02 Nov 2017
Topic: Implementation of Black Litterman Model in Indian Stock Market
Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration
Submitted by:
Amandeep Singh Kabli
MBA-FT, F-084
FMS, Delhi
This is to certify that this final year project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration by Mr. Amandeep Singh Kabli Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi is a record of original research work carried out by him under my guidance. Any material borrowed or referred to is duly acknowledged.
Amandeep Singh Kabli
Dr. Pankaj Sinha
Roll No. F-084
Faculty of Management Studies
MBA FT, 2011 – 2013
University of Delhi
I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Pankaj Sinha for not only being immensely helpful during the course of this project, but also for the wonderful lessons he imparted in various aspects of finance during my two years of education here in FMS.
I am also indebted to the faculty members of FMS, Delhi for their continuous support and help. I thank the staff of this great institution for their support in making all possible facilities available for pursuing my interests. I am thankful to my friends and batch-mates for their continued support and constant motivation.
I have learnt from several articles, research studies and papers from national and international entities. I acknowledge the value I have received from these bodies of knowledge.
Amandeep Singh Kabli
Roll No. F-084
MBA FT, 2011 – 2013
The Black-Litterman model is one of its kinds which use both the quantitative as well as quantitative aspects in the portfolio creation. This method allows the investors to combine their unique views regarding the performance of various securities with already available data which results in equilibrium return vector which is quite different from CAPM returns which are based on historical data. This dissertation aims to implement Black Litterman model in the Indian stock market. For introducing the views the weighted average analyst views about the security are taken into account. The main aim of this dissertation is to generate the equilibrium returns for the selected securities and then compare the performance of portfolio created through Black Litterman with market and original portfolio.
Table of Contents
Portfolio is the group of stocks taken together by an investor. Investors create portfolios to diversify their risk as well as to beat the market and generate excess return. Portfolio management is art for some and for others it is a science. Portfolio management essentially consists of deciding which securities should be there on basis of risk and return and also how much amount to invest in individual securities.
Harry Markowitz’s article "Portfolio Selection" in (1952) laid the foundation of what is known as modern Portfolio theory or the Mean Variance theory. In this article, Markowitz proposed that there is tradeoff between risk (calculated in form of variance) and return (calculated in form of mean) and in general investors are risk averse in nature. Markowitz’s Mean variance framework has since then been criticized and improved upon by various scholars. One of the recent enhancements was the work done by Robert Black and Bob Litterman (1991). They proposed a model known as Black-Litterman (BL) model, which takes into consideration not just the quantitative aspects of portfolio management but also takes into account the qualitative aspect.
In this model the optimal weights of the securities is combination of the expected returns and the views that investor has with regards to certain (or all) securities. In other words, the Black Litterman model gives more weights to those securities for which investor has positive views and less weights for which investor has negative views. This method thus avoids the extreme allocations which securities have when mean variance method is followed. Since Black and Litterman gave the model in their original paper in 1991 various modifications have been proposed by various scholars. But still few empirical studies have been done to implement this model in equity markets and fewer in the Indian equity market. This is partly because of the qualitative nature of the model and also in the original paper no clear framework was given. This paper aims to implement Black Litterman model in the Indian equity markets and thus compare the expected returns obtained from this model with those obtained through CAPM model.
Practically all the financial institutions such as asset management firms encounter the problem to manage the portfolio of different asset classes so as to maximize the return for a given level of risk. They also have to deal with problem of optimal capital allocation to each asset class. Most of the times such decisions are either based on mathematical models or pure intuitions or combination of both. One of the initial solutions of this problem was establishment of an assumption that investors are risk averse and they only care about return and risk. Many mathematical and quantitative models were developed based on this assumption .One of the most important model was the Mean Variance model given by Markowitz. But MV model was a theoretical solution and had no real implementation in the real world. This resulted in severe criticism of the model and scholars realized that the new models should incorporate both the qualitative as well as quantitative aspects.
