A study on thinking, language and intelligence


23 Mar 2015 09 May 2017

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Thinking is the capability to manipulate words and images. It requires understanding, recalling, processing information as well as the ability to communicate. According to cognitive psychology, mind is involved in perceptions organization, processing information as well as interpreting experiences. Thus, development of concept help one to simplify thing through grouping the available information of events, ideas, objects, persons among other which have commonalities. As a result this enables priming of other networked information when one concept is activated. When one event comes in mind there is connection of other related event, for example when one think about golf, other related games like tennis prime out. When a problem arises, either through image or words, one tries to figure out possible solutions and test them out to see how they work. Success in solving them enable one's life to go on but failure makes one to return to selection of solution models for new ideas. The strategies used in solving problems include; trial and error, algorithm (involving solving problem step by step), Heuristic (the mental shortcuts in solving problems) and insight (where a solution click out of mind automatically) (Myers, 2004).

Language on the other hand entails a formal system of communication in either written, spoken or in gesture form. Spoken language have distinguished elements which include phoneme- which are basic sounds, Morphemes- the smallest unit which have meaning and phrases- which entails the combined morpheme to bring out clear meaning. The acquisition of language begins out as a simple way and progress to complexity. This begins from birth as the child learn discriminating sounds in speeches, start producing sound through imitation, sound becomes clear words which the child associate it with its meaning. One factor that makes us to be able to learn language is the fact that our brain has the capacity to change our neural networks on bases of experiences. For instance, exposing a child to a particular language will make its brain to change the neural network and conform to the structure of that language. However, if the child is exposed to another different language in early age, he is able to learn it better than at older age. For example, at my childhood, my parents were settled on a different tribe location from our own and I had no trouble speaking the language. However, they moved to our local home and with no time I had learn clearly our language and gradually forgotten the other (Greenspan & Shanker, 2004).

Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, use the knowledge as well as solve the problems. Intelligence gives one a capability to hold two different ideas in the mind at one time and still maintain his functioning role. Intelligence is an inheritance aspect and it is based on; speed in reacting to signals, muscular strength, ability to detect tiny differences and size of the head. Intelligence can be achieved on multiple basis where one become good in many areas such as ; academic, games, social situation as well as ability to posses emotional intelligence by regulating emotions, ability to perceive, understanding and expressing. Intelligence have much influence to brain functioning as more intelligence people have the ability to process information quickly, as well as process perceptual information faster.

During problem solving some factor within an individual do interfere with the process. Confirmation bias for instance affect the solving problem process through seeking information to confirm ones ideas. Through confirmation bias, the individual involved assumes that the evidence verifies his hypothesis while they may have a positive that is false. Fixation contributes to ineffective problem solving as it makes an individual to lack an ability of seeing the problem in a different perspective. As a result one uses a solution that once worked on to a problem that requires another solution to solve it. Overconfidence brings an underestimation of a problem that might be requiring intensive solution strategies which hinders proper approach to that problem. Heuristics on the other hand estimates the likelihood of a problem being easy producing quick answers which are often in error. For example, when sitting for an exam paper well studied, overconfidence makes the student to tackle the question from a different angle from which the examiner intends (Greenspan & Shanker, 2004).

Despite the argument that language unfolds because of child's imitation, association and reinforcement from the older people, language is an inborn quality. A child develops language by making sense of the sound he hear and what they see. This is because as the child grows up, he imitates sounds the he hear without understanding their meaning. However, as he grew up, he associate these sound by the action accompanying them and from this he is able to make sense of his own sound. In addition if a group of children are raised in an isolated area without presence of adult, the will make their own language from their innate sense of language and be able to communicate. For example, deaf children are able to their own language in gesture form which agrees with the grammar rule and communicate well with other people. Was their language taught? (Castaneda,1989).

According to Bobo Doll video, one's perception concerning how women respond to sexual behaviors is distorted by viewing of pornography. Men who are exposed to violence pornography are violence towards women. In addition, exposure to aggressive views damages ones self-control ability instilling aggressiveness in ones traits. Watching aggressive programmes on the television may result to aggressive behavior in a child despite that they on the other side teach them positive lessons. The more the violence in the content in the child's programmed view in TV, the more aggressive the child will likely become, as from viewing violence is an aggressive behavior result. On the other hand, constrictive video games contribute to stimulation and arousal of positive feelings, behavior, and behavior with reduction of prosaically behaviors.

On the other hand, project zero bring out the relationship of the development of human being in arts through enhancing thinking ,learning, and creativity, together with humanistic and scientific disciplines both at individual and institutional levels. In this project form of arts contributes to vital means of learning, with inclusion of other disciplines learning models. Integration of intelligence forms into authentic art learning have contributes to reduction of complexity in artistic. Art have in addition been connected to cognitive skills, which boosts powerful imagination, critical thinking and analytical perspective. In addition, this integrated learning enhances problem identification and problem-solving skills. The creative aspect found in the art as well as the cognitive skills involved in critical thinking shows that every juncture of art brings about a developmental progression in an individual (Castaneda, 1989)


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