The Management Of Staffs And Volunteer


02 Nov 2017

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This essay will demonstrate my understanding of staff development, support and supervision in a supported housing project context. This will refer to theorists relevant to my professional practice and include appendices of work place supervision proformas.

I am a support worker/project worker in a supported housing unit in Nottingham, for thirteen female young women between the ages of 16 -25 years, are referred from Housing Aid. The service users are homeless and from various situations such as, family breakdown or referrals from the Care system and their basic needs are addressed in an interview before referral.

The process of recruitment starts with advertising the post. There are about three weeks between the advert going out and the closing date. Job advertisements include emails, as well as advertising to the general public in newspapers and on the radio, TV or internet. This will ensure that applicants have enough time to receive an information pack by mail and have time to put their application together.

Tyler, Hoggart and Merton, (2009) suggests that a good manager takes the responsibility of the management and leadership from the recruitment and selection process to make sure that the right candidates are selected for the role. All applicants must receive the same information package, be offered the same amount of time to apply, answer the same selection criteria, and be asked the same interview questions. The selection criteria must be the basis for deciding the successful applicant. Legislation needs to implement and ensure that it is embedded in all the youth provision as well as applied to members of staff is the equality act 2010. The equality act is place the duty on employers not to discriminate anyone because of characters such as sex, race, religion or, disability (Appendix 1). This information cannot be shared with anyone including other members of the management team. Panel member’s role is to keep details of employment process confidential. Committee members or other applicants talk to panel members about these principles before starting the employment process (Yapa, 2010). The selection process falls into two parts, the first part it is retained by the organisation for advertising the vacancy for shortlist purposes. The second part is sent directly to human resources and use for equal opportunities monitoring purposes. On the day of the closing date for application, the manager review the receive application and assess candidates for the qualities the job requires. This process is also recorded on the shortlist to be informed and it depends on the number of candidates shortlist will be drawn up. Letters will be sent to those selected for the interview advising them with the time, date and location of the interview. An outline of the interview format shall also be provided. However, should a larger panel be appropriate the number of interviewers should not exceed up to five (SVP, 2007). All these forms must be retained for six months after the successful candidates has been selected for the post of shortlist of candidates who are successfully at the first interview will be joined up and the second interviews will be conducted. Prior to appointment references it shall be taken up by using the reference request letter plus all the necessary checks for example criminal record check. The successful candidate should be informed that this will be taking place and should candidate refused to provide this information or give out should be in nominated from the selection process. If not other shortlisted candidate is suitable for the position the post to be re-advertised (SVP, 2007).

Tyler, Hoggart and Merton, (2009) states it is important that induction programme ensure that the right candidates are selected for the post. The role should involve staff development, supervision and performance review. These outlines the provisions to put in place ensure that staff members have an up-to-date capacity building skills that underpins the work with young people. It is the manager's responsibility to make sure that new employees received at thorough induction about the organisation. It is important that time skills are met and that employee fit enough the sign upon completion of each phase. A copy should be given to the employee and the original kept on the personal file (Pritchard, 2000). Once in the post support is provided regularly and new employees are given additional support as they settle into the post. It is given by their managers and reflected on as part of the probationary period. All employees are subject to 6 months’ probation period during which either party can terminate their employment at weeks’ notice. As part of the probation period, assessment interview should take place at three months and a final assessment should take place at five months. These meeting should be recorded and the notes are held on the employees file. Within 12 weeks of the successful candidates start date manager of the new appointees must complete a written statement of terms and condition of employment. The new employees and the line manager should retain a copy while a further copy shall be sent to the human resources Department, along with a copy of the job description, the person specifications and candidates application form (SVP, 2013)

The most essential skill for a night project worker is the experience of working with vulnerable adults on a one-to-one basis. It is ideal as a key worker, to have the relevant professional qualifications or similar training, and have a good working knowledge of supporting a range of vulnerable adults from diverse backgrounds (Appendix 2). It is an advantage also his to have the experience and good working knowledge of supported housing principles and best practice in housing management e.g. welfare benefits and Supporting People documentation. The supporting people programmes (SP) provide support through the housing benefit system are aimed to support for people to live independently (Homeless, 2012).

