The Feasibility Of Commercial Production


02 Nov 2017

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The conventional energy industry is being threatened by increasing production costs, diminishing marginal returns and a clamour for a shift to cleaner less carbon intensive energy sources. A significant decline in the amount of recoverable oil and conventional natural gas resources is predicted within the next few decades, sometimes referred to as a period of -peak oil-. However the global demand for energy continues to soar. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (2011) asserts that global consumption of energy rises to a staggering 770 quadrillion Btu in 2035 from 505 quadrillion Btu in 2008.

As a response to this, a shift to unconventional sources of natural gas, deposited over geographically large area than conventional resources and of low permeability is being witnessed (Jacoby, O’Sullivan and Paltsev 2012). One of such unconventional natural gas resource is Methane hydrates (or clathrates), solid crystalline compounds of water and gaseous molecules suspended in a solid structure (Kvenvolden 1993; Collett 2009), with the chemical formula G•NH H2O which occur in permafrost zones or in ocean sediments on the continental margin where the conditions of high pressure P and low temperature T exist for their formation and stability (Kvenvolden 1988). The magnitude of this resource seem enormous and although efforts to map and evaluate this resource on a global scale have been minimal with current estimates of in-place volumes varying widely, it is widely agreed that the worldwide quantity of hydrocarbon within methane gas hydrates is more than twice the global reserves of all conventional gas, oil, and coal deposits combined (Milkov 2004; Boswell and Collett 2010).

By the early 1990s, the place of gas hydrates in maintaining a balance in the future of energy had been established particularly for countries with limited conventional oil and gas resources (Boswell 2007). Japan spearheaded efforts to explore the potential of geologic hydrate deposits as an energy source by establishing a research program in 1995 under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and industry (MITI) that led to the drilling and installation of the first well designed to investigate marine gas hydrates from a resource perspective (Takahashi 2001). This led to a methodology to evaluate hydrate occurrence while drilling a well (Takahashi 2001).

In the U.S, the study of gas hydrate related to resource began in 1980s with a small program within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and by 2000 the Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act (MHR&D Act) was enacted. This led to researches that uncovered the physical nature, economic potential, and environmental role of naturally-occurring methane hydrates and significantly advanced hydrate science, in terms of knowledge of natural hydrate occurrences, hydrate physical/chemical properties, and the tools available to researchers. With significant knowledge acquired from earlier studies (Sloan and Koh 2008; Boswell 2007), researchers gained a greater understanding of the complexity of hydrate accumulations through laboratory work (Waite 2002; Durham 2003; Winters 2004; Kneafsey 2005; Gupta 2006), numerical simulation analyses (Moridis and Reagan 2007a,b; Moridis 2007a; Moridis and Sloan 2007), and national and international collaborative field experiments (Dallimore and Collett 2005) and this led to the development of technologies for future evaluation and exploration of gas hydrates. By 2005, it was clear that, given certain reservoir conditions, production of methane from hydrate was technically feasible and potentially commercially viable through specially tailored application of existing technologies (Boswell 2007). This also led to the on-going transition of the research effort from one based primarily on studies in the lab to a more integrated effort focused on collection of data in the field. The sheer size of the resource is so large that its potential as a future energy source demands technical and economic evaluation. This study aims to assess the remaining science and technological challenges facing commercialization of production.


Based on the context and the aim and objectives of the research, the following research questions will be addressed in the study:

Can the technical and logistical problems of safely extracting methane gas hydrates at a commercial scale be solved?

What are the environmental considerations related to the extraction of methane gas hydrates?

What are the most effective technologies for the ‘technical’ and ‘commercial’ extraction of methane gas hydrates?


To critically assess the feasibility of the technical and commercial extraction of methane gas hydrates from the Japanese Nankai trough.


A critical review of past literature done on methane gas hydrates.

To collect data on the past and recent status of the technological and commercial production of methane gas hydrates from the Japanese Nankai Trough.

To qualitatively analyse data and comment on the feasibility of technological and commercial production of methane gas hydrates from the Japanese Nankai Trough in the next ten (10) years.

Write a detailed report including recommendation on best practice in production of methane gas hydrates.


