The Internationalization Process Of Guinness


02 Nov 2017

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The two main questions companies have to ask themselves, when they want to internationalize are, why they want to do it and how they can approach the internationalization. There are many different theories about the best way to achieve the goal of internationalization. In the following we will give examples and connect them to the internationalization process of Guinness.

The Stages Theory is based on the fact that internationalization is an incremental process. It offers the company a generalized pattern, which may help to achieve the company´s internationalization plan. According to the theory there is an order of different internationalization stages which the company has to go through. It is necessary to find out in which stage the company is positioned, to prepare them to move into the next step. There are two existing groups within the theory.

The Theory of Learning Stages of the internationalization process belongs to the first one. The gist of the Theory is that moving from one stage to the next one is based on learning and experience (Sørensen 1997). It builds upon the incremental process of a firm’s experiential learning in foreign markets to explain incremental accumulation of commitment to foreign markets. (Johanson and Vahlne 1977, 1990) The allocation of resources to foreign activities holds a certain risk but induces experiential learning (learning by doing), which results in market-specific knowledge. There are many existing versions of that Theory in regard to different amount of stages and in relation to their focus. Some of them concentrate on a specific factor such as the market entry (Johanson and Wiedersheim-Paul 1975) or the market selection (Bilkey and Tesar 1978).

The International Product Life Cycle Theory belongs to the second group. It is based on the trade of economic rationales, such as exports vs. investment or costs vs. revenues. According to the theory a company has to go through three different stages to internationalize. The first one is the New Product Stage. In this Stage new products are developed in the domestic market and soon exported to other advanced market economies. The second step is the Maturing Product Stage. In this Stage the production moves from the home country also into other foreign physiological close markets. The last Stage is the Standardized Product Stage, where the production may be shifted into developing countries (Sørensen 1997).

The Contingency Theory calculates concrete steps. But in this theory there is no generalized pattern for the internationalization of companies. Depending on the environment, the market, the demand conditions, the industry structure and the government policies, the strategy will look different. There are three basic components in this theory: a set of environmental factors, the opportunities and the decision criteria of the company. The task is, to achieve the best fit for the company with the given components. The big amount of different Contingency Theories can be divided into two groups. In the "If...then" models the conditions have to be fulfilled before the action can take place. Conceptual framework models describe the environment by a set of factors to be taken into consideration but they do not guarantee the action to be taken by the company. Examples for Contingency Theories are Dunning’s Eclectic Theory and the Transaction Cost Theory (Sørensen 1997). 5

The Network Theory is based on relationships, which are directed to internationalization. The focus lies on long-term relationships and the interaction between the different actors. To internationalize, a company has to expand and continuous the interaction among the members of the network (Sørensen 1997). The challenge is to position the company in the network, so it will be able to establish new relationships. It gives the opportunity for more information and more control over needed resources. In addition it also generates more flexibility in response to changing conditions, in turbulent business fields (Burt 1992).

The Contingency Theory represented by the Transaction Cost Theory is also recovered in Guinness internationalization process. Transaction costs are the summary of ex ante costs, such as search costs and contracting costs and post ante costs, eg., monitoring and enforcement costs. The brand was calculating concrete steps. In some countries they decided to do business through their own internal system, their own subsidiaries (Hollensen 2011). In this case the transaction costs through externalization (eg. distributor, importer) were higher than the control costs through an internal hierarchical system. This meant more risk, time and money. And in addition it was more challenging in terms of managing local resources than externalization, but it also gave Guinness more control and allowed them a high flexibility in serving international markets.

In summary all three theories can be identified in the internationalization process of Guinness. But it was mainly the Stages and the Contingency Theory, which dominated the development of Guinness brand history.

Total Quality Management

Having this knowledge we can jump in to conclusion that if the biggest market share holding alcohol products are in crisis than the smaller share holders are having even bigger problems. The quality of the Guinness is certified and proven by all UN eco and technological verifications but due to the high quality the price is also high. The brad is refusing to low its quality. This case is a perfect opportunity to observe to Total Quality Management Theory and to see how it works in the market where there are all other kind of products not only form the same category (both local and foreign) but from every other category as well

The founder of the concept of "total quality control is A. Faygenbaum examining manage- management of quality as a function of the production system. Later E.Deming in 40 years, J. Juran, K.Ishikava, G.Taguchi F.Krozbi and have basic in is the development and application of the concept of total quality management.

According to J. as Oakland's most competitive advantage, TQM is a comprehensive approach to improving competitiveness, efficiency and flexibility of the whole enterprise.

In essence, the concept stands that the company needs to work not only of the quality of the product, but also to work on the quality of the organization workers, the managers even including the running of the staff. This breaks some existing theories, dogmas, only target management product quality.

Advantages and disadvantages of the concept of Total Quality Management Theory (TQM).

Based on research in special literature regarding the application of TQM concepts were outlined some problems. Disadvantages of philosophy are that the introduction of TQM requires a change the company culture. In the context of a dynamic and fast market expectation of profit is difficult to quickly establish as a quality company philosophy. In a study from 2000 to 2006 in Germany 300 small and medium enterprises for the concept of Total Quality Management it is found that there are many problems. Only one third of the interviewed companies actually consider that this concept is related to the competitiveness of firms.

On one hand companies wanted to introduce the concept of total quality management in the products that they manufactured and expect success. Thus they had a short analysis and coverage of all expectations users. On the other hand, companies were used as guides to introduce the tool aquariums for total quality management, without changing their corporate philosophy. Once the company guides have found that the introduction of total quality management has not led to the expected results have considered the application of this concept does not lead to success without appropriate analysis.

Observations show highlighting failures than successes. To determine to what extent the degree of implementation approach actually contributes to examine issues related to practical tom’s implementation and results. There are rare examples of partial application, resulting in neglect of certain principles.

