Solid And Hazardous Waste


02 Nov 2017

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Environmental Impact Analysis

CE 370

Shane Brower- Construction Engineer

Ellen Cao- Project Manager

Kevin Grim- Transportation Engineer

Christopher Hartland- Structural Engineer

Theresa Olivieri- Environmental Engineer

Table of Contents



I. Containment..........................................................................................3

II. Renovation...........................................................................................4

III. LEED.................................................................................................4

IV. Small Steps.........................................................................................5


I. Water...................................................................................................6

II. Air......................................................................................................7

III. Solid and Hazardous Waste...................................................................8

IV. Education and Community....................................................................9


I. Materials............................................................................................11

II. Life-Cycle of Materials........................................................................12

III. Construction Processes.......................................................................13

IV. Windows and Solar Energy.................................................................15

V. Interior.............................................................................................15

VI. Analysis of Existing Structures............................................................16


I. Parking...............................................................................................17

II. Mass Transportation.............................................................................18

III. Traffic...............................................................................................20

Works Cited....................................................................................................21


Preparing for the inflow of students to the Pennsylvania State University’s Harrisburg Campus will not be an easy task. Plans must be made in order to determine if existing buildings will need to be expanded, unused buildings should be renovated, or if entirely new buildings need to be built. There are many steps that need be taken in the materials selection process, and they must all be tailored to the project at hand. Steps taken for one project may not be the most ideal for another. With new construction, the school should be able to utilize almost every type of green construction advancement in building technology currently in use today. Based on the given data, the campus will see a 38.7% increase in student population after six years. This implies a proportional increase in water and resource usage, wastewater and solid waste generation, and pollution. In order to counteract the increasing population, it will be necessary for the campus to take steps towards sustainability through amendments to infrastructure, and changes in community action.

From a structural standpoint, there are ways to apply sustainable construction processes to existing structures and particularly to plan new structures at the Penn State Harrisburg campus. These procedures will meet the needs of increasing enrollment while impacting the environment in a more suitable manner. It should be remembered that renovating existing structures is more desirable than building new ones, but this theory cannot be put into practice in all cases. Transportation becomes a major factor as the Penn State Harrisburg campus continues to grow. Increased enrollment leads to an increased demand for parking space, classroom space, as well as increased traffic on local roads. As the number of commuters increase, so do the emissions from vehicles and other environmental impacts such as runoff from larger parking areas.


I. Containment

During construction of the new addition to the Educational Activities Building, one of the most important factors is the containment of environmental hazards produced by construction work. This means making sure the area where the construction is taking place is fenced off with both silt and construction fencing. The dust should be controlled to make it a better environment for the workers and student body alike. Placing filters in the storm drains is an important part in containment as well. By installing these filters in existing storm drains, the amount of sediment that gets pushed through is significantly reduced. This keeps the drain from backing up, as well as prevents silt from smothering fish beds. In addition to the area being blocked off from public access, proper use of construction signs is very important. If a road is blocked off a detour must be provided, if pavement is uneven the area should be signed. Small things like this are important in keeping a construction site safe and effective.

II. Renovation

One idea that should be looked into more thoroughly is the renovation of some existing buildings on campus. Wrisberg Hall, an old dormitory, is sitting empty on the west side of campus. This building was taken out of use because it was too far from the Olmsted building. However, many students live in the Village of Pineford or Campus Heights, which are off campus housing options that are located even further away. If this building was reopened as a dormitory, or converted for some type of educational utility, it would serve more of a purpose than a glorified closet. This building is fairly large (with three floors) and would be very beneficial to any department that could use it. Costs for renovation of an existing building is often significantly cheaper than building a completely new building. Also, there are foundations left over from a demolished Penn State housing development. This area is not in use and significantly further from the campus. These foundations could be utilized for building testing and not have to take up space around our rapidly expanding campus.

III. LEED Certification

Another important factor that should be taken into consideration when constructing new buildings and renovating existing buildings is LEED certification. LEED is a program that certifies buildings meet standards for sustainable design. LEED certification is determined by credits; buildings gain a rating based on the number of credits received out of the possible 110. 40-49 credits earn the building a Leed certified rating, 50-59 credits receives silver rating, 60-79 credits receives a gold rating, and 80-110 credits receives a platinum rating. These credits are awarded for things such as low emitting building materials, onsite renewable energy and construction waste management. These all contribute to lowering our carbon footprint as well as providing a healthier living environment.