In my project, St Vincent de Paul (SVP) Ozanam House, there is a formal arrangement which enables each member of staff to discuss their work regularly with another more experienced member of staff. At SVP, the project it intends to set out the values and principles and policies underpinning the organisation to staff supervision to identify a solution to problems, improve practice and increase and understanding of work related issues. It is also essential to have good verbal and written skills and to be able to make competent case notes (Appendix 2). To promote quality care working with young people enables employees to empower the client group and help them to develop the skills and confidence to look after them or to make informed choices (Pritchard, 2000).

All supervision practice in the hostel have three core functions and the aims are to provide support to staff in the workplace, provide professional and personal development and promote quality care. The following guidelines should be followed to all staff to have one formal supervision session at least one hour duration every two months. Supervision time should be planned and held in private and shall be entirely confidential. According to Kadushin (1992) state the functions model of supervision as the threefold education, administration and support model also works for non-managerial supervision. Kadushin’s framework oversee the works of supervision in administrative is to ensure adherence to policy and procedure. This framework explains in supportive supervision the primary problem is worker morale and job satisfaction. Staffs are seen as a variety of job-related stresses which, unless they have help to deal could s affect their work. The three elements overlapped because they flow one into another, to remove one element it becomes less effective on the problems in educational supervision are worker ignorance in regarding the knowledge, attitude and skills required to do the job (Pritchard, 2000). Setting objectives with appraisal are SMART - Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Timed. Specific targets can be used in appraisal or supervision is aimed to assess on the targets outcomes whether it is working or not is on-going with documentation required. Appraiser is prepared for a sometimes a difficult meeting is to be deal with this immediately and to ensure the appraise are reassured and the relationship is maintained (T able 2).

Table 2- Supervision

According to Thompson, (1994) on reflective practice is the NAOMIE (Needs, Aims, Methodology Objectives, Implementation and Evaluation) is a practice model for planning, monitoring and evaluating youth work. This system identifies the barriers in anti-discriminatory practice on working together on issues of inequality, discrimination and oppression. According to Schön’s work (1983) on reflective practice are the relationship between professional knowledge and learning. This has given the event of managerialism on the targets of performance are indicators on equality, diversity and empowerment (Thompson, 2007). Supervision time should be taken while on duty, but at a time that is convenient to all the staff on duty. Many managers like to make notes during supervision but all note taking points should be agreed between supervisor and employee beforehand. It is important for staff in this context to have good interpersonal skills, including and being an empathetic and good listener able to discuss difficult topics in a sensitive way (Appendix 3).

Supervision and appraisal of the process which offer support develop the knowledge and skills and values of individual. The purpose is to help staff to improve the quality of work on what they doing and achieve agreed objectives and outcomes. These systems are put in place for all staff within a setting this includes all permanent, temporary, full-time or part-time staffs. Appraisal is a process and systematically recorded assessment for the staff performance and development needs. The aim of an appraisal system helps the staff member to form an objective view of their past performance as well as encourage better performance for the future (East Sussex, 2013).

Appraisal is a process and systematically recorded assessment for the staff performance and development needs. The aim of an appraisal system helps the staff member to form an objective view of their past performance as well as to be encouraging better performance for the future. This part of the process is address in a professional manner to allow giving their views to agree on achievable targets in which the work can improve. This system provides a chance to talk about the individual’s performance as well as wider internal and external matters and a good opportunity to assess staff motivation levels. For example, through the meetings the supervisor identifies may see signs of failing interests or lack of enthusiasm from the job. This is a two way meeting helps a supervisor and opportunity to review their working practice as well as feedback. Appraisal meeting are held at least once a year and it is important that the appraisal plans beforehand familiarise with the organisation policy on training. This ensures they can agree on and what they need to seek further. Any issues raised joined the formal appraisal shall be followed up and monitored during more regular meetings. The meeting shall be conducted in a familiar place where they feel comfortable going their working hours. The area should be quiet away from other staff and distractions. The appraisal should consider the following things before the meeting such as achievements and areas for improvement during last meeting, read through the supervision notes throughout the year, look into the identified development needs for the appraiser and gather other people's feedback (Appendix 4).