Another major problem in the implementation of TQM is training of modern methods and tools for quality management.

Examines the benefits of TQM concepts are studied and show that firms have implemented this model higher turnover and profits, higher productivity, better performance and increased the number of working places compared to its competitors. Evidence of this long-term research of Dr. Vinod Singles from Georgia Institute of Technologies and Dr. Kevin Hendricks of the University of Western Ontario, 2006 who studied 200 companies that are premium quality. The result is that the share price of commute is 44%, corporate profits are 48% and the turnover is 37 percent compared to competitors. An important prerequisite the successful implementation of TQM is to know the basic tenets of the concept. Their reconciliation is a prerequisite for process optimization and improvement of business climate internal. After everything said here, the objectives are clear and outlined the perspective in which to do business, but logical question arises how to measure progress and evaluate results

Institutional Theory

Institutional theory focuses on the deeper and more resilient aspects of social structure. It considers the processes by which structures, including schemas; rules, norms, and routines, become established as authoritative guidelines for social behavior (Scott, 2004). Different components of institutional theory explain how these elements are created, diffused, adopted, and adapted over space and time; and how they fall into decline and disuse. Scott indicates that organizations In order to survive must conform to the rules of systems prevailing in the environment, because institutional isomorphism, both structural and procedural, will earn the organization legitimacy. MMEs operating at different markets 7 (countries) with different institutional environments face diverse pressures. Some of those institutional environment pressures will influence the competitive strategy, human resource management and practices.

(8 Scott, W. Richard 2004 "Institutional theory" P408-14 in Encyclopedia of Social Theory, George Ritzer, ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.)

Regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive systems have each been identified by one or another social theorist as a vital ingredient of institutions. The three elements form a continuum moving "from the conscious to the unconscious, from the legally enforced to the taken for granted" (Hoffman 1997)

4.       Theoretical framework

The upper level contained theories named as the Institutional Theory, Advantages and disadvantages of the concept of Total Quality Management Theory (TQM), Total Quality Management, Internalization Theory, The International Product Life Cycle Theory, The Theory of Learning Stages, The Stages Theory, The Contingency Theory, Eclectic Theory and the Transaction Cost Theory, The Contingency Theory. Empirical research is research in which establishes the facts through experience in practice case. In this level I have chosen to present how those theories are working in the practical business world of the electronic advertisement that Guinness lacks on the Bulgarian market so much. I will present the things that the company must do in order to maintain leadership on the Bulgarian market and the ways of doing it in the internet space.

Result and example of previous similar strategies

As close and related to the customer a firm it is becoming more attractive. Showing the consumers that not only they care for them during the deal, but they also shows interest after the deal about are the products satisfying them the way they have expected and if not how do they propose to remove the defects. The relationship between the consumer and the firm is lying in the foundations of the trust that makes the path for business opportunities more clear. For decade’s General motors’ was the symbol for trust of making good and quality products. Not long after they lost control over their own employees and the touch with the consumers they bankrupted. As we all ready said the reason for this is that it is in the human nature to prefer to have a relationship with someone who shows interest of him instead with someone who don’t. This is why those firms who have more contacts and relationships based of loyalty and trust are having more chance to gain the bigger part of the market share. In the upper paragraph we can see a perfect example how no matter what a company achieved it can be easily replaced by another if it loose its touch with the consumers. And also an example that no matter how well crafted a product is if the firm can’t manage to assure ne consumers loyalty there can always be another corporation that can. Until a company assure the consumers loyalty and keep it that way it will always be expendable.


The flexibility cans also come from the price of the products, the distribution of the products etc. but in this particular case the flexibility is about the behavior. Flexibility is a result of mutual understanding of the different cultures that the customers are from. It is also the ability to lead a conversation with the different consumers to despite all the differences to be able to show them that there is an understanding and something in common between the two sides. These understandings have to be shown and proven in every different business region. The main idea of the flexible company behavior is to be developed at such level that no matter where the company spreads its products it will not be accepted as an alien but as something more close to the consumers.

Conclusion and formulation of the strategy

In order for the company to remain provider of good quality products for the high class society it should be always keep in touch with their customers. As we already mentioned the firms providing such kind of products are always expendable. If they are about to become a main provider of such products to more consumers and to take more of the market share they have to always be aware of how does the consumer feels with the product and is the product satisfying their expectation in every way. There must always be a link of communication and product data exchanging. When the company is trying to penetrate a new market they have to be aware of every aspect of the consumer’s lifestyle. Such data must be collected from a primary source and to be as accurate as possible. Leading such research is causing no doubt time and money so if the company wants to invest time and money for this research they must have already an idea what kind of potential consumers can they find there are they able to deal with them. Otherwise the time and the money wouldn’t be invested but rather lost.

I. What about the audience?

• Questionnaires and comments, guestbook, Vote system - to examine and evaluate attitudes of consumers about the products, distribution, service, etc.

• Registration forms, subscriptions, games and quizzes - used for construction of demographic and socio-psychological portrait of users in order to explore possible to formulate correct messages and to define target groups;

• Statistical analysis of consumer behavior online - to check on peak attendance days and time zones, the most frequently used routes, entry and exit points, length of stay, etc., which are used for navigation and correction structure of the site to sell advertising and situation analysis.

1. Who are loyal?

• Personal advice through forums, chat, e-mail and more. - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer the user queries, complaints, comments and criticisms;

• Create manuals - HELP, FAQ , dictionaries, instructions, maps and more. by summarizing the most frequently asked questions and answers to them;

• Distance learning and testing - working through dealers and buyers, serving to encourage traders, brokers, and also stimulates the activity of lobbying pressure groups;

• Current information through subscriptions, web promotions, newsletters, etc. - The audience is informed in advance for discounts, new products and services, improve service and all the things that add credibility and brand loyalty.