IV. Small Steps

In addition to all of these steps to promote greener construction, there are some other actions that can be taken to assist in the process. By using RCA (recycled content aggregate) it is possible to save money on proper backfill for foundations. By using fly ash in the concrete, designers can cut down on cost of cement and make the final product stronger. As long as the fly ash is mixed with super plasticizer the concrete will be as workable as normal concrete. Fiber reinforcement is a viable option to improve the strength and durability of your concrete. The fibers come in a wide variety of materials from cellulose to steel, all adding to the overall strength of your concrete. Fiber reinforced concrete is used for a wide range of applications, and is particularly useful when it comes to ornate entrances. Along with the use of mineral and fiber admixtures to your concrete, the reinforcement can be greener too. FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) can be used in place of traditional steel reinforcement. While this is significantly higher in price, it is one of the new materials that can be used to create greener buildings of tomorrow. Implementing rain gardens and absorbent plant life around the high areas of water runoffs decreases the amount water that would normally be contained or drained from the site. Green roofs are also a great way to limit the amount of water runoff, but they may not be very feasible for Penn State Harrisburg. By using TJI’s (Truss Joist I-beams) and other engineered lumber products instead of solid sawn lumber, engineers can cut down on cost and carbon footprint size through the use of recycled wood instead of fresh lumber. In new construction all of these things need to be taken into consideration because they can save clients money both up front and over the operational life of a project in terms of money saved by a sustainable building.


I. Water

French drains can be installed externally around the perimeter of each building, to play the triple role of protecting the foundations and basements against flooding, relieving groundwater pressure, and redirecting and redistributing surface and groundwater. The construction of the drain system would include a clay liner at the bottom of the ditch, to maximize the volume of water flowing through the drain. The second layer up would be made of lightweight gravel, and in the gravel there would be two perforated, corrugated pipes. The redundancy will help to ensure that neither pipe becomes overfilled and slowed by air bubbles; water will seep sideways into the parallel pipe to balance the load. The gravel and pipe layer will be covered with a geotextile filter fabric to ensure that sediments do not seep through and clog the pipes. Then, the trench will be backfilled with soils that match the gradation of the surrounding soil, and covered with sod. The French drain system will vent water that seeps down from the surface; the perforations will drain the area along the full pipe length and discharge the surplus at the outlet. The outlet will be strategically situated to drain into the garden area, to establish a closed-loop water supply system.

Additionally, since the lowest-laying areas of Middletown are historically prone to flooding, dry wells should be constructed at the lowest elevations on campus, along with under each parking lot. These underground structures consist of a completely buried reinforced concrete cylinder with perforated sides and bottom, and can dissipate storm runoff into the local groundwater table via a matrix of small exit openings distributed over a large surface area. The dry wells receive water from a network of infiltration beds running around the perimeter of the parking lot and parallel to Route 230. The wells can be built with large storage capacities so the intake rate and volume match the characteristic gradual dissipation rate.

Bioswales could be built around the perimeter of each parking lot to treat runoff containing automotive pollutants, before releasing the water to a dry well, and then into the water system. Instead of supplying rivers and streams with a routine surge of polluted surface runoff, a bioswale increases residence time and thus purifies stormwater that will then seep slowly back into the ground to recharge the groundwater table, the river, and eventually the Chesapeake Bay. Swale drainage trenches are designed to maximize the residence time of water, which enables the water to infiltrate into the ground and solids to settle out of the water, arresting several types of pollutants: silt (turbidity), inorganic compounds (metallic compounds, phosphates, nitrates), organic chemicals (pesticides), and pathogens. Construction specifications include a careful consideration of channel width, slope, flow depth, and channel length. The channel would have a flat bottom to increase filtering and infiltration capacity. A gradual slope of 4% is enough to slow down flow without creating ponding; the addition of vegetation provides surface roughness to slow down the water flow and thus increase residence time. The channel could be filled with deep-rooted native plants and grasses, which allow the water to infiltrate more readily than non-native species, while also being low maintenance and adapted to local climate and rainfall patterns, planted in 12-24" of compost-amended soil and sand atop a rock trench. The depth of flow must be lower than the vegetation in order to maximize the slowing effect of the plants. The channel length must be long enough to reach the desired residence time, based on flow rate. Drain tiles will be placed along the edges of the swale to increase its effectiveness.

