Poor Neighborhoods Give Rise To Social Problems


02 Nov 2017

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There has been an immense association of poor neighborhood with adverse social problems world over (Kernes, 2012). High crime rates, drug abuse, rapes, and poor hygiene-related and airborne diseases have been in high concentrations in areas neighbored by a poverty-stricken society. The quest by the members of these societies either to acquire the basic human needs or to boost their self-esteem is to blame for this association (Leonard et al., 2011). Moreover, the negligence with which the affluent society and the governments of the nations with such citizens handle the issue worsens the situation. In fact, this condition is even worse in countries that are capitalists (like the United Kingdom) compared to communist and socialist countries (Kernes, 2012). Finding a means of reducing the poverty prevalence in these areas would thus be synonymous to finding an amicable solution to most of these social problems. This paper thus gives an overview of the social problems associated with poor neighborhood to enhance the regeneration of these areas.

Poor neighborhood promotes crime (Oleviera & Eckel, 2012).Unemployment cases in these areas contribute to idleness and stresses that in turn make the individuals commit robbery, theft or other violent acts (Cramm, Hanna & Nierbore.2013). In addition, these areas are characterized with inferior education resulting to fewer role models thus increasing the chances of the youths associating with gangs (Leonard.et.al,2011 ).Impoverished areas are characterized with low purchasing power of individuals, to ensure all they needs are met they opt for forceful attainment of material goods. To them the benefits of crime outweighs the risk of being caught. Research shows that high number of crime cases being reported everyday occurs in deprived areas in London (Cramm, Hanna & Nierbore, 2013).In Westminster, for instance, the gang groups being caught are from the deprived areas. (Cramm, Hanna & Nierbore, 2013).The contribution of poor neighborhood to crime is thus evident and the problems associated with it should be addressed if crime is to be controlled.

Poor neighborhood contributes to drug abuse (Oliviera & Eckel, 2012). The stress on individuals makes them opt to drug use(Leornad.et.al,2011).The major causes of these tensions are cases of unemployment, poverty, idleness which are experienced in poor neighborhoods (Leornad.et.al,2011) .Moreover, marginalization and social exclusion of these individuals bare them from being involved in other social activities leaving them with drug use as their only option. Ignorance due to poor education makes most youths victims of peer pressure thus choosing on drug use (Kang.et.al,2011).Nonetheless, absence of role models reduces their desire to achieve thus in their apathy they choose on drug dealing.

The decline in social structures of these areas and uncontrolled settings further promotes drug (Pinkster, 2009). Lack of rules and guidelines to follow provide excessive freedom to individuals allowing chances for the youth to hang out with gangs. Increased levels of crime also contribute to drug use (Kang.et.al, 2011). However, the reverse is also true (Pinkster, 2009).Criminals use drugs for anesthetic purposes to aid in escape of their hardship experiences during the act (Oliviera & Eckel, 2012). In addition, they also use drugs for ritual purposes. Solutions to drug addicts can be offered; however, those living in these areas are exempted. Their increased poverty levels bare them from access to rehabilitation centers making their recovery harder. Drug abuse remains the order of the day. Poor neighborhood should thus be considered in the process of rehabilitating drug addicts.

Deprived neighborhoods result to insecurity (Cramm, Hanna &Nierbore,2013).The congestion and poor structure of these areas provide avenues for activities that promote insecurity (Oliviera & Eckel,2012).Increase levels of crime posses insecurity in these areas (Pinkster,2009).Moreover, the poor construction of the housing facilities provide cover to the criminals .Poor construction of certain infrastructure also house these individuals. For instance, poor bridges in slum areas of Westminster house gangs making the areas insecure (Kernes, 2012). Poor-housing facilities are a risk to their occupant as far as security is concerned (Kernes, 2012). They are poorly constructed and easily accessible thus insecure. Large number of drug dealers in these areas is also a threat to security (Oliviera & Eckel, 2012).The effect of the drugs to the individuals can result in activities that bridge security an example is rape cases.

Furthermore, drug-dealing results to mental illness (Leonard.et.al, 2011).These individual promote insecurity in these areas. Poor access to various amenities such as security assurance stations further accelerates the levels of insecurity in these areas (Pinkster,2009).The fear by security providers due to the gangs in these areas ,shun them away from providing their services. It is thus evident that insecurity in these areas can be reduced only when the factors contributing to poor neighborhood are addressed.

