The Funding For Social Care


02 Nov 2017

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Mental health issues in the past have been a very private matter. Many individuals that were affected by some form of mental health problems were alienated from society. In the past this would have been by removing someone from their families and culture, and taken to an institution, where they could quite possibly live out there lives. This was common practice and socially expectable to treat individuals in this manner.

Mental health is a huge public concern, as institutions were being closed down, the Importance of insuring the wellbeing and rights of people affected by these issues could no longer be ignored, the individuals that had mental health problems should not be isolated from their own society. Installing policies that would protect individuals from discrimination to insure this kind of treatment wouldn’t happen again. (1)The mental health (care and treatment) (Scotland) act 2003, is one of them.(2) As many as 1 in 4 will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year.

In today society the public have become more aware of mental health issues. If this is being through there own illness or family members, and also the media have contributed to awareness with knew campaigns to educate wider society.

Influences in making social policy can come from many different angles. The general public can be a very big influence if they feel they aren’t being listened to by the government. This could be by organising demonstrations and petitions to put pressure in forcing legislations to be addressed. This would also insure that public opinion was taking into account. The help of the media delivering to the masses would also contribute to supporting issues, insuring more pressure on the government.

Society is forever changing and by studying the United Kingdom’s demographics, current legislation would have to change or be update to keep up with society. This can be another main influence in social policy.

In this moment in time the mental health (discrimination) bill is in its final stages of being passed. The influences for supporting the bill are many charities for mental health. The bill also has the support of the royal college of psychiatrists as well as many members of parliament. The bill is trying to protect people from stigma and prejudice.

There is many different care provisions in today’s society that help towards insuring that a individual is provided with care that is suitable to them. The mixed economy of care that is available to people in need of it can be provided by

Statutory sector

Volunteer sector

Private sector

Unpaid or informal carers

The statutory sector for care is funded by the government, a requirement by law. A local authority like the City of Edinburgh council would manage their own budget to provide services that meet there areas demands. City of Edinburgh council health and social care department would be responsible in assessing an individual’s needs and provide the care that is needed. This could be moderate care like supporting a person with dressing and managing in their own home without having to leave and move into a care home.

The volunteer sector is not a required service by the law, but makes invaluable contributions to helping provide services for varied service users. A statutory service like the National Health Service may refer service users to one of the volunteer services that would help to provide support that meet individuals needs, as the service could be more suited and equipped to help the person that’s being referred. Health in mind is a volunteer service that provides may different support to people that have mental health problems. Some of the services are Befriending, counselling or advice on different mental health services.

The private sector of care is organisations that a run as a business. This includes many different privately run care homes and services that people pay for. City of Edinburgh council may pay for some of the services that a service use requires on there behalf, or the service user would have to pay for the services them self’s

A informal carer is a person, like as a relative, friend or neighbour, who is giving continual, ongoing support and assistance to another individual without receiving payment for the care received. This could be a wife looking after her husband due to ill health or disability. The service user still may receive other types of care from social services, but the informal carer will be doing a substantial amount towards the well being of the person.

The funding for social care is usually decided by the local authority. After needs are assessed the individual depending on age and financial standing, if entitled to support will receive direct payment, or free help if the person is over 65,under 65 the person will be means tested. Some of the services may not be included, like housework and shopping for example, this would mean the service user would have to contribute towards their care. Direct payments can give the service user more freedom to choose the right kind of care for them, and decide when and where the care is needed most, this could be like a personal assistant. The money also can be used to fund care from private organisations.

Service users being supported by a charity based organisation, then the services that are provided will be funded by grants from the government and rising money through public means. This could be fundraising events, shop or donations. The majority of the workforce is made up of volunteers that will be trained to support the people using the service.

Scottish Parliament can make or enact laws in Scotland that can effect health, education, social work, housing, judicial appointments, the courts, criminal justice and the prosecution systems, and legal aid.(3) The Scottish Parliament is not permitted to make any law which is incompatible with the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Parliament in Westminster has the power to legislate on matters which affect the UK as a whole. These include areas such as the constitution, foreign policy and defence, and also employment legislation, immigration and social security. This could potentially means the UK Parliament is higher up than Scottish parliament and can make any law it chooses. In practice, however, it is also restricted by the Human Rights Act 1998.

Legislation passes more quickly through the Scottish Parliament because it does not have an upper house like the House of Lords.

(4)Countries that are part of the European Union have a consensus that the EU directives in different subject areas have to be applied to EU countries laws. the main areas where the EU has the legislation lead, through the directives that effect social care are human rights, health and safety, laws relating to discrimination, social inclusion and social cohesion. All of Scottish law will originate from EU directives.


(4)Social care and the law in Scotland(eighth edition)


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