Inside the buildings, water is likewise an important topic of interest. More people means more water consumption, and water conservation will be a constantly increasing priority. Automatic shut-off water systems in bathrooms will be maintained, low-flow showerheads with shut-off valves will be installed in all dormitories, and a water recycling system will be established. The greywater from washing hands, bodies, and dishes on campus will be diverted to the toilets. A rainwater catchment system will collect and store storm water in a cistern from all building gutters (on buildings without French drains), and redistribute the water for showers, laundry machines, janitorial uses, and extra water for the garden.

II. Air

More students means less oxygen. In order to maximize air quality indoors, air-filtering greenery will be present in common areas in all campus buildings. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, sansevieria trifasciata, and epipremnum aureum are three great examples of easy-to-maintain indoor plants which cleanse closed environments of formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds that are emitted from construction materials and miscellaneous sources, while also converting CO2 into O2. The bicycle-share system (discussed in the Transportation section of this report) will also encourage a closed-loop, non-petroleum-based transportation system on and around campus, thereby reducing the amount of air pollution caused by an increase in people needing transportation. Trees will be planted at intervals on open spaces around campus to increase the general air quality.

III. Solid and Hazardous Waste

Another key idea is to keep nutrients recycling in the on-campus and local agricultural system. The campus already composts some solid wastes from the school cafeteria. This program should be expanded upon to include all food wastes, landscape debris, and other organic matter. Compost can be aerobically formed with target physical parameters as follows: pH between 5.5 and 8.0, 35-55% moisture content, particle size allowing 98% of material to pass through a 1" screen, and a maximum soluble salt concentration of 5.0 dS. These specifications align with the Pennsylvania state specifications for institutional composting. To manufacture the compost, all organic materials should be blended in a mixer; the mixture is then formed into windrows and regularly aerated until the specifications are met. The compost will then be used for a variety of purposes, including erosion and sediment control and bioswale construction. To control erosion around campus, the compost will be compacted to an appropriate level so as to prevent water from moving between the soil-compost interface. Plants with extensive root systems may be planted in the compost to enhance the erosion prevention capabilities. Compost may also be used in campus landscaping projects, athletic field maintenance, and agricultural research. Mulch can be made by aging compost in static piles, and then applying directly around the base of trees and shrubs or worked into the top 6-8" of soil to increase water retention and nutrient content. The campus will transition to using all compostable materials where possible, such as napkins and plates, while also choosing to purchase goods sold in compostable packaging.

One of the reasons Wrisberg Hall fell into disuse was that the campus had reached its solid waste removal limit. Over one hundred years ago, Teddy Roosevelt said "civilized people ought to know how to dispose of sewage in some other way than putting it into the drinking water." A lesser-known fact about sewage is that on a yearly basis, a human’s waste output contains enough nutrients to grow most of the plants the human would need as food in that year. But, instead of utilizing the potential in a closed-loop system, our culture has deeply rooted aversion to poop. We send it down the toilet bowl where it is mixed with a large amount of water and pollutants in a slurry and sent away to be treated; a substantial output of many sewage plants is a sludge that is unfit for agriculture, and is therefore sent out to sea where the nutrients are essentially lost. As the world’s phosphorous supply dwindles without any synthetic alternative in sight, radical changes to the way the world views waste will eventually be required, and Penn State Harrisburg could be at the forefront of institutions experimenting with the implementation of this change. Bathrooms in a renovated Wrisberg could have double-outlet toilets, to keep urine and feces separated and hence maximize their agricultural value. Fecal matter would be stored in large mesophilic bins inhabited by bacteria, which consume the nitrogen and phosphate matter in solid waste more efficiently without the nutrient-rich presence of urine. Biochar also periodically added to the bin helps control odor. After an acceptable period of time, the feces can be removed and composted. The urine is be diverted and processed by chemistry students to obtain a phosphorous-rich fertilizer to be studied, developed, and used in campus agriculture. Not only will this approach save water and reduce the campus’ carbon footprint, but it will also help revolutionize a radically sustainable practice to keep nutrients in the cycle of consumption.