Poor neighborhood give rise to poor health (Oliviera & Eckel, 2012).Congestion, unhygienic conditions, and anti-social behaviors have adverse effects on individuals’ health (Leornard.et.al,2011).Overcrowding results to spread of airborne diseases in these areas ().In addition, diseases spread by contact are also experienced. The number of cholera patients in slum areas of East London was higher than the other parts of the city (Cramm, Hanna & Nierbore, 2013). This is attributed to the poor sanitation and overcrowding in these regions. Respiratory illnesses arises due to the insanitary conditions .Asthma, for instance, is mostly experienced in individuals living in these areas (Kernes,2011).Anti-social behaviors also have a hand to play in the individuals health (Laventhal & Brookes,2011).Drug dealing ,for instance, leads to addiction the end results are diseases which affects the health of an individual. Lung cancers and breathing problems are associated with excessive use of drugs. Mental disorders also arise due to use of these drugs.

Moreover, drug addiction in itself is a health problem. Stress on individuals due to poverty, unemployment, insecurity, and social seclusion leads depression (Leonard.et.al, 2011). The pressure on these individual to obtain their daily needs and those of their dependants further increase their chances of being depressed. Fewer symptoms were observed from persons transferred to private houses (Leonard.et.al, 2011).However, the effect was the same on those left. Nutritional aspect of health cannot be neglected. Poverty, ignorance, and poor hygiene leads to nutritional deficiencies (Leonard.et.al, 2011) High cases of kwashiorkor are reported in the slums of Westminster, Southwark, and Newham (Laventhal & Brookes, 2011).This is attributed to the ignorance on food quality and proper sanitation in these areas. Nonetheless, the number of malnourished children is greater in the slums of East London than in the private housing (Kernes, 2012). Poor access to social amenities (hospitals), and unemployment, hinders treatment of those affected. This further accelerates the health problems. Poor neighborhood problems should thus be addressed to control the diseases that come along with it.

Poor neighborhood leads to occurrence of unwanted pregnancies (Pinkster, 2009).Idleness, immoral behaviors, and poor access to education results to teenage pregnancies. Presence of criminals and drug addicts in these areas results to rape cases, which translates to unwanted pregnancies (Oliviera & Eckel, 2012) .Furthermore, the idleness of the youth in these areas, promotes early sexual interactions resulting to these pregnancies. Ignorance due to poor education hinders the victims from attaining prompt solutions to rape cases thus promoting chances for unwanted pregnancies. Poor parental guidance also contributes to these unintended pregnancies (Laventhal & Brookes, 2011).The stress on parents due to the social problems associated with this neighborhood does not provide a chance to them for parental guidance (Kernes, 2012). In addition, the poor social structure provides excessive freedom to the adolescents leading to them shunning away advices. Poverty in these regions also promotes unplanned pregnancies (Laventhal & Brookes, 2011).Prostitution to make ends meet by these individuals leads to unintended pregnancies. Nonetheless, enticement of adolescents by the rich who take advantage of their situation is also a factor promoting unplanned pregnancies. The control of this social problem thus depends on the regeneration of these neighborhoods.

Poor neighborhood give rise inadequate of social amenities (Kernnes, 2012).Availability of these facilities in an area depend on its level of security (Siegel, 2011).High cases of insecurity in these deprived areas retards the rate of investment. In addition, gang groups present in these regions shun the investors away in fear of robbery. Property destruction by rowdy drug dealers also prevents the establishment of these facilities by investors. The number of schools and shops in deprived neighborhood are minimal compared to developed regions (Kernes, 2012).This is attributed to the social problems experienced in these areas. Social exclusion and marginalization of these areas further hinders the rate at which these services are made available (Leornad.et.al, 2011).The social development of these areas will only be achieved if the social problems arising from poor neighborhood are addressed.

Unemployment is a difficult experience, emotionally, financially, and socially (Leornard.et.al, 2011).This social problem is damaging not only to the individual but also to the entire society (Pinkster, 2009). Studies show that poor neighborhood contributes to unemployment (Bannet, 2011).This is due to lack of expertise in any field since the area is characterized by poor education. Nonetheless, isolation of these individuals makes employers unwilling to offer them opportunities (Bannet,2011).Poor health conditions of these individuals also increase their susceptibility to unemployment (Siegel,2011).Mental illness, for instance, act as a barrier to employment (Kang.et.al, 2011). This is due to the unwillingness of the employer to offer them jobs because of their psychiatric case. Despite creation and launch of Discrimination Act, employment opportunities remain scarce (Kernes, 2012). In addition, reduced workforce due to health problems is a barrier to employment (Kernes, 2012). Studies on Social Return conducted in Tower Hamlets, Islington, and Haringey shows that unemployment among the youths is due to their poor neighborhood (Bannet,2011).In addition, the study highlights that regeneration of these areas promoted employment of the youths (Cramm, Hanna & Nierbore,2013).The latest labor force figures in UK suggest a fall in unemployment in empowered communities. Solution to unemployment thus lies on the anti-social behaviors associated with poor neighborhoods.

