Violence And Crime Case Analysis


02 Nov 2017

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Instructor: Dr. Alfred Choi

Name & SID: HO Wing Yi (53022061)

LIU Erica (52647991)

LAI Wan Yee (52162207)

LEE Yi Ching (53087305)

Lai Wing Hang (51844988)

Date: 4th December, 2012


Domestic violence, defined as abusive behaviors by an intimate partner or by other family members against another, is often excused or denied. There are many forms of domestic violence, for example, physical assault, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, etc. [1] . In this paper, we are going to look into a case that involved physical and emotional abuse by a mother done to her 15-year-old daughter who had sexual relationships with men, and even an abortion. This is worth investigating not only because of its seriousness and uniqueness of criminal behavior, but also the message brought up that corporal punishment happened extensively in many Hong Kong families. According to Against Child Abuse Ltd., 66% of child abuse cases they received last year are done by parents. [2] This shows that many parents do not know the appropriate method to discipline their children and sometimes even overcorrect them. In the following sections, casual factors and concrete recommendations will be given after addressing the issue brought by the case.


In November 2012, a single mother, the defendant, forced her 15-year-old daughter to pose naked for photos in an effort to stop her being promiscuous. She threatened her daughter with a knife and ordered her to take off her clothes. She then slapped and kicked the frightened girl and took 35 photos and filmed two videos. The daughter told her father and a social worker about the incident. [3] 

Defendant and her daughter were originally in a good relationship. However, after her daughter started dating in form 2, she was afraid that her daughter would lose virginity and become like herself – a single mother with neither knowledge nor economic ability. They often quarrel about the relationship between men and women. Knowing that her daughter was pregnant and had abortion afterwards, the defendant went to the home of her daughter’s boyfriend to argue but was charged guilty of assault at the end. The week before the incident, the defendant witnessed her daughter’s sexual activity with two men and one woman on bed. She had been driven to alcoholism and sleeping pill abuse.

In 2013, the defendant was sentenced to 2-year probation. The judge said that she has borderline personality disorder, personality disorder of which the sufferer will behave in an unstable manner regarding interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotion, and be very easy to act on impulse.

Casual Factors

Psychological Theories Approach

The Differential Association approach

In Sutherland’s Differential Association theory [4] , motives and rationalizations for criminal behavior is learnt (Sutherland, 1955). In this case, defendant learnt to use violence to express her emotions and opinion since she was mistreated and abused by her first husband. Thus, she slapped, kicked and used a kitchen knife to threaten her daughter to warn her not to have "non-stop" sexual relationships.

In the theory, it stated that criminal behavior is learnt in interaction with others and within intimate personal groups (Sutherland, 1955). In this case, the defendant has divorced parents and soon got married at the age of 19. To her, her husband is everything she has, yet she was mistreated and abused by the love of her life. Therefore, she developed a sense that she could use violence to treat people who she cares a lot – her daughter.

General strain theory

In Agnew’s General Strain theory [5] , crime is an expression of dealing with special state of mind of the criminal, like frustration and mental conflict, especially when the criminal fails to achieve the general expectation set by the society (Agnew, 1997).

In this case, the defendant fails to achieve the general expectation, like not having an intact family since her parents were divorced at the age of 6, not having an ideal academic studies and career since she dropped out of school at from one in secondary school and has a few insignificant jobs. Thus, the defendant tends to use violence to express her frustration towards her "poor destiny" and her distorted love and care for her daughter.

The theory also stated that one type of strains comes from the presentation of negative stimuli (Agnew, 1997). In this case, the defendant’s emotion was triggered by the misconduct of her "rebellious" daughter, who has been pregnant and had abortion before and has "non-stop" sexual relationships with men.

Labeling Theory

In the Labeling theory [6] , it focused on the failure of socialization and theorists believed that social interaction with others is important in shaping whether people become offenders. Especially in symbolic interactionism, we see ourselves through the mirror of others as they react to what they see in us (Becker, 1964).

