02 Nov 2017
Coal is a fossil fuel created from the remains of plants that lived and died about 100 to 400 million years ago when parts of the earth were covered with huge swampy forests. Coal is classified as non renewable energy source because it takes millions of year to form. The energy we get from coal today comes from the energy that plants absorbed from the sun millions of year ago. All living plants store solar energy through process of photosynthesis. When plants die, this energy is usually released as the plant decay. Under conditions favorable to coal formation, however, the decay process is interrupted, preventing the release of the stored solar energy.
The term `coal` is believed to have originated from the sanskrit world `kaal`, meaning black. In ancient time, coal was known as burning rock and was believed to have supernova power (Sharan et. al., 1994). It was known to the Chinese before Christian era and the Greeks knew about its use in the 4th century. It was also used as a domestic fuel in England in the 9th century. The invention of the steam engine in England and the consequent industrial revolution in the 18th century gave a great impetus to coal as a source of energy.
India ranked third in the world with 5.6 percent coal reserves of the total world reserves. Coal production increased from 30 million tonnes to over 452 million tonnes in 2011. Seventy percent of the total coal produced is consumed for power generation, steel & cement industry. India uses coal as a major fuel for power generation. Around 60 percent of electricity production is based on coal in the country.
Ash utilization as a percentage of total ash generated in different countries amounts to around 100% in Denmark, 85% in West Germany and France, 65%in US, 50% in UK, 45% in China and 38% in India (Alam and Akhtar, 2011).
Indian coal used in power plants generally has high ash content (35–45%) and is of calorific value. At present in India, there are more than 100 coal based thermal power plants which will produce about 170 million tonnes of fly ash by the end of 2011-2012. This would require about 4000 hectare of land for the construction of ash ponds (Alam and Akhtar, 2011). With the increase in demand of power generation and coal being the major source of energy, more and more thermal power plants are expected to be commissioned in near future. As per the estimates, fly ash generation is expected to increase to about 225 million tonnes by 2017 (Kumar et al., 2005). In National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi alone during 2010-2011, fly ash generation was 1.33 million tonnes per year and the utilization of these fly ashes were 1.19 million tonnes per year which is 89.47%. [Report on Fly Ash Generation and Utilization 2010-11, Central electricity Authority, New Delhi, December, 2011] by two thermal power plants. In India, at present the utilization of fly ash is close to 38% of the quantity generated, the rest of fly ash produced goes for disposal in ash ponds and landfills.
The metals present in fly ash are in priority pollutants list as their leaching potentials have been expected to be high. It is recognized that health hazards and environmental impacts from thermal power plants result from the mobilization of toxic and radioactive elements from the residues, which intern mainly depends on meteorological parameters. Contaminated leachates from acidic fly ashes can pose the highest toxicity problem for aquatic environments (Roy et al., 1984). Nontoxic soluble elements will dissolve first in water or weak acids (Hulett et al., 1980), but long term leaching of toxic trace elements are associated with slow mobility of elements from glass, magnetite and related minerals (Dayan and Paine, 2001). Interaction of groundwater and surface water in fly ash emplacements will take a long time to remove mobile trace elements from the solid phase. Depending on the hydro geochemical environment in which the fly ash is emplaced or used, the elevated concentrations could be induced over long periods of time and create potential contamination of associated groundwater and surface water systems. The fly ash, which contains the chromium, has toxic and mutagenic properties related to its oxidizing activity (Dayan and Paine, 2001).The presence of excess chromium (VI) damages circulatory systems and causes carcinogenic changes. The concern is its bioactivity and bio toxicology, its ability to accumulate in plants, specially its mobility in the environment and its ability to migrate from fly ash to water solutions in the common environmental conditions (Soco and Kalembiewicz, 2009). Fly ash, which contains heavy metals like lead (Pb), is of large public concern due to toxicity to animals as well as human beings.
Historically, wastes have always created a disposal problem. The problem of fly ash disposal has assumed such an enormous scale in the country that the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) issued a regulation on 14 September 1999 specifying normative levels for progressive utilization of fly ash. According to the regulation, it is mandatory for the existing (old) and new coal based thermal power plants to utilize 100 percent of the fly ash produced by them in a stipulated time horizon. The new coal based thermal power plants are required to use 100% of the fly ash produced within nine years of commencing operation. The old power plants, however, are required to achieve 100 percent fly ash utilization goal within 15 years from the date of issue of the regulation.
