The History Of Ecommerce Business


02 Nov 2017

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Necessary part of e-commerce and e-business has become faster and faster business strategy and economic development in the emerging global economy, strong catalyst. The integration of Information communication technology (ICT) in business has revolutionized the relationship within the organization and between these organizations and individuals. All, the use of information and communication technology business, increase productivity, encourage greater customer participation, and enabled mass customization, in addition to reducing costs but also can reduce the human resources, because the need is not so much selling member to selling their own products directly online, because you can get all the information.

In the development of the Internet and Web-based technologies, the traditional markets and the global electronics market, such as the size of the capital, including the distinction between being gradually being narrowed. The name of the game is the strategic positioning of the company's ability to identify new opportunities, human capital, skills, through a simple, viable e-commerce strategy, take full advantage of these opportunities, a global information environment to the extent feasible and the new economic environment. Fair competitive environment, coupled with appropriate strategies and policy guidelines, so that small and medium-sized enterprises and large and well capitalized enterprise competitive e-commerce.

Another aircraft, increase developing countries into the global market, where they compete with more developed economies complementary. Most, if not all developing countries have been involved in e-commerce, either as sellers or buyers. However, in these countries, in order to promote the growth of e-commerce, the relatively less developed information infrastructure must be improved. Now the network is very developed, so most people are beginning to use e-commerce sites, because the majority of people now women are lazy to go out to buy necessities or shopping, because now the weather is getting evil and bad, a lot of women are very afraid to go out to go shopping, e-commerce services to them is a best way. Then, so I chose the website is

3.0 Answer of question 1

Today I'm looking for the site is This website ( is to be regarded as the most widely used e-commerce in Malaysia where, because this site is really useful. So only used in have five features is Is widely regarded as the definition of e-commerce in Internet sales and the purchase of the product, but any transactions completed through can be considered to be the e-commerce electronic measures. At the same time, the sales and purchase services and products to businesses and consumers through electronic media, without having to use any paper documents. After that, the e-commerce is subdivided into three categories: consumer consumeror C2C, business-to-consumer or B2C ,enterprise business or B2B,peer to peer or P2P and ,mobile commerce or M-Commerce.

First, B2B is a method of trading in the e-commerce, known as business-to-business e-commerce, the online buy goods and services between enterprises. B2B e-commerce, online self-service, in order to simplify the B2B sales process has tremendous potential. Big Machines of e-commerce engine to use the same rules as the basis for the configuration of power from the company website or portal B2B sales.

The second is C2C is the customer of the customer, sometimes also referred to as consumer to consumer e-commerce transactions including electronic convenience between individuals, often through a third party. A common example is If online auctions, everyone can list a trading and others can offer to buy it. Commissions generally charged by the seller of the auction site to use them. Their behavior is purely intermediaries to match buyers and sellers, do Not have much control over the quality of their products, although they try to prevent the Illegal items, such as pirated CD, DVD or some salty color and sales. Will be prohibited, and may also be the police arrest.

The third is B2C, also known as business-to-consumers, sometimes also referred to as business-to-consumer, enterprise activity in the sale of products or services. An example: Some people Buy a IPAD, will be a B2C transactions from the electronics retailer. Prior to this transaction, for example, the purchase of spare parts, screens, iron, plastic manufacturers, from manufacturers to retailers and sales operation will be B2B transactions.

The fourth is P2P, also known as Peer to Peer, peer-to-peer electronic commerce (e-commerce) is generally considered the community to provide the opportunity and the threat to the environment. In such an open society threatened one of the methods that minimize the use of community-based reputation, to help assess the trusted and predict future behavior of the same age. We proposed Peer Trust - Our model has two main features.

First, we introduce three basic trust parameters trustworthy peers. In addition to the feedback through its transactions with other people on the end of the transaction, the total number of peers and to the assessment of the credibility of the model of the feedback source node's credibility. We believe that, based entirely on feedback from other people of all ages in the social trust model is not accurate, there is no use.