Poor neighborhood give rise to vandalism of property (Kernes, 2012).The sabotage of certain properties results to disasters which are social problems (Kernes, 2012). Pipeline vandalism, for example, leads to explosions posing danger to those involved (Kernes, 2012). In addition, oil siphoning contributes to create losses experienced by oil companies. This social malady occurs due to the poverty in these areas (Siegel, 2011).In order to satisfy their needs, individuals in these areas get involved in vandalism and theft. The materials obtained then stealthily get their way into the market for sale. Evidence shows that the vandals of BP London Olympics Billboard were from the slum areas (Cramm, Hanna &Nierbore, 2013). In addition, oil sabotage reported in East London was carried out in these poor neighborhoods. Sabotage of other public properties is also reported in these areas (Kernnes, 2012) .Telephone, electric wire destruction mostly occur it these areas (Kernes, 2012) .Idleness, and drug-dealing activities have a hand in their actions. Moreover, high levels of illiteracy hinder them from knowing the damaging implications of their actions. Upgrading of these areas is thus essential in ensuring this social malady is solved.

Education is a key requirement to any individual (Siegel, 2011).Uneducated community experience social problems that come along with lack of the aforementioned ().Research shows that poor neighborhood hinders the learning process of individuals (Kernes, 2012).This is attributed to the social problems experienced in this areas. Large groups of drug addicts and criminal makes the school-going children susceptible to these anti-social behaviors. Nonetheless, absence of role models in these areas kills their morale (Laventhal & Brookes, 2011).Unwanted pregnancies impede the learning process of the girl child resulting to school dropout. The figures documented on Girl Child Empowerment Research, highlighted a rise in number of school-dropouts due to unplanned pregnancies in slum areas of London (Kernes, 2012).Poverty of families in these areas contribute to poor education. Lack of school fees hinders the learning process of the child. Furthermore, low self-esteem due the nature of their neighborhood instills fear in them to attend schools (Laventhal & Brookes, 2011).Poor neighborhood thus has a hand in the poor education of the individuals in these areas.

Poor neighborhood contributes to garbage problems (Siegel, 2011).Improper waste disposal in these areas results to accumulation of litter. In addition, poor services by waste control agencies increase the garbage in these areas. Congestion in these area also give rise to garbage accumulation (Siegel, 2011).Moreover, ignorance on the adverse effects of these garbage leads to carelessness of the individuals on litter control. The result of poor waste management is poor health. Therefore, poor neighborhood should be upgraded to control garbage at the problems that come along with it.

Poor neighborhood give rise to over dependency (Siegel,2011).The dependency ratio of individuals living in these areas is high compared to those in developed areas (Siegel,2011).Being on the receiving end is a social problem to the individual (Siegel,2011).In the short run, charities may be essential, as after a tragedy. However, in the end, dependency is detrimental since it translates to ongoing poverty (Bannet, 2011).Idleness and laziness of individuals in these areas makes most of them look up to a few individuals for survival. Nonetheless, their belief that they are poor makes them helpless and depends on others for survival. Donations by charitable organizations further leads to dependency. Community empowerment rather than charities should be put in place if this social problem is to be solved.

Poor neighborhood contributes to single parents (Siegel,2011).Lone parenting is a significant social problem in the community (Siegel,2011).This is due to the increased poverty level and poor parenting that result from it. Single parents occur because of unwanted pregnancies and negligence of those involved to take responsibility. This social problem is also caused by separation of parents due to family wrangles. Research shows that high number of couples separating is experienced in the deprived areas (Leonard.et.al, 2011).This is attributed to their level of poverty and the stress due to the social problems. It is thus evident that parental guidance can be achieved in these areas only if the problems associated with it are addressed.

Poor neighborhood contributes to anti-social behavior (Pinkster, 2009).People in these areas are anti-social due to fear of reprisal (Bannet, 2011).They opt to remain silent rather than face opposition from those in the neighborhood .This is attributed to the presence of ethnic community groupings. Moreover, the unfriendly nature due to stress of people living in these areas contribute to the same. The poverty level of these individuals also contributes to their anti-social behavior. The fear of being looked down upon makes them choose to remain silent. Poor nature of the neighborhood is the major reasons for lack of socialization in these areas.

From the evidence advanced herein, it thus suffices to deduce that poor neighborhood contributes to social problems in the community. The social maladies identified are correlated, they contribute to each other. Crime contributes to drug abuse and insecurity, drug abuse gives rise to poor health and immoral behavior, insecurity results to inadequate social amenities antisocial behavior and, poor education contributes to unemployment and dependency. Therefore, for any social change process, a wide and in-depth analysis of the factor should be done since they are deeply embedded in cultural values. In addition, we are encouraged to think globally but act locally since each community has its own social problems


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