Social services and the Maori


03 Oct 2016 06 Mar 2017

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Contribute to discharge of residents from residential care

Assessment task 1

The Te Tiriti o Waitangi is an agreement established between Maori and British government in 1840. The main function of this agreement is to provide the legislation system protection for Maori people live within New Zealand from four critical issues, which are protection, participation, partnership and permission. However, it does not have the limitation that only works for Maori people, in additionally for all regions of people that living in New Zealand, which specific requires social services.


Social service organizations must ensure that the needs of Maori are taken into account when interacting with Maori or when creating policy that could affect Maori. One key way to do this is through consultation or even better having Maori representatives on the steering committee or their Board. Maori leadership and management should be consulted when organizational policies are being decided on in order to ensure that they allow Maori to have rangatiratanga over their taonga. Te Tiriti o Waitangi applies in social services by ensuring that all social services have a bi-cultural perspective and recognise Te Tiriti.


Social service organizations must respect the right of Maori to enjoy their taonga in social service settings. To be able to make important decisions that are in their best interests. For example Maori have the protected right to make choices (Self Manage) that best serve their culture, their people that line with tika and kawa, their traditions and customary practices.


There must be service accessibility for Maori. Te Tiriti applies in social services that Maori models of well-being (Te Whare Tapa Wha or other Maori health models) are utilized rather than workers using western models when working with Maori. Maori must be free to speak Te Reo Maori and to participate in any Maori spiritual or cultural practices if they wish to do so. Having brochures in te reo for Maori clients.

All social services as well as society must respect their privacy and ask for permission before implements any action that relates to Maori people.

Assessment task 2

Discharge Planning

What people in the community would you need to liaise with throughout the discharge planning process for Miri and why?

The people in the community i need to liaise with throughout the discharge planning process for Miri are CYFS, police, and whanau hui. For CYFS, it is because of Miri is just 13 years old girl, the CYFS has responsibility of Miri. For police, it is a case of domestic violence by her mother’s partner, the police has responsibility to check protection orders and as much as possible to help Miri. For whanau hui, the family meeting or whanau hui can identify Miri’s key whanau members who involve in and they also can providing appropriate support to take care of their own and Miri. And also has school, local iwi, WINZ to involve in this case to assist the discharge planning process.

Why is it important to include other people(community, family/whanau) in the discharge planning for Miri?

The first thing for all of the other people include in the discharge planning for Miri is let them out in the community, and then relevant support from both side physically and spiritually to identified this plan, the second thing is gathered all of the relevant information to discharge, make sure all of the process can be understand and informing other agencies of plans as they may close the case, then consider about the finance, time and other resources. It is important to include other people in the discharge planning, more and more helpful people can identify the plan and help Miri go back to normal life. It is important to remember that social workers do not co-ordinate the planning of the family meeting or whānau hui in isolation. The co-ordination must be carried out in conjunction with key members of the family or whānau.

What are two things you could do to make sure the safety and well-being of Miri are your first consideration?

The first thing is Miri’s mother’s support, if her mother still has drug and alcohol problems that means Miri can not return home safely, and also need develop a safety plan for Miri if she need help. The second thing is key whanau leaders involve through the entire process so they can take responsibility of Miri’s well-being, whanau are also aware of the support structures put in place.

Management of discharge

What is the purpose of a discharge plan?

- To outline conditions or criteria for discharge

- To know where the resident will reside after discharge

- Appropriate safety and protective factors are put in place

- Provide information on all options available to the resident once discharged

What resources and other provisions would you expect to see in the discharge plan for Miri?

I expect to see Child, Youth & Family, school and whanau in the discharge plan for Miri.

How would you manage these resources and provisions?

For Child, Youth & Family i would regarding status of benefits, and for school i would regarding plan for Miri go to school like take school bus. For whanau, i would like to put all social services in place for Miri and whanau, visit whanau and Miri every once in a while.

Assessment task 3


Child, Youth,& Family residential home


Age group

Summary of reason for discharge



She has completed three months supervised care in CYF home as required by Youth court judge because of her anger issue and hurting herself

(task 3) placement diary-(student to complete)

Student name




Written summary

What objectives in the residential care plan have been achieved?

For PG, she has been found the way of how to control her anger issue and known how bad it is to be angry, and she also found the reason why she is always be anger and she knows that anger would effect her judge and made mistakes.

What objectives in the residential care plan have been partially or not achieved?

Sometimes PG still lost control when things trigger her to be angry and because of this she has a little afraid of be in a group.

Name the people in the community who are significant in this discharge planning process. Why are their roles significant?

PG’s family member can assist social worker to figure out the reasons and changes why she could discharge and the community caregivers also can report about PG’s situations and daily behaviors, and psychologist also can prove PG’s psychologist changes, and other higher level of social workers who knows PG’s situations could provide useful information like how often she hurting herself when she feels angry.hild, Youth, & Family case worker – prior to her youth court appearance; CYF was already involved with KT’s family. Doctor could provide her medical record. And there also has PG’s friends, school teacher, and neighbors are sighificant in this discharge planning process. Education providers while she is in care - they will have useful information on her school conduct and educational/academic progress

What family or whanau aspects have been considered?

