The Life Of Charlie Chaplin


23 Mar 2015 02 May 2017

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Charlie Chaplin was born April the 16 in the year 1889.His full name is Charlie Spancer Chaplin. He was born in London. (United Kingdom.) Charlie was an film director and an English comic actor. His parents are Charles Chaplin and Hannah Harriette Hillin. But Charlie wrote in his book that he really never knew his father. They work in the theater. His mother artist name was Lily Harley. When Charlie was born his parents got a divorcé. When Charlie was twelve his father died, he was an alcoholic .Charlie has two half- brothers, their names are Sidney and Wheeler. Charlie grew up with Sydney , therefore Charlie knew him as the best. Sidney was born in 1885, after the marriage. Spencer became also famous as drummer for Jefferson Airplane, that was the best band in the years. Charlie was to young to know was going on and would not fully know about his half-brother , ' wheeler Dryden ' His family was very poor. His mother Hannah sold valuable stuff to stay alive. But after all they have enough food. Because his family had so little money. Therefore Charlie went to a drama. Hannah was sick, when Charlie's und Sydney's childhood. Charlie and Sidney lived in more homes example , school and workhouses and his own house.The brothers meet again in 1920. Spencer is died from cancer in January 10, 2005. Sydney died on Charlie's birthday, april 16,1965. Wheeler died in September 30, 1957. On the picture see you his family.

Charlie Chaplin has been married to four times, he has 11 children. His first wife was Mildred Harris, they got married on October 23, 1918.They got one child , but after three days the child died. They got divorced on April 4, 1921. His second wife called Lita Grey , they got married on November 26, 1924, together they had two sons, Charlie and Lita divorced on August 25, 1927. His third wife called Paulette Goddard, they met when they are on a holliday,Charlie and Paulette divorced in June in the year 1942, she was the stepmother of Sidney and Charlie Jr. His fourth wife was Oona O'Neill with whom he had eight children, Charlie and Oona got married on June 16, 1943.

His Children.

His first child, Norman Spencer Chaplin, he was born on July 7, 1919. His second child , Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr., he was born on May 5, 1925, he has appeared in a film together with his father (Charlie Chaplin). His third child , Sydney Earle Chaplin, he was born on March 30, 1926, he has also worked with his father (Charlie Chaplin) in one movie. His fourth child, Geraldine Chaplin Leigh, she was born on August 1, 1944, she is also known in many movies. His fifth child, Michael John Chaplin, he was born on March 7, 1946. His sixth child , Josephine Hannah Chaplin, she was born on March 28, 1949. His seventh child, Victoria Chaplin, she was born on May 19, 1951. His eighth child was Eugene Anthony Chaplin, he was born on August 23, 1953. His ninth child, Jane Cecil Chaplin, she was born on May 23, 1957. His tenth child, Annette Emily Chaplin who was born on December 3, 1959. His last child, Christopher James Chaplin, he was born on July 9, 1962.

Silent Films.

In 1895 came the first moving pictures that you could often see at the fair. You can see dancers in butterfly dresses and men boxing. After a time came the silend films. At the begin there were only short films, but because people liked that ,The films were longer with more subjects. In a silent film the actors don't speak. These films were made around 1900. At that time they can't make a film with a sound. a stupid film in the cinema there was a church organ for music. Later came a real organ. In the year 1927 was it possible to make films with sound. Famous people who played in silent films were : Laurel & Hardy and Charlie Chaplin. Someone who accompanied a silent film called a Wurlitzer. At that time there were no sibtitles , they used a lot of stuff to make a noice : When in a movie a motor was going on another person make a noice of the motor, when a thunderstorm was struck they make a noice with a pot. So there were movies with sound, a lot of actors don't like that because they actors doing more with their mouths and hands . These actors often went to the theater scene there to work there. In the film was someone who told the story of the movie. The silent films had always had a good final, they called a Hollywood end. And for the Europeans a dramatic end..

A pair of Charlie's films. ( the great dictator , circus, modern times. )

At the movie 'the great dictator' they make fun of Hitler. The great dictator is Charlie's famous film, he writes the movie and directed the movie. Charlie plays two rolls in the movie. One is a jewisch barber and a dictator. This movie is the first that Charlie speaks, he was very afraid for the reactions of the people In the end of the years thirty Charlie worked at this movie but it appeared in 1940 in the theaters. In that time Hitler conquered large parts of Europe. The movie came popular around the year 1941. , the great dictator good be used against the war. research showed that Hitler saw that movie twice. Nobody knows what Hitler thought of that movie. They think that he thought that the movie wasn't funny, because Charlie was playing a jewisch man. Charlie has at admittedly when he knows what Hitler has don that time he doesn't to make this film.

The Circus.

For this movie charlie got an academy award. If he really got this award earned, a lot of people discuss over that. He had a difficuld time then because he and his second wife lita got in a devorce. Lita was tried to end the cariere of charlie chaplin. This movie stand on the place number 7 for the highest income of the silend films. In the year 1928 brought the movie $3.800.000.

Modern Times.

This movie came in the year 1933 till 1936. The movie go on premiere on February 6, 1936. Charlie plays in this movie a tramp, he goes together with a unemployed girl from the town and they're sure everyone gets work. He spends a lot of time with another girl. He and the girl find a job and happiness. This movie brought up $1.500.000.


A pair of Charlie's films. (City lights, limelight, Making a living. )

City lights.

City lights came out in the year 1931. For this movie get Charlie $1.500.000. In this movie is charlie a tramp , but he met a girl. He says to that girl , : i'm a millionair.' But later she find out that he isn't a millionair.


Limelight is a movie were many children of Charlie Chaplin in plays. In 1952 begon Charlie to write that story. Charlie write all his movies and directed them.

Making a living.

Charlie's first movie was Making a Living and got in premiere on February 1914. This movie took about a quarter. Charlie knew little from the movies. He has a lot of humor. He thought that the director was nothing… He didn't nothing good. He was very disappointed of the final results. Everything he was hoping to see in the movie , the director has got everything out. But the public liked the movie and recognized Charlie as ' a really good comic '

A countess from Hong kong.

This was charlies last film, the movie was going out on January 5, 1967. Charlie got with this movie. $3,500,000.

His last years …

Charlie lived the last years of his life in Switzerland.. In 1972 Charlie Chaplin got a oscar for his whole life. That Oscar called they a academy honari award. He got the longest applause in history from the oscars. , in 1975 charlie chaplin got knighted by queen Elizabeth. So he got a new name : ' sir Charles Chaplin'. And his wife became Lady Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977,during the first Christmas night. He died of a cardiac arrest he was 88 years old when he died. On March 8 , 1978 his body was stolen. The people who has stolen the body was tring to get ransom from Charlie's wife , but the plan was failed. The body was found 11 weeks later by the leg of Geneve and later they buried Charlie under 180 cm concrete.

How get charlie so famous ?

Charlie Chaplin had always a derby on , that derby was to tight and he had shoes on they were to large, he always walked with a walkingstick. So came Charlie on stage. He didn't think he got so famous. But he knows that he was a tramp, that he wasn't so lucky. Later he told what the goosepas meant. , he had stolen that from a dronken man, he walked also like a goose with his feet going outside. If you think of the name ' Charlie Chaplin' , the most people knows him from the movie : ' The little tramp ' Whole the world loved him ! Everybody knows the sad face of him and his humor. And so he didn't speak the people could understand him. Because the whole world likes him and so became very famous. He has make many movies , and became there awards for. So there are many quotes Charlie Chaplin said and we are still using then. As : A day without laughter is a day wasted , In the end, everything is a gag and We think too much and feel too little.

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The end !


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