Packing Style For The Bescafe Coffee Max Brand


02 Nov 2017

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Name: - Jagdeep Kaur


Course: - Business Level-7

Tutor: - Amrinder Singh

Q.1. (a)

Ans. To,

The managing director Bescafe


Market research agency


Research brief


Thanks to give us opportunity to write a proposal but before starting we will write to certain information to your side to strength the understand about your requirement. The information which we want from your side will be categorizes into following points: -

Background: -

What is your current packing style for the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand?

What is your customer database?

Can we have access to that data?

How many products were launched at that time, when company was started?

What kind of information do you have related with brand positioning of your current product?

Do you have any more information regarding micro environmental factor, which effects on your recent packaging?

Have you done any research for your packaging style or market share before?

What is the latest status of your brand?

Who are the existing competitors?

Rationale: -

Can you tell us about your business objectives?

Can you tell us about your market objectives?

What are your decision areas a part from new packaging?

Objectives: -

What is your attitude towards your recent packaging and design style?

What are your objective towards the changing style of packaging and design?

Do you know attitude of your competitor packaging?

Have you ever changed the packaging style of your product?

What were the customers references regarding the product?

Methodology: -

What different type of methods you are using for attracting customers?

Do have any store card for customer and can be access that card?

What different type method you are using for attracting customer?

Do you have any information about your existing customer buying preferences, using your company product?

What are your market strategies?

What method you are going to apply for the change in the style of packaging and design?

Have you faced any problem in the packaging style and if yes, then, how you solved it?

Reporting: -

How many backup you want?

Do you want interim presentation if yes then when?

When do want give us the final presentation?

To whom, you want the whole research proposal should be submitted?

Do you want any report in the middle of the research?

In what ways, you want the information should be presented such as hard copy, soft copy, presentations and synopsis?

How many copies of the research proposal you need?

Time Scale: -

When do you want us to give the presentation or final exam?

Are there any mini milestones to give us aware of?

Payment: -

How will you pay the amount for the research?

Can you provide some advance payment?



The managing director Bescafe


The marketing research agency


Research brief


As per the information provided by your company regarding situation of changing packaging style and design of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand, we have decided to focus on the various questions in this proposal.

Methodology: -

For preparing the research proposal, we have decided to carry out secondary research method first and then, we also going to do some primary research to get the accurate and up to date information about your Coffee Max Brand.

Secondary Research: -

Secondary research is the most widely used method of collecting and analysing data. This research is carried out by using the existing data, which is already available on the various sources such as internet, magazines, newspapers, records and previously research information. In simple words, we can say that it is the information which is already collected or existing (Riley, 2012).

To start with the research proposal, we will be carrying out this research first because we asked you certain questions regarding your product and company status or brand name. According to the answers provided by your company’s Marketing Director, we are preparing this proposal. We are also using some more information that we have collected from your records, websites, forums and newspapers about your Coffee Max Brand.

With the help of all ha data that we collected in the secondary research, we can easily know about the company, their market share and previously recorded consumer buying preferences and with this data, we can easily prepare the research proposal. After carrying out the secondary research, we have to carry the primary research.

Primary Research Method: -

For our proposal, first we have done secondary research about the Bescafe Coffee Max Brand. But after this, we have to carry out Primary Research too, in order to get data about the customers buying preferences and needs. Primary Research is a research method in which new and accurate information is collected from the market and consumers (Article, n.d.). In this research, we have to make research plan before starting with the research. Then, we have to go according to that plan .The reason behind carrying out Primary Research to get the updated information about the Bescafe Coffee Max Brand such as what market share this brand has, it’s preferred by customer or not, customer want any changes in this brand or not, and many more queries regarding this brand. On this primary Research, we are also going to perform two techniques such as Qualitative and Quantitative techniques.