During the combustion of coal to produce energy in the power plants, environmentally harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere. These harmful substances are in most cases in gaseous form e.g. carbon dioxide known as greenhouse effect gases, sulphur combines with air and causes acid rain. Those in solid form are called coal fly ash which contains toxic metals. Metals found in coal fly ash include: chromium, nickel, cadmium, Lead, iron, copper, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, selenium, strontium, thallium and vanadium.
Fly ash is the mineral matter in coal that has been thermally altered as it cycles through the combustion process. Of the one hundred plus minerals that have been reported in coal, the most abundant are: marcasite, pyrite, calcite, siderite, gypsum, anhydrite, quartz, and clays. Marcasite, pyrite, and siderite alter to form ferrite and hematite phases along with sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, respectively. Gypsum dehydrates to anhydrite and the calcium sulfate remains stable above 1400oC. Quartz passes through the combustion process unaffected chemically but does undergo an alpha/beta phase change at 573oC which can contribute to reducing the particle size of the individual grains. The remaining class of minerals is clay of various forms. These minerals may undergo dehydroxylation in a fluidized bed combustion facility and melt to lead sintering in a pulverized coal combustion unit.
The fly ash is collected by air pollution controlled equipment at the power plant, often kept wet to prevent it from getting into the air. Depending upon the source and makeup of the coal being burned, the components of fly ash vary considerably. All fly ash includes substantial amount of silicon oxide (SiO2) both amorphous and crystalline with calcium oxide. In the past, fly ash was generally released into the atmosphere as a waste material but pollution control equipment mandated in recent decades now requires that it be captured prior to release.
The 'fine' ash fraction is carried upwards with the flue gases and captured before reaching the atmosphere by highly efficient electro static precipitators and is known as Pulverized Fuel Ash (PFA) or 'fly ash'. The 'coarse' ash fraction falls into the grates below the boilers, where it is mixed with water and transported to lagoons. The material, known as Furnace Bottom Ash (FBA) has a gritty, sand-like texture. It is composed mainly of extremely fine, glassy spheres and looks similar to cement.
Disposal of fly ash and Bottom ash are today’s burning problems as they have been considered as serious operational constraint and environmental health hazard (Sahu, 1994). Hence, there is tremendous interest in utilization and processing of fly ash, bottom ash and pond ash as starting raw material. It is used in the preparation of bricks and ceramic products (Sevelius, 1997). For the first time, cordierite has been synthesized from fly ash (Sampathkumar et al., 1995). Several methods have been reported for the preparation of zeolite from fly ash (Henmi, 1987; LaRosa et al., 1992; Shigemoto et al., 1993). Fly ash was treated hydrothermally and the performance of this material as cracking catalyst was investigated with heavy oil fraction as the cracking feedstock (Ojha and Pradhan, 2001). On the other hand, there were many experimental analysis on fly ash to determine its basic compositional, physical and chemical properties for technical studies and applications (Sajwan et al., 1995).
There are two types of fly ashes produced from coal combustion as defined by American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) C618 type ‘F’ and ‘C’. Type ‘F’ is produced when anthracite, bituminous coal is burnt and is low in lime and contains more silica, alumina and iron oxide. Type ‘C’ comes from lignite, sub-bituminous coal and contains more lime. The chief difference between these classes is the amount of calcium, silica, alumina, and iron content in the ash. The chemical properties of the fly ash are largely influenced by the chemical content of the coal burned (i.e., anthracite, bituminous, and lignite).
The burning of harder, older anthracite and bituminous coal typically produces Class ‘F’ fly ash. This fly ash is pozzolanic in nature, and contains less than 20 percent lime (CaO).
C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Desktop\Class F fly ash.jpg
Possessing pozzolanic properties, the glassy silica and alumina of Class ‘F’ fly ash requires a cementing agent, such as Portland cement, quicklime, or hydrated lime, with the presence of water in order to react and produce cementitious compounds. Alternatively, the addition of a chemical activator such as sodium silicate (water glass) to a Class ‘F’ ash can lead to the formation of a geopolymer.
