Comparing International Developments To New Zealand


02 Nov 2017

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1. Clearly identifies and explains the international policies on disability from two countries, and shows similarities and differences between these policies and policies that operate in New Zealand.

America policies on disability

Many policies related to disability in America are funded and administrated by Office of Disability Employment Policy which is a part of American Department of Labor. The Disability Employment Initiative is one of the policies, which aims to improve employment, training and education opportunities for disabled persons.

It is believed that employment statistics of persons with disabilities is helpful to shape the disabilities employment policies. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics of U.S, there 5134 over 16-year-old disabled persons are employed in January of 2013 and which domains 18.0 percent of the disability population. And in February of 2013the data is 5198 and 18.1 percent. Office of Disability of U.S is still working on it.

The U.S. Congress enacts the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 and the Act is signed in law in July, 1990. The Act aims to protect the human rights of the disabled persons and afford they are free from discrimination. The Act is still updated and has many revised requirements. The Department of Justice published revised regulations of Standards for Accessible Design in 2010. The Standards set requirements for new constructions and public facilities which should be accessible and usable by the disabled persons.

UK policies on disability

The Equality Act 2010 and United Nations Convention on Disability Rights ensure and protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in UK. The equality Act 2010 makes sure the disabled person free from discrimination and ensures their legal rights to receive education and get employed. The disabled persons have the right to buy or rent land and property legally. Services and facilities are accessible for them as well. Meanwhile, the Act protects the one who is related to the disabled person, such as carer and family.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the optional protocol was signed by the United Kingdom in 2007, the UK are now legally bound to the Convention and the protocol which protects and promote the dignity and human rights of all individuals with disabilities. Some principles of Convention are: respect and dignity of persons with disabilities should be recognized, the human rights of persons with disabilities are protected and people with disabilities have equal opportunities both in education and employment. Prohibition of all kinds of discrimination of disability is another principle.

New Zealand policy on disability

New Zealand Disability Strategy set a framework which begins to remove barriers that prevent people with disabilities from participating in society properly. The Strategy values the lives and participation in society of people with disabilities. Some of the objectives are: ensure human rights for persons with disabilities, provide best education for the disabled and improve the opportunities of employment and economic development for disabled people.

Code of Rights made by Health and Disability Commissioner protect the consumers’ rights when they are using health and disability services. The Code of Rights makes the rights of consumers clearly. According to the Rights, all consumers are free from discrimination, including the disabled. They also have the rights to be treated equally and respected.

Similarities and differences

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted in December 2006 and was signed in 2007 by all the three countries above. New Zealand, America and UK are all bound by the convention and its protocols. The convention regards disability as the problem which society brings to individuals with impairment. The convention also aims to protect and promote the dignity and human rights of all individuals with disabilities. UK is more focusing on protecting the disabled people from discrimination and aims to protect the human rights of the disabled. America is more focusing on improving the employment of disabled people. New Zealand is aiming to remove the social barriers and improve the participation of disabled persons in society.

2. Clearly identifies and explains the international policies on aging from two countries, and shows similarities and differences between these policies and policies that operate in New Zealand.

America policies on aging

The Older Americans Act started in 1965 and is keeping updated with many amendments. The Act is aiming to ensure the old people have adequate income in retirement and accessible to physical and mental health services without thinking the economic status. The Act also wants to make sure the opportunity for employment, education and participation in society of the old people. To live an in dignity and honorable life for old people in also included in the Act.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits any kinds of discrimination towards people over 40 years old. It forbids discrimination in work environment such hiring, promoting and termination.

UK policies on aging

The Department for Work and Pensions has policy about improving opportunities for older people. It is recognized that the structure of UK is changing and most of the adults live longer than before. According to the Department, housing, transport, health and social care are accessible for older people. With the plenty resources, people can age well. On 1, October, it is celebrated as the Older People’s Day. To celebrate the achievements and contributions that the old people made to the society help reduce the negative attitude towards aging. Aging well program is launched in July, 2010, which aims to support old people live a better quality life and meet their needs through the local services.

New Zealand policies on aging

In 2001, The New Zealand Positive Aging Strategy was established. The NZPAS make effort to improve the value and participation of older people in the community. It believes that the elderly are part and parcel of society and they have the right to obtain their dignity as others. The vision of the New Zealand Positive Ageing Strategy is strengthening on the ability of the elderly to remain living in the community and their own homes. The reality of the choice of whether to remain at home or not is often made on the basis of funding available. Service to support ageing in place are funded through the DHB and the Ministry of Health.

In 2002, The Health of Older People Strategy set up. The aim is remain the ability of elderly to take part in decisions about their health and wellbeing and in their life.

Similarities and differences

The three countries above have all recognized the contribution made by older people and they all protect the old people from discrimination. America focuses on ensuring the old people have adequate income in retirement and accessible to physical and mental health services without thinking the economic status. UK celebrates the Older People’s Day to reduce the negative attitude towards aging. New Zealand is more focusing on positive aging.


1. Clearly identifies and explains the international service delivery policies on disability from two countries, and shows similarities and differences between these policies and policies that operate in New Zealand.