In this case, the defendant has been labeled as "bad" since her young age, at least she thought so. Her parents got divorced at the age of 6, so she assumed that she was not a good daughter and caused her parents to divorce. She got married at the age of 19 and was beaten by her first husband and has extramarital affairs with other man, being a mistress, so she thought she was not a good wife and deserved to be beaten and not to enjoy happy marriages. Also, her daughter was naughty who has lots of misconduct, so the defendant thought she is not a good mother and fails to prevent her daughter from becoming like herself – a single mother with neither academic knowledge nor economic ability. To conclude, the defendant has a low self-esteem and committed the crime at the fringe of ultimate frustration.

In the theory, deviance occurs when the society overreacts to minor rule breaking and the offender is labeled as ’deviant’, so the offender will be more likely to commit crime in the future. In this case, the defendant was once charged with assault because she argued with her daughter’s boyfriend. Thus, she didn’t think it matters when she was committing the crime

Social control theory

It proposes that the process of socialization and social learning in early age reduces the inclination to involve in delinquency and commit behavior regarded as deviant (Nye, 1958) [7] .

As in the case study, the offender had low level of parental attachment and poor family relationships as her parents divorced when she was six. As a result, she was lack of ongoing interactions and intimate relations with conventional adults. She failed to take the right way to care about her daughter in a respectful way when she was irritated by her daughter’s immature thoughts and behavior.

Insufficient involvement and commitment in conventional activities is another factor triggering this tragedy (Nye, 1958). She had a low level of academic success as she finished her study at F1 level only and then she started to work as salesperson. In addition, she was married at the age of 19 and was divorced with the first ex-husband. All these incidents lowered her orientation towards future. She faced the ordeal of her second divorce in 3-year. In other words, she was incapable of meeting needs in ways which fit the norms and expectations of the community.

Hence, the offender was unable to understand the consequences of behavior and sympathize with her daughter’s feelings before the mother forced her daughter to strip naked as punishment for her blunder in having sex with boyfriend.

Self-control theory

Vazsonyi and Belliston (2007) [8] explained that adequate parenting is the key to development of individual self-control, which is acquired before the age of 10. Also, research indicated that low levels of self-control are linked with criminal and impulsive conduct.

As the offender’s parents divorced when she was a child, she was poorly trained without adequate parental efforts in child rearing and monitoring. Due to the failure of her family to offer reinforcement for non-delinquent roles, this significantly hindered her self-control development in the early years of life, such as emotional regulation skills or how to deal with anger properly. Consequently, the offender commits deviant behavior unconsciously because of her low level in controlling temper.

Cultural Approach

Domestic corporal punishment is defined as the corporal punishment of a child by a parent or guardian in the home, normally including spanking and slapping of a child with the parent's open hand.

At the moment, corporate punishment in the form of reasonable chastisement is regarded as lawful at home in Hong Kong according to the Guardianship of Minors Act. Besides, research conducted by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong (2008) interviewed around 6,000 primary and secondary school students concerning the prevalence of corporal punishment in Hong Kong. It indicated that over 20% of them are hit by their parents. [9] 

Given the universal acceptance of corporal punishment in childrearing, most parents believe that they are given the exclusive right to discipline their children in their own means. This kind of cultural thought was rooted in the offender’s mind. Referring to the case, the offender adopted her way to discipline her daughter in order to warm her daughter against sex. Though it was over the general acceptance towards the level of punishment, it could still be understandable to a certain extent in which the mother intended to use her disciplinary measures to stop the daughter being promiscuous.

Solutions to domestic violence

We will mainly focus on the practices that can be done by the school and government.


School is the most frequent medium for interaction between children, parents, teachers and social workers, which can deal with the problems before the domestic violence happened. So, we think that schools should take actions to help preventing such kinds of cases happened.


For the parents, we suggest frequent interaction between parents and schools is needed. As sometimes children are not willing to disclose their feelings to parents, they cannot know what really happened in their school lives. However parents should be the most familiar with their own children. Therefore, we suggest that when teachers discover the students having emotional problems, they should report to their parents immediately. Also, if parents find their children have any problems, they should also tell the schools.


For the students, we have planned a few sets of practices. In the past, schools only conduct questionnaire once per semester. This is totally insufficient. We suggest that questionnaire about the students’ mental condition and emotional stability should be conducted every month. This is not the measure of monitoring students but concerning their growth. When problems of students are being discovered, we will arrange social worker for consultation so that they can attain a higher level of emotional stability.