Other, we introduce two adaptive trust factor, factor in the affairs and social environmental factors, allowing basic trust, different situation, and solve common problems encountered in a variety of online e-commerce community. We propose a specific method to validate the proposed trust model and a set of reports based on the simulation experiments, the feasibility and effectiveness of display Peer Trust model. The end, is that we do need an e-commerce my conscience to do not be greedy conviction to do business, so bad on their own, but also bad for other people, but also caused a lot of damage.

Phrase the last one is the m-commerce, also known as mobile commerce, mobile e-commerce was originally coined in 1997 to mean that the delivery of e-commerce capabilities directly into the hands of consumers anywhere through wireless technology. Example: digi prepaid, mol point, and so these are the use of mobile phones to send, this is a very convenient and also very good functionality.

Then, I need to select become an e-commerce site, because the site is the best e-commerce, and mudah famous people in Malaysia know consumers on the Internet for consumers. mudah can help customers through the sale and purchase products online. In addition, eBay also introduced a lot of products on the page, it allows customers to see the need to slowly consider buying. However, seven of the unique features of e-commerce e-commerce is omnipresent, it can be everywhere, all the time, it can also provide the global influence of the cross-cultural, or national boundaries. Next, it can also be run, based on common standards, it can also provide information. E-commerce is very interactive, you can simulate the experience of face-to-face, but in Malaysia within. It also can increase the number and quality of the information density of the information, the existing market participants. It also allows customization and personalization. In addition, the site is well integrated into the business cycle, It also can provide customers with more information than before. For example, if the Sony track each computer manufacturing and shipping process, the customer can be clearly seen, the order in which they are at any time. However, it is very poor, confusion and long checkout process in e-commerce functionality. In addition, mudah poor and good features, that is, Then, these features in shopping features, it can also provide different ways to find these products, search inside, it is recommended, also provides in another site. Although the functionality is very short, in and video quality is very bad movie, it is a major moment. In addition, we can overcome these functions is very short, making movies in, video, and also has a high-resolution, should be the best quality, and so on.

Conclusion of question 1

Summary of e-commerce is the cheapest to do business, because one of the means it was the development of e-commerce, has been made in its promotion of these service sand to reduce costs. E-commerce site, many users to sell and buy a lot of products on the Internet, the website. In addition, e-commerce is still in its formative stages, etc.. It also has business-to-business (B2B), also within the the Organization segment currently dominated by e-commerce, although many of the major digital retailers, but e-commerce investment and construction mode, it has no profit it also has many of the retailer's profit, and the establishment of a number of new sales. However, the ability of the new market, can also be combined with the properties of the medium and global position, it can also be reset to the definition of the product and market. So e-commerce is very convenient for us businessmen who is also very good use.

Later, it is worth noting that the possibility of those who can provide customized product, this process can be in the Internet, these supply chain, therebyto ever large boundary of its sponsors and sitesthrough the Web site. In addition, e-commerce sustainable development, has entered the second stage of fast. In addition, there are also some questions have been raised there, its business model, it has been activated, it has a higher number of.

But e-commerce is also some bad places, some people will take advantage of the e-commerce site to sell some pirated DVD or sell some contraband, so the police need to pay more attention.

Also urge everyone not trading in e-commerce to do something against the law, if it is found that the police will take action.

Introduction of question 2

In the 20th century, a lot of people are lazy or do not like to purchase any of the products in the mini market or supermarkets, they are too lazy to buy at the scene.Only one reason, they do not like to buy products in the field because of the small supply of the scene, but also jammed with others.In addition, online shopping online has more sales than the supermarket or hypermarket, more comfortable and relaxed.

Online Internet, people can find what they buy, they can easily find their products and the quality of the product.In addition, forever free online network service is responsible for, therefore, it can also help people save their wealth and time. However, I would like to choose online shopping, online, because it is better than to buy, I need at the scene.I also purchase both products through online, because it will always be a free person in charge, it can also help me to save their own time, and can also help me to save costs at the same time we can buy comfortable.

