The Safeguarding Environmental Health


02 Nov 2017

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The national environment policy gives the public and the private sector directions on the environment. This policy helps to ensure that the national environment objectives are achieved. The aim of this policy is to address the problems faced in the environment sector. The national environment talks about the objectives and commitment. Moreover the policy’s objective is applicable from 2012 until 2020. The EU drawn up five objectives which are all address in the national policy energy and climate changes. The other objectives include education, employment, poverty, research and development. The national environment policy was launch after the interned parties were consulted. During this consultation meeting the issues were identities and options were taking in consideration.

Objective 1; Greening the Economy

Integrating Environmental considerations into economic development planning

This sub-section only effect Malta as the policy makers will adapt policy, planning ad project for Malta.

Market-based instruments

This sub-section effect Malta but it can have an indirect effect on foreign counties. For example the elimination of plastic bags would have an effect as export would be less, which would have a duel effect on that country. First the reduction of export means reduce the income therefore it may have an effect on it‘s economy. Secondly production would be less therefore factories will pollution less. Moreover shipment of goods would not be necessary therefore water pollution is no longer at treat. Even in the case of tax of vehicles registrations would reduce import of used cars.

Environmental taxation

Environmental taxation only effect Malta as every country has the right to implement any type of tax within it jurisdiction therefore of Malta implements environment tax it would only apply to people and companies that are residents in Malta. This would be a benefit as it will encourage the company to use cleaner technologies and reduce of waste.

Promoting eco-innovation

This will affect only Malta. Throughout this sub-section one is encouraged the researches to undertake studies to develop new and more effective technologies.

Incentivizing the green jobs sector

Incentivize green job sector will affect only Malta. It encourages training the workers to have a higher level of work forces competence and increase the company competitive as compete with other local and foreign companies.

 Enabling the private sector

This sub-section effect only Malta but it can attract foreign investments to Malta.

Greening public procurement

This sub-section will affect world wide because it is an EU law. It is effecting the environment as it is providing greener producers.

Mobilizing finance for the green economy

Mobilization finance for green economy sub-section will only affect only Malta. It encourages awareness of more greenly economy to public and the private sector.

Objective 2: Safeguarding environmental health

Air quality:

Working on air quality will have an effect on Malta moreover on a long term it can have a worldwide effect.  If pollution will be reduced it will have a huge effect on human health such as it will decrease the risk of cancer, asthma and other healthy conditions.  Reformers that would be done will help to provide a clean air for Malta.


The noise sub-section will only affect Malta. In Malta the noise is generated by transport, factories and building suits. It can cause mental problems and hearing loss.


Chemical sub-section will only affect Malta. It can affect the surround of the environment where the chemical spills. Chemicals can affect the sea by contaminating it and kills fish. Moreover it can cause respiratory problems in humans and animals.


The radiation may affect only Malta but this depend on the amount of radiation released to affect the world wide. The nucleus power station if explored it can have an impact on the person’s health such as cancer and it may lead to problems in the respiratory system.

Objective 3: Using resources efficiently and sustainably


stones sub-section will only affect Malta as the dust of stones will only effect our landscaped and atmosphere.

Fresh waters

If water is contaminated it will affect the world wide. If an oil rig explodes it will affect the eco-system of the sea. An example of oil rig explosion is BP case which happened in 2010. When the oil is washed to the nearest score it can also damage the village economy and health issues. Water pollution can also be caused when a ship that is carrying oils and chemicals sinks. The field pesticides contaminated the fresh water.

Coastal and Marine areas

The marine and coastal areas sub-section will only affect Malta. It helps to protect the eco-system of the sea from sewage and waste. It will help the economy as more tourists will be interested in coming to Malta. It helps to pay attention for the sewage that goes in the sea. Moreover Malta is the only country in the EU that treats all the sewage.


Soil will affect only Malta as it will affect the Maltese agriculture and the water resources.


This sub-section will only affect Malta. Building in rural area will destroy the habits of the animals. The land sub-section encourages the recycling of stone and improves the efficiency of energy and water.


This sub-section will affect only Malta. In the waster sub-section they encourages the companies that when packing their resources they pack them with recyclable and re-used resources to encourage waste management.

Objective 4: A pleasant place: Improving the local environment

Greening our cities

The sub-section of greening our cities will effect only Malta. This part of the policy will help to reduce the traffic and reduced the impart on the environment. This will help to decrease the air pollution.

Safeguarding our built cultural heritage

Protecting the Maltese heritage will only affect Malta. This will affect the Maltese economy as more tourist will came to visit our heritage. The area of the heritage is protected from infrastructure development.