Qualitative Technique: -

Qualitative research is all about analysis the feature of a market complete detailed study that discovers the related and framework for the conclusion creation (Riley, 2012). There are two parts of qualitative research focus group and mystery shopper or we can say in another world gap-buster. In focus group, we prepare groups of the Bescafe Coffee MAX consumers from different parts of the country. Then, we give them a topic to start the discussion about Bescafe Coffee MAX brand. Each group will last 30 minutes and after that, we will change the group. Then, again we give them some other discussion topic to talk upon. All this discussion will going to record by using proper recording facilities. This technique will give us a variety of opinions about the Coffee MAX brand. In case of Mystery Shoppers, one of our researchers will go to the supermarket to see and judge the opinions and preferences of the customers. The customers will not be aware of this that our researcher is judging them. This will help us to know about what customer thinks when he/she enters into the supermarket to purchase the product. Do they like the product packaging and design? Our researcher will keep on tracking their actions.

Quantitative Technique: -

This is the last stage of collecting data and it is based on a large number of consumers. In the technique, we will be using surveys and questionnaires. These questionnaires are given to the general people via internet or by sending our researcher to the market or different places. We will send several researchers from our agency to the market with the questionnaires containing questions regarding your Coffee MAX brand packaging and design. Each researcher will be send to different location to carry out the research. By doing this, we can know that in which location the Coffee MAX brand popular. This will help us to know more about the consumer buying behaviour regarding your products. In order to get the accurate data and opinions from the customers or general public, we can give gifts or incentives to them in place of saying THANK YOU after filling the questionnaire or survey.

For carrying out the correct survey about your Coffee MAX brand, we have decided a Target Audience. For example: We can divide the coffee drinker into different groups such as people with age group 25-40 (Business Class) and 45-60 (Old People). According to the previous conducted surveys, the category of youngsters is not very fond of drinking coffee. For our survey, we have chosen the Business class and old people as our Target Audience and these are too from different locations.

In order to get the result on a quantitative basis, we are going to take a large sample size which will help us to get the more information about the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand consumers.

After collecting all the data such as from primary research and secondary research, we are going to analysis that data in order to obtain the required information for our proposal.

Reporting: -

As per your request, we will provide the report of each segment of the proposal to the Marketing Director and Management Team with the help of presentations. Soft copies of the report will also email to each one’s email address. All the presentations will take place at Bescafe Headquarters. In order to present these presentations, we need a projector and a hall where we can watch the presentations and discussion about the necessary steps and decisions. We will bring the laptop for the presentations and hard copies of the presentation for all those who are welcomed in this presentation.

After the presentation of all the segments of the proposal, we will prepare a presentation for the whole research proposal where we need all the decision makers and managers. After this presentation, you can take necessary steps in order to make some changes in the Packaging style and design of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand.

Final Report: -

After all proceed, we will present the final report to company

Time Scale: -
















Collect Secondary Data





Analysis secondary Data




Collect Qualitative Data





Analysis Qualitative Data




Interim Presentation




Collect Quantitative Data





Analysis Quantitative Data





Preparing Final Report





Presenting Final Report





45000 Pounds

Q.2 (a).

Ans. Secondary Data: - Secondary Data is a data which is already collected or researched or in other words, we can say "exists". This kind of data is available in the form of research done by someone else. It is a cheaper way of conducting research. By using this kind of data, we can save time and also the cost incurred for carrying out the research to get the appropriate data.

For Bescafe Coffee MAX brand, Secondary research is suitable in the starting for research about doing some changes in the packaging style & design of the product.

Primary Data: - After studying the secondary data, Primary research is carried out. In Primary Research, data is collected from the various methods like surveys, questionnaires, interviews etc. The data collected by this method is the new data and up to date. Like Bescafe wants to change their packaging style and design, so the best method to know about the customers preference is carrying out surveys which is a Primary research technique. By using this technique, they can change the packaging style according to the customer needs.


It already occurs, so it saves time.

It helps to make primary data gathering more detailed since with the help of secondary data, we are able to make out what are the holes and shortages and what extra information needs to be collected.

Secondary Research is easier to use and very economical because it is carried out with the help of secondary data hold by the Bescafe Company.

Already collected data or records of the company saves time and becomes an effortless activity.

By studying the Secondary data of the company, problem can be understood more specifically.

It delivers a foundation for judgment for the data that is collected by researcher.

It helps to recover the understanding of the problem.

Disadvantage: -

Sometimes, this kind of data or information becomes expired or outdated which results in biasness.

When the information which is already available with the Bescafe does not satisfy our needs, then, we have to carry out Primary Research.

The previously researched data is not accurate.

As the secondary information is already collected, the quality of information is not good for making the decisions.

