key stakeholders. Ask for open announcements.

MPU to draft the appropriate regulations for MEPS which should specify the test procedure and the practical wants.

MSB would be assigned the accountability for trying and to impose the MEPS need for resources.

A trained institute to be chosen to fill the position of an information centre given that information will frequently on capable appliances and on how to use them precisely. The information is to be distributed through hotlines, websites, etc

Success Measures and Monitoring:

What indicates the success: Have the purchased energy capable air conditioners accounted for 26% of sales on the embattled market inside a 5 year time? Who will monitor: assign a self-governing study institute to check the indicator. How and how frequently data should be composed: Data can be composed from producers and sellers on a yearly foundation or before and after the performance of the tools.


Initial 2-3 years period is measured as sensible to carry out the performance above.

Resources Needed: The MPU has previously held funds from UNDP for the performance of a scheme on Energy category. This project will contain the growth of MEPS.

Strategy 2: Energy reserves in the Commercial and manufacturing Sector


Energy Audits have globally been used from corner to corner to all sectors to identify competence measures that can be implemented in a cost-effective way. The Plan will encourage energy audits as a means to advance energy competence.

Energy supervision Systems enables the formalization of monitoring, evaluating and targeting energy conservation as well as provided that sector-specific benchmarking in sequence. The significance of effective monitoring and targeting cannot be over-emphasized as it provides the measure against which savings are targeted and improvements are considered. The Plan will encourage the mainstreaming of energy managing systems. Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) sell energy services, energy managing being one of the most general actions in now a day. The ESCO meet customer wants through a wide-ranging energy assessment service, financing mechanism, apparatus procurement and mechanism and commissioning, monitoring and performance is hundred percent guaranteed. This addresses those situations where companies do not have the skill and possessions to dedicate to energy managing activities themselves.

Although the idea of ESCO is not latest, it is not yet founded or developed in Mauritius. There is narrow skill in the marketplace. As a result, a self-assurance gap maintains or exists in the market where clients are unwilling to use this facility delivery method. The preparation will be committed to make a more recognized structure within which ESCOs can function. This will consist of qualified concert principles and accepted methodologies for energy competence audits as well as professionals authorization. However to be successful, it is frequently essential that both the audits and the operation of process to be rewarded by the user and to be made necessary for certain industries or commercial buildings. The active venture expansion Fund from Enterprise Mauritius can be used by industries to slot-in in energy auditing. The planning of ESCOs would be decided or facilitated by MPU.

4.9 Objective of Strategy

The general objective is to bring the energy intensities of main industrial and business related sectors in order with global standards and best training.

The specific objectives are:

Expand MEPS for engineering boiler competence, chillers, and electric motors or machines. These are general to several industries.

Ability Building of Energy Audit Providers and support of Energy administration Systems

Usual Energy Auditing to be prepared compulsory for high energy users.

Support of Energy Service Companies

Critical Steps for Implementation

The MPU and MRC will arrange execution teams who will

Study or explore into existing international principles for ordinary industry equipment like boiler, chillers, motors, etc. The principles will be formulated and adopted from MPU and MRC.

Examine or study the footing or latent of ESCO market in Mauritius and set up means of attracting the promotion of ESCOs within industry and business sectors.

Regard as a parameter or rule for fixed and binding energy audits in exact industries or in business or commercial buildings

Led by the NPCC, and jointly as one with UOM/MSB/EM, this functioning team will be set up to:

Arrange an audit criterion and structure

Carry out capability structure of auditors and trial audit schemes through explicit areas or sectors.

A particular guidance or supervision program for employees at middle and top administration level of main energy consumer organizations will be carried out. The NPCC will hire or assign a consulting company to carry out the training planned. Participants who be present at the program for the full phase would be issued a certificate.

Build up a certification procedure for energy auditors. Carry out Energy Management Systems exhibition projects and examine a program of industry guidance support mainly for SMEs.

Achieve-mental Measures or Monitoring Indicators:

Number of energy auditors qualified

Number of ESCOs in the country

Number of Industries or business buildings delivery out ordinary audits

Compulsory energy audits implemented for high energy users


An expected Rs 3 million Mauritian Rupees is essential for the facility building development plan for Energy Auditors which includes the pay for of vital energy use monitoring apparatus and about Rs 1 million Mauritian Rupees for the expansion of MEPS on general industrial electrical equipment.

Strategy 3: Energy investments in the Public segment:


The Government will guide or direct by pattern through raising energy competence awareness among government staff and by implementing exact or definite procedures within its own buildings.