2. How to raise sales?

• Easily accessible, comprehensive and realistic representation of the product (type, availability, etc.) with user selected parameters;

• Clear indication of the consumer basket with the ability to return the client to adjust purchases made at any time. This shows the flexibility and openness of the company to consumer whims;

• Choices of means of payment and security guarantees;

• Provide personal code and password for the user and administrator to simultaneously monitor the performance of the contract;

• Additional discounts and bonuses to goods and services, given that the Internet the cost of the store are much lower.

3. How to retain customers?

• Continuous updating of content;

• Periodically organize contests, sweepstakes, games, promotions;

• Using interactive forms;

• Create user discussions and online conferences;

• Maintenance of recreational and / or other special items to increase the residence time of the users;

• Conduct campaigns for online sales promotion through coupons, coupons, etc.;

• Create chat and bulletin boards;

• Maintain systems to exchange free consumer advice;

• Personalization of the site (design, content and navigation) and others.

III. Types of advertisement formats and their impact on consumers

The Internet offers the largest variety of advertising forms - carrying messages from advertisers. To maximize the impact of the web campaign is necessary to make the right choice of funds.

The more you know about ad formats, their features, capabilities, advantages and disadvantages, the more effective it will be advertising.

Text Advertisement

Advertising through text with hyperlink / website and the advertiser is the oldest form of advertising on the Internet, which was originally used without commercial purposes.

Often underappreciated by advertisers, although its performance in a good location, quality content and clever messages is too high.

Text link

Contains a trademark or only the address of the advertiser. Used in affiliate programs, advertising on portals or search engines. Effective is high awareness of the advertised product or company. Very often text links are grouped in thematic lists. Not treated by consumers as advertising, but as a convenience for their web surfing. They usually have a fixed place in the site-advertiser - it creates habits in use and increases the number of repeat visits.

Text block

Integrated in the content and design of the site-advertisement block intended for publication text promotions to one or more contracting. Requires very frequent update (even daily). Essentially resembles the classic personal or commercial advertisements.

Advertised object is represented with 2-3 sentences (no standard, every site determines the number of characters in your design).

Very successful form of advertising promotions percussion upcoming events, and for big and liquid goods. Often used incomplete sentences in his final calling user to search more info.

Corrected material

The classic form of advertising in print is transferred on the Internet, they must observe the requirements of brevity, attractiveness and the user orientation.

Advertiser presents its services or products by describing their characteristics and observe the material bears the scars of the newest things. This form of advertising is available from the information (news) sites, where users come to read, look for events. Unlimited text contains references to selected locations in the advertiser's own website and it is usually paid to the number of characters. Depending on the policy of the advertiser editorial material may be accompanied by a photograph, video or other.


Text ad no problems with loading speed. Do not treat consumers as a form of advertising, as recommended by their favorite place in the web site. This increases confidence in the advertised objects of the image of the level of suspicion and immunity to ad massages. If editorial was written quality, many consumers will perceive it as brand new without the suspect nature of commercial publication. Text ads affect mainly rational arguments presented in the original style. It does not irritate users (like banners) and reaches them, even when they are turned blunder graphics program. Rarely affects casual users clicked by mistake.


Text ad is not characterized by attractive banner ads, making it unattractive for most advertisers. Moreover, it is no fixed standard and provides far fewer opportunities for interaktivnost.Po harder up her image because it may contain all the constants of the brand (no logo and colors).

Usually is a single text ad (when it comes to editorial content), and the impact the Internet is more effective in repeatability and high frequency radiation.


Adver-games are a very effective way both to promote a product to promote sales (through virtual experience) to implement sales and generate repeat visits and brand loyalty. Advergames add value, timeliness and interactivity of online media, and can also gather information about users. Essentially resemble mini-sites, but have a more complex structure (at least the registration form and forum participants for comments) and closer ties with the core business of the advertiser (especially electronic stores). Games are one of the most common forms of promotional direct contact with the audience and pre-testing of new products and services. Serve as a stimulus to affiliate programs, free exchange of text links or banners. Promoter/ image and gain attendance.

IV. Types


Web contests - no Sandra for organizing, often duplicating the structure of the classical off-line competition. Be declared aims, participation, jury selection criteria, history, date and procedure of determining the winners, organizers are present and promote the award. The contest must include on-line registration form, forum recommendations subscription news for stakeholders, an updated list of participants and feedback.

Classical games

Classical games - are designed not so much to advertise a product or service to increase as the user stay. Used mainly by non-web-present - portals, search engines, directories, news channels etc. They maintain their classical form of the game. Assignor provides prize money, which will provide participants with pre-specified conditions. Usually does not increase (significantly) on website, advertiser, or increase sales, but build awareness, awareness of commercial marka.Igrite must contain the registration form and parallel studies audience. This earned custom table (active at that) is used for subsequent additional tests sent her web subscriptions to news and other promotions, etc. Games are traditionally associated with demand from users in the network stuff (puzzles, mazes, board, computer tournaments, crosswords, hangman, etc.).


Web quizzes - consumers respond to questions specific topics related to the activity of an advertiser. There is no standard of what are the issues, but I prefer the original skid that still require some knowledge of the participants. The goal is to provide consumers frequently visited page quiz and gain a number of points to bring them dividends or to involve them in the draw for prizes.

Games of luck

Games of chance - require users from one mouse movement, no effort, at least take his time. Usually it comes to advertising targets, puzzles, Rich media banners, etc. The user immediately understand whether you win or not to register only if it is among the lucky ones. Apply from established brands seeking primarily image-effect, navigate to the mass audience and maintain a constant level of "gambling" interest. Usually used in advertiser site that adds value to its permanent home.


Adver-games have freedom as an organization structure design and conditions of participation, which makes them different. Attract consumers by providing them with entertainment and a chance to win something while they investigated.