One of such new models is the Black Litterman model which is combination both quantitative as well as qualitative aspects. It allows investors to specify views on one or more assets in the portfolio. But the views are highly subjective in nature and vary from investor to investor. Also no consistent framework was given by authors in their original paper. So the major problem in application of this model is how to incorporate these views in the model.
The purpose of this dissertation is to implement the Black Litterman model in the Indian stock and analyze how this model can be used in real scenarios. Also the aim of the thesis is to compare the outcomes of the model with those of the capital asset pricing model and analyze whether incorporating the confidence/views about securities affect the expected return outcome or not. Also the thesis compares the performance of new improved portfolio with the original portfolio and also with the market.
This study also uses a slightly different method of taking the views and tries to form the confidence matrix on the basis of public information.
The research is limited to the Indian stock market and the companies included in BSE-30 index. The companies included in this index are largest companies in India and are regularly tracked by analyst. The time period of study is January 2004 till Mar 2013.
The flow of this dissertation is as follows: A comprehensive literature review will be done in chapter 2 to provide the reader with a clear overview of the leading academic literature on portfolio theory in general and the BL model in particular. Mean variance framework and Black Litterman model will be explained in chapter three from theoretical perspective. The fourth chapter will deal with the general methodology used to implement this model. In this the potential pitfalls with the chosen methodology will be brought forward and discussed. The fifth chapter will give a presentation of the empirical analysis and results. This section presents the results from estimating models. The results will then be interpreted and analyzed. The sixth and final chapter will present the reader with a conclusion and a summary of research and concluding remarks concerning the empirical results. Suggestions for future research will be included in this final chapter.
The Black-Litterman model was presented in a Goldman Sachs fixed income research paper in 1991 by Fisher Black and Robert Litterman. This paper was then published in the Journal of Fixed Income in 1991. The revised paper was published in Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ) in 1992 but this time the paper was inclusive of the rationale for the methodology, and some derivation of the formulas was given, but does not described all the formulas or gave a full derivation. This resulted in implementation problems and reproducing results became very difficult.
Bevan and Winkelmann (1998) gave a detailed description of how they implemented Black Litterman model while allocating assets at Goldman Sachs and provided calibrations to the process given earlier. They re-iterated that an important feature of the Black-Litterman framework is that investors should take risk where they have views, and the most risk should be taken where they have the strongest views. He and Litterman (1999) gave a reproducible discussion on Black-Litterman. Satchell and Scowcroft (2000) demystified Black-Litterman model, by claiming that the parameter Ï„ ("Tao") should be set to 1 but they did not provide enough information in this regard. Apart from this they did provided a detailed derivation of the master formula of Black-Litterman model.
Christadoulakis (2002) studied the aspects of Bayesian inferences, and applied concepts of Bayesian theory to the assumptions of the model and developed key formulas for posterior returns. Krishnan and Manis (2005) gave what is known as two-factor Black Litterman model by introducing a recession factor. This recession factor was uncorrelated with the market. Meucci has done commendable work (2005; 2006; 2008; 2010) in this regard and has made it lot easier to understand and implement the model. He in 2006 developed a method to in-corporate non-normal views in the Black-Litterman model. Meucci through his paper in 2005 extended the method of non-normal views in Black-Litterman model to any kind of the parameter, thus permitting scenario analysis. Barga and Natale through their paper in 2007 developed a method so that the uncertainty in views is determined using tracking error volatility. Great amount of literature has been dedicated to discuss the problem of estimating an investor’s view for the Black Litterman model. Izdorek in 2005 simplified the Black Litterman model so that even the non-quantitative investors can use it. He allowed the investor to specify the confidence in views as the percentage (0-100%) where the confidence measures the change in weight of the posterior from the prior (0%) estimate to the conditional estimate (100%). Becker and Gutler (2009) explored the estimation of confidence in views by using the analysts´ forecasts with the dividend discount model and by Monte Carlo simulation. The article showcases that the implementation of the Black-Litterman model based on the number of analysts’ forecasts outperforms all other strategies. Chiarawongse et al. (2010) introduced a new approach in which the qualitative views were in the form of linear inequalities that can be incorporated into a mean-variance portfolio optimization. The authors computed the expectation of alpha (risk-adjusted measure of the active return on an investment) conditioned on qualitative views that can be combined with a degree of confidence.
