Eradicate Racism And Discrimination In Australia


02 Nov 2017

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Introduction 4

Literature review 4

Figure 1 5

Figure 2 6

Recommendations to eradicate racism and discrimination in Australian workplace 6

conclusion 7

References 8

Table of figures

Figure 1 5

Figure 2 6

Report prepared for

ACSC100:Academic communication in science


Racial differences and the discrimination at the work place: A major impairment on the health and wellbeing of the employees at workplace in Australian organization.

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Word count:1814


The globalization is a dynamic phenomenon and greatly impact the businesses across the globe. The high competition in the business world eliminates the national boundaries between the different countries and results in more independence and diversity in performing operations of the organization (DI Pietro, Girsberger, Vuille).The globalization has posed a significant impact on the workforce diversity. The elimination of boundaries between the countries also resulted in the free movement of the labour force from one country to another country (Choay 2007).

Researches have demonstrated that when workforce diversity increases it lead to the development of the racial differences among the employees working in the diverse business environment. Racism is commonly described as a belief that the human being living on this planet are divided into diverse biological groups and races. Racism exist since the existence of the life on this planet and it demonstrates that the people belonging to one race considers the person belonging to him inferior on the basis of the colour, cast, language, custom or place of birth (Williams Yu & Jackson 1997).

The studies have depicted that there is a wide disparity among the Australian society. People belonging to one race considers people belonging to other race inferior to them which creates a greater extent of frustration among the Australian people. The studies have also shown that the racial differences in the socio economic status and the social classes creates the discrimination among the employees working in the diverse business environment. The current study focuses on the Racial differences and the discrimination at the work place considered as a major impediment on the health and wellbeing of the employees at workplace in Australian organization(Williams Yu & Jackson 1997).

Literature review

Numerous studies have reported that there is a high degree of racism practiced in the Australian society. A survey conducted by the Australian IT and finance workers demonstrate that a majority of the employees feel racist at the Australian workplace and are not comfortable in doing work. The survey further demonstrated that the number of people in Australia make decision regarding their job on the basis of the racism and discrimination being practice in the desired organization. The study also demonstrates that the 70.1% respondents showed that they feel racist in the Australian workplace (Mansouri Jenkins Morgan Taouk 2009).

Another survey reported that 85% of respondent believe that Australia is currently facing the issue of racism.20% of the respondents reported that they usually encounter race hate talks and 11% reported that they are excluded from their workplace because of racism and discrimination while 7% reported that they are treated unfair and unjust at the workplace and 6% reported physical attacks based on their race(Szoke 2012).

There is a huge diversity of workforce in the Australian organizations. People belonging to diverse racial groups work in the Australian organization most

commonly blacks and whites Studies have shown that When a high degree of racism or discrimination is practiced in the Australian organization it has negative impact on the personality and behaviour of the employees and they feel more frustrated, and depressed (Mansouri Jenkins Morgan Taouk 2009).

Figure 1 Figure 1

The above table shows the result of the survey related to the reaction to racism in the Australian workers the result shows that the 67% of the people feel angry as 28% feel depressed and disturbed because of the discrimination and racism at the workplace. The employees when encounter racism or discrimination in the workplace they feel that they are not being owned by the organization and the organization is not concerned to them. The feeling of being discriminated causes an intense degree of stress and anger among the employees. The huge amount of decrease on the health and wellbeing of the employees was recorded as a result of the racism and discrimination at the workplace (Paradies Harris & Anderson 2008)

The studies report that Australian organization when practice high racism in the organization on the basis of colour, cast, creed and language than there is more injustice in the organization and the employees are treated unfairly which causes disturbance and distress among the employees. Some of the researchers also reported that the increased degree of racism and discrimination among the employees lead to high level of stress among the employees belonging to different ethnic groups. When employees are not obliged by their supervisor in the way they deserved it creates negative consequences and impact on their health and well-being (Williams Yu & Jackson 1997).

The studies further showed that the negative impact of racism and discrimination not only effect negatively on the health and well-being of the Australian employees rather it also effect the behaviour and attitude of the employees as well. A review of 138 studies also showed that the strong degree of association exists between the discrimination and health illness of the Australian employees.

Figure 2

Some of the meta analysis of the studies also depicted that discrimination among the employees have a strong impact on the physical and mental health of the employees and it adversely affect their mental capabilities. It further demonstrated that when employees feel stressed and disturbed they are more likely to behave in a negative manner. The result of survey showed that 38% of the people as a result of racism avoid talking to family and do not give importance to even some critical issues workplace (Paradies Harris & Anderson 2008).

A study conducted in the 2009 by the researchers also investigated the impact of racism and the discrimination on the health and well-being of the employees and reported that a high degree of racism in the Australian workplace are creating a huge problems for the organization in Australia. When there is a high degree of racism experienced by the employees at the workplace they feel huge level of stress and depression which greatly affect their health and causes lots of physical and mental problems among the employees (Awofeso 2011).

Recommendations to eradicate racism and discrimination in Australian workplace

The studies recommend that the positive initiatives should be taken by the organization to eradicate the racism in the workplace. They further recommend that the anti-racism acts should also be taken at the governmental level in order decrease the workforce disparity in the Australian organizations. The researchers also recommend that the solid measures should be taken by the Australian organization in order to develop the sense of self efficacy and the career motivation among the employees. The investigations also revealed that the employees lack the cultural awareness which is contributing heavily in promoting racism and discrimination in Australian organizations and which is adversely affecting the mental and physical health of the employees. The researcher further recommended that the organization should arrange certain training programs for the employees that should focus on the cultural education of the employees and ultimately focus on creation of the skill and the knowledge among the employees so that they can better compete with the challenges and the pressures of the workforce diversity(Awofeso 2011).

They further recommend that some policies should be formulated for managing the racism in the organization and ultimately improving the health and wellbeing of the employees. The higher authority in the Australian organization should develop the cultural competence training programs for the management of the racism and discrimination and eradicating its adverse effects on the health and wellbeing of the employees. The studies further recommended the Australian society and the business organization should refine their recruiting methods so that they can hire the cultural competent workforce that can efficiently manage the pressures at the workplace created because of the discriminations and can manage the health problems efficiently (Awofeso 2011).

Some of the key anti-racism strategies suggested by the researches includes Direct participation programs, Workforce and organisational development, Policy and legislative reform, Communications and social marketing, Community development, Advocacy, Research and monitoring (Dreher 2007).


The Australian society is encountering high degree of racism and discrimination because of the workforce diversity. It is a great challenge for the Australian organization to manage the racism at the workplace because the surveys have shown that there is a high degree of racism and discrimination at the Australian workplace especially among the blacks and whites. The racism and the discrimination among the employees at the workplace negatively affect the health and the wellbeing of the employees and causes lots of physical and mental problem among the employees and in turn they feel distressed and depressed at the workplace (Paradies Harris & Anderson 2008).

The Australian organization and the government are also playing significant attention on the decreasing the level racism and discrimination at the workplace to improve the health and well-being of the employees along this some of the studies have also recommended certain measures that should be taken in order to decrease the discrimination among the employees. Most common measure suggested by them is creating the awareness among the employees regarding the culture of the different countries so that the skills and knowledge of the employees should be built regarding the culture of the different countries and they can better manage the racism and its impact on the health and the well-being of the employees(Awofeso, 2011).


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