Improving countryside quality

Improving the countryside quality will help to reduce soil erosion, flooding and air pollution. This will only affects Malta.

Objective 5: Greening Gozo


Greening Gozo will only affect Malta. With this policy they will be applying waste management in Gozo to help reduce waste.

Objective 6: Long-term Sustainability issues

Climate change and energy

If the climate changes it will affect the world wide. In this subsection the government have to make sue to reduce the effect of greenhouse gases and find strengthens to adapt the for the change of the climates.

Biodiversity and ecosystems

This sub-section will affect only Malta. In this part of the policy the government should safeguard the flora and fauna. (Ministry For Tourism the Environment and Culture, 2012)

The measures that I will be evaluating are from the air quality sub-section. This sub-section will effect only Malta but by time it can effect worldwide.

M2.The reform in the public transport have been done to encourage people to use it more them their private transport. This was done to reduce air pollution and they are environment friendly.

D1. In my options this has not been effective as the people are using their cars more. As the public transport are not follow the time schedule which cause the people inconvenience to arrive on time to work. This measure instead of decreasing traffic with good service, the congestion has increased.

M2. The electric car will help to produce less carbon dioxide in the air which will help to decrease the effect on the global warming. The normal car have bigger side effect as the carbon dioxide in the air will increase the world temperature. This will lead to climate change and air pollution.

D1. This measure in my option it is not working. First of all to buy an electric car is expensive although the government is giving subsidy. The people still have to use fuel form the power station so the electrical car can operate so one should invest in solar panels. The government in my options should more subsidies when buying a solar panels and an electrical car. So the people would not be polluting the air with fuel when charging their cars. Instead investment should be done on solar car that can be charged with solar energy even with the heavy fuel oil from the power station. So the people can still use the car when we do not have sunny days.

M2. This sub-section encourages the people to make use of walking, biking and maritime transport. All this method is going to lead to less pollution and provide an eco-friendly environment.

D1. It is not effective but it would have positive effects on the environment if implemented appropriately. To encourage the people to use the bike one should arrange the road by making them safe. Moreover one should teach and legislations for the road user about respect to bike users. One should encourage the people and young one going to short distance one should go by walking or any eco-friendly alternation instead of using the car.

M2. A measure in the air quality is the power station. This measure states that we have two power stations working heavy fuel oil. The power stations generation to much pollution so the one at Marsa be closed.

D1. The measure is not effective in fact the EU is giving use fin as the Marsa power station is not closed. The government should re-develop the area of the power station. The power station is not helping to reduce fuel in the air and black dust. One should make sure for renewable energy such as wind and solar by providing the people with subsidies.

Part 2 – P3, M3


Three natural disasters


Hurricane is powerful storm with high wind and lot of rain and is forms in the tropical oceanic regions. It causes a lot of damage to the environment. (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 1998) Hurricanes are formed during warm months. The ocean water warm up and leads to evaporation forming humid air. The air is forced by the wind to upward so the humid air forms the cloud. Then light wind from outside the hurricane will steer it and make it grow bigger. (UCAR, Friends of UCAR, Boulder Valley School District and Science Discovery, 2000) Hurricanes will have an impact on the food, energy and water. It cans cause flooding which will lead to damages of crops and tree. Due to lack of refrigeration frozen food can be spoiled. (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2013) Hurricanes can lead to soil erosion because of the wind and rain. The fertile top layer of the soil will be eroded that will lead to loss of nutrients in the soil. (Unknown Author, 2012) Hurricanes will kill and carry away animals and fish. Hurricanes can affect the energy so it may destroy wind turbines, solar panels and power stations. It will break down oil rigs which will to contaminated water. Without electricity the communication with be effective. The people would not have energy to cook food. The transportation of fuels and gases would be difficult. The water is contaminated which will led to infection and diseases.


Flooding is when the ice melts and the level of sea rises this will lead to lot of rain and the land begins covered with water. (Southwark Council, 2013) An example of flooding happened in November 2006 which occurred in Somalia. (Enzler S. M. 2006) Flooding will lead to the distraction of building and destroy the drainages. Toxic materials and chemicals such as pesticides can contaminate the water. This will lead to death and disease to animals and people. Moreover the maritime life would be affected. The crops may be damaged as they do not have air to grow and animals can drown. In flooding happens in India it would be a benefit for them so they can grow rice. (Hamel G. 2013) Flooding causes problems to the electrical power which may lead to damages to the power lines and electrical shocks. Without electricity the appliances would not work so food may expire.