Creating a game pursues several objectives:

• Promotion of a specific product;

• Building an image;

• "hardening" of the target-audience;

• Customer Satisfaction

• Ultimate goal - learning the necessary marketing information on the state of the market.

Can be analyzed as user accounts (socio-demographic and psihoportret audience) and statistics of visits to the promotional page of the game.

Relies on gambling passion for most users who do not see the game as a pure form of advertising, but as someone sponsored entertainment. It attracts, especially when it comes to free downloads of software testing through demos, coupons for discounts, prizes and concrete etc. Promotional games are relatively easy to implement and can be replicated in structure and organization. Cause a secondary communication network (chat in forums, ICQ, etc..), Which involves new entrants.


Adver-games are often organized with a view to collecting e-mail addresses of users who subsequently irradiated continuously with advertising messages. Practice is not to let the recipient specific data (for reasons of protection of personal liberty) and myself to communicate with the client, if he wins - often deprives him of the award.

 Organization of lotteries, games, quizzes, etc. with prizes for consumers is a double edged sword on the Internet. There is a danger game to become a "vampire image", ie visitors come just to register and nothing more. Cast all people and it is uncertain what percentage of them are targeted to the advertiser (depending on site selection).

5.       Empirical study

5.1. Facts about the company and product.


It turns out that drinking beer is not so easy. Yes, anyone can rise to the bottle or glass, but this is not enough. Sipping liquid hop is an art, and true fans of good beer must know how to really enjoy it. On the subject have spoken dozens of experts have written a number of books. In short, the craftsmanship is: when you pour slowly into the cup angle, the liquid must be raised to eye level. You should never hold it against direct sunlight, because it kills the taste. Once you look around, you should carefully shake the cup without gassing the beer in it. Slight roll flavor extracts and stimulate carbonation. A few deep breaths and light and ready to be consumed. The logo was chosen back in 1862

In addition to its special taste and its long history, the beer "Guinness" is famous for its logo. Selected as early as 1862, it is a harp belonged to the Irish king Brian Boru. Later, the instrument became popular emblem of Trinity College, dating back to the XIV century and used as a symbol of Ireland since the reign of Henry III in the XVI century

When creating a new Guinness Irish Republic, have big trouble keeping the logo. Government urged to back characters who already had become synonymous with the popular brand. The dispute was resolved after brewing agrees to use the mirror image of the harp and turn it to distinguish it from the national emblem of the new state.

Is 20 million on advertising?

Besides the taste and production technology, "Guinness" is particularly popular with his campaign. The company is the creator of the most expensive television advertising in the world - "touch point", which cost $ 20 million. The price comes from the fact that it involved no photo models and hundreds of ordinary villagers who had never stood in front of the camera. They recreate a domino effect, knocking 6000 black and white tiles, 10,000 books, 400 tires, 45 wardrobe, fridge and some 50 cars.. For lovers of patsa Beer, "Guinness" is no ordinary brand, and all religion in the production of beer. And rightly so. I once tried this dark, dense, almost carbonated drink and fragrant, it is possible to change your attitude to beer in general.

Characteristic of "Guinness" Several things. First sit tight, almost heavy, flavor, quantity dense foam color (which here is recognizable from a mile away!) And the method of serving. Special about the taste that has astringent feeling that drinking more alcoholic beer, and in addition to the smell of coffee / caramel situation completely asleep.

"Guinness" is not a beer for every day. Like any ale recommended for the colder, winter months even. It's nice that in more stores in Bulgaria, this beer is present among the items available. It is almost certain that you will not find it in your local grocery store, because its price is higher than other similar drinks, but in hypermarkets is now located. In our proposed cuts in half a liter - in kenche, special ball in it and the bottles are standard size of 330 ml.

History of advertising

The oldest forms of advertising are what we call "out-of-home advertising" (outdoor) and billboards being a typical example. These messages are outdoors in all cradles of ancient civilization - Egypt, Rome, Greece, Arabia.

In the middle ages, most people were illiterate and therefore blacksmith was placed prominently in front of their shops horseshoes, Zapatero - Shoes - Tailors clothes. The fruit and vegetable vendors offering their products directly from the cars and pay people to declare aloud what sells and to praise the quality of the product.

Advertisements in the press for the first time in the seventeenth century. Promoted especially drugs that were particularly popular in the many epidemics, as well as books and newspapers. Then, the big problem was false advertising, emphasizing that there are no specific product, and advertisements that promote the activities of criminals posing as healers or sorcerers.

In June 1836, the French newspaper "La Prensa" first entered the paid advertising in its pages, allowing him to reduce the price and increase its readership. This policy was implemented quickly by competitors. Several years later, even entrepreneurs in the U.S. and France included as a separate object of advertising, and in 1869 in Philadelphia was discovered first advertising agency - "NW Eyar and Sons". She quickly picked up and was one of the most powerful agencies throughout the twentieth century.

Late last and beginning of this century, few women worked in the business, but the announcement was one of the activities in which they were able to find fulfillment. Because the messages themselves were mainly oriented to the fair sex households exhibited good sense to establish them. A curious detail is that at that time the first woman created an ad that contains the erotic message, this was a soap advertisement.

Radio stations for the first time in the 20s of XX century, and quickly moved to profit from advertising. Initially, each station is linked to a single company, its products highly publicized, but quickly realized that the promotion of a wide range of goods and services from different manufacturers produce more revenue and give flexibility to the market strategy.

The first half of the twentieth century was marked by public debate in the West about the state of the radio stations, so if they are private or public, in a debate that ended with the introduction of state requirements for what that radio stations are mostly in private hands (of course, have been created and state), but observe certain requirements as to the content of their programs. In Britain, the state created a public funding model for the BBC, originally a private company.

