Critical Theory in Sociology

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

4 (1,412 )

Keywords: critical theory essay, critical theory sociology The critical theory is a social theory, which is known to criticise and trying to change society as a whole. The traditional theory only described and explained society. Theorists such as Max Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Lowenthal and Reich Fromm, were the main theorists who took part in the Frankfurt School, In Germany in the late 1920's at ...

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Emile Durkheim and Max Weber

23 Mar 2015 31 May 2017

7 (2,701 )

Keywords: max weber theory, durkeim division of labour The subject of Sociology emerged in the 18th and 19th century a period known as The Age of Enlightenment. Since then, the study of Sociology has contributed profoundly and vastly to the world of history by fostering the formation, development, and shaping of societies. The fathers of Sociology, like Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, have had a weighty contribution ...

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The Dalit Women's Movement In India

23 Mar 2015 30 May 2017

16 (6,346 )

Keywords: national federation of dalit women, Dalit feminist, feminist movement india This paper proposes to look at dalit women's movement (DWM) in India. The dalit women's movement should be analyzed in a relational framework for which we will have to look at the specific history and nature of the Indian nation-state. The other two major movements which have a bearing on DWM are the dalit movement and ...

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Theories On Domestic Violence Causes

23 Mar 2015 30 May 2017

5 (1,654 )

Keywords: domestic violence theory, domestic violence literature Previously there has been a lot of work done to determine the causes of domestic violence and their relationship with it. This literature review focuses on the theories related to causes of domestic violence and highlights the key findings of these theories. This literature review is a summary of selected sources which directly or indirectly address domestic violence and its ...

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Poverty and Crime Correllation

23 Mar 2015 26 May 2017

10 (3,806 )

Keywords: crime and poverty, poverty and crime us America is experiencing poverty at an increasing rate in terms of the number of children in poverty and the intensity of poverty. There are approximately 15.3 million U.S. Children living in households defined as falling below the poverty line (Duncan, 1998), and they are increasingly concentrated in impoverished and underclass neighborhood (Greenwood, 1995). One-third of all children experience poverty ...

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Theories of the Totemism Belief System

23 Mar 2015 25 May 2017

9 (3,491 )

Keywords: totemism anthropology, totemism theory Anthropology is crucial for understanding the contemporary world. Anthropology offers both things to think about and things to think with. Anthropologists would be interested in Totemism because they study people throughout the world, investigating their history, behaviour, how they adapt to different environments, communicate and socialise with each other, along with examining the biological characteristics that make us human, our physiology, genetic ...

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Child Labour in Malawi

23 Mar 2015 25 May 2017

6 (2,116 )

Keywords: child labour theories, Theories of child labour rely on the universal concept of a child and a set age limit of responsibility and working life, however in many developing countries this concept does not exist or cannot exist because of poverty and lack of education.. Work can also not be limited to paid employment, as many children often help out in domestic work at home, ...

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Problems of Working Women

23 Mar 2015 24 May 2017

8 (3,114 )

Keywords: working women essay, gender inequality in the workplace, womens employment issues While discussing the issues and concerns about working women, the main emphasis should be on the 'opportunities for women', as it is of utmost importance. Like every human being, a woman has a 'natural desire for the expression of her inborn knack and abilities'; even a small baby shows his natural guts through his actions ...

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Role of Social Interactions in Identity Formation

23 Mar 2015 22 May 2017

2 (782 )

Critically examine how sociology discusses social interactions (or social relations) and the role these interactions play in shaping the notion of self and/or identity. Social interaction involves people communicating face-to-face, acting and reacting in relation to each other using verbal as well as non-verbal cues. Every social interaction is characterised and dependent on people's distinct positions in terms of their statuses, their standards of conduct - or ...

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Women in the IT Sector

23 Mar 2015 22 May 2017

9 (3,374 )

The underrepresentation of women in IT is a research section that has received much attention in recent years. Extant research has examined several factors that contribute to and/or increase the widening gender gap. Information technology abbreviated as (I.T) according to Information Technology association of America can be described as" the study, development, implementation, support or management of computer based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware" ...

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Marx's Theory of Alienation

23 Mar 2015 22 May 2017

7 (2,598 )

In my essay I will attempt to demonstrate that while alienation in many respects seems of only limited use as a concept for understanding contemporary working lives, it has been critical in shaping our current understanding and practices of work. I intend to look at the work of Karl Marx among other sociologists to show how the introduction of capitalism into industrial production in particular developed feelings ...