Mankert, C. (2006), incorporates behavioral finance in her discussion on Black Litterman model. In her paper she introduces the factor of home bias, which increases the riskiness of the foreign asset and influences the portfolio weights through the levels of confidence. According to author an investor who is biased towards assets in home country will have lesser confidence views for foreign assets. This results in the asset weights which are closer to the weights of assets in benchmark index.
All the literature review that has been done above is in context of developed markets and only similar study which exists in Indian scenario is one given by Alok Kumar Mishra1, Subramanyam Pisipati and Iti Vyas in 2011.
Harry Markowitz’s article "Portfolio Selection" in (1952) laid the foundation of what is known as modern Portfolio theory or the Mean Variance theory. Various models were developed from the Mean Variance model, including the Black Litterman model. Hence it becomes imperative to have a clear understanding of the Markowitz model. Markowitz article is modification of John Burr William’s article "Theory of Investment Value" (1938) in which he argued that the value of the security should be the value of all future dividends. But, When Markowitz modified the future dividend concept and introduced the concept of expected future returns. According to Markowitz the value of any security should be the net present value of all expected future returns [1] . In earlier models only the return was considered to be the determining factor, i.e., it was assumed that the typical investor just wants to maximize the return. But Markowitz argued that apart from maximizing the return the investor also wants that there should be certainty in the return. Thus the investor seeks to both maximize risk as well as minimize the uncertainty. Hence these conflicting objectives need to be balanced and a decision in this regard has to be made at the time of security purchase. One of the interesting consequence of these two conflicting objectives is that the investor can diversify its risk by purchasing not just one but various securities. Thus to accommodate several securities the covariance between securities in a portfolio was also considered. The risk is captured in form of variance and return is calculated in form of mean. It also postulated that investor seeks to get higher return for given level of risk and less risk for same level of return. Hence in theory there are infinite numbers of portfolios available to the investor. Markowitz model is a kind of optimization problem where the investors just care about risk and return. This optimization problem can be put forward as:
Subject to:
Subject to:
= vector portfolio weights
= variance-covariance matrix
= Variance of the portfolio
= expected return vector
Various assumptions of the Mean Variance model [2] are:
Investors are risk averse in nature and they higher return for given level of risk or they want to minimize risk for a given level of returns. The degree of risk aversion varies from investor to investor.
Expected returns in form of mean, risk in form of variance or standard deviation and co-variance are known by all investors.
The expected returns are normally distributed.
There are no transaction costs and taxes.
Machine generated alternative text:
Figure : Feasible set and efficient frontier. P* shows the efficient portfolio located at the point of tangency between the asset allocation line and the efficient frontier. RRF represents the risk-free rate of return.
Figure 1 highlights four essential features:
the set of feasible portfolios represented by the shaded area,
the efficient frontier which depicts those portfolios whose expected return is highest for given level of risk
The asset allocation line from the point on the vertical axis, i.e. risk free rate of return and tangent to the efficient frontier,
The efficient portfolio located at the point of contact of asset allocation line and efficient frontier.
This paper is considered to be cornerstone in the modern portfolio theory and has been used extensively till date. But this model faces serious problems when it is put into practice in real life. Michaud in his article "The Markowitz Optimization Enigma: Is Optimized Optimal?" in 1989 was first one to present the problems which this model faced. He pointed out that there are five major problems:
He showed that Markowitz’s Mean Variance model gives more weight to those securities which have a large expected return and small variances and gives less weight to those securities that have a low expected return and higher variances.