Earthquake is when the ground shakes this is cause when the tectonic plate collides or move away. (Unknown Author. Unknown Date) An example of an earthquake of Fukushima earthquake which happen at Japan in 2011. Earthquake trigger large landslide which may lead to destroying building. An earthquake may lead to a tsunami so the soil can be carried away. The sea salt is absorbed by the soil which will affect the growth of the crops. Factories may close down which will lead to shortage of food and water. The food would not be sanitized so it will lead to health issues. The water can be contaminated with death bodies and oil spills which will lead to the people to drink contaminated water. Moreover the water piping can break. Earthquake will affect the transportation of fuel so energy would be disrupted. The gas pipes may explode which may lead to no electricity and communication. The air would be polluted so it can cause respiratory problem for the animals and human beings. If the animals have respiratory problems it will lead to breaking of the food chains.

Three manmade disasters

Greenhouse effects:

Green house effect is cause when fossil fuels are burned. The earth temperature may increase. (Spencer R. W. 2002) As the world temperature increases the ice will melt causing increase in the level of water. This can lead to flooding. The crops with waterlogged soil will not have oxygen to grow and the nutrients would be transported. The habitats may be destroyed such as the polar bears. The greenhouse effects may lead to global warming which will have a negative effect on the animals and people. For example the fish like salmons to live they need cold water as the temperature of the water is increase they may death. The water quality with greenhouse effect may decrease. (National Wildlife Federation, 2013) The fields and forest may catch fire which may lead to destroying habits and killing animals. Warm temperature may lead to dehydration. If the temperature increases we will be using more energy resources by burning fossil fuels.


Deforestation is when cutting the trees over a large area. Research showed that half of the forest around the world has been destroyed. (Eschooltoday, 2010) The food can be affected as soil will be less compact and increase erosion of the top layer of the soil. Deforestation will increase the risk of flooding. The trees provide habitat for the animal and people so in case of deforestation as species and animals will death. The trees supply oxygen ad absorbed carbon dioxide. The trees also provide food such as fruits. Deforestation will lead to less rain and fire as the temperate of the world increases. It may affect the river by creating mad flow and rive might became dry. Deforestation will increase the temperature so human being will use more energy. The burning of chemicals and fossil fuels increase the pollution.


Desertification may be cause by overgrazing, farming, poorly agriculture management and deforestation. (Klappenbach L., 2013) It is when the land is changing into desert. Desertification lead to soil erosion will lead to losing the nutrients for the crops to grow. The rivers dry up and the water supply decreases. Moreover desertification leads to food shortage. The animals will die. This may lead to lack of hygiene. The soil becomes sandy which became hard for the crops to grow. Soil will develop sandy participles. The sandy soil has big particles in fact water and nutrients are drained easily. Desertification will damage the water cycle. The trees would not grow which will lead to no fruit and wood. If energy for cooking and lighting are provided form wood this counties have a lack of energy resources. Moreover water would be lack too so one should go to non- renewable resources which will lead to more pollution.


Water shortage

70% of the world surface is covered with water however human being are only allowed to use 1perecet. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2013) We get water from rivers, lakes, dams and reservoirs. Water is a very important resource as we use it to water plants, drinking, washing and transportation. Resent studies showed that Malta is one of the ten top countries that are suffering from water shortage. (Carabott S., 2012) When the population increases, the county increases the demand of water.

Water shortage may affect the people as they would spend a day looking for water. (The Water Project, 2013) The people would not meet the daily needs of the children. Shortage may cause problems to agriculture, industry and household. (World Health Organization, 2009) This may lead to lack of food as the crops, animals and fruits will not be watered. The business of the farmers will not be competitive and the price of the food will increase. If the water became scarce it price increases. Water shortage may lead to health issues such as cancer, miscarriages and underweight babies. Lack of hygiene in the water may lead to diseases such as malaria, cholera and diarrhea. This will affect the people as they would not go to work and school which will cause them to fall under poverty. (One Drop, Unknown Author)

The children with shortage of water may not have the opportunity to learn. Moreover if the teachers are sick the children cannot attend to school. Water shortage also may lead to lack of equality. With water shortage the people will not be able to wash themselves and maintain their dignity. The sanitation will be worse which will lead the people to death and infections. If the pipes are broken the fresh water can contaminated with sewage. When waste water is used for irrigation it may cause contamination. The dirty conditions that bring water shortage may lead to mosquitoes and rats. Water shortage may lead to tension, war and violence. Water shortage may lead to the distraction of the eco-system.

Water shortage will lead to political issues in the county so the government should take action in order to provide the people with appropriate amount of water. As the world temperature is increasing we need more water to drink as if the water is scarce the people would die dehydrated. The rivers are getting shallower in particular time in the year so of the rivers are Neil and Jordan. Moreover in the country such as Beijing the water supply for underground is decrease.


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