Working In Partnership In Health Care Social Work Essay


23 Mar 2015

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Task 1.1. As Health and Social care personals engaged in the Health and Social Care Work explain the different levels of working partnerships across the sector using the 3 partnership levels, Service user-professionals, interpersonal and Organisational and policy levels. Explore these partnership relationships across different levels of Health and Social care services including your own Health and Social Care work place where you engaged with service users and other colleagues of your working environment.

ANS: Health and Social Care professionals have a very vital role among the partnership workers. Each level and professional group relies upon some kind of activity which relates to the performance of the group. There are different levels of each group and different systems get them to be modified. Now we will discuss the three levels of working in partnership with respect to the Health and Social care:

Service user-professionals:

As we know that healthcare professionals are a part of group that relates to the service users mean while the service users also play a vital role and impart an effect on professional group. It is worthwhile to discuss the importance of support workers because they are to work in partnership with users of the services and they also help them in fetching self-reliant. Professionals offer service users to offer them with some extra settlement in the shorter time but they often are not capable of long-term benefits. Support workers perform work in partnership services users and help them in maintaining their status quo. In order to undertake daily tasks and make some amendments in these to make sure service users get some the short-term goals but still they not pass to do so in long time. The report shows that the results tell us about the need for the service users to help the users in mental health support workers to improve there group efficiency in order to get a professional profile meanwhile, they make it clear that each of health care professionals along with the service users should have a clearer perceptive nature of support work so it may help them in positioning the health sector to a higher level.

Interpersonal Level:

The second and still somewhat a important level of Health and social care in partnership working is that of interpersonal; in this category the category of retired worker i.e. old age class find it less difficult to offer the wants in less demanding way because they have ample of time to perform there task. Most of the people in the category of who younger age group than this retired class feel a little bit isolated and this make it more difficult to fulfill their desires. Hence these leads to more emphasize on the interpersonal level working in partnership. Hence the interpersonal group tends to operate the relationship with different levels of groups and make them convey their desires more effectively. Hence working in groups makes it easy for them to ensure that they have a good understanding with in their group which makes their life easy. The way in which practices and local health services work appear to separate beside these destitute groups. It could be that they have too many conflicting priorities or are less skilled at negotiating their chosen appointments.

Organizational level:

The importance of partnership working takes a new look when we study it at the organizational level. The concept of partnership has a great impact on labor's social policy issue. Hence a new concept arises when we have to discuss partnership and collaboration, because both of these have some themes 'new' Labour's social policy, mainly in respect of the freedom of health and social care. Though the terms are hardly ever specifically clear and problematic to study, in most understandings partnerships has some reliability upon good systems of inter-professional association. By going through the past literature on the social behavior of professions, and meanwhile the nature of inter-professional working, One of the study shows that effective mutual working within health and social care is difficult to obtain, mainly in the light of the immense difference in authority and culture between a variety of occupational groupings, and the naturally competitive scenery of profession jostle for region in the same areas of activity. It shows that the issues which are handled with care need to be resolved before what they ought to make it difficult and hence are properly understood; a metaphoric application to the absolute benefits of 'partnership' without any other way hence it helps in maintaining the status quo and yield efficient partnership working. Meanwhile we can also maintain an proper role for social work in the situation of partnership working at the organization level which has a brilliant role and area of study that make it more beneficent has therefore not defined moreover the cause is related and is unique from the related professionals.

Assessment Criteria covered: (P1.1, P1.2)

Task 1.2. Critically explain how the relevant government acts and legislations provides a better framework for the Health and social care professionals to work in partnership with service users, other colleagues and inter organisational levels.

Ans: The government plays a very vital role in developing Health and Social care sector through reforms and acts. UK government is also working upon it and kept a very good record in making reforms and introducing Acts of Parliament and their explanatory notes which guide where suitable, with directives on conformity where properly implementable.