Also the Mean Variance optimization is actually and estimation error maximization problem. The assets which are extreme in nature (based on risk and return) suffer from huge estimation error. Also the model uses historical return data to compute the expected returns which further aggravate the problem in error maximization.
Michaud also pointed out that the Mean variance model does not take into account the liquidity of the security which is usually calculated by the asset’s market capitalization. There is a huge possibility that large portion of the market capitalization of smaller companies may be some portfolio; which means that small change in value of the company will have significant impact on the performance on portfolio. This means that if the portion of the company that is purchased (sold) by the portfolio is significant the purchase (sale) price will fall (rise).
Also the model is unable to differentiate between the variability in uncertainty/ probability that is attached with various inputs.
The mean variance model is very sensitive to the changes in the input. This sensitivity results into the fact that a small change in input will result in drastic change in the portfolio weights. Markowitz’s knew about this problem but he argued that the sensitivity is because of the variance-covariance matrix which Michaud termed as ill-conditioned covariance matrix. According to Michaud an ill-conditioned matrix is one which is constructed by historical data and is insufficient.
Black and Litterman in 1992 discussed an entirely new problem which was related to the constraints in the model which were imposed while solving this optimization problem. They pointed out that many a times analyst and portfolio managers face the short selling restrictions, which means they are not allowed to negative position in the securities. But if this constraint is not taken into account in Markowitz’s model; the model gives large short positions in various securities. But problem also arises if this constraint is taken into account as this usually results in large weights in some securities and zero weights in others. This is problematic for that investor who is creating portfolio from diversification point of view.
The Black-Litterman model was presented in a Goldman Sachs fixed income research paper in 1991 by Fisher Black and Robert Litterman. This paper was then published in the Journal of Fixed Income in 1991. They again published the paper in Financial Analysts Journal (FAJ) in 1992 but this time the paper was inclusive of the rationale for the methodology, and some derivation of the formulas was given, but does not described all the formulas or gave a full derivation. Various theoretical and estimation expansions have been provided by various scholars since then, foremost of them is Meucci whose work in 2005; 2006; 2008; 2010 has made it lot easier to understand and implement the model.
The Black Litterman is one on its kind which tries to solve the classical portfolio selection problem by using both qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of finance. Qualitative aspects are the views which investor has for any security. Black and Litterman in their paper used the market equilibrium portfolio as a starting point and then incorporated the views into the model which tilted the weights towards those securities where the investor was bullish and gave lesser weights to those securities for which investor was bearish. But Meucci in 2009 showed that one can achieve the same results if the starting point is current portfolio of investor or any market index such as BSE-30, NSE-50 etc., thus removing the role of equilibrium portfolio. The views can be of two types:
Absolute view:
The views are absolute if investor believes that the return from a certain security will increase or decrease by a specific percentage.
Relative view:
A relative view is one in which investor believes that the return from a certain security will increase or decrease in comparison to some other security in the portfolio.
Now the confidence in the views is applied to the model. By confidence it mean the percentage with which investor has given the absolute or relative review. Black and Litterman did not provide any framework on how the confidence in the views can be calculated. But various scholars have tried to work out the solution for this issue and one of the methods is being used in this dissertation. The views and the confidence in them help investor to take more risk where they have stronger views and less risk where they have weaker view. Black Litterman model then uses the Bayesian approach to combine the subjective views of the investor with the equilibrium expected returns to yield expected return vector.
The Black Litterman model eliminates the problem of corner solutions and thus creates more stable portfolio. This happens as the model combines the subjective views of the investor with the empirical data. This is done using Bayesian probability theory (Cass, Christodoulakis, 2002). The model thus updates the expected excess returns with the views and is able to generate the equilibrium returns. These modified excess returns help the investor to tactically allocate the money in the securities.