Decreasing hazardous wastes will involve a concentrated effort to move towards organic products campus-wide, from cleaning supplies to landscaping products and beyond. A push will be made to replace all items on campus with items that are reusable, durable, or biodegradable.

IV. Education and Community

Arguably the most important step towards reducing a campus’ carbon footprint is to reduce the carbon footprint of each individual making up that campus. To do this, education must be provided to enlighten students on the global impact of every single one of their consumption habits, from how they travel to what they eat to where they buy their goods. Required lower-level, and optional upper-level, major-specific classes in sustainability will invariably impact a larger amount of individuals, helping them to understand why sustainability is a critical component of every person’s life. This will not only fulfill the university’s role as a teaching institution, but it will also benefit the university and the students in the long run.

The campus could adopt a point system by which students perform acts of sustainability and are rewarded with points which can be used in on-campus exchange centers. These exchange centers will be run by the business and humanities departments, and will stock used school and office supplies, clothing, furniture, and textbooks donated both by students and the surrounding community. These donations are rewarded with points which can be used in-store. Take for example a student who donates a textbook; they will receive points based on the class level, condition, and estimated value, and could potentially cash those points in to buy a textbook for another class, or perhaps a desk donated by a graduating student. Not only will points be awarded for items, but also for actions. Points may be earned for every unit weight of material recycled, every time a reusable bottle or mug is used in Stacks, and for every hour spent laboring in the community garden.

The garden could be expanded from the small present area in front of Stacks, and expand to a large portion of the central outdoors campus area, and will be maintained primarily by work-study students, volunteers seeking points, and students taking a kinesiology class in sustainable gardening. A variety of vegetables could be grown in the garden, to be used in recipes in the school cafeteria. Composting of all organic waste from Stacks should be greatly encouraged via signage and high accessibility to composting sites both indoors and outdoors. Compost bins and mixers could be built and maintained by mechanical engineering students. All of the compost generated would be used on-campus to form a closed-loop consumption cycle. There will be a high emphasis placed on vegetable consumption; a collective diet that moves towards vegetarianism will greatly decrease the carbon footprint of the campus. In addition to sustainability, the emphasis on this diet will hopefully increase the overall health of the campus while decreasing the number of visits to the nurse’s office.

Periodically, business and engineering students will conduct audits to assess current consumption and procurement practices campus-wide, to find out where unnecessary waste can be prevented and where products with longer life spans that are more repairable, reusable and nontoxic may be substituted in. This will encourage a continual growth towards the ever-evolving goal of maximum sustainability.


It has been said that the only truly environmentally friendly building is no building at all. But in the real world, construction is one of the biggest industries as it reflects human prosperity from homes to highways to all facets of necessary infrastructure. Yet, a means of addressing strong environmental concerns while satisfying the structural needs of a society does exist. Sustainability encompasses goals "to enable all people to meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life, while ensuring that the natural systems, resources and diversity upon which they depend are maintained and enhanced for both their benefit and that of future generations" (1, Pearce). Thus, sustainable or green construction demands serious attention from this day forward. As early as 1994, the Conseil International du Batiment establishes basic "rules" of sustainable construction including reduction of resource consumption, reuse of resources, use of recyclable resources, protection of nature, elimination of toxins, application of life-cycle costing, and focus on quality. Construction requires materials, and these must be chosen with sustainability in mind.

I. Materials

The selection of appropriate materials follows all the previously suggested principles in greater detail. Ideally, no new materials should be employed. Rather, existing structures could be rehabilitated only with recyclable elements. The real "trick" is to use products that are recyclable and/or possess recycling potential, thus minimizing resource use. In addition, multi-function materials increase efficiency in use. Promoting a low ecological impact dictates the incorporation of minimally processed products, those manufactured via low energy techniques and originating from renewable resources. The latter is exemplified by certified wood from specifically managed forests. Every effort should be made to utilize abundant and locally available materials which also help to diminish the associated transportation impact. A classic illustration is the creation of Central Park in New York City where excavated stone within the area is then employed in the bridges, walls, and stairs. In an attempt to pose the lowest possible human and environmental health risks, elements emitting toxins such as particular adhesives or sealers or items made by toxic processes such as PVC products including rigid pipes and plastic railings should be avoided. Finally, materials that assist with sustainable site design strategies are assuredly preferred. The use of reflective cement concrete can reduce the urban island effect while pervious paving can allow air and water to circulate through it. This example brings up the significantly associated subject of life-cycle cost. Portland cement concrete is not a "green" material due to its high energy production, but the benefits for a site’s environment spread over the life of the element justify the use.