Fly ash produced from the burning of lignite or sub bituminous coal, in addition to having pozzolanic properties, also has some self-cementing properties. In the presence of water, Class ‘C’ fly ash generally gets hardens and gain strength over time. Class ‘C’ fly ash generally contains more than 20 percent lime (CaO). Unlike Class ‘F’, self-cementing Class ‘C’ fly ash does not require an activator. Alkali and sulfate (SO4) contents are generally higher in Class ‘C’ fly ashes.
The major difference between Class ‘F’ and Class ‘C’ fly ash is in the amount of calcium, silica, alumina, and iron content in the ash. In Class ‘F’ fly ash, total calcium typically ranges from 1 to 12 percent, mostly in the form of calcium hydroxide, calcium sulfate, and glassy components in combination with silica and alumina. In contrast, Class ‘C’ fly ashes have reported calcium oxide contents as high as 30 to 40 percent. Another difference between Class ‘F’ and Class ‘C’ is the amount of alkalis (combined sodium and potassium) and sulfates (SO4) which are generally higher in the Class ‘C’ fly ashes than in the Class ‘F’ fly ashes.
The chemical properties of fly ash are influenced to a great extent by those of the coal burned and the techniques used for handling and storage. There are basically four types, or ranks, of coal, each of which varies in terms of its heating value, its chemical composition, ash content, and geological origin. In addition to being handled in a dry, conditioned, or wet form, fly ash is also sometimes classified according to the type of coal from which the ash was derived.
The principal components of bituminous coal fly ash are silica, alumina, iron oxide, and calcium, with varying amounts of carbon, as measured by the loss on ignition. Lignite and sub bituminous coal fly ashes are characterized by higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium oxide and reduced percentages of silica and iron oxide, as well as lower carbon content, compared with bituminous coal fly ash. Very little anthracite coal is burned in utility boilers, so there are only small amounts of anthracite coal fly ash.
Table-1.1. Chemical composition of fly ash produced from different coal types (expressed as percent by weight). (We Energies Coal Combustion Products Utilization Handbook, Second Edition, 2004)
Sub bituminous
Table- 1.1 compares the normal range of the chemical constituents of bituminous coal fly ash with those of lignite coal fly ash and sub bituminous coal fly ash. From the table, it is evident that lignite and sub bituminous coal fly ash have higher calcium oxide content and lower loss on ignition than fly ashes from bituminous coals. Lignite and sub bituminous coal fly ashes may have a higher concentration of sulfate compounds than bituminous coal fly ashes.
Fly ash are made up of the noncombustible constituents of coal, as well as particulate matter, sulfur, and other pollutants that have been captured by emissions control technologies. Along with large quantities of ash, coal combustion waste (CCW) can often contain significant amounts of toxic compounds and elements, especially heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, selenium, and arsenic. The primary environmental risk associated with the disposal of CCW is the possibility that the waste will come into contact with water and that the resulting leachate will infiltrate nearby drinking water supplies and aquatic habitats.
Coal combustion waste is typically handled in one of four ways: surface impoundment, land filling, mine filling, and other "beneficial uses". Surface impoundments pose the greatest risk because they are left above ground for extended periods of time in a liquid slurry state with a high potential for leaching into the surrounding environment. Land filling and mine filling are both safer alternatives because they present far fewer opportunities for contaminants to leach into surface water and groundwater. However, all three of these disposal strategies have the potential to cause significant harm to human health and the environment. These instances are roughly split between landfills and surface impoundments, though land filling has historically accounted for about twice as much disposal as impoundments. Mine filling is not currently a common practice, though it figures to become more prominent as an alternative to surface impoundment. Degradation from these activities is generally the result of toxic chemicals leaching into groundwater that is connected to nearby surface waters. This situation is more likely to occur where there is a permeable or otherwise insufficient barrier between CCW and nearby groundwater, where drinking water supplies and aquatic habitats are in close proximity to the disposal site, and where the water table is relatively shallow. When locating a site for CCW disposal, it is therefore necessary to consider the physical properties of the site in addition to the necessary preventive measures such as impermeable barriers.