The Bayesian approach is the process by which the views and expected returns are combined together. The Black Litterman model uses Bayesian Inference for this purpose. Bayesian inference is a method of inference in which Bayes' rule is used to update the probability estimate for a hypothesis as additional evidence is learned. In this the posterior probability is computed, with help of two antecedents, a prior probability and a likelihood function [3] .
The master formula of the Bayesian theory is:
P (A|B) = the conditional (or joint) probability of A, given B. It is also known as the posterior distribution.
P (B|A) = the conditional probability of B given A. it is also known as the sampling distribution.
P (A) = the probability of A. it is also known as the prior distribution.
P (B) = the probability of B. It is also known as the normalizing constant.
One of the core assumptions of the model is that the security returns are normally distributed. Because of this reason during the implementation of model the prior and conditional probabilities are considered to be normally distributed. Now as the inputs in the Bayes’ rule are normally distributed so will be the posterior probability. One can assume different distributions for each of these probabilities and hence create different variants of Black Litterman model.
In the Black Litterman model the prior equilibrium distributions are clubbed with the views and uncertainty in views and results in new combined return distribution [4] .
Figure : Graphic illustration of the Black-Litterman Return Distribution
This section describes the Black Litterman framework from the mathematical perspective. The combined return vector equation which is also sometimes dubbed as master formula of the Black Litterman model.
E[R] = combined return vector (Nx1 matrix)
Tau (Ï„) = weight on views scalar
Î = implied excess equilibrium returns (Nx1 matrix column vector)
Σ = variance-covariance matrix (NxN matrix).
P = matrix of the assets involved in views (KxN matrix)
Ω = uncertainty in the views and is a diagonal covariance matrix of error terms
The View-matrix is a KxN matric and represents the assets involved in the views. It is denoted as P in the Black Litterman model. In this matrix each row represents one view and each column represents a company. As mentioned earlier there are two kinds of views absolute and relative, therefore the sum of the rows will be one or zero respectively. Let’s understand the P and Q matrix with help of an example.
The first row sums to one which means that this is an absolute view. The second row sums to zero and is a relative view where the investor believes that the asset 1 will outperform asset 4 over the next period. The third row is again a relative views and gives the investor view that asset 3 will outperform asset 6.
The Expected return-matrix (Q) is a column vector which consists the estimated returns for each view. This matrix is helpful in a sense that the view matrix P shown above just specifies that the investor has some views for one or more of the securities but it doesn’t quantify these views. The size of the views is shown by the Q matrix. The first element of Q matrix is -6% which depicts that the investor is confident that the security 2 will underperform by giving -6% returns. Thus the model will give less weight to the security 2. The third element is 5% and shows that investor believes the security 6 will outperform security 3 by 5 %.
Ω is a KxK matrix and it represents the uncertainty in the views. The basic assumption of Black Litterman model is that the views are uncorrelated. This results in Ω which is diagonal in nature. It only consists of variances and the covariance is zero. The variance of views matrix is a square matrix with number of rows and columns equal to number of views that investor has used.
Ω is the model abstract parameter in this model as no framework was given Black and Litterman to determine this. Various researchers a have since then tried to develop a method to determine this matrix. One of the methods was proposed by Meucci that is proportional to the covariance matrix of asset returns. According to Meucci
Σ = variance-covariance matrix (NxN matrix).
P = matrix of the assets involved in views (KxN matrix)
Ï„ is a scalar quantity and is one of the most confusing components in the Black Litterman model. Every research paper uses its own value of Ï„ and some of them even ignore it. It is also known as weights on views. In most of the research papers available today its value is being taken between 0 and 1. In their original paper from 1992, Black and Litterman took the value of tau near to zero [5] . Its value was chosen as close to 0 by Le (2000). According to him tau should be in a range from 0.01 to 0.05. But some other researchers have taken its value to be 1(Satchell and Scowcroft, 2000). This was done for easing the implementation process. Meucci (2008) described Ï„ as 1 divided by the number of observations. The reason behind Meucci approach is that the views will have a higher influence when the data is less and vice versa. Dorbetz in 2001 showed that lower Ï„ value indicates that the variance in returns is greater than the uncertainty in mean of distribution. For the ease of simplicity in the implementation value of tau has been taken as 1 in this dissertation.