In addition, as the case that we analyzed before, we all agree that the sex education is not sufficient now and so leading to the case we studied. We think that schools should invite some non-governmental organizations such as "Mothers’ Choice" to arrange some talks or workshops to share with the students in order to strengthen their correct concepts of sex and love relationship regularly, especially for those who are in puberty. If children are well-educated with proper values of sex and dating, there will be less cases of puppy love which may cause the conflicts between parents and their children. Just like the tragic case we studied could be prevented.


For the teachers, schools should provide on-the-job trainings to upgrade their skills of leading and treating students. As teachers are the most familiar with children in their school lives, they should care about them more to discover their problems and then lead them to solve them, especially the problems of studying. Schools should hold some talks, workshops and on-the-job trainings to improve teachers’ knowledge and abilities of teaching and dealing with students with problems. Something about psychology can be added too. Thus, with better qualities of teachers, students are directed better in order to maintain their mental health.

Moreover, the schools should establish system of two class teachers for one class so as to increase teachers’ time of observing and consideration among students. With two class teachers, class teachers’ workload and responsibilities are shared so teachers have more time for developing closer relationship with students and helping with their needs. Then they can receive more attention that any problems happened about a student, including bad things happened at home, can be found quicker and easier under higher proportion of teachers to children. Children can be comforted and taught with correct way of solving problems and relaxing psychological pressure.

Social Workers

For social workers in schools, teachers can arrange some students with more serious problems to meet social workers for further help. As social workers are qualified, they know how to comfort children and suggest better way to deal with their challenges met in their lives. With social workers’ help of monitoring the mental health and personal development of students, it is estimated that delinquency can be largely eliminated.


On the other aspect, we are going to discuss what should be done by the government. Domestic violence is being viewed as less serious crime but it is not the truth. Therefore, we encourage government to put more efforts to stop domestic violence.

Promotion of anti-domestic violence

Firstly, government is responsible for promoting anti-domestic violence. It can produce some TV programs to discuss the problem and effect of domestic violence or advertisements in order to raise the public awareness. When the public know more about what domestic violence is and the penalty of breaking the law about it, they will learn the importance of avoiding domestic violence and be less motivated to do that. Thus, prevention of cases about domestic violence is taken.

New way of correcting behavior

Also, physical punishment is still generally accepted in Hong Kong. Most parents still agree that this is the most effective way to correct their children’s bad behavior. Government is responsible for educating the public with correct parenting style. Therefore, we suggest the government should organize workshops and seminars, etc. for parents. Then they can directly learn some new or more suitable ways of correcting children’s bad behaviors, like reducing children’s right and wealth rather than physical punishment. With better parenting style, it can increase respect among children and parents and closer relationship between them can be formed. Thus, children can grow up more healthily and build up correct values.

Extra-assistance to single-parent families

In fact, we found that nowadays the divorce rate is much higher than before. More and more single-parent families appear in the society that some may face financial and psychological problems. However, there is no relative portion increase in assisting help to them. That’s why some parents may be too focusing on everything about their children and sometimes overreaction is caused, like the case we studied. Therefore, we suggest the society should aware more about the single-parent families and the government should provide more assistance and supports for them.

Additional resources

Lastly, domestic violence requires more input of efforts. It is difficult for government to do all the parts. We suggest they can subsidize more to non-governmental organization, schools and non-profit-making service centers which aims to fight against domestic violence. For instance, the authority should input more assistance to schools and subsidize the service centers for proper mental counseling of the victims suffering from domestic violence. With the supports and help from different stakeholders in the society, anti-domestic violence can be well-promoted and actions taken to fight against domestic violence can be more successful. Thus, there will be less cases and victims suffering from this problem.


In our case that the single mother used an extreme method to correct her daughter’s rebellious behavior, we conclude that the causes are related to the psychological background of the defendant and cultural aspect, in which corporal punishment in childrearing is generally accepted and deeply rooted into the society’s value. This implies that the problem is yet to be solved and needs a long-term solution. We suggest preventing such cases happening again through a more proactive role of school in respect of parents, students, teachers and social works, as well as through government’s promotion and assistance. This is a long journey to go and all parties in the society should put effort improve the situation.


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