Depending on where the coal was mined, coal ash typically contains heavy metals including arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and selenium, as well as aluminum, antimony, barium, beryllium, boron, chlorine, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, thallium, vanadium, and zinc (USEPA, 2010). If eaten, drunk or inhaled, these toxicants can cause cancer and nervous system impacts such as cognitive deficits, developmental delays and behavioral problems. They can also cause heart damage, lung disease, respiratory distress, kidney disease, reproductive problems, gastrointestinal illness, birth defects, and impaired bone growth in children.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that living next to a coal ash disposal site can increase your risk of cancer or other diseases. If you live near an unlined wet ash pond (surface impoundment) and you get your drinking water from a well, you may have as much as a 1 in 50 chance of getting cancer from drinking arsenic-contaminated water (USEPA, 2007). The EPA also found that living near ash ponds increases the risk of damage from cadmium, lead, and other toxic metals. Two factors dramatically increase the risk from disposal units: the use of wet surface impoundments instead of dry landfills, and whether disposal units have composite liners to prevent leaking and leaching. Surface impoundments (the wet ash ponds) consistently show higher risks than landfills. When coal ash comes into contact with water, its toxic constituents can "leach" or dissolve out of the ash and percolate through water. Coal ash toxics also travel through the environment due to erosion and run off, and through the air as fine particles or dust.
The law requires the EPA to examine documented cases of coal ash disposal "in which danger to human health or the environment has been proved". The EPA has formally identified 70 of these damage cases where coal ash poison has contaminated drinking water, wetlands, creeks, or rivers (USEPA, 1948-2008). In addition, two nonprofit organizations, Earth justice and the Environmental Integrity Project, using information in the files of state agencies, have documented an additional 31 cases shown to have caused contamination (Stant J., 2010).
In the initial stages, the elements adsorbed on the surface of fly ash particles are prominent in the leachate (Choi et. al., 2002). The combustion of coal in thermal power plants may result in concentration of certain elements in fly ash, designated as enriched elements, such as Cd, Cr, Pb, and Zn. These elements have a greater tendency to leach out from the solid phase (fly ash). These toxic trace elements display subsequent enrichment in concentration from coal to bottom ash and to fly ash (Baba, A., 2000). This enrichment in concentration can reach to about 100 times the metal concentration in the coal (Praharaj et. al., 2002). Initially when fly ash comes in contact with water, the alkaline elements present on its surface will tend to dissolve rapidly and move into solution. But, with subsequent increase in solution pH and element concentration, re-precipitation of elements may occur to form more stable secondary solids (Gandhi, R. S., 2005). Under leaching conditions, the mobility of different elements from coal ash is critically dependent on the pH developed within the ash–water system and that the effect of the pH of the natural ash on the pH of the ash–water system decreases on increasing the dilution of the ash (Ward et. al., 2009).
In India, studies have been carried out toward management of fly ash disposal and utilization (Kumar et. al., 2003, Sarkar, H. S., 2203). Fly ash is utilized in cement and construction. However, the rate of production is greater than consumption. The unused fly ash is disposed into holding ponds, lagoons, landfills and slag heaps. Disposal of huge amounts of fly ash in landfills, and surface impoundments or its reuse in construction materials is of environmental concern (Piekos and Paslawska, 1998). The disposal of fly ash is considered a potential source of contamination due to the enrichment and surface association of trace elements in the ash particles (Choi et. al., 2002). During transport, disposal, and storage phases, the residues from coal combustion are subjected to leaching effects of rain and part of the undesirable components in the ashes may pollute both ground and surface waters (Benito et. al., 2001). These solid residues (fly ash) can be leached in higher concentrations than drinking water standards and can cause contamination in drinking water sources. Fly ash contains trace amounts of toxic metals that may have negative effects on human health and on plants (Mehara et. al., 1998). Disposal of fly ash in surface water sources disrupts aquatic life, whereas toxic metals leached contaminate underground water resources. Therefore, it is important to predict the leaching behavior of residues to prevent the environmental effects, especially for the aquatic environment when ash is in contact with water. The toxic elements leached from fly ash can contaminate soil, ground water