The implied excess equilibrium returns are derived from the equilibrium returns that clear the market. These are calculated using equation:
= Implied Excess Equilibrium Return Vector (Nx1 column vector);
Risk aversion coefficient;
Covariance matrix of excess returns (NxN matrix); and,
Market capitalization weight (Nx1 column vector) of the assets
The risk-aversion coefficient (λ) is a parameter that showcases the tradeoff between return and risk. The low value of A means that the investor takes more aggressive bets, resulting in a high risk-high return portfolio.
The utility function [6] given in the Black Litterman model is as shown below:
Figure : Black Litterman Utility function
The concavity in the utility function of the Black Litterman model is similar to that observed in earlier quantitative models. Also there is no kink when the utility function moves from loss region to gains region. The loss aversion utility functions have kink in them and also they are convex in some region and concave in other. But the utility function of Black Litterman model does not fit this description.
Black Litterman model of creating portfolio and its optimization is applied on the Indian stock market and its performance is compared with that of the BSE-30 index. To test the performance in terms of returns obtained from Black Litterman model I have chosen to include the same assets in portfolio as in BSE-30 index. The results will hence indicate whether the Black Litterman model can perform better than BSE-30 index or not.
The general structure [7] that was taken while implementing this model is as shown below:
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Figure : Major steps behind the Black-Litterman model
To implement this model following steps were followed:
Initial weights are calculated using the market capitalization of the securities.
Next the variance covariance matrix is created for these 26 securities. And also the beta, alpha, historical returns and variance were determined.
Next the views are calculated. This was done by first determining the number of analyst ratings in different categories such as buy, hold and sell. Also the share price forecast data was taken which was also in three categories, i.e. high, medium and low. Sum –product was done for analyst rating categories and share price forecast. This sum product was divided by total number of analyst rating thus resulting in weighted average analyst view about the change in return of the security.
With help of these views view matrix was created. From this the omega matrix which shows variance in the views is determined.
Next the risk aversion coefficient and implied equilibrium excess return vector were computed.
Now with all the inputs available the expected return vector was calculated using the Black Litterman formula.
New covariance matrix is formed by summing the original variance covariance matrix with the matrix obtained from first part of Black Litterman formula as shown below:
New weights were determined and performance was determined by performing the sum product of the new weight vector with the return of the securities in month of February.
As relative views were not available so the study just took absolute views. For forming the P matrix, value 1 was given to the security about which the views were there and for rest of the securities in that row value zero was given. Every security which the study studied had some or the other view. For determining the Q matrix weighted average was taken for the share price forecast, weights being the number the analyst who has given the recommendations. For ease of implementation of this methodology analyst rating for buy and outperform were clubbed as one and same was done for underperform and sell. Now there were three share price forecasts and there were three weights in form analyst ratings. This weighted average seemed the best option as it tilted the weight towards the kind of rating which is endorsed by highest number of analysts. This means that if out 50 analysts 40 have given buy and outperform recommendation then the share price forecast will be shifted in favor of these recommendations.
Since views are highly subjective in nature and different investors have different forecasts for the future we have chosen not to collect this information from one source/investor (e.g. financial institution) but rather take it from source which complies views from a large number of analysts in our case it was financial Times. With this approach we hope to gain accuracy since we assume that an asset with 39 investors recommending "buy" is more likely to outperform the market than one asset with only one investor recommending "buy".