50 who started advertising on television, but the real boom in the advertising industry that this was in the 60s. "Volkswagen" taken the first steps, created the strategic positioning of each product, highlighting its uniqueness and its association with specific slogans. This period is called "creative revolution", the most famous names of the time worked precisely "Volkswagen" William (Bill) Bernbach (1911-1982).

The late 80s and early 90s entered the cable television and particularly MTV did, which proved to be the pioneers of the music video. With the onslaught of cable and satellite programs appeared the first complete advertising channels like Home Shopping Network.

History of the product

Little known facts about this sophisticated brand of beer, is that the production company started its operation in Dublin, Ireland back in 1759. The brewery's founder Arthur Guinness. Common between the name of a beer that Guinness World Records is that their founder - Sir Hugh Beaver, was manager of the company in the mid 50s of last century. Pouring the perfect cup of "Guinness", the company says should last exactly 119.53 seconds. One of the advertising slogans of beer is "Good things come to those who wait" ("Good things come to those who wait").

Arthur Guinness started his legend thanks to a happy coincidence. 27-year-old inherited money from his grandfather archbishop. Use them wisely, and after four years began brewing business near Leykslip own flow, 17 km from Dublin.

In 1759g. he makes an important decision and went into the city and leave this business to his younger brother. The year is not the most gracious of brewers in Dublin taxes are high and competition - fierce, but Arthur has faith and a good eye for a deal. He signed a long-term lease on a brewery that runs on 4 acres in the heart of Dublin, the St. James Gate St. James' Gate. The annual fee includes the rights to use water. When brewing takes Arthur St. James Gate she is very modest and consists of a single bed, a mill, two rooms for barley brewing obtained, stables for 12 horses, stock of 200 tons of hay and is guarded by a policeman.

A little known fact is that Ireland wants harp as its national symbol, but because it is already registered as a trademark by GUINNESS, require the government to use facing backwards. So a lot of skill and passion of the heirs of Arthur GUINNESS dark beer goes through a cultural symbol to become the best-selling brand of beer in a dark world.

GUINNESS is made from water, barley brewing obtained, barley, hops and brewer's yeast special. Dark ruby ​​color / common misconception is that black / and add unique flavor from the browning of barley. A full flavor of GUINNESS is achieved by the use of twice the average amount of hops. Legendary aging process does GUINNESS allows to achieve a better balance and texture. Perhaps what distinguishes GUINNESS most of the other beers is characteristic creamy white foam.

5.2. Analysis

Personalized advertising

For personalized advertising online advertising means all forms and methods through which reaches to the unit or user or to a known group of users. Personalization is not only the type of advertiser-person contact, but also the messages as way containment. This style is based on continuous feedback and multidirectional communication.

The only analogue might direct marketing (and somewhat cataloging trade), which interact with customers face to face and act at random or has a very long process of study.


I Types of advertisement and spreading

Main categories according to the number of species entities involved in advertising contact are (some overlap):

• Advertising communication from one user to the advertiser (and vice versa), so called. business to user;

• Advertising communication (secondary) from one user to one user called. user to user;

• Advertising communication from user to user, so called. users to users;

• Advertising communication from advertisers to users called. business to users.

1. Business to user

1.1. Individual letters

Advertising feedback is sending a personalized letter, sometimes "you" form and a first name, a user who has previously studied or who had just comment and a question. You can collect addresses from user forums, bulletin boards, business cards, websites, etc.

Advertisement in e-mail

This is to accommodate the classic forms of advertising (banners and text links) in users' mailboxes, and not the conduct of e-mail marketing.


Sending a personal letter is extremely labor intensive, but create intimacy gives equal rights to the advertiser and the recipient in the process of communication and increases the opportunities for actual purchases. Similar communication between seller and buyer. It is widely used for users who are already "consumed" a service or purchase a product, I know where their interest and gravitate their advertising messages are sent only field that excites them. Furthermore, the technology it is possible to trace the path of what a particular visitor browsing and indirectly draw conclusions about topics that interest him.


You should not cross the boundary of personal consumer freedom. Very often unlimited use of individual letters is causing annoyance audience.

2. User to user

There is a classic advertising to ad formats (banners and text advertising) places for interpersonal communication, and promoting the so-called secondary communication, recommendation, friendly advice etc.

ICQ, Skype, MSN Messenger, chat

Through Chat, ICQ, Skype, MSN Messenger and IRC communication occurs in real time between acquaintances or strangers users. These are the services / programs on the Internet that mirror the structure of interpersonal communication and work in interactive mode as in phone. Advertiser has four options:

• To promote a standard way (banners, text ads, rich media, product placement, etc.);

• Himself initiates such communication on a particular subject;

• organize actions and study habits of consumers;

• To build a lobbying group that performed secondary advertising to recommend.

Electronic cards

E-cards are one of the most popular free web services that is used by users to exchange greetings with each other. From the advertising point of view, we are interested in here is not the standard advertising sites greeting cards and the ability to make custom contact the advertiser to the consumer.

Viruses Marketing

Viral Marketing stimulates communication between secondary users. Act in concentric circles with a core - the advertiser. Advertiser sends a message to a number of his acquaintances interested users (real customers, vendors, dealers, distributors, etc.), asking them to forward it to a number of their friends (who are interested in the same field), and so on to infinity.

Usually used as a corrective advertising (to change the attitudes that the advertiser is already created) or counter advertisement (advertiser refute or correct competitive advertising). It is used as avenue for advertising games (pyramidal structure) as well as sending warning messages and advice to the audience (for viruses, software errors, etc.)


Consumers accept such messages as an act of respect from the advertiser, increasing their trust and attachment to the brand. Very impressive, if circulation is named because the recipient feel important and flatter his ego. Viral marketing relies on users active advertiser can and often remains in the shadows. The aim of this kind of campaign is to warn, protect, advise, inform the audience, not to launch its advertisements. A trust and user communities provision for charity life-saving actions. Viral marketing is recommended as a means to respond to crises.