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The role of the family in education

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

4 (1,467 )

The family is the most important primary group in society (C.N.Sharkar, 1990, p.392).. Every one is a member of family and has duties to make our self to become a person who have responsibility and value. Also, family has responsibility in teaching children as its contribution in a building human resource for society. Member of family has right to get the body prevent, take care, and human ...

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Men in the female dominated nursing profession

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

14 (5,401 )

The existing literature in nursing reviewed, and is mostly based on the reason for the shortage of men in nursing, and their experiences in a female dominated profession. Most of the articles obtained in this literature review were from the databases of Pub-Med, MEDLINE, Elsevier, Bio Med Central, SAGE pub, and Google Scholar. The key search words were "caring," "gender," "men," "nurses", "nursing", "stereotypes", "non-traditional jobs", and ...

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Roles And Purpose Of British Welfare State

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

5 (1,634 )

This assignment is going to discuss the roles and purpose of British welfare state. This assignment will look at what welfare state is and the problems which society faced in the past century about the poor people. Also, the first administrative unit of Britain alongside with how poor law passed and the beverage report. This assignment is based on roles and purpose of welfare state. The United ...

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The Benefits of Ethnographic Research

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

5 (1,954 )

To get to know your subject, one must be immersed with the subject in order to gain valuable information regarding the customs, culture, and systems of life from another culture other than your own. Immersing oneself can be a tedious project that lays ahead. But, if you are careful and well educated regarding the study of ethnography, then this task at hand should not be as tedious ...

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Chav Culture | Subcultures and Cultural Criminology

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

7 (2,670 )

The word chav is defined in the oxford dictionary as: "a young lower-class person typified by brash and loutish behaviour and the wearing of designer clothes." It is described as an informal derogatory word in British slang. The website,, which is known for its definitions of British slang words, rather than define the word chav, depicts the image of a 12 year old boy wearing an ...

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Is Low Self Esteem Linked To Racism?

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

9 (3,385 )

In the US, racism is a very familiar issue. Racism manifests itself in various ways including police brutality against minorities, racial profiling and affirmative action. Issue like the history of slavery and the rising resentment against immigrants are also quite well known. The truth is, racism is not a thing of the past. Perhaps it has reduced in the past century, but it is still quite alive ...

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Polygamy and monogamy practices

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

7 (2,416 )

Since creation, according to bible, God created man and woman as well as animals which were both male and female. In such a situations where there exists animals of different sex, it allows the reproduction and stability of one generation after another generation. Human beings are known social beings, and in most cases need one another to survive, therefore it's difficult to exclusively depend on themselves. To ...

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Theories Of Deviant Behavior

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

5 (1,731 )

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychology. I intend to explain Freud's theory about the libido and how it changes its object, a process designed by the concept of sublimation. He argued that humans are born "polymorphously perverse" (AROPA, 2010), meaning that any number of objects could be a source of pleasure. Lawrence Kohlberg is known for writing "The ...

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The Tale of Hong Kiltong | Love Suicides | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

6 (2,072 )

Gender refers to a range of behavioural, physical and mental characteristics that people use to differentiate masculinity from femininity. The context of definition may take the concept as a synonym to sex, which means the state of being male or female. The term can be used to define social roles and gender identity among different individuals. In the text, The Tale of Hong Kiltong, the story revolves ...

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Sociological Perspectives On Education

23 Mar 2015 19 May 2017

6 (2,157 )

During the nineteenth century the founding fathers of Sociology such as Marx, Comte and Durkheim, wanted to accomplish their political objectives by using scientific methods. They wanted people to be convinced of the validity of their views and felt that the best way to achieve this would be to go about this in the most effective way by means of natural science and research methods. Sociologists thus ...

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Homosexuality In Modern Day Society | Religious and Societal Views

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

8 (3,130 )

Homosexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex. It refers to an enduring patterns of or disposition to experience sexual, affection, or romantic attractions primarily to people of the same sex. It is an individual's sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of those who share them. Homosexuality nowadays, ...

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Modern Lifestyle Essay

18 May 2017

6 (2,122 )

Keywords: modern lifestyle advantages, disadvantages of modern lifestyle The modern lifestyle has a number of advantages which includes easing peoples life, saving hundreds of peoples lives by the new development of medicine and vaccines. On the other hand different modern life style patterns have negative effects on health physically, psychologically, and socially. One of these modern ways of living is the high intake of fast foods. This ...

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Functionalist Concepts Of The Nuclear Family

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

5 (1,944 )

Murdock (1949) studied 250 different societies and concluded that the family is so functional to society, that it is unavoidable and universal since neither the individual nor society could survive without it. He argued that every nuclear family has these four essential functions without which society could not continue sexual, reproductive, and economic and education. All these four functions are essential according to Murdock without sexual and ...