In order to implement the Black Litterman model BSE-30 index also known as Sensex was chosen as a basic starting-point and benchmark. There are 30 stocks in this index. These stocks represent the companies which are financially stable and have long history of successful operations. It is a free-float market capitalization-weighted index. The 30 component companies represent various industrial sectors of the Indian economy. These 30 Indian companies are mainly large cap companies, with a strong international presence. The companies are spread over all the major sectors/business areas represented on the market such as everyday commodity, energy, financials, healthcare, industrials, IT, power supply, materials, durable goods and telecom. One of the main aims of our dissertation is to construct a portfolio that in a good way represents the Indian stock market and gives a market wide and well-diversified approach without focusing on a specific branch or industry. All the companies in the index are well recognized among Indian and foreign investors. Many of the companies are popular among both private and institutional investors. This index represents an average Indian investor portfolio fairly well. In line with the home-bias theory, I believe that the BSE-30 index represents a combination that is of great interest for the average Indian investor on a day-to-day activity.
A crucial component in our choice of the BSE-30 index was the need for analyst views. The views incorporated in Black Litterman model depicts the future position of the securities and thus they should have very less variance. The views were amply available for the securities which are present in BSe-30 index in comparison to other indices where the views are not available to such a large extent.
For the practical implementation of Black Litterman model I have chosen BSE-30 index as it is a well-diversified market index covering almost every sector and consists of only Indian stocks. Another reason is the ease with which views are available for the securities of this index. The test will be conducted with the use of daily data from the period January 2004 to January 2013. A Black Litterman portfolio will be created at end of January 2013 so that it can be tested for period of two months. We use the official closing price of each stock and daily data. This leaves us with 2246 observations which we consider adequate for the purpose of this thesis. The closing price data of BSE-30 index was taken from the online database available on BSE website. Similarly market capitalization data was obtained. The data for period 2004-2013 was chosen so that the cyclicality of the markets does not affect the portfolio creation
The views were collected from the Financial Times online database. The reason for selecting "Financial Times" was that it provides a convenient compilation of market views on particular Indian stocks from the major analyst such as investment banks and rating institutes. Also the financial Times provided the future stock price movement which served as proxy for the future expected returns by the analysts.
Data for the portfolio stocks was collected from Bloomberg and starts from period January 2004 till March 2013. 90 day T-bill rate was used as proxy for risk free rate and this data was again obtained from the Bloomberg database. The period for which data was taken is 2004-2013.
In order to transform our stock price data into returns we used logarithmic values. Furthermore, the data was not available for certain stocks from the starting period. The number of such kind of stocks was 4 and these were removed while implementing the Black Litterman model. So practically we just had 26 stocks to create portfolio. Some discrepancies may arise because of this when we compare the performance of Black Litterman portfolio with that of BSE-30 index.
During the process of collecting data for this dissertation I noticed that the total number of views fluctuates over the securities. Figure 5 illustrates the total number of views for the different securities. This fluctuation may give more weights to some securities and less to others and this is not accounted for in the model. Shefrin (2005) also argues that analyst recommendation suffer from conflict of interest. He points out that many financial institutions are doing business with companies they cover and hence have incentives not to give all that negative recommendations. This is not something that can be adjusted for but one should keep this in mind while analyzing the results.
Figure : Total Views with respect to each security
Initial daily closing price data for 26 stocks was taken for the period 1-January-2004 to 31-January-2013. From this the daily return was calculated. This helped in determining beta, annual return, expected return, alpha and variance.
The risk aversion parameter was calculated using formula:
The value came out to be -216.039.
The low value of A means that the investor takes more aggressive bets, resulting in a high risk-high return portfolio. Although speaking practically it cannot be so much negative as it implies that investors took very aggressive position in the market during the periods when the markets and economy are not performing well for a prolonged period and also they don’t even seem to perform well in coming future. One plausible explanation for so low risk aversion coefficient is that the investors are ready to take huge risk because they believe that the risky positions are going to yield higher returns and their portfolio is going to outperform the market.
