Definition Of Elder Abuse


02 Nov 2017

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In this essay, I am going to introduce a history and related statistics of elder abuse in Australia then discuss about effective methods to prevent elder abuse associated with expectation of older population in Australia.

Elder abuse caused by close relatives was not acknowledged as a problem until the late 1980s and early 1990s when professional group consisted with nurses, social workers, police and geriatricians started to talk about their experiences and got issues emerged on the surface. (Kurrle & Naughtin 2008) When awareness of the elder abuse firstly started in Australia, there were high activities to develop an appropriate Australian action, rather than simply adopting the previous approach of other country. (Kurrle & Naughtin 2008)

The problem about the elder abuse was revealed in Australia by 1989. Major studies about elder abuse were began in New south Wales, Victoria and South Australia and this result brought up awareness of the issue, particularly in New South Wales. Later on, elder abuse was gradually recognized as a problem across the nation. However, nationally integrated system has not been developed yet to deal with elder abuse. (Kurrle & Naughtin 2008)

In 2006, media released a reporting of incident of elderly sexual abuse by a staff member in a nursing home in Victoria. The national government’s Minister for Ageing announced legislation that sexual, physical serious abuse and incidents occurring in residential care facilities should be reported to the Office of Aged Care Quality and Compliance, and to the police. Legislation acted and reporting started in July 2007. (Kurrle & Naughtin 2008)

There is no specific legislation to address elder people living in community however there is guardianship legislation in all states. (Kurrle & Naughtin 2008)

A report issued by the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008, Australia’s ageing population is expected to increase and there will be a significant proportion of ageing population growing aged over 65 years by 2056. Aged 65 years and over account for 13% of population in 2007 and this is anticipated to escalate to up to 28% in 2101. At 30 June 2007, population over 85 years were 344,100 that 1.6% of total Australian population. This aged group is also expected to increase dramatically throughout over next decade, making up 9.3% by 2101. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008)

According to the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit based in Queensland, EAPU helpline received 1001 emails and calls notification during 2011-2012 financial years regarding elder abuse and they said that notification rates were increased 10.49% compared to 2010-2011 financial years. (Spike 2013)

To consider the overall increase in ageing group and elder abuse notification according to EAPU, potential victims of elder abuse would increase.(can I put my opinion according to objective data?)

Continuous abuse can be a significant harm to at any age, however constant elder abuse is vulnerable to older adults as in general older people are physically weaker than younger people so that consequence of elder physical abuse over time could lead older person to serious injury or even to death. And the stress from constant abuse can be a trigger of chest pain and even could be a more serious factor of heart problems. Symptoms of high blood pressure, ulcers, panic attacks are commonly found among people who experience abuse. (Bain, P & Spencer C 2009)

Elderly physical abuse often leaves physical impacts. Abrasions on arms, legs, or upper body are resemble that elder people might be restrained with rope or straps. If elder people have pain or difficulty of normal body movement, there might be an internal injury caused by physical abuse. Multicoloured bruise involving that elder people were continuously physically abused on the same location. Burn mark from cigarette, electrical appliances or hot water, fracture, sprain, traumatic hair loss and or tooth loss is also indicating physical abuse. However, elderly physical abuse effects are hard to detect if that is in the case of continuation of elder abuse by one perpetrator because of abuser has had practice to hide an evidence of the abuse. (Hattery & Smith 2012, p121-122)

Psychological abuse is mental or emotional distress by intended behavior towards to elder people. This often occurs in terms of humiliation, threat or verbal or non-verbal action. It is vulnerable to people who is isolated and have lack of social or emotional support. Elderly abuse has effects on elder people behavioral pattern. They are emotionally isolated by some of behavioral changes that not talking, not comforting themselves. Emotional upset, uncommunicative and unresponsive are also a behavioral changed of elderly psychological abuse. They express a mood of despondency and confusion and are looked scared when abuser presences. It is often presumed that psychological abuse is not as harmful as physical or other abuse because of lack of visible signs of abuse, thus it is often ‘undervalued’. However, psychological effects that described above such as stress-related disease or emotional trauma can cause a serious damage to elderly victim. (Hattery & Smith 2012, p122-124)

Social abuse often described as a restraint and deprivation such as deprivation of freedom –control over elder people without their agreement, contact with family, engagement of cultural or religious practices etc. It is result in elderly people’s lack of confidence and it prevents or restricts elderly people to seek or report abuse. Its effect sometimes shown that elder people hiding abuse even their case is under scrutiny. Lack of confident restrict or stop them to participate social contact or attend social activities. As a consequence, their level of self-determination or self-esteem is getting change to lower. (Department of Health of Victoria 2009, p.15)

It is important that being informed culturally and providing thoughtful support and provision. In the Aboriginal culture, age alone does not necessarily related to as an elder thus the term ‘elder’ or ‘older’ are could be substituted as ‘respected representatives’ or’ recognized elders’. Statistics shows that elder abuse or violence in Aboriginal community has been increased. Many Aboriginal people personally have experienced abuse or know someone who has exposed to elder abuse. Aboriginal elder abuse factors can not recognized with one single factor. A multitude of possibilities of elder abuse should be considered when determine Aboriginal elder abuse such as policies and practices, family dislocation by child removal policies, colonization and cultural dislocation etc. The combination of factors impacts on Aboriginal older people, particularly the variety of the responsibility of their roles to meet the community’s expectation. For instance, kinship care is expecting older people to look after children who are removed from parents due to abuse and neglect so that they often feel disempowered in their roles as it is traditionally believed that family structure is safe. These Multiple roles of older Aboriginal people may expose them to potential abuse within community. (Department of Health of Victoria 2009, p.7-8)

Risk factors allow preventative methods to be put in place before incident has happened. It is important to identify major cause of abuse in each case in order to design intervention according to different situation. Community support such as in-home nursing, housekeeping service and meals-on-wheels are available options to be put in place to decreased chance of abuse occurring. Shopping and transport assistance is practicable to help carer. Counseling plays a critical role in prevention or support abuse. It may be an individual or family counseling. It purpose to help victim manage a situation and support them to find a safe way from abuser. Respite provision is particularly involved when carer stress is a problem that leads carer to do neglect. If victim is independent, in-home respite, day-centre is helpful. However, victim is dependent then nursing home is the only solution. (Australian Society for Geriatric Medicine 2004)

In Victoria there are few resources network have been provided to be used by community agencies and health service to reinforce on suspicion of elder abuse. Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV) is government-funded organization and is established to help elder abuse specially. It works for protecting the elderly rights, self-esteem and older Victorians independency. It provides Telephone information, support and referral, Legal service, Short-term individual advocacy and support, Referrals to funded providers in local areas and Community education. Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS) are operates under the Commonwealth Guidelines and Conditions of Grant. ACAS receives report from neighbors, friends or family members if they concern about elder abuse. ACAS approach to situation by investigating from the older person’s viewpoint. This is usually conducted by a home visit by ACAS for a full-detailed assessment. Depending on the case significant, ACAS may refer the case to another service provider such as VCAT. (Department of Health of Victoria 2009, p.57-63)

As population is increasingly ageing in Australia, the fact is that there will be likelihood increasing of elder abuse appear with population ageing. So it is crucial to have greater understanding of a phenomenon of elder abuse. In addition, most importantly, political efforts (community support) and resources need to be taken in place to minimizing the case happening and its consequences resulting. (Could it be my own opinion?)


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