Accurateness of secondary data is not known.

Data may be out-of-date (Article, n.d.).

Primary Data: -

After studying the secondary data, Primary research is carried out. In Primary Research, data is collected from the various methods like surveys, questionnaires, interviews etc. The data collected by this method is the new data and up to date. Like Bescafe wants to change their packaging style and design, so the best method to know about the customers preference is carrying out surveys which is a Primary research technique. By using this technique, they can change the packaging style according to the customer needs.


To collect the basic data, Bescafe has to do the primary research.

The information will be collected from the surveys or questionnaires will be un-biased.

The data is directly retrieved from the people or consumers.

In this method, the data which is collected is always useful.


The main disadvantage is that the data collected from this method will be of large quantity.

As Bescafe wants to change their design which is a very time consuming process. This method is also very time consuming.

2. (B).

Customer Database is a database maintained by most of the business runners to store and gather their customers details such as contact details, buying history, product preference, income level etc. All this information is stored in a database. Normally the customer database generally contains the following information such as purchase history, service history, transaction details etc. Before the introduction of the computers in the business, the records of the transaction are recording in the books or journal books on paper. But now a day, various software are designed to store the customer database. With the help of this type of database, we can easily know that which customers are regular buyers and their buying preference.

There are many kinds of benefits of maintaining customer database such as:

Recording the customer details in the database of the business increase the awareness of the brand or product.

Maintaining a customer database helps to enhance the opportunities in the market.

Customer database helps in building a reliable and good consumer and producer relationship.

We can easily calculate the profits by checking the records of the customer database (Customer Database).

Marketing Intelligence is a branch of Market Research in which the in-depth analysis of the customer database is carried out.

In this various environmental factors are taken into considerations such as:

Macro Environmental Factor –

Technological Factors

Environmental Factors

Social Factors

Micro Environmental Factor-




Ans.2(c) Data Protection Act is an act which is created for the protection of the data or information stored in the customer databases. While establishing the customer database, we have to consider the following 8 principles:

The data should be specifically used for the purpose for which it has been collected. The data given by the Bescafe to the Research Agency should not be used for any other purpose other than the research for the Coffee MAX brand.

The data should not be shared with others without the consent of which it belongs to. The Bescafe Company’s data should not be shared with the others for any purpose. The data should not be used for personal use without the authorization.

Everyone has a right of accessing the data held about them. The data or information regarding the Bescafe can be easily accessed by the Bescafe Company.

Data must not be stored for longer than necessary. Bescafe provide their personal data to the research agency for the purpose of Research only. When the research will be finished, the data will be given back to the Bescafe.

Data must be kept Up To Date. It is the responsibility of the Bescafe to maintain the database and keep updating the information regarding their customers.

Data must be protected so there is no chance of getting theft. The customer database of the Bescafe is kept protected, so that no competitor can access that private and confidential data (Data Protection Act 1998).


Ans.3 (a)


The Discussion Moderator


XYZ, ABC Marketing Research Agency


Discussion Guide regarding the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand packaging style and design while doing the group discussions in the Focus Group.

Please below is the format of the Discussion Guide which we are going to carry out in the Focus Groups on behalf of the Bescafe Company. The discussion guide is divided into various phases:

Introduction Phase (Duration 15 mins)

Welcome: Firstly, introduction about himself and the ABC Research Agency is given by the Research Agency Head.

Housekeeping: The Research Agency Head tells about the building structure, health and safety measures, fire and emergency exits and refreshments.

Purpose: In this part, it is explained that why are we here, what type of research we have to do for the Bescafe Coffee MAX Brand and various types of steps for making the changes in the packaging styles and design of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand.

Timings: The whole discussion guide will take 2 hours in total which is further divided into various phases.

Recording: all the discussions which will be carrying out in this whole 2 hours session regarding the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand will be recorded with the help of video recording equipment’s. All these recordings will be kept confidential under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Warm-up: In this part, all the marketing researchers and executives are asked to introduce themselves.

Question & Answer: Ask the participants, they have any general query about what we have discussed till now.

Discussion Phase - 1 (Duration 45 mins)

In this phase, we are going to discuss about what are the current awareness and attitude towards the Coffee MAX brand of Bescafe. The main questions that we have to ask from the consumers are as follows:

Name any 5 most prevailing brands of the Coffee?

