Non Disabling Society Encourages And Education


02 Nov 2017

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The vision of policies on disability in New Zealand is that along with other New Zealanders, disabled people aspire to a good life. According to the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, the government recognises that a fully inclusive society scheme which required to remove the barriers to participation faced by disabled people. There are 15 objectives have been developed.

1: a non-disabling society encourages and education

People with disabilities have the right to live in this society, therefore, non-disabling social respect and attaches great importance to the lives of persons with disabilities are encouraged to support inclusive community.

2: Make sure that the rights of persons with disabilities

Maintenance and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities, such as the right to information, who are able to become self-advocates to provide education for people with disabilities.

3: to provide the best education for people with disabilities

Improve the education of children, youth and adults has an equal opportunity to learn.

4: for persons with disabilities to employment and economic development opportunities

• planning and training to enter the job

• employment and economic development, which means to develop a range of employment options, and to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal employment rights, employment conditions and treatment, including wages

5: Disabled Foster leadership

Encourage their participation in decision-making, and the establishment of a register of government-appointed persons with disabilities in government departments and leading role as service users.

6: culture-aware and responsive public service

Ensure that all agencies of government towards persons with disabilities with dignity and respect.

7: the establishment of long-term support system for individual-centered

Establish a quality assessment and service delivery systems have similar needs, regardless of their impairment.

8: to support the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the community

Support and enhance the opportunity to have their own house and living in the community for people with disabilities.

9: Support lifestyle choices, recreation and culture for disabled

Provide opportunities and support for people with disabilities to perform and create your own art and reproductive potential.

10: people with disabilities and disability-related information collection and use

Disability research projects to take the moral standards and procedures, through various surveys and collect useful information to inform research programs.

11: To promote the participation of disabled Maori

Disabled Maori Maori Development within the framework of equitable distribution of resources, capacity-building.

12: To promote the participation of disabled Pacific people

The Pacific the local community disability information and services to support staff development and training of people with disabilities Pacific

13: children and young people with disabilities lead full and active life

Make sure that the youth development strategy for the needs of persons with disabilities.

14: To promote the participation of women with disabilities to improve their quality of life

Rights and opportunities for women with disabilities to achieve economic health and education level with men the same level.

15: the family, family groups and peoples to provide ongoing support

Providing education and information needs assessment process to ensure that family members of persons with disabilities.


The National Disability Strategy set out a ten year national approach to improving the lives of people with disability and providing leadership for a community wide shift in attitudes. The vision is for an inclusive Australian society that enables people with disability to fulfil their potential as equal citizens. The Strategy covers six policy areas:

Inclusive and accessible communities

Improved accessibility of the built and natural environment through planning and regulatory systems, maximising the participation and inclusion of every member of the community

Improved provision of accessible and well-designed housing with choice for people with disability about where they live.

A public, private and community transport system that is accessible for the whole community

Rights protection, justice and legislation

Remove societal barriers preventing people with disability from participating as equal citizens

People with disability have access to justice

People with disability to be safe from violence, exploitation and neglect.

Economic security

Income support and tax systems to provide an adequate standard of living for people with disability, their families and carers; while fostering personal financial independence and employment

Increase access to employment opportunities as a key to improving economic security and personal wellbeing for people with disability.

Personal and community support

Universal personal and community support services are available to meet the needs of people with disability.

A sustainable disability support system which is person-centred and self-directed, maximising opportunities for independence and participation in the economic, social and cultural life of the community.

Learning and skills

Ensure that government reforms and initiatives for early childhood, education, training and skill development are responsive to the needs of people with disability.

Health and wellbeing

All health service providers, who are hospitals, specialist services, general practices, mental health, population health programs and ambulance service, have the capabilities to meet the needs of people with disability.

United Kingdom

The Government published ‘Fulfilling Potential: Building a deeper understanding of disability in the UK today’, which aims are:

The development of actions, outcomes and indicators of current evidence on disability in the UK

To inform public understanding about disability and the issues faced by disabled people

To raise awareness, drive a change in attitudes and support an increase in commitment to improving the lives of disabled people in the UK.

The structuration in two parts:

Provides analysis of the number of disabled people in the UK as well as looking at the way disability develops over the life course and at the fluctuating nature of disability.

Focuses on the lives of disabled people by looking at trends in outcomes and barriers to taking part in different areas of life.