Objective of Strategy

To progressively the improvement of the energy presentation of existing public buildings and attain best run through energy concert in new buildings and involvement of all the community division bodies to create annual reports for the site and out their energy competence, performance and development. Support switch of energy competence most excellent tradition between public sector bodies through the internet. Involve those public bodies to obtain only energy competent lighting as from 2008 when installing or replacing lighting. Suitable Procurement criteria must be taken in hand or be formulated.

Significant Steps for Implementation

The Energy Services Division under the MPU has previously equipped an action plan to improve the energy concert of government buildings and the expenses will be met under the 2008-2009 budgetary channel.

The potential Observatories de L’Energie will take the direct to necessitate all municipal sector bodies to make yearly or annual reports set out their energy efficiency deeds and development and to make easy exchange of energy competence best practice between public sector bodies through the internet.

The MPU and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development will work out the procurement criteria for energy competent lightings through the Sustainable Procurement structure.

Strategy 4: Energy Savings in the Transport segment:


The energy fill of transport depends on the structure that is the mode of transport; the skill of the vehicle and the consumer or the driver behaviour. The main assistance towards energy savings for this division will arise from a important modal move to community transport. This matter has not been addressed by the board as there are a variety of project already in the queue. The board has determined its work on technology and driver behavior. Vehicle Technology is approaching towards greater energy competence through measuring process relating to air-conditioning systems, tire pressure monitoring systems, sustainable biofuels etc.

Strategy 5: On-Site Renewable Energy Development

This strategy is being addressed in National Energy Policy and Action Plan, to be implemented by MPU with assistance from Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

Strategy 6: Education and Awareness and R&D


Information and Awareness are solution rudiments to attain sensation in terms of changing Mauritius into a further energy competent society. A National Energy Efficiency campaign promoting energy competence among various society groups through a multi-media campaign like advertisements in television that must be launched. This strategy is taken up by the Functioning Group on Education and Communication for Sustainable Lifestyles.

From all this strategies that government put forward Mauritius can be one of the countries which can build up enough green energy for the needs of the people and for the industrial purposes. Countries like Germany and Spain are the countries who take much importance for the green energy and developing it. If they can succeeded why can’t Mauritius. The big famous project in Spain like PS20 (Planta Solar 20 and Planta Solar10) a 20 MW and 50 MW project which makes a good economic stability in the power field of the country. Mauritius can also make this kind of projects and make it to action and can make profit with a time cycle of about fifteen to twenty years.


Renewable accounted for almost half of the approximate 209 GW of new electric capacity installed globally in 2010. In fact, non-hydro renewable have accounted for a big and larger share of new electric aptitude over the past several years, rising from 11% in 2004 to about 39% in 2011, while their contribution to total worldwide generating capacity has more than doubled during this period. Total renewable power capacity worldwide exceeded 1,470 GW in 2011, up about 9% from 2010. Non-hydro renewable exceeded 400 GW, a 26% capacity raise over 2010. Globally, wind and solar PV accounted for almost 45% and 33% of innovative renewable capacity, in that order, followed by hydropower (nearly 22%)

If there is a suitable level of investment in the Green Energy sector, then it could afford long-term sustainable expansion and wealth formation to the island of Mauritius, economically and giving so many possibilities of new jobs in green energy fields. However, such asset will need to be coordinated by Environmental and Electrical development and operation. The short-term costs of Government funding would seem to be low compared to the possible long-term prize available to the Mauritian economy. Even with the most hopeful levels of operation over the next 5 years, the outlays in provisos of initial direct subsidy are unlikely to be much greater than 65 million. Competitively maintaining and initializing the ready significant island of Mauritius the Green Energy proficiency and industry over that period will allow the opening in future years to re-examine both the progress and the economic case with better and more certain data, whilst retaining the option to capture a significant piece of a home and global market. With a Green Energy sector based upon the island of Mauritius’s native marine resource, once developed, this sector is very possible to remain within the island of Mauritius providing significant employment.

In conclusion, for a comparatively small initial investment over the next 5 years there is the prospect of continuing along the trajectory which may ultimately produce a large Green Energy sector with very large benefit.

Mauritius is known as the Paradise Island. Make this island a paradise by giving a pollution free environment. As in India peoples of Mauritius had a culture of giving their wealth and price to the followers or to their children’s, let’s hope they will give a pollution free Mauritius to their next generation.


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