Have you heard about the Bescafe Company and their Coffee MAX brand?

What do you like most about the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand?

What influence you most to buy the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand?

Can you explain in one word about the Coffee MAX brand?

Do you like the packaging style and design of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand?

Discussion Phase – 2 (Duration 45 mins)

In this phase, the opinions and preferences about the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand packaging and design are going to be discussed and also, the new thoughts that come into the mind of the participants regarding the packaging style of the Coffee MAX brand are discussed.

What do you think when you look at the packaging style of a particular product?

How would you prioritize these packaging style things – colour, design, content and packed in bottle, packet or something else?

What things you recognize when see the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand packaging?

Show the people 3 new designs of the Coffee MAX brand and ask them their pros and cons for each of the design?

Out of 3 new designs which one they like the most?

Give some suggestion regarding the new design and packaging style of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand?

Wrap-Up Phase (Duration 15 mints)

This is the ending phase of the discussion guide. All the participants are thanked by the Research Agency Head. Every participant is asked whether they have any query regarding the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand packaging or not. Are they agree with the discussion topic or not.

The expenses which are paid by the marketing researchers while doing the research will going to be reimburse. But they have to show the receipts of all the expenses.

This session is highly confidential and no one will talk about this discussion guide with any outsider or competitor. This session is conducted under the Data Protection Act 1998.

3. (B)

The two major types of Projective Techniques that are used within the group discussion are as follows:

Brand Mapping

Brand Mapping is a research-driven approach which helps to understand the product better and then, improve the product. For Brand Mapping, information on various competitive brands are collected and given to the Discussion Guide participants and told them to make comparisons on various aspects. It helps to measure the importance and performance of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand in the competitive market. It is a subjective task.

We are using this technique because we want to compare the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand with the other Coffee producing competitive brands. This technique helps us to collect information about the customer awareness and perception about the packaging style and design of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand. With this approach, we can easily differentiate the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand packaging style with the other coffee manufacturers (Brand Mapping).

Completion Technique

The Completion Technique of the Projective Technique is very simple and useful tool. In this, some uncompleted sentences are given to the participants of the discussion guide session and then, asked to fill the proper answers or what they think about the particular sentence. This method helps to detect the thoughts and opinions of the participants. The use of this technique helps to analysis the personality, attitude and motivational factor. This technique is a creative task.


Ans.4(a) To: Marketing Director of the Bescafe Coffee,

From: ABC Market Research Agency,

Subject: Research using Panel and Qualitative method in Group Discussion

Panel Research

Panel Research is a method of market research in which pre-recruited groups are sent into the market to gather information about the customer preferences and competitor’s brand image. It is a method in which a group of respondents are recruited to take part in a number of market research sessions over a period of time. We are using this method because Bescafe Coffe MAX brand is consumed in different locations. This is the reason why Panels are placed in different locations. The panel members accessed for the research may be given incentives in the form of cash and gifts. The panels are designed in such a form that it represents the target population. The characteristics of Panel Research are:

In this method, 2 to 4 respondents are assessed at a time according to the nature of the research.

It requires long term study for the research and helps to see the trends available in the market.

Panel members always provide quantitative data with good quality.

The respondents are accessed from different geographical locations because panels are placed in different locations.

This method is more descriptive in nature.

Privacy and confidentiality of the data provided by the respondents is maintained.

Panel Management is done by monitoring.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research is another method which is used for conducting the research in the market. This method provides an in-depth understanding about the nature and behaviour of the consumer. In order to conduct research for the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand, we are using Focus Groups method because this method provides opinions of the individuals. The results revealed from this research method are exploratory in nature but not statistically reliable. It is used to understand the feelings and perceptions behind the consumer behaviour such likes and dislikes strengths and weaknesses of the brand and developing hypotheses. The characteristics are as follows:

In this method, groups of 5-8 people are created.

This method gives information about the behaviour, perception and individual opinion of the participants of the groups.

This method does not require long term study as compare to the interviewing method.

In this, sessions of the group discussions are recorded by using the proper recording equipment’s.

This method helps in calculating the market share and position of the product.