According to Heron's work (1990) is a framework which can assist supervisors in becoming aware of the different intervention their use. These six types of interventions only have meaning if they are rooted in care and concern for the individual supervisee. The effective supervisor does not deny his or her power and authority but use it to ensure that the supervisees that he or she is clear about what is needed and how they are meeting or not meeting these requirements together. This model identifies six primary categories or style of helping intervention and they are Perceptive, Informative, Confronting, Catalytic, Cathartic and supportive. In supervision enable and empower the staff to lead decision-making. For example, a supervisor meets staff for supervision. The supervisor is usually the facilitator and uses a catalytic style of helping the staff. However the supervisor is currently concern that the staff may be making unfamiliar decisions provide some information and tries to help to understand the issue and hope to change the plan. The supervisor concludes that a confronting style is now appropriate and to achieve a better outcome for the staff to set up another meeting and prepare on what to say and asked to confront the issue (Chart 1)



Give advice and guidance

Tell the other person how they should behave

Tell them what to do


Give you view and experience

Explain the background and principles

Help the other person get a better understanding


Challenge the other person’s thinking

Play back exactly what the person has said or done

Tell them what you think is holding them back

Help them avoid making the same mistake again



Help the other person express their feelings or fears

Empathize with them


Ask questions to encourage fresh thinking

Encourage the other person to generate new options and solutions

Listen and summarize, and listen some more


Tell the other person you value them (their contribution, good intention or achievements)

Praise them

Show them they have your support and commitment


In conclusion, there are some impacts on my work which are involved in support, supervision and staff development. In my professional practice, ones needs to first be able to manage for themselves. What was the impact for me is a supervision process it empowers me to develop my skills, development and confidence to motivate me in a job. What impacts me more is the appraisal because it's identifies my strengths and weaknesses in my job position as a support worker encourages both the organisation an opportunity to provide more training and to beware of up-to-date policies makes you feel that you are part of the team and you are delivering a service. In terms in terms of theories used I can recognise the NAMOI model is now becoming clear to me has helped me identified theories and address it more in practice. Using heron’s model is use and I can identify this in supervision when the targets are not met. At is essential to have confidentiality because all notes are kept securely and the boundaries in supervision session is well formal helps me to reflect on the what I have learnt, to engage more and critically evaluate more that I have underpinning didn't knowledge of theorists and other practices.

The theorists’ models are most related to practice in my role as housing support worker are those of Kadushin model of supervision, and Thompson because it helps me focus on the targets and performance indicators on equality, diversity and empowerment . Using Kadushin’s framework of supervision is a useful tool oversees the work of supervision in an administrative, supportive (1992) state the functions model of supervision as the threefold education, administration and support model also works for non-managerial supervision.

Kadushin’s framework oversee the works of supervision in administrative, supportive and educational approach is in line with a policy structure. However it can overlap with these elements identifies the workloads all targets to achieve and without one element it become less effective to do the job. So having these policies and procedures it is important to protect the organisation and staff to work together but also highlights believes policies Having these policies and procedures it is important to protect both staff and the organisation to be supervised in their work which has been highlighted in this essay for managing staff in support and performance.

Appraisal is a recorded in assessment for staff performance and development needs helps the staff member to form an objective view of their past performance as well as encourage better performance in the future. This system provides a chance to discuss their targets and performance of ways to improve. This process is like an exercise that identifies some concerns that need to be addressed once a month is dealt in a formal approach is time for the staff to address their needs. This is also an opportunity to assess staff motivation levels within the organisation and for the future. The appraisal is a process that considers the following things before meeting such as achievement and it was for improvement during the last meeting. Reading through the supervision notes throughout the year and looking at the identified development needs for the appraisal to gather other people's feedback. It is important to integrate the theory and practice and to show that reviewing the practice in theory anti-oppressive practice is embedded

My learning about supervision since studying this module in managing has been positive for me because it shows the confidence to identify my strengths and weakness within the workplace and also to address these issues to my supervisor before issues are raised from others. It is also a learning journey and developing the relationship this is a slow rewarding process will help to develop job satisfaction ensure safety and well-being to others. The appraisal should consider the following things before the meeting such as achievements and areas for improvement during last meeting, read through the supervision notes throughout the year, look into the identified development needs for the appraiser and gather other people's feedback. Have the confidence to integrate the theory and practice and to show that reviewing the practice in theory anti-oppressive practice is embedded


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