Sending postcards on occasion forcing the user to stop and read them directly delete it (or if available to your inbox - to halt the advance letters from a certain sender) as clutter his mail. Is laborious filtering consumers can’t control the spread of viral marketing because consumers have the word. Often fall foul of the law when it comes to playing with pyramid earn real money and customers complain about unfair treatment. Sometimes send false messages (and viruses), relying on low technical culture of most of the users.

Users to users

Communication type many users to many users where advertisers can post their messages, especially to communicate with your audience.


Forums are one of the most visited sites on the Internet. Represent the core problem lists, and themes can be set by absolutely everyone, without restrictions and without censorship. Moderators have the freedom to remain anonymous or provide. It is in forums and through them supports the idea of ​​"self-regulating" the Internet Society. They play the role of watchdog behavior, impose penalties on organizations and individuals as violate the rights of net users.


Again, one of the most visited sites on the Internet where users communicate net without restrictions and censorship.

Guest Book

Guestbook is one of the recommended elements of any self-respecting company website. Passive image advertising by the developer, which requires an active approach from the customers. This is where users express their assessment, telling stories recommendations. Often there will be published a list of real clients, as proof of quality work and reputation. In some guest books organization can respond to the views of consumers, but in most cases it is advisable to outsource their arguments in a special forum on the issue.

Peer to peer

peer to peer (Napster for example.) - These are systems for sharing files between users who gain image systems primarily for firm’s creators. They become a very effective platform for attracting foreign advertisers, as enjoyed by millions of users worldwide and can offer various forms of advertising.


Guestbook user area is provided by the advertiser. It demonstrates that there are no hidden anywhere in relations with consumers. Positive comments in the guest book received the status of witness’s ads and improve the image of the advertiser. Negative reviews signaled the company where errors were made in the organization and how to increase its efforts to improve customer service.


The book guest users often express only positive posts that instead of increasing confidence advertiser reinforce suspicions to him. Sometimes the advertisers themselves are no longer for customers and good reviews express themselves. These forms are quite outdated (copy books complaints) and tolerate competition forums.

4. Business to users

4.1. Advertisement in subscriptions and newsletters

4.2. Advertisement in e-mail

4.3. Forums

4.4.Web conferences, debates and events

Conferences that are realized through the Internet and have a web interface. Each company can organize web conference and to orient both the target groups and the general public. It serves as a powerful tool for the promotion of new products, services, new lines of business, structural changes, etc., and also in case of crisis.

Bullets for ads

Bulletin boards are one of the forms on the Internet, created solely for advertising. There are only published advertisements in different categories (much like a newspaper such as Kurier5 applications or ads WAZ Reverse editions). In most cases the service is free, as is won. Commissions (if it comes to online auctions) or placing unusual visual ads. There is an online form to fill in the text of the ad and then it is shown in the pre-specified period. Advertise on the bulletin board to alert (and sometimes right there) update message, and take it down. Some boards require contracting announced in advance to indicate how long the ad should be active after its listing is automatically removed.


To subscribe, the user does not leave personal information, ensuring anonymity and the advertiser only inform, not to "invade". Channel, the user notes have a number of limitations on the amount and type of message the ultimate goal of customer to feel comfortable and have a choice.

By e-mail

For GSM and pager

On or ICQ

By fax




Net Log


At any time the user has the choice to give up their subscription or change it. Advertiser is obliged to grant that request, which does not mean that you should stop your campaign to attract and satisfy him. On the basis of the subscriptions may be made pretty good picture of the preferences of the audience to examine the proportion of active and inactive users in a specific group as well as a list for sending individual letters.


Often users do not read their subscriptions once they receive decoded resulting from their sending rate. Another problem is the low consumer culture - subscribing to a large number of updates, making physical examination impossible. Is an obstacle to reading and poor arrangement and selection of promotions included in the subscription. Pre-targeting audience free mailboxes additional expensive advertising services. Moreover, technological, not all possible advertising banner or text link to "recognize" the user. Another major drawback is that users do not always put the correct data in registrations from fear of being spam. In this case, a lot of work to collect additional information at least on their interests (to study entry and exit points from the user's browsing path).

II. Summaries for online advertising


Advertising on the Internet as a whole, it faces did not differ from the classical understanding of advertising. It is a focal point of interest of the media and advertisers, and always leaves the option - how much and what the audience goes through what it costs, as the price of 1000 and ends with the obligatory balance: the effect is achieved and whether advertising is a reasonable expense.

From the point of view of advertisers, advertising is one of the obscure mechanisms to increase sales, something like "Monte will not." It is the most dynamic item of cost in the formulation of the budget and its results as revenue cannot be converted into cash.

Consumers are already accustomed to advertising as a constant companion in everyday life. They clearly Jan. differentiation, as it is obvious source is realized with known techniques. There is an advertising glut, which increases the ability of buyers to forget and reduces implementation of the advertising message.

Traditional forms of advertising are already in a state of decline, as consumers built lethargic immunity to them. Classic advertising communication: the seller through the media to all potential buyers gradually depletes the pressure of new media. Advertising is no longer synthesize wishes and desires synthesize advertising. Refocused on promoting the quality market, a picture of consumer desires, hopes, needs, etc.

Advertising always just prior goal setting because it is "the most unrecognized of all relevant economic factors" and its effectiveness in traditional media is difficult to measure and often with great uncertainty. An advertising effort is justified when it is done with specific resources for a specific period of time, using specific media and addressed to a specific target group.

Advertising generally has three main objectives:

• Establish, imposed features own brand in the "In case there is no more room" and thus weakens the introduction of competing brands.

• To increase the market share of the advertised product or service by winning new market segments.

• To create loyalty to their brand and offers an assortment of goods and services.

