What Is The Concept Of Social Justice Social Work Essay


23 Mar 2015

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There have been issues of inequality for centuries such as oppression, discrimination, and prejudices. The government has the task of making certain that those laws are set in place to protect those when conflicts of social justice arise "But the government is a reflection of the majority's will, so there has been and continues to be a struggle to achieve social justice in our society" (Segal, 2010, p. 93). When it comes to social issues and or problems on behalf of society, individuals and society has a responsibility for the well-being of others. The development of social welfare programs and policies happens by responding when the problem already exists and by preventing the problem before it arises.

Final Exam Essay Questions

Our society as I see it has always been one that has appeared to be a nation concerned with the well-being of members of mainstream society, yet we have always had issues that embark on social justice and inequality for non-mainstream members of society. However we have had those individuals that were and are willing to battle for fairness, advocate and aid those that are in need, single handedly and as an assemblage effort such as the social work profession. As an inspiring social worker I ask, what is the concept of social justice? Moreover, why is it relevant to social work practice, which is responsible for a person's well-being an individual or society? In addition, I will show the differences between residual and institutional approaches to social welfare policy and programs, for these two models respond when the problem already exist and help prevent problems before they occur.


What is the Concept of Social Justice? And why it is Relevant to Social Work Practice

As a member of a society, each member should have all the same rights, opportunities, and fairness within. The concept of social justice is society fairness. "Social justice describes the level of fairness that exists in society" (Segal, 2010, p.14). All members in society have the right to this level of fairness. The description, in which our society upholds social justice, unfortunately is not what we all live by. There have been issues of inequality for centuries such as oppression, discrimination, and prejudices.

Fairness has not been our strongpoint among each other. The government has the task of making certain that those laws are set in place to protect those when conflicts of social justice arise with attaining fairness, same opportunities, and rights. "But the government is a reflection of the majority's will, so there has been and continues to be a struggle to achieve social justice in our society" (Segal, 2010, p. 93). For this reason, social justice has been essential and relevant to social work practice. Social work practice will bring forward those who will advocate, and help to set policies in place to help protect, promote, and advance change for those individuals that struggle with having the same rights and basic human needs that all deserve to have as a member of society,

Social workers should be aware of the impact of the politi-cal arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions in order to meet basic human needs and promote social justice (Segal, 2010, p. 70).

Social work practice works towards changing social conditions, a crucial part of that change is taking the responsibility to improve the social welfare of our society.

Who is Responsible for People's well-being Each Individual or Society?

Who is responsible for people's well-being, individuals, or society? The responsibility of a person's well-being is societies as well as in individual. As a member of society, we have social obligations when it comes to social issues and or problems on behalf of society. Community programs, religious institutions, for-profit and non-profit organizations are in the business of promoting and supporting the well-being of individuals as a person, however from a social work perspective some would beg to differ when it comes to a for-profit organization working toward the well-being of others for it is a private service. For-profit agencies focus is to profit from the services they provide and they provide it from a business principle, therefore even though an individual may need the service they possibly will not receive it if they cannot afford the cost of service. Their mission and the concern drive non-profit social services and care of those, they serve, despite the cost. From a social work perspective, this is ideal for anyone can get the service needed and knowingly the client is going to get the best care possible.

In the Federal, state and local governments there are government agencies and social welfare programs in place to contend with the efforts with providing for the well-being of society, such as Social security, Medicaid and Medicare. "As social work professionals, we have a mission that outlines public support and therefore the provision of social welfare services directly or in partnership with our government" (Segal, 2010, p.89). Basic human needs such as housing, healthcare, and food are some of the biggest social issues in our society. At one time most of the social welfare services were in the private sector by the government. Yet many services, such as providing schools for children, including those with disabilities and metal issues cannot be services by a private sector. Many families are unable to afford the cost therefore public services are needed when it comes to the well-being of people, "Much of the work done by public social service providers would not be done by private organizations" ( Segal, 2010, p. 83).

These social issues bring social welfare policies in to play, "Social welfare programs are the product of social welfare policies" (Segal, 2010, p. 3) When society does not take action to change issues and problems, that exists for people, then individuals step in and attempt to make the change come to pass. It will take individuals and society responsibility for the well-being of others, by public, private social services and through other ways and means. The values and beliefs of those who practice social work, is based on professional principles, ethics and driven by promoting social change for the betterment of social welfare of others and to promote the well-being of others by social welfare policies.

What are the Differences between Residual and Intuitional Approaches to Social welfare policy?

The development of social welfare programs and policies happens by responding when the problem already exist and preventing the problem before it arise, these two approaches is known as residual and intuitional approach. Members of our society confuse the term welfare; they see it as handicap-keeping individuals from moving forward and becoming productive and self-sufficient. The truth is social welfare is to help members in society by addressing their well-being in any area needed, not just monetary or providing food by a residual or intuitional approach, however there are differences between the two.

Residual approach to social welfare policy is provided only when needs are not met by other institutions, families, religious institutions and is viewed as negative. When people are unable to address the problem themselves, then emergency assistance is given once the problem is identified. This is looked at as an individual's personal issue, not society as a whole. It is a means of intervention. It sees the poor as incompetent, second-class citizens and provides second-class services. The residual welfare is looked upon as the problem of the 'unfortunate classes' through middle and upper class benevolence. An example of residual approach would be Work organizations primary function is employment and the social welfare service would be unemployment benefits, which are in the area of residual approach, for the unemployment is the existing problem yet it is only in place temporary, until a person can become employed or other means of financial support.

Institutional approach to social welfare policy is proactive and no stigma is attached, for difficulty is bound to present itself for an individual, therefore it is looked upon as normal to need assistance. Social problems are rooted in social structure and hence planned social change, and seen as a normal and accepted way of fulfilling social needs. It is seen as a preventative effort to a person's well-being, set in place automatically for society as a whole. An example of intuitional would be national, regional and local government organization primary function mobilization and distribution of goods for collective goals has a social welfare function of anti poverty, economic security, health, education such as government scholarship programs and subsidizes for housing which falls into the area of preventive services.

If we looked at the residual and intuitional approach of social welfare policy by a universal and selective approach, selectively only those who would fall into the criteria needed to qualify for services would be provided therefore even though an individual may need the service now they would not receive it. For this can lead to a permanent problem for an individual. Universally any and everyone would receive the service, which would prevent problems for society.


Social work practice works towards changing social conditions, a crucial part of that change is taking the responsibility to improve the social welfare of our society and individuals. Members of society have social obligations when it comes to social issues and or problems on behalf of society. Social welfare policies and programs are society's safety net, provide a way to set preventions and interventions in place to help and protect those in need. In order to receive you have to be willing to give, and to help one another collectively and individually.


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