II. Life-Cycle of Materials

The life-cycle assessment of construction materials presents an important aspect in the selection process. Ideally, a material life cycle should incorporate the closed-loop strategy whereby waste from one process or product becomes a useful component in another procedure, and waste released to the environment does not exist. Closed-loop recycling is accomplished when a manufactured product is recycled back into the same or similar product without significant deterioration of the quality of the product. Materials that could meet this criteria include steel, glass, and some plastics. Energy consumed and waste produced during both the manufacture and actual installation of the products command consideration. Durability, fitness, and maintenance suitable for meeting the needs of the structure and the safety of the environment are desirable characteristics. The capacity for recycling enables materials to meet relevant end-of-life requirements. Furthermore, the difference between green building materials and green building products should be understood. The former are basic materials, used as standalone items or as product components, which have low environmental impacts compared to alternatives, and the latter refers to the building ingredients whose multiple attributes make them preferable to other choices. Examples are wood from the managed forest and the low emissivity (low-e) glass which allows light to pass through but rejects a substantial part of the accompanying heat. To make matters even more complex, green building products may not necessarily be composed of green building materials. The low-e glass may be difficult or downright impossible to recycle due to its film component. However, the processing of the lumber may produce waste, use up energy, and eventually degrade the environment.

Sustainable construction using green materials and products that have been thoughtfully assessed is the way to satisfy both structural demands and environmental considerations. Reduce consumption, recycle resources, protect nature, eliminate toxins, and apply life-cycle assessment while focusing on quality are key aspects of the building process. Today, many companies actively compete for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, an assessment standard devised by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials).

III. Construction Processes

From a structural standpoint, there are ways to apply sustainable construction processes to existing structures and particularly to planned new structures at the Penn State Harrisburg campus. These procedures help meet the needs of the increasing enrollment while impacting the environment in a suitable manner. It should be remembered that renovating existing structures is more desirable than building new ones, but it is also recognized that this theory cannot be put into practice in all cases. Design and materials provide the major structural focus. For example, the expansion to the Educational Activities Building is only a reasonable size and will be placed near an existing structure, thus making the new building more accessible while preserving a larger contiguous area of open space. In addition, students may take advantage of pre-existing parking lots with no need for another such area. Materials for the structure will include concrete, steel, and masonry. Concrete, the most commonly-used construction element, provides durability, high strength, and resistance to weathering. Pavements can be made pervious, allowing water to enter the ground. Unfortunately, production encompasses both high energy consumption and health hazards due to the CO2 emission. However, the amount of cement can be reduced with the use of industrial byproducts such as fly ash and ground blast furnace slag. Also, recycled concrete can be incorporated into the plan, and the results can be recycled themselves in the future. Every effort should be made to obtain locally sourced concrete in order to avoid fossil fuel use in the transportation of materials.

Steel is an metal with a high strength to size ratio. Besides coming in a variety of shapes with an array of finishes for aesthetic appeal, steel, once again, possesses great recycling potential (a rate larger than 68%). Consequently, this recycled metal can be used in the new structure. Nanotechnology is currently employed to produce both improved steel through fabricated weaving into ultrafine lattice structures and a nanoscale lath structure for reinforcing bar, resulting some day in reduced amounts of steel usage. The use of recycled steel is especially important since the manufacturing process requires other resources in a high energy situation. Finally, masonry (brick) is another durable, easily recycled item that requires little maintenance. Furthermore, brick is made from clay and shale, abundant, nontoxic, natural resources found in many locations. While production does consume high energy, the waste and emissions are far less than those for Portland Cement. As stated earlier, transportation pollution can be reduced through the use of local providers. The selection of brick for the façade has aesthetic as well as practical appeal since all structures share a common exterior material. Basic materials such as concrete, steel, and masonry can contribute to sustainable construction, but other products and methods can be equally helpful.