Most laws that make people learn about the outcomes of partnership working also help people with learning disabilities in order to apply that to other samples. Some of them have emphasized on children; Others offer there services for all age groups. The main rule of the game which is somewhat a matter of concern are likely to make an impact on the lives of all age groups, with learning or physical disabilities, are about:

Children protection and Care;

Special educational needs for Children and patients;

Extensive education and training;

Community care services;

human rights;


The current structure of UK public sector health and social services, and the consequent relationships between its National Health Service (NHS) and local government, are not a planned ideal but a compromise.

These prevailed over arguments in favour of a local government solution based on:

The significant connection of local authorities in health services

Maintain an articulate approach to health in its broadest wisdom

The democratic foundation of local authorities

Local willpower and flexibility rather than national regularity.

So differences in culture and indeed in finance and accountability systems could still impede attempts to break down the barriers. Despite the potential benefits - for users, carers, communities and citizens.

Assessment Criteria covered: (M1.1)

Task 1.3. Critically evaluate how empowerment of service users would create better standards of health and social care in your own organization and overall in the whole country. Use the models of service users to explain your arguments.

Ans: Healthcare system needs to be characterised by high levels of citizen empowerment and service user groups in order to make it more effective. Service users have vast access to large data of information about healthcare and in this way they can have a good option to choose where to have management. Transference of healthcare in Sweden to local and regional government had lead to healthcare being organised according to the needs of local inhabitants rather than at national level. From a dictatorial standpoint, at national level there exists a number of organizations including the Board of Health & Welfare, the Medical Responsibility Board, the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Board and the Medical Products Agency. The National Board of Health & Welfare, which has many different duties within the fields of social services, health and medical services, environmental health, communicable disease prevention and control and epidemiology, produce a report of healthcare performance across the country every year. Two of the committee members on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Board, which regulates the pricing of medicines, are from service user groups. Service users have also been demanding a more equal relationship with their health professionals and are no longer accepting the traditional role of the patient as a passive recipient of care. Their calls for greater involvement in their own care have been heard and have also encouraged government and health providers to formulate policies with more ambitious objectives of encouraging the involvement of service users in the planning and delivery of health and social care services.

There has been a lot of study being held to improve the standard and evaluated the importance of service user groups empowerment. Therefore the appraisal of a new health scheme Smith, Prosser, & Joomun (2007) produced some results service users' mind set for health support workers through the focus group discussions and a series of interviewes. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness and adequacy of some unique performance which is offered by support staff. The findings designate that both service users and service visitors esteemed the association of the health support workers. Similarly in earlier research Corcoran (1985) found out that patient's mind set of paraprofessional and professional therapists. Corcoran opted that the patients were keener to look for help from paraprofessional then professional therapists, with areas such as consistency and knowledge presents no significant difference. Both articles offer strong support for the use and employment of paraprofessional staff, representating, for the most part, that both service users and visitors are relaxed with their contribution in health and social services.

Models of service users

Like Mackenzie (2006), den Boer et al. (2005) studied the involvement of paraprofessional as a means for cost efficient criteria to drop out the burden for health professionals, with particular situation to their success in the freedom of psychological treatments for misery and anxiety disorders. The articles that suggest this also emphasize on mind set of the service user, rather than the professional as was in situation of Mackenzie (2006). Paraprofessionals involved within den Boer et al. were employed as mental health care members whish are paid to perform there duties and help in voluntary staff. Meanwhile they also require no experience in view to the delivery of psychological treatment. Research showed no statistical change between the deliverance and use of treatment between professional and paraprofessional groups. But there are some exceptions that the analysis of the preferred group from the client's perspective favored paraprofessionals supporting the earlier work of Corcoran (1985).

The aims of the these studies were aimed at identifying the function of mental health which supports workers in perceiving by service users and healthcare professionals, this in turn identifies the level of reception of paraprofessionals as members of the mental health care community.