Queries and policies of the three countries concerned about the economic, employment, barriers of attitude, and education. However, the different between these three countries such as Australia has a long-term plan involves all aspects of life and pay more attention to the education of disability. UK concern about the general quality of life of disability people, remover the barrier of attitude away, develop support and improve life of disabled people in UK. However, the most important point is improving the quality of life for disabled Maori and Pacific people.


New Zealand

Positive Ageing Strategy develops a strategic framework for government policies and services through a positive ageing principle. The principles state that:

Empowerment of older persons make a choice, to enable them to lead satisfying lives, to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Provide an opportunity to participate in and contribute to the families and communities for the elderly;

The elderly reflects a positive attitude

Understanding of the elderly and the aging of diversity as a normal life cycle;

Sure values ​​and strengthen the ability of older Maori and their family groups

Recognise the diversity and the ability to strengthen the Pacific

Appreciate the diversity of older people living in New Zealand's cultural identity;

Recognition of the different issues faced by men and women;

Ensure that older people in rural and urban areas, live in the confidence of a secure environment, and access to the services they need, to do so;

Enable older people to take responsibility for their personal growth and development through changing circumstances.

The goals are:

Income - the elderly safe and adequate income

Health - fair, timely access to health services for the elderly

House - the burden of the elderly affordable and appropriate housing options

Transport - the elderly affordable and convenient transport options

Aging place - to ensure that the elderly feel safe and secure place.

Cultural diversity for the elderly - can choose different cultural services.

Rural areas - to improve service delivery to rural areas, to ensure equity of access to health

Services provided for people in rural areas.

Attitude - a positive attitude towards aging

Employment - elimination of age discrimination, and to promote flexible working

Opportunity - opportunity to increase personal growth and community involvement.


National Strategy for an Ageing Australia

Currently, there are 2.3 million Australians aged 65 years which is over 12 per cent of the population. According to the research, until 2016, the figures will increase to 3.6 million or 16 per cent of the population. Therefore, the government developed the policies which intention is to provide senior Australian and their families with the flexibility to make choice that will maximise their participate and contribution. The Nation Strategy is focused on healthy ageing which is a wide concerned:

Better retirement income

More flexible working and national economic growth

Better health care

Positive attitude toward older people

United Kingdom

The ageing society in UK is increasing rapidly, today, there are 10,000 people aged 100 or over, by 2020, the research projects that people over 50 will comprise almost a 32 per cent of the work force and almost half the adult population. It has clear to seen that the structure of society is changing and more of people are living longer than before.

A new coalition government of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats was formed in 2010. The coalition issued a ‘Programme for Government’ that provide for action on public service and set out the underlying ethos which improve the lives of older people included:

The health bill

The pension and savings bill

The energy bill

The welfare reform bill

The decentralisation and localism bill


Aging policies of these three countries are concerns about ageing people’s health life and support programmes around the person-centre need of the elderly and are able to choose healthy living, health care and disability support need from the government pension and private finance. But the differences between these countries. For example, in UK which focus on the good community services establishment for the elderly. Planning framework to improve economic growth and working which are the most point in Australia. However, under New Zealand Positive Ageing Strategic Fund, Maori elderly pay special attention.


New Zealand

The Health and Disability commissioner’s Act (HDC) protect the rights of people using health and disability service. Moreover, it contains public funding and provision of personal health service, disability support service and public health services. District Health Board is responsible for providing the services. Subsidized drugs and pharmacies. New Zealand Blood Service also established under the Act. Primary care organization established under the Public Health and Disability Act. Primary health care and professional care community, usually by a family doctor or nurse practitioner. Cover a wide range of primary health care health care and prevention services, including health education, counselling, disease, health education, counselling, disease prevention and screening.


Disability Services Australia (DSA)

that provides essential community support, employment and training services to enhance the lives of people with a disability each year. Disability Services Australia (DSA) enhance its continued success and people with disabilities who provide high-quality service, care, services, and help people through the adoption of quality disability and persons with disabilities have access to care and assistance from a variety of sources, including unpaid care which about 2.6 million carers in Australia to provide unpaid aid to the disabled or elderly people in 2003. Those providers provide the most assistance is known as the primary or principal carer

Home and Community Care (HACC)

Home and Community Care Program (HACC) frail older people, people with disabilities and their caregivers to provide services. HACC services are designed to improve the independence and prevent access to residential care. In 2006-07, under 65 years of age (24% of the total 801,290) 188,903 HACC clients.