and surface water. Therefore, effective water management plans are required for fly ash disposal (Donaldson and Borm, 1998, Vanmaanen et. al., 1999). Although chemical composition of coal waste can give us an idea about the pollutants passing through water, in order to quantify these phenomena it is necessary to carry out leaching tests. Lau and Wong (2001) found that different elements have different leaching behaviors because of differences in elemental properties and pH of the solution and leaching time, which strongly influence leaching behavior. Seferinoglu et al. (2003) reported that trace-element leaching from bottom ash is slower and often requires that the entire bulk matrix be dissolved. The concentration associated with the ash may be either adsorbed on the surface of a particle or incorporated into its matrix (Natusch et. al., 1974). A mechanism that appears to be common for all ashes during their formation is the condensation of metal and metalloid vapours on refractory core materials. As the ash particles and gas stream exit from the combustion chamber and proceed up to the flue gas, this results in locally higher concentrations of many trace elements at the surface of ash particles and accounts for the generally higher concentration of these elements as particle size decreases (Morkowski and Filbly, 1985). The association between trace elements and major elements/minerals may be an important factor in determining the leachate composition of water in contact with ashes. It is recognized that the health hazards and environmental impacts from coal-fired thermal power stations result from the mobilization of toxic elements from ash. The large amount of ash that accumulates in thermal power plants, its possible reuse and the dispersion and mobilization of toxic elements from it requires greater attention (Palit et. al., 1991). Mobilization of various elements from the ash into the environment depends on climate, soils, indigenous vegetation and agricultural practices (Page et. al., 1979). The aim of this study was to investigate the leaching behavior of fly ash disposed in the ash pond at Bhusawal Thermal Power Plant (M.S.) in India, and to investigate the potential influence from the ash disposal on ground water quality. In these studies, the leaching of heavy metals like Zn, Ni, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Mg, and Cd from fly ash and its admixtures were investigated in order to predict potential environmental pollution.
Investigation of Goswami and Mahanta (2007) on the use of fly ash and lime for stabilization of lateritic soil was likely to have no significant impact on the environment, as most of the toxic metals present in the fly ash were within the threshold limits. The high pH induced by lime treatment of the mixes helped in keeping most of the metals within the stabilised soil matrix. The quantity of a metal in the leachate is predominantly influenced by the hydraulic conductivity of the stabilized material and the concentration of a metal in the leachate (Ghosh and Subbarao, 1998). Wang et al. (1999) carried out comparative leaching experiments for trace elements in raw coal, fly ash and bottom ash and identified lead (Pb) and Arsenic (As) as the potential toxic elements. The pH of the solution and leaching time were also found to strongly influence the leaching behavior. The leaching intensity of strontium (Sr), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni) and arsenic (As) were found to increase with decreasing pH of the solution. The stronger the acidity of solution, the larger is the leaching intensity of these elements (Behera and Mishra, 2012).
Central Electricity Authority is monitoring fly ash generation and its utilization at coal/lignite based thermal power stations in the country since 1996 on behalf of Ministry of Power. Data on fly ash generation and utilization including modes of utilization is obtained from thermal power stations on half yearly and yearly basis. Fly ash generation & utilization data for 1st half of the year 2010-11 has been received from 90 (Ninety) coal/ lignite based thermal power stations of various power utilities in the country with a total installed capacity of about 83797 MW.
A pie diagram showing the modes of utilization of ash during 1st half of the year 2011-12 is presented in figure-1.4.
Overall utilization of fly ash in the 1st half of the year 2011-12 has been about 55% in comparison to 56% during 2010-11. The maximum utilization of fly ash to the extent of 48.13% has been in Cement sector. 13.02% was utilized in roads & embankments, 8.72% in reclamation of low lying areas, 6.76% in mine filling, 6.51% in bricks etc. The utilization of fly ash in mine filling was 6.76% and in making fly ash based building products like bricks, tiles etc. was only 6.51%. These two areas have large potential of ash utilization which needs to be explored for increasing overall ash utilization in the country [Report on Fly Ash Generation and Utilization 2010-11, Central electricity Authority, New Delhi, December, 2011].
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