Assessment Criteria covered: (D1.1)

Task 2.1. Name and explain different service user groups in Health and Social care sector. How would you apply the basic concepts of working in partnership with each service user groups? Explain the differences. Considering inter professional relationships in Health and Social care sector, explain how they deal with conflicts, overcome the barriers to partnership, how they share information while preserving the confidentiality.

Ans: We have chosen two different Service user groups to evaluate the outcome of these with respect to the working in partnership.

registered health professionals

mental health service users

The discussion is based on the research held by "Barnaby Pace MNZPsS, Assoc. BSocSc(Hons), MSocSc(Hons), PGDipCBT, PGDipEd(AdEd)

The data analysis suggested the following key themes as identified by healthcare professionals.

Care giving


Supporting activities of daily living

Level of skill/competence

Advocating for clients

Now we will discuss the literature with respect to each of them and will try to evaluate the difference between them. These points will show us with conflicts, overcome the barriers to partnership

Care giving

It is common perception that environs are needed to be care taking and of obliging nature of maintain work became polarized for the healthcare professional study group, which resulted in this scrupulous theme being divided into two components: Care charitable was viewed as a paternalistic model which eliminates the independence of the service user, suggesting support work is a 'baby-sitting' role.


In rehabilitation there are many healthcare professionals who measures support workers in order to essential recovery/rehabilitation process, stipulate and hence they were able to make it more present themselves as important individuals in the service users' life in the lack of family or friends.

Supporting activities of daily living

In other words the activities of daily living are in contrast to the paternalistic replica offered through care giving frequent references were given to the two-way natural world of support work, signifying that the paraprofessional job along side rather than for the service user.

Level of skill/competence

Hence the position to the level of skill and ability apparent for mental health support workers a variety of views were verbal reliant on how their overall role was viewed, as avowed in points two and three above. A clear partition emerged from the narratives: those who professed support workers to be under qualified and those who thought no qualification were needed.

Advocating for clients

In some way or other the contact and experience has to be offered with some advocating because support workers professionals determined there was a strong stress on the role of support.

Examination of Service User interviews exposed the following themes. Each will be discussed and illustrated:

Assist in goal achievement

Help to find employment

Care giving

Supporting activities of daily living

1. Assist in goal achievement

Most of the employees as well as service users need some help in achieveing there goals so they are intended to get some help from the health care professionals in order achieve what they want. Hence achieving the goals is identified as a noteworthy function of the support worker's role, ranging from short through to long-term goal advance and execution across a variety of domains.

2. Help to find employment

In this part of service user group there can be a lot of help if the employement opportunities are created and the people are counseled to help other than what they already have under there belt. Employment was branded as a noteworthy task of the support work role with most of the research contestant commenting on the value of have a support worker to guide them through the process of applying for work.

3 Care giving

It is very reliable to make Healthcare Professionals comparison with Service Users those appeared edgy over the caregiver verse helpful nature insight of mental health support work. Several of the members viewed help workers as a domestic aide who should perform tasks included meal preparation and house work.

4. Supporting activities of daily living

Opposing to the statements made in point three above, services users also viewed support workers as serious elements to their general well-being and ongoing revival, viewing them in a more professional capability.

Task 2.2. Critically evaluate how organisational practices and polices depending on the type of organisation guide Health and Social care professionals to engage in the work in partnership. Explain how this could help to improve the quality of life for the service users.

Ans: Organizational practices and policies can help in increasing the productivity of the employees. Working in partnership can increase their moral and it can also help them improve the quality of work in many ways. Most of the organizations have Researchers and policy makers which work in many ways to make some in the fields of organisational development. This helps in gaining the human resources management and social care of employees will. Which have precious perspective on the organisational and human resources challenges facing problems regarding group work and partnership working. There are some new organizations in which it is important to consider that employees get an extra benefit from working in partnership. In particular, the research team would wish to establish links with the research team undertaking the National Tracker Survey of PCGs and PCTs, and other key researchers in this field. Moreover the task that the service users perform make it more and more suitable to them. Major reason behind making service user performance count is that the organizations are not going to worry about the quality of work of their employees in other words the quality of their work groups also increases.