IV. Windows and Solar energy

Windows allow light and air into spaces while maintaining a thermal resistance to energy movement. Size does matter. Windows need to be large enough to encourage sufficient lighting but not so large that they permit entrance to the heating component. However, low emissivity glass (of various strengths) can be installed to provide a suitable balance. In addition, skylights positioned in the roof furnish an additional source of illumination where appropriate. Due to its size and exposure to the sun, the roof plays a significant role in heat transmission. A light colored roof with a correspondingly high measure of reflectivity is a good choice for the sake of both the structure and the surrounding area, and, in general, the building will use approximately 40% less energy than similar buildings with dark roofs. Under the right circumstances (preferably wet and snowy rather than dry), a green, living, or eco-roof could be beneficial in both an aesthetic and climatic manner. This updated version of an ancient sod roof helps to reduce energy costs and stormwater runoff while decreasing summer roof temperatures and filtering pollution. The extensive type, fitting for the roof over the lecture halls in the new structure, is a "low maintenance, drought-tolerant, self-seeding vegetative roof cover that incorporates colorful sedums, grasses, mosses, and meadow flowers that require little or no irrigation, fertilization, or maintenance". Of course, this green roof requires a sufficiently strong base frame outfitted with appropriate waterproofing, and although the initial cost may be as much as twice that of conventional roofs, the benefits make the establishment worthy. A relevant window choice and green roof installation will yield outer structural gains, but implementing a few simple ideas in the interior can also result in a more sustainable outcome.

V. Interior

Interior furnishings and fixtures offer opportunities to advance environmental quality. Recycled denim, a tightly woven fabric, can render a suitable insulation. Energy saving lighting with built-in controls and non-absorptive finishes such as recycled glass floor tiles should be considered. In the restrooms, low flush toilets and urinals can combine with motion activation for energy optimization. Even the selection of interior paint matters since paler colors will reflect more light. Without getting into details concerning the furnishings, items such as flooring and countertops should be chosen from recycled or sustainable resources, and care must be taken concerning the type of backing and adhesives used during installation since products with VOCs (volatile organic compounds) should be avoided. Besides upholding sustainable construction, the Educational Activities Building expansion should encourage happy, healthy, productive occupants.

VI. Analysis of Existing Structures

All of the previous structural concepts could be incorporated into new buildings, but only a few of the ideas are applicable to some of the existing buildings on campus, due mainly to the fact that renovation has already taken place. Hopefully, the designers were aware of current trends in sustainable construction and seized the opportunity to implement appropriate methods and materials. Evidence seems to support this theory. For example, the new front façade of the Olmsted building introduces additional glass windows to increase the capture of natural daylight. Unfortunately, the vestibule lacks an inner set of doors to aid in saving energy by keeping conditioned air in and unconditioned air out. However, the flooring does discourage the soiling of interior carpeting. Pollution from vehicles is mostly eliminated from the area in front of the building by replacing the former roadway with new walkways and an outdoor seating zone. One particular environmentally friendly practice that would provide thermal control and stormwater management is the installation of a green roof. The Olmsted building is structurally capable of supporting this addition, and serious consideration should be directed toward this proposal. Otherwise, maintaining flooring and furnishings with low or no VOCs and energy saving lighting fixtures and restroom apparatuses should be a continuing goal. The CUB building has also been enlarged with a redesigned entrance which uses more windows. Structural materials like those employed in other campus edifices are found here. No additional parking areas are utilized. In addition to the previously mentioned buildings, other sites possibly ripe for eventual renovation do exist on the campus.

Penn State has acquired structures from previous tenants and continues to obtain older buildings either on campus or within easy access to the grounds. For example, Wrisberg Hall, a former dormitory, located on the western side of the campus, can be renovated if structurally feasible. Most likely, the rooms could provide student housing although sidewalks would need to be installed in order to link this building with others and elevators would be necessary to be in compliance with ADA. The abandoned Alice Demey Elementary School, adjacent to Penn State, could obviously supply additional classrooms and comes with an existing parking lot currently in use by students. Current plans call for the demolition of the Demey school, so consideration must be taken to determine if a new building is more environmentally and cost effective than renovating the existing structure. In both of these cases, a thorough evaluation by a competent structural engineer would be necessary before any plans can be formulated. Finally, revamping the Engineering Technology Laboratory and the Science and Technology buildings is a possibility although the latter has already undergone an addition. In order to compensate for increasing enrollment in the future, the best solution for sustainable construction is the recycling of existing structures with minimal harm to the environment and careful management of resources.



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