For family or whanau part, PG’s parents, brother or sister who older than her, and other family or whanau who are close and helpful to her have been considered to involve in this planning process.Ability for PG to return to her family home.Key whānau leaders to arrange visit for PG and her whānau to have whakapapa re-connections and provide cultural support.Key whānau leaders need to put in place on-going whānau support with tiakitanga (nurturing) and manaakitanga (hospitality) of PG and her whānau. On-going whānau hui for support and involvement for the well-being of PG and her whānau.

What caregiver are available to the resident after discharge?

Psychologist is necessary because she has a little afraid of be in a group, and Physical or Mental Health needs. Youth Justice requirements. Safety from self endangerment. Those are the cares she needs

What accommodation options in the community are available to the resident?

For PG, she needs monitor and she is not enough to live independently so she needs lives with other people who is older than her, to prevent PG hurting other residents and herself during the community.

What financial, educational and vocational needs does the resident have?

PG is just 13 years old, so she needs goes to school or study at home, and learning like other kids as same age,or she can has an alternative education program, and she also has financial support from her parents to charges for medical and daily life like food.

What are the relevant legislative requirements?

Any orders made by the Youth Court judge e.g. an electronic curfew or completion of community work.

At 13 years old, PG is not legally old enough to decide about her own care, so CYF involvement is required.

How did you made sure that everything you did was always focused foremost on the current and future safety of the person being discharged from residential care?

Meeting and communication


Notes/ key points of your observations and/or inputs throughout the discharge planning process


Discussed with the social worker how a shared care arrangement can work, bearing in mind PG’s parent is a shift worker.

Held whānau hui with key whānau leaders. Facilitated whānau hui to identify whānau needs and help them to implement their own resources to cater for the shared care of PG.

Other notes (reflect on the discharge planning process)

Frequency of updates sent to the CYF case worker. Requirements to check youth court rulings in file, and ensure the relevant ones are completed prior to discharge.

Assessment task 4

(task 4) placement diary- (student to complete)

Contribution to managing the discharge of a resident from residential care





Questions (answer)

For this placement, what is the liaison process for dealing with significant people in the community?

All communications are made by the lead social worker.

All communications to ensure whānau inclusiveness. Informed consent was gained from the whānau to discuss issues with appropriate agencies.

How did you ensure confidentiality was respected?

Communication was done in collaboration with the lead social worker, PG, and whānau. All case notes securely filed & locked away. Files not left open on desks etc.

For this placement, what resources, other provisions, and arrangements are required?

Confirmation of enrollment in an alternative education program if PG can not goes to school. Ensure on-going whānau hui is held and facilitated by key whānau leaders to provide whānau support where required. Shared care plan to be agreed. WINZ benefits- e.g child support payments by PG’s parents.

What are the important consideration in managing these resources or arrangements?

That PG understands the requirement to attend alternative education. Whānau hui is an important consideration because it provides whānau support for PG and her whānau, under the guidance of key whānau leadership.


Communication with people in the community (record observations, actions etc)


Contacted the alternative education provider regarding hours, policies, student rules and other requirements.

Confirmed electronic tagging appointment with police youth liaison officer.

Contacted key whānau leaders and arranged on-going weekly whānau hui to support PG and whānau needs.

Sourced information about Youth Interest Groups

Following service provider standards:

Discharge checklist completed.

Management of discharge in line with standards

Notes/key points of how the discharge was managed in accordance with the workplace’s standards/requirements

Follow the services provider standards and the must has discharge checklist follow the list step by step to do the discharge planning process.

Other notes (reflect on the discharge management process)

Difficulty in checking appointment times for electronic tagging.

Time spent in checking individual aspects (such as alternative education) before discharge checklist could be signed off.

Difficulty at times making contact with whānau to arrange whānau hui.

Assessment task 5

During the process from discharge planning process, i have fully followed the Treaty of Waitangi and policies and procedures from the service such as the privacy act, the human rights, the confidentiality protocols as well as the Treaty of Waitangi. We have made the consideration of the client’s status and maintain the privacy and personal safety. I have fully analysis the client’s personal status such as health history, personal behavior, habits.

The case of PG, read more of the notes from his social worker regarding how social service theory applied in this case. Social work knowledge, skills, and values. Human development through the life span - taking into account the impact on the emotional development of PG. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Services - applying an understanding of the social service provision available. Organization and management in the social services - understanding my role in the discharge process, and the decision making structure of the organization. For example‘Quality through whose eyes, What quality social work looks like to young people in care’s by Jonelle Crawford. Providing the opportunity for PG to say what she thinks, what she needs, and what is working for her.

YUTING SHEN ID: 13010123 01-10-2014


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