Task 2.3. Critically compare and analyze how better partnership among different service user groups and Health and social care professionals had benefitted by the concept of empowerment of the service users.

It became more and more clear in the project that prosperous networking and the development, giving out and stream lining of service user ability to closely relate that the two are deeply involved with meaningful user participation in most service users' minds. This in turn helps in their work behavior and benefits the service users. When discussed how does users knowledge can make a more powerful effect to improve people's lives, service users highlight two closely interconnected issues. These are:

strengthening service user networking at individual and organisational levels;

the promotion of effective user involvement by service users.

Hence we can conclude that the service user groups are related to the task performed and take it more and more serious while going through the phase of improvement. Meanwhile they are benefitted with the strengthening effect and they empower the critical impact of these social care professionals and work groups.

Task 3.1. Explain the possible positive and negative outcomes of working in partnership across the Health and social Care sector with a range of different service user groups. Explain strategies to avoid negative outcomes in working in partnership.

Health and social care sector has been effective and it would result in many positive outcomes if the service user groups utilize them in partnership building. Following are some of the common positive outcomes of working in groups in the health and care sector.

Service users and members of the public should be involved in the work of regulatory bodies:

• It promotes openness and transparency among public in order to improve service quality and openly involves in the development of rules and standards;

• It ensures safety solution so that health and social services can learn from the experiences of service users, carers and others, particularly

as it relates to adverse events;

• It improves the quality of regulated services by ensuring that services are sensitive to the needs and preferences of service users and the public; and

• It focuses the work of regulatory bodies on service users and encourage public accountability by complementing the expertise of health

professionals and information from scientific literature18.

A further basis for connecting the public directly in the work of dictatorial bodies is a need to counteract the risk of regulatory capture.

Negative outcomes:

As noted earlier, communication is the fundamental platform upon which partnership interaction takes place. Poor communication can negatively impact partnership functioning in a number of ways: it can leave people feeling overwhelmed, or left out and confused; it can exacerbate problems of accountability; and perhaps most importantly, it can reduce a partnership's capacity for exchange and synergy.

Task 3.2. Critically explore how better partnership in all 3 levels could bring positive outcomes for the range of service users at different Health and social care facilities across the regions.

Increasingly in modern society, partnerships are being called on to solve the most complex issues of our time. Partnerships are being formed in areas such as development, nursing, social work, public health and especially in the field of health promotion. Within the field of health promotion, partnerships exist at every level from one-on-one interventions to global programmes.

Given the popularity of partnership working, the literature examining its functioning is oddly scarce. The literature on partnership functioning that does exist examines almost exclusively partnerships at the community level. The purpose of the present case study was to gain insight into the functioning of a global health promotion partnership. Using the community literature as a point of departure, this case study analysed documents and conducted interviews in an attempt to map functioning from the real-life experience of global partnership functioning

Task 3.3. Critically analyze different negative outcomes resulting in working in partnership concept. Explain and evaluate different pre-emptive strategies you could implement to avoid negative outcomes.

Antagonistic output appears to be a result of the negative interaction of partnership processes. Antagony itself contributes nothing to the problem and indeed has a further negative impact on partnership functioning by discouraging partners, by wasting resources and by failing to make necessary contributions.

In sum, outputs are the manifestation of inputs coming together in various ways. With additive outcomes, inputs simply move past the partnership interaction untouched by it. Additive outcomes are not affected by the partnership and appear to have no effect on it.

Synergistic outcomes are produced when positive processes enable collaborative exchange among inputs to create something unique and better. These outputs feed back in to the partnership and seem strengthen the interaction. Antagonistic outcomes result when inputs come together but do not produce expected outcomes. Antagony is produced when positive intention meets negative loops of interaction. These outputs may revert back in to the partnership negatively impacting the interaction.


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