Should contain in itself the exclusive reason for sale because its objective is to "sell" and it does not sell this product advertised and the sensation, emotion, desire, need its possession. It motivates purchase, but only if the product satisfies a need or an existing whim of the consumer, provided that the advertisement meets the real quality of the product promotion.

5.3. Advertisement and marketing strategy

Marketing strategy in Bulgaria

1. In this project we will look at entering the Bulgarian market a new, exotic and authentic type of drink that is dark, non-carbonated beer Guinness. Featuring a unique taste it, unlike other drinks of this kind will foam and cream containing much of its taste quality and a high percentage of alcohol.

 This project will analyze and discuss the market situation of the domestic and international market and this innovation in itself a unique product. Will be described in detail the strengths and weaknesses, risks it has, prospects and opportunities for its development

Pre-feasibility study

   Dark beer Guinness was born in the XVIII century in Dublin, and is now the most famous in the world.

    Looking back in history, we come directly to the brewery in Dublin. Perched above the barrels Guinness hardly imagined that this product will become a symbol of Ireland and more - will become famous so. The young man walks a long road to get here. The son of a nobleman, as a child Arthur had important tasks "housework." One of them was to control the production of beer were producing. His father taught him Richard craftsmanship from small and that played a big role in the family business.

At the time, the brewing industry in Ireland was in a terrible crisis. English beer enjoy tax benefits and, of course, because the consumption of Irish abated. Arthur Young, however disregards the facts and decided to rent a small, unused and very poorly equipped brewery located in St. James Gate. The lease was signed in 1759 for 9,000 years at an annual rent of 45 pounds

   When Arthur Guinness in Dublin XVIII century produced the first barrel of Guinness, he probably imagined that this product will become the emblem. Today's beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in Ireland. And exported worldwide, it made headlines everywhere and became one of the most successful beer brands in the world. In 2006, the Guinness beer № 1 in the ranking of strong dark beer, with sales amounted to 99.9 million lev Today Irish alcoholic drink is owned by Diageo, established in 1997 by the merger of Guiness and GrandMet. The company is headquartered in London. The company is listed on the London, New York and Irish Stock Exchange and has manufacturing facilities around the world. Major production facilities are located in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Italy, Africa, Latin America, Australia, India and the Caribbean.

• Unique idea

One of the first brands that have shown the world that this is not just an alcoholic drink that goes with a man and a football game is Guinness. As early as 1756 creator Sir Arthur Guinness was able to convince people that drinking liquid hops pleasure, delight the senses. The issue is particularly relevant when winter comes and fashion comes dark beer, making popular brand which is famous worldwide. Ten years later came the first major success of Guinness. In 1769 his first brewery barrels exported abroad. Arthur initially dealt only with the production of typical ales. In 1770, however, comes a new fashion - the dark, better known as "porter." This young entrepreneur is attached with this sector, making her drink at the emblem of Ireland.

• Vision

 The idea of ​​this project is to extend the information about this kind of beer. The main places where you can meet the product are Irish pubs and these appear in the last one decade in the country. They are exotic and most are decorated in the same way as in Ireland, Scotland, England and other countries of the north-western region of Europe, this type of institutions in Bulgaria are few.

• Objectives

 The project aims to promote this not so much on the Bulgarian market beer. Unlike beers which users are accustomed to the Bulgarian market, this beer is not carbonated and no foam , but thick upper level that is a more effective foam which contain almost 40% of its taste qualities. As this type of beer is rather the market, it is not as popular as a local and long on the market imposed on imported beers, hence its sales here are smaller.

• Mission

The mission is to create places suitable for storing and selling the product. For the different from the other liquid drinks, it pours, and stores a little different and specific way. Pouring an ordinary lager takes about 10-15 seconds, pouring one such beer is between 2 and 3 minutes. When using a keg full of lager used boutique with ordinary air pressure that creates and maintains speed of the jet. With beers like Guinness used a special type of air called Bio-air (also imported) it supports almost zero gas beer and allows for gradual hardening of the foam making it the cream and preserves its taste qualities

I. Multimedia advertising

Rich media creative use of traditional forms of advertising in traditional media audio-visualization - video and audio clips, and focuses on the advantages of the Internet as a channel. It relies entirely on the willingness of users to see / hear the ad because it is activated only when you click (download). Oriented not at all to the audience and to the concerned segments of her current and past staff, dealers, brokers, real and potential customers.


1. Video advertisement

A video - videos that are available to consumers via download. It should be borne in mind that the normal traction and acceptance in high volume, high speed access required. So often the promotional clips of the same advertiser are arranged in a block and the user is able to choose which one is observing. Usually it comes to multimedia presentation of new products and services, which resembles presentations at exhibitions and sales promotion. Nobody is interested in drawing image advertising clips.

Internet is free and allows radiation environment of unconventional advertisements that hardly had a chance to television, where public censorship is much higher. Often it is not even clear that it comes to advertising because the advertiser is a sponsor of interesting clips and even entire programs (these are provided free for download).

Provision video advertising to be used on your own website as an additional entertainment for consumers, but also in places frequented by target groups.

2. Audio advertisement

Audio advertising - commercials, broadcast online through withdrawal. Not very common, as are competing directly with banners and music stations online. In addition, consumer interest is directed mainly to drawing on MP3, which in most cases are settled copyright. Audio advertising is an effective tool for advertisers in the music sector (shops, promoters, ticketing centers, etc.) when promoting a new product to market and enable his pre-listening under certain conditions. User not purely commercial downloading audio clip, but certainly interested in live interviews in the meantime are full sponsorship tags.


Rich media creative uses priority is interested audiences who sifted audience. Enables complex and very attractive presentation of products that are complex or demonstrations which have a high cost. You can use their existing TV spots, and running records of promotions, contests, etc., made with digital or regular camera. It is very effective in initiatives among the users of the type of the funniest home videos, which adds value to broadcasting the image of the sponsor. Are frequently used in news media giants channels (CNN, NBC, etc.) are usually paid services for subscribers. If multimedia clips are original enough, aggressive or shocking, secondary dissemination is very high.