America service delivery policies on disability

The Health and Human Services Office on Disability is responsible for monitoring the implementation and coordination of programs and policies, which improve the health and well being of people with disabilities in America. The Director of the Office helps give advice to the Secretary on disability policy issues. 

The role of the Office is important especially in breaking down barriers among disabilities service agencies. The office focuses on improve the cooperation among agencies and improve the well being of persons with disability.

Under the Affordable Care Act, the program of money follows the person is operated. The program makes it for many Americans with disabilities to live independently.

The concept of Money Follows the Person is simple.   A person who qualifies for the program have chance to move out of a caring facility into community such as their own home or apartment. Through that the disabled people can have more control over their own life.  The expense is funded to support the long term services in their home, so they have more choice of their daily life. They can socialize with family and friends in the community and have more participation.

UK service delivery policies on disability

Equality Advisory Support Service of UK provides abundant and useful information about discrimination and rights of disabled people. They also produce high quality information, products and services developed by and for disabled people. The private and public sector maintain a partnership with it with the aim of improving business practices.

Disability Rights UK was formed through a unification of Disability Alliance, Radar and National Centre for Independent Living in January 2012.

Disability Rights UK works to create an equal society where everyone both disabled and able people have fully participation in the society and community. It aims to strengthen the voice of disabled people to make their rights real, as an effective national organization led by people with a wide range of impairments or health conditions. Disability Rights UK focus on improving the mobility of disabled persons and control on their life. It also wants to break the links between disability and poverty by improving the employment of disabled persons.

New Zealand service delivery policies on disability

The Ministry of Health aims to support disabled people live in their own communities and participate in the society equally as other people in New Zealander.

People can find current projects and programs and information about disability support services funded or not funded by the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health is one of many agencies providing support and services for disabled people. Disability Support Services within the Ministry of Health is responsible for the planning and funding of disability support services. It is also responsible for administration the Intellectual Disability Act 2003. Disability Support Services also provides policy advice to the Minister of Health.

Many of the services are funded by Disability Support Services through a Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination service, which work with disabled people to help recognize their needs and to find what disability support services are available. They allocate Ministry funded support services and assist with accessing other supports.

Similarities and differences

The most similarity of disability policies among those three countries is to offer different kind of services for disabled people. The aim is to deliver high quality services to people with disabilities and help them live independently. America more focuses on providing funding support and the money follows the person, which means disabled people can have chance to live home with funding support. UK aims to build an equally society without discrimination. New Zealand aims to improve the participation of disabled people and wants to make sure they have the equal opportunity in life and in their community.

Clearly identifies and explains the international service delivery policies on aging from two countries, and shows similarities and differences between these policies and policies that operate in New Zealand.

America service delivery policies on aging

In 1965, the Congress of U.S. enacted the Older Americans Act, which established a federal agency and state agencies to address the social services needs of the aging population. The Older Americans Act is aiming to help older people maintain maximum independence in their homes and communities and to promote a continuous care for the elderly who needs assistance. With many amendments, the Act set up area agencies on aging and many social support programs. The agencies, programs, and activities that are sponsored by the Older Americans Act make up the aging support network. Federal funds, state funds and local funds provide the funding for services of the Act.

UK service delivery policies on aging

Aging well program is launched in July, 2010, which aims to support old people live a better quality life and meet their needs through the local services. It is a new program designed to support local authorities to improve their services for older people. In 2010, the Minister for Pensions announced that the Government would provide a 1million fund to help older people who are at most risk of longer term loneliness and social isolation remain active, independent and positively engaged with society following retirement.

Local community organizations in 30 areas worked in partnership with the Community Development Foundation to manage the bids. Community Agents have more flexibility to design innovative ways to encourage and inspire activity to help improve people’s later lives. Active at 60 Community Agents will help people within their communities live independently and happily.

Healthcare in England is mainly provided by England’s public health service, which is the National Health Service. It provides healthcare to all permanent residents of UK. It is free service and paid by the general tax. The service includes many cares in different areas.

New Zealand service delivery policies on aging

The New Zealand Positive Aging Strategy (2001) and The Health of Older People Strategy (2002) calls for an integrated approach to service provisions. According to the person’s individual needs it provides many professional cares and include admission to residential or private hospital care.

Ministry of Health is the Government’s principal advisor on health and disability. It focuses on improving, promoting and protecting the health of all people living in New Zealand. The Ministry is the government’s primary agent in New Zealand’s health and disability system, and has overall responsibility for the management and development of that system. The aim of MoH is helping ensure New Zealanders live longer, healthier and more independent lives, while delivering on the government’s priorities. Disability support services and some health services are funded and purchased nationally by the Ministry of Health.

District Health Boards (DHBs) are responsible for providing or funding the provision of health services in their district. The New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act (2000) created DHBs.

Similarities and differences

The similarities are all of those three countries make some policies to offer a high quality life for elderly people such as the pension plan which can ensure the elderly basic life and do some effect to let elderly people can live happy and confidence such as offer the clients choices live at home or facility.

But the differences are that the USA has got more financial support and the federal health insurance and some technique support for the old people as well. And New Zealand and Australia both have the transport and housing support for the old. But the special help to the Maori and the Pacific People policy is only belong to New Zealand. And New Zealand is the only country that has the mentoring service.



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