Answer of question 2

A lot of people are lazy or do not like to buy any product at Mini market or hypermarkets,they are too lazy to buy at the scene. Only one reason, they do not want to buy products in the field, to purchase products via the Internet and other way. In addition, online shopping online product sales of more than supermarkets or hypermarkets. People can also find their own things to buy, they can easily find their products and the number of product. I also responsible for two products bought through online, because it will always be free, it can also help me save time I can also help to save costs, so on.. So I would prefer to buy products and services, although it has several advantages is expedient online market, its price comparison, costs less, you can send a gift through internet .Even better price, there are a variety of different products.

others enjoyed a much more convenient approach to snapping up bargains. They logged into their computers and scoured the internet in their pajamas to find steep discounts everywhere from Best Buy. As people increasingly look for convenience and ways to save money, online shopping will become more popular and widespread.

One reason the internet is an integral part of the shopping experience comes from the need to do research on a product prior to purchasing. Depending on the product, research may be minimal or extensive. If you are looking to purchase a new house, you will spend much more time researching than if you are buying a coat. For many items, such as household appliances or baby items, you will want to check with and other reliable sites that are non-biased. Here you can find trustworthy information on brands, product types, price ranges, and features. Also important is whether the product that has been recalled by the company.

With shoppers trying to save money and time wherever they can, online shopping allows for quick and easy price comparisons. Instead of going from store to store hoping to find a lower price on an item, or purchasing then returning, clicks a few time you can check tons of stores and find the best things. It also helps to check a store's website to see whether there are any current sales, especially if it's not a holiday season. Said part of the fun of shopping browse unlimited array of styles and colors, handbags, and still can, but now, even better. Online shopping, you can by product, brand, color, size, and more decision-making easier to find that perfect coat. If you've ever spent an entire Saturday shopping mall only to find that half of the items on the list, you will appreciate the Internet, or even more.

Another reason many prefer to shop online is a wonderful thing called comment. Online consumer comment can be an extremely valuable tool and may even seem indispensible. When you are considering purchasing a item, you may want to find out what others who have tried the product are saying about it. You can find online reviews on almost anything. Perhaps the most valuable reviews are hotel and travel reviews. Unlike clothing and electronics, you cannot simply return your vacation once you arrive. No one wants to fly five hours only to discover their hotel is not what they were hoping for. Online shopping reviews can be thought of as polling the audience in game shows. You hope that you will get a majority vote as high a percentage as possible to indicate the right choice. If not, you will at least have gathered enough information to feel comfortable.And get other people's comments after you know that items can be good or bad, so have the confidence to buy.

While these are all reasons to shop from the comfort of home, many still prefer to go to the store to see and feel the item in person before purchasing. When it comes to clothing and shoes, women especially, may still prefer to go in and try the item on to make sure it's a perfect fit. However, even if you do choose to actually purchase the item in store, you will no doubt save time and money finding the brand, style, and color you want online.

Coclusion of question 2

My conclusion is that modern people do not like to go to the supermarket or mini market shopping, because now the weather is getting the deterioration of public transport in Malaysia, at the same time of a home and inconvenient to go to driveabroad, at the same time all the people driving out, which makes the roads are traffic jams, but also a waste of the resources of our planet, but also a waste of everyone's valuable time, not as good as at home using e-commerce to buy online at the same time to get more knowledge aboutwant to buy the product.There is shopping online if people with bad or imperfect, those who will give I comment, so we buy those items when it is easy to be able to know the benefits of that article.

However, I think to getting the feel for your products is really important. At the Modern Sensibility we are always encourage to everyone to come the store and see the product if they are like them or not. Therefore, there a lot of people are pickier than others or looking the products online might seem a good idea to them at first, but when they are received the products and it is a big disaster.

And then, returns on products or add frustration of exchange that you are not happy with bigger disaster. So that I think that is the only blemish. Other than that, online shopping is great, fun, handy way to the shop. In my opinion, I advise you be careful, smart and make sure you choosing a reputable website to purchase your products. At last you also need to research like you would visit any other online store.



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