The initial weights of each of these 26 securities were determined using market capitalization. Market capitalization was determined for each of these securities on 31-jaanuray-2013. A sum was taken of all these market capitalizations. Now market capitalization of each security was divided by the total figure; which results in initial weights. These weights will be modified after the implementation of Black Litterman model as shown in Figure 4. Now the data for these initial weights is shown below:
Table : Initial weights based on market capitalization
Next in line is variance-covariance matrix which helps to determine the covariance’s that exists between these 26 securities. The table of variance-covariance has been shown in appendix 2. Various other steps that were used during calculation of Black Litterman excess return has been shown in Appendix.
The Black Litterman excess returns obtained are compared with the CAPM returns and this has been tabulated below:
Table : Comparison between Black Litterman returns and CAPM returns
As is evident from table 2 that the black Litterman returns vary by huge amount from the CAPM returns. This is due to the views which we have incorporated while implementing this model. Let’s take one example from above table. For BHEL the Black Litterman return came out to be -0.0765 which is opposite of CAPM return of 0.1577. This is because our view regarding BHEL was negative of value -0.091. Same reasons exist for all other variations in return.
New weights were determined with help of Black Litterman returns by using the formula
These weights were also different from those based on market capitalization. A tabular comparison of old and improved weights is being shown below:
Table : Comparison of new weights and old weights
Some of the new weights obtained after implementation of the model are negative. This is because we have taken the unconstrained model in which short selling is permitted. Had short selling being avoided as is done in constrained form of Black Litterman model, we wouldn’t have obtained negative weights. In all 14 securities out of 26 should be shorted. The variation in weights along with views can be best captured with help of radar chart as shown below:
Figure : comparison of initial weights, new weights and views
Now with these new weights a new portfolio consisting of these 26 securities is being created. To check the performance of portfolio, daily closing price data for these 26 stocks was taken for period of 1 month from 1-februrary-2013 and 28-Februrary-2013. Daily returns were calculated for each security and for each security annualized return for one month period was determined. Similar treatment was done with BSE-30 index. These February returns were multiplied with both new weights and old weights separately. This was done to compare the performance between two scenario, first one is when investor would have invested using original weights and second if investor would have invested using Black Litterman model.
The comparison between two scenarios and also the BSE-30 retuen for one month is being shown below:
Figure : comparison of performance of Black Litterman portfolio and Old portfolio
As is evident from figure 7 portfolio created after implementation of Black Litterman model outperformed both index and original portfolio by huge values. As a matter of fact both the market and original portfolio underperformed and gave negative returns whereas the Black Litterman optimized portfolio gave huge positive returns. This is majorly because of the views that were specified for each security.
In this dissertation the implementation process of the Black Litterman model has been shown. The outcome depends on various components such as views, initial weights, implied equilibrium returns etc. and some of these components are subjective in nature. From the results it can be concluded that the Black Litterman model shows better performance than the market index. Although same diversification was there in both the portfolios, but still the Black Litterman portfolio outperformed the market.
Non-restricted version of Black Litterman was implemented. This was done assuming that the investor is allowed short selling. This avoids the extreme corner solutions that one encounters when he/she follows MV approach in the conditional model. Also this presents an aggressive portfolio as there are long and short positions in certain stocks. But still the portfolio is not risky in nature as portfolio performance is not dependent on the performance of specific assets. The author believes that if there is variability in views then Black Litterman model is robust enough to handle those views.
The proposed approach for incorporating views increases the applicability of the Black Litterman model and makes the subjective parts slightly more consistent. Also by taking into consideration views from large number of analysts helped to develop consistency in the views. This also avoided large errors when taking views which are subjective in nature.
This research can be extended to the constrained form of the Black Litterman model .Also the performance testing can be extended to longer periods to check the robustness of model. All the assets included in research are of one single asset class, i.e. stock market securities thus suffering from problem of high level of co-movement; therefore additional asset classes e.g. fixed income etc. can be added to the portfolio. This study can be expanded by including securities from geographically dispersed stock markets.
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