Mainstream services

People with disabilities to access mainstream services, including health services, public transport, education and training, employment assistance, housing and accommodation assistance. However, people with disabilities may encounter difficulties in the use of these services. For example, access to mainstream health services for people with disabilities are often restricted, such as inadequate training, human resources for health, communication difficulties and misunderstandings symptoms.

United Kingdom

Disability services

GOV. UK provide several service including:

Benefits and financial help which includes disability living allowance, employment and support allowance and attendance allowance.

Carers that includes carer’s allowance, disabled children and disability day care centres

Disability equipment and transport this provide allowances for disabled students and blue badge and disabled access.

The government UK provide disability right under the Equality Act 2010Disability rights

Department for Work and Pensions

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for welfare and pension policy It is the biggest public service delivery department in the UK and serves over 20 million customers.

The responsible for

encouraging people to work and making work pay

encouraging disabled people and those with ill health to work and be independent

providing a decent income for people of pension age and promoting saving for retirement

Comparison of

Disability policy between these countries is most similar to provide different types of services for different ages of people living with a disability, which aims to provide high-quality services, and enhance people with disabilities through the use of quality disability care services and to assist disabled range of sources of people receiving care and assistance. Australia more organizations persons with disabilities and caregivers. The main disabled service are provided from government which provide allowance to support disabled people. However, Special Needs and Disability Services by county which has different governing bodies, institutes and associations to provide different special service. for example the transition planning young people with special needs, opportunities and experiences during their school, which will help them better prepare for life as an adult. The transition plan can help youth employment, pursuing post-secondary education and full participation in society.


New Zealand

Ministry of Health New Zealand

The Ministry of Health and District Health Board-funded services to help support the elderly remain independent and involved in their communities, especially to continue to live in their home as long as it is safe for elderly people.

Care Plus which can ensure comprehensive care for the lower cost for the elderly, if the elderly with health problems, and the need for additional support for health system

Nursing home, rest home certification can be accessed by elderly if they need to move into there and can make them have chance to select the residential care which is good for them.

Ministry of social Development

The Ministry of Social Development helps to build successful individuals, strong, healthy families and thriving communities.

The Ministry of Social Development's services to seniors, A number different service for 65 years or over, it includes information about superannuation and pension provided

Residential or family support

The elderly people who can select their retirement life to live at home, supported by community centres or private care from nursing home, rest home family community and government.


Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program

This provides services that support older people to stay at home and be more independent in the community which include nursing care, domestic assistance such as help with cleaning, washing and shopping, personal care, social support, home maintenance, assistance with food preparation and deliver of meals in the home, transport, and counselling, information and advocacy services.

Aged care assessment

Aged care assessment team to determine the best care programs, including rehabilitation, community care or residential care homes. these services in metropolitan and rural areas are usually located at the hospital.

Government of Western Australia delivering a Health of WA

Elderly Health, help, support and care are provided to older people through the organisation of community care, hospitals and residential facilities and those group are providing in-home care.

United Kingdom

Department for work and pension (DWP)

DWP-led initiatives responding to the challenges and opportunities of our ageing society.

Products, tools and good practice – resources for professionals to help respond to our ageing society.

Forums and support activity on ageing – the UK Advisory Forum on Ageing provides a two-way channel of communication between Government and citizens on ageing issues.

Ageing Well – supporting local authorities to improve their services for older people.

Improving recruitment and retention of an ageing workforce – information, resources and policy related to meeting the challenges and maximising the opportunities of our ageing workforce.

Digital inclusion – promoting internet usage for older people in sheltered housing.

International – information about the world-wide response to demographic challenge and the UK Government’s involvement with associated international institutions.

UK Older People's Day – under the "Full of Life" banner, UK Older People’s Day is the focus of a wide programme of activity, celebrating later life.


Similarities between some of the policies of all three countries, such as old age pension scheme to ensure the basic livelihood of the elderly, and did some effect, so that the elderly can live happy and confidence, such as providing customers with high quality of life choose to live at home or facility. Australia aging services of a more perfect system than the other two countries. UK encourage and make sure pension cover for elderly life. New Zealand to encourage older people to remain in their communities, continue to live in their own homes, as long as it is safe


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