For any investigation, the selection of an appropriate research design is crucial in enabling the researcher to arrive at valid findings (Kumar 2005). There must be strong reasons for the selection and justification of a particular design and an awareness of its strengths, weaknesses and limitations and in addition, an explanation of the logistical details needed to implement the suggested design.


In order to achieve aim stated above, data on the results and discussions of laboratory and simulated field tests performed on methane gas hydrates (see appendix 1) published by recognized national and domestic research consortiums, including the United States department of Energy (US.DOE), United states Geological survey (USGS), National Institute of Advanced industrial science and technology (AIST), MH21 research consortium Japan, energy companies including Bp, Chevron, Conoco Philips, Shlumberger, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National corporation (JOGMEC), and various recognized authors in the research area would be collected from a wide range of literature including newsletters, bulletins, research reports, annual reports, journals and dissertations. Data sets will include the following:

Thermodynamic and crystallographic properties of methane gas hydrates.

Geological, geophysical, petro physical and reservoir engineering assessments of potential methane gas hydrate reservoirs.

Published information of thoroughly analysed and interpreted 3-D and 2-D seismic data sets used to identify Gas hydrate prospects.

Data from numerical simulation of methane hydrate reservoirs which provide estimates of the gas production potentials of reservoirs.

Various researches and articles were collected on the same information so as to confirm consistency and reliability of data (Alabi 2009)

Other approaches under this system of research also used are described below:


The collection of data from a historical perspective, will enable the objective evaluation of past and recent progress in research and to build up trends to explain the current situation and thus comment on possible future trends thus data and information on the status of methane gas hydrate production over the past ten years will be collected and the trend of progress observed.


This approach stresses on the phenomenon of detailed and structured study of case of incidents under examination (Saunders 2009). This approach will involve the case study of various locations where methane gas hydrates have being inferred and researched, and the technologies used to explore and exploit the reserves, by critically comparing and analysing secondary data and information of analytical gas production from simulated field and laboratory researches performed and published on the feasibility of methane gas hydrate production. They will include:

Permafrost Deposits.

Mackenzie Delta, Canada – Mallik Gas Hydrate Accumulation (Dallimore and Collett 2005)

North Slope, Alaska, USA – Eileen Gas Hydrate Accumulation (Bird and Magoon 1987; Collett 1993; 2007)

West Siberia, Russia – The Messoyakha Field (Makagon 1981; Krason and Finley 1992; Collett and Ginsburg 1998)

Oceanic Deposits.

Offshore Japan – Nankai Trough (Takahashi 2001; Takahashi and Tsuji 2005).

Gulf of Mexico – Oligocene Frio Formation (Smith 2006; Collett and Lee 2006).


A detailed content analysis of the various researches and articles would be carried out using the qualitative approach by reflecting upon and evaluating the views and opinions of the various authors and scientists on the major themes summarising key findings and making judgements supported by corroborative evidence from the perspectives of different scientists and stakeholders directly and indirectly involved in the research topic. The major themes will include:

Resource assessment

Methane hydrate saturation

Formation evaluation

Geological, geophysical and petro physical properties of methane gas hydrates

Reservoir engineering assessments of methane gas hydrates

Kinetic and thermodynamic conditions associated with gas hydrate reservoirs

Exploration methodologies

Production methodologies

Economics of Gas production

Environmental considerations

Admittedly, the analysis of secondary data may not address in full capacity, the purpose of the research and may be cost implied in some cases. Another short coming might involve the questionable quality of data presented based on the source, method of collection and the age of the data (Hair 2007). Collection of a wide range of data on the research subject from different researches and articles will enable the researcher achieve the aim of objectivity.


This will involve written communication between the researcher and stakeholders and scientist directly involved in the research topic with the aim of constructing a conversational dialogue, which is hoped will prove a valuable tool in revealing tool in revealing the true views and perspectives of stakeholders and scientist regarding the technical and commercial status of the feasible production of Methane gas hydrates.


This research will be performed with the full consideration of moral obligations by the researcher in the use of data. Data used from other sources will be appropriately collected, represented and used while drawing inferences in the studies. By providing details of technique used for data collection, the influence of collecting bias and plagiarism will be avoided.


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