Q .4(b)

Ans .4(b) Recruiting the members and then, developing a Panel of the Coffee Drinkers for the purpose of research is very difficult and lengthy process. It is very important to supervise and manage the panel of the research. So while carrying out the panel research, the benefits from the recruitment and development of panel are as follows:

The survey response rate is higher than the ad-hoc surveys as panel members have already agreed to participate in research.

It is more cost effective method of research than the surveys carried out via the questionnaires.

It demonstrates a long term commitment to consulting with respondents of the particular location and/or staff.

It helps to generate the information about the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand and also, what are the opinions of the respondents.

Helps to target specific groups of people for the particular piece of information for the whole research or for a part of whole research.

It helps to identify the products those are having large market share than the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand.

The new products are tested on the spot while carrying out the research (Benefit of PANEL).

While carrying out the research via panels, various challenges comes which we have to face in order to get the research done in correct manner. Those challenges are:

In order to carry out the panel research, the panel should be created as attractive and interesting, so that respondents does not feel boring while the conversation.

If the panel members started changing their purchasing style, then, the result gets corrupted after sometime.

Due to a lot of questioning and answering, many respondents get frustrated and angry.

Finding the correct respondent for the particular research is quite difficult task.

Respondents feel bored if they are not aware about the company and their products.


Ans.5. After the preparation of the report, the report will be presented to the audience which is Bescafe Company. Audience can be defined as a group of people who are gathered to listen or watch some persons who are addressing a book, play, film, presentation etc. In order words, a formal interview or meeting, especially in which views of one party are heard. An audience can be instructor, classmates, president of an organization and the staff of a management company (Audience).

Audience is a word which made up of 8 letters such as A, U, D, I, E, N, C, E. Each letter has a meaning which is given below:

A means Analysis – Analysis means analyzing the audience such as who are they and how many they are. Analysis is carried down because we need to know that in front of whom we are going to present the report. In this case, the audience will be Bescafe Company Head, Marketing Director, Marketing Manager and Executives.

U means Understanding – It means what audience understands about the subject matter & discussion which is going to present in front of them.

D means Demographics – In this, the audience is divided according to the status, age and qualification such as Bescafe Company’s Head (Age 55) with degree of BBA(Admin), Marketing Head (Age 45) with MBA degree, Marketing Manager (42) with MBA (Finance/Marketing) and Marketing Executives with age of 25-35.

I mean Interest – It means what is the interest of the audience towards the subject matter of changing in packaging style and design of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand.

E means Environment – This is related to the environment of the Bescafe Company such as working conditions and where the presentation is going to be present such as Bescafe Company Headquaters.

N means Needs – It means what are the needs of the Bescafe in relation to the change in design and style of Coffee MAX brand packaging. Not only the needs of the Bescafe, but also what is needed by us i.e. ABC Research Agency from the Bescafe Company in order to prepare the report for this matter.

C means Customized Needs – According to the technique of carrying out research on 3 new designs of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand, what are their specific needs required by the research agency and Bescafe company.

E means Expected – At the end, expectations are come such as what is expected by the Bescafe Company from the research agency and what is expected by the research agency from the Bescafe Company.

Preparation of Presentation and Report

During the preparation of the presentation and report of the Bescafe Coffee MAX brand, the main focus is given on the quality of the report making and information needed by the Bescafe Company in order to make changes in the design and style of the Coffee MAX brand. If the quality is maintained, then, it is bounded that the research agency will get many projects in the future. The few things that we have to keep in mind while preparing the presentation and report are given below:


Presentations always contain qualitative information which is required to present it in an effective manner.

Presentation should not be prepared in too detail.

Presentation should contain main or bullet points which let us directly to the main conclusions.

In order to make presentation attractive and interesting, Graphics, Visual aids, Charts and Tables where ever possible to support the key points, are used.

Presentations are prepared in such a way that the audience does not feel boring while watching.


Report should contain executive summary which depicts the whole report in short manner so that people with higher designation in the company can go through the executive summary without reading the whole report.

Report contains all the possible solutions for the subject matter of Bescafe Coffee MAX brand and it should be in detail and cover all the aspects of the research.

Report should be prepared in such a manner that it will be understandable by the audience easily.

Research information in the report should be presented by using graphs and tables.


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