In a bad relationship multimedia pull slowly bulk of users are unable to see / hear. There is an unresolved problem with the settlement of their copyright, as everything the web can be drawn and distributed free and unlimited. They cannot compete in terms of quality television and audio-visual comfort.

Intrusive advertising

As evidenced by its name, this ad attacking user constantly striving to invade his attention and force him to make contact. This user has no choice, he imposes advertising and must make an extra effort to state their unwillingness (or desire) to take a message. Of intrusive advertising predicted a bright future, but it turned out that the Internet advertising environment does not tolerate interference.

Currently intrusive advertising is used by sites offering free hosting and web space but also from porn sites.


Pop-up window

Pop-up window - in order to load a website (offering persuasive advertising as a service) opens a small window. This is a small Sites Here you can contain text, visual images, multimedia, advertising games, etc. Pop-up window closes after the user has specified that it wants to happen (or after a certain period of time), and it is a secondary choice. Advertising with pop-up window works on the principle of uninvited guests - you do not want - they are already in you. Sometimes dispossess them is very difficult because they occur over a period of time, to the main page or clicking on any link it is.

Advertisement tags

Advertising spots - interstitial - are known as "pause ad". Emitted while the user waits to load the desired page and it is available on the entire screen. If you happen to be deceiving the recipient to click with the mouse, he unwittingly becomes visitor advertised with an interstitial site. If patient enough to wait, then he wanted page will be loaded and successful commercial break will do (except that he may refuse to click page loading times).

When creating your cues is thought by form of television advertising, where to see the sequel to the beloved series has patiently watch the bunch of ads. Net-users did not want to be ordinary viewers.


There is also attracting attention, though annoyed. Instant solution relies on an attempt by the consumer, and the "new" Internet users who curiously examine everything within their sight.

Bored (continuous loading) the principle: "Eventually I'll pay attention." Used in partnership programs between sites, separating the same audience in order to keep it in the circle. If done skillfully, intrusive advertising attracts customer’s satisfaction rate. You can also instill habits and any use her


Disadvantages of intrusive advertising, especially from the perspective of the user, are much more advantages. It does not respect the right to choose a primary visitor and to prevent him from freely surf. In its mass distribution intrusive advertising and general election will attack all, no matter whether they are targeted or not. In this sense, it can be used for big products and services. It leaves a negative impression on visitors, advertisement holder and harms his image. Interfere to foster loyalty, and reduce repeat visits. A large percentage of clicks on ads are unobtrusive unconscious, random and as a result the user immediately closes the advertiser's website. None of respectable sites offer intrusive advertising, even against higher pay as primarily a consumer must be satisfied.

II. Background Advertisement

 An advertisement focusing on the background, for example behind the text. It's not intrusive, does not attract attention immediately, but when I draw - creates interest.


Inactive advertising background

Inactive background advertising - advertising and logo image are pale unobtrusive background (sometimes black and white and color might). Above are published currently (noncommercial and non-relevant advertiser) content, pictures, etc., ie run normal activity. It relies on the fact that users often unconsciously remember details and specifics of the "situation." Seeing sometime logo of sponsor companies activates the process of remembering (where I saw it). Wanted image-effect and most often applied in your own site.

Active advertising background

Active background advertising - advertising and logo image are pale unobtrusive background, as parts of it or anything stained or stirs the accidental crossing of the mouse cursor on top. I.e. whole background is a hyperlink to the advertiser's website. Sometimes realized through transparent banners that are seen as part of the content (can qualify as hidden advertising).


Background advertising does not annoy the user and does not interfere with their normal activities. Contains an element of mystery that attracts attention. Featuring of a classic: "This page is sponsored by ..." to which the audience has long been blind. Not accepted by consumers as a pure form of advertising. Used extensively in the affiliate programs.


In active background advertising rates often accidental clicks is high. It is characterized by placement sometimes. If the realization of background advertisement not found balance in color terms, can irritate audience. The effect of the inactive background advertisement is delayed and there are no accurate measurements. Sometimes background ads are being targeted for eradication programs of graphics.


Advertising, which pays the assignor until the user perceives as a paid form, but as a recommendation. It lurks consumer to make a motion to reveal his. There are many features in common with the background advertising. It can be seen as a way of realization of text ads, banner ads, Rich media banners and rich media.

III. Types

Hidden advertising background

Hidden advertising background - attended a sign which is not in any way bound by the advertiser, but that is noticeable in the eyes of consumers.

Hidden banner advertisement

Hidden banner advertising - banner is transparent substrate by using site-won and contains static text that users perceive as part of its editorial content.

Hidden advertising by Sub domain

Placement with Sub domain - advertising such (firma1 is a popular domain and sufficiently well known). My company that uses sub domain is the winner of image advertising message firma1 who hosts

Untruth advertisement

Negative strain is false advertising. Do one thing, advertising brings a completely different place. This form is becoming more and more popular, because some of the activities on the Internet are beginning to adjust. Used for advertising porn, MP3 downloads and sites (not demand web services) and then rely on the secondary communication. False advertising handled very active with e-mail lists and by lobbying groups.


Surreptitious advertising attracts attention without a prima vista user to recognize as advertising. Integrates with content and site design-advertising without any indication as advertising even without a clear source. Causes unconscious reaction from consumers, without depriving them of the right to choose. Relies on surprise and curiosity as incentives to try to advertising.


In ambush marketing easy to lose balance and can become annoying, intrusive. Difficult to control effectiveness and distributions intrigued and immediately leaving the casual users. Most advertising sites, don’t offer it as a possibility as yet have found the level of negative attitude to consumers. This is an advertisement seeking immediate reaction - many users leave as soon as know where it leads.



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