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Women Employment In India

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

22 (8,401 )

Indias economy has undergone a substantial transformation since the countrys independence in 1947. Agriculture now accounts for only one-third of the gross domestic product (GDP), down from 59 percent in 1950, and a wide range of modern industries and support services now exist. In spite of these changes, agriculture continues to dominate employment, employing two-thirds of all workers. India faced economic problems in the late 1980s and ...

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Care in the Community

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

5 (1,675 )

Care in the Community United Kingdom has many legislations in place, these legislations are in place to protect and give appropriate help to all residents of the country. Four of these legislations/acts will be discussed in this writing. The acts are, Mental Health Act 2007, Direct payments Act 2007, Mental Health Capacity Act 2007 and also Independence,Well being and choice green paper. In addition to this, it ...

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The impact of gender in research

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

8 (3,098 )

Does the gender of the interviewer effect the response rate, interview and the results obtained? Many researchers have investigated the effect that interviewers' gender has on research, this paper seeks to examine if there is an effect and how relevant that effect is. It will draw on academic papers, business examples and a case study. Hyman et al (1954) were one of the first to examine the ...

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Gender Discrimination Essay

18 May 2017

4 (1,534 )

Keywords: gender discrimination, gender inequality, gender rights Introduction Gender inequality, or in other words, gender discrimination refers to unfair rights between male and female based on different gender roles which leads to unequal treatment in life. The term gender inequality has been widely known in human history but not until the beginning the 20th century has the transformation of gender relations become "one of the ...

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Ethical issues of China's one-child policy

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

11 (4,026 )

The Chinese ideal of a family follows the Confucian belief that the family should be big and complex. The father is to have as many sons as possible so that the son can fulfill his obligations to the father and their lineage [1] . The family is very important for the Chinese that they even coined the term familism which is "the basis of a kind of society distinctive ...

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Power And Control In The Family

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

6 (2,230 )

Power is defined as the ability to exercise control. Control therefore is not feeling vulnerable and having charge over a thing in order to get things done. Power is to act, think, behave, feel and believe. Control is the expression of commands, demands, directives, orders and requests, as to how I am to act, think, behave, feel and believe. THE POWER AND CONTROL THEORY. Power-control theory begins ...

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The Community Analysis Of Homeless Families

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

6 (2,089 )

This paper analyzes the social issues surrounding homeless families and describes the extent of the problem within the U. S. community, while comparing the U.S. community to other communities in other parts of the global system. Causes listed in this paper include unemployment, mental illness, drug or alcohol abuse, and lack of affordable housing. Three theoretical models guide the analysis: social systems theory, functionalist theory and conflict ...

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Concept of suicide

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

16 (6,083 )

1.0 Concept of Suicide 1.1 Background Sir Thomas Browned originates the word "suicide" in 1642 in his Religio Medici. It was derived from "SUI" (of oneself) and "CAEDES" (murder).since then, this word has caused much controversy and evoked many professionals to continuous research and debate upon its definition in various ways from every aspects: medical, social, psychological, administrative, legal, spiritual and religious purposes.         Suicide is no longer ...

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Marxist and Functionalist theories of class and inequality

03 Oct 2016 18 May 2017

8 (2,834 )

CLASS AND STRATIFICATION ‘Marx believed that our society was in a state of continual conflict between the working class and upper class; evaluate the Marxist theory of social class using Functionalism and Postmodernism theories of class’. Compare and contrast Marxist and functionalist explanations of class and inequality. There are several sociological perspectives and they all have different ideas and theories about class and inequality, including Marxist ...

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Male And Female Gender Roles

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

5 (1,768 )

Throughout history, people who are born as "men are granted access to power, position and resources" ("Masculinities"). Cultural norms of gender roles are taught to children by their "family, peer group, and community" ("Masculinities"). Based on sufficient research, this review of literature will first focus on the historical facts about how women's status is undermined by inequality and persecution because they were deemed as inferior biological beings ...

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The Social Problem: Class Inequality

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

3 (950 )

Class inequality refers to the inequality of incomes between individuals, families, or between different groups, areas, or countries (Black, 2002). These inequalities occur as a result of differences in the ability to earn incomes as well as differences in property ownership. Some individuals usually have lower incomes than others, especially those who are economically inactive. This is usually as a result of age, poor health, or inability ...

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Gender inequity in sports

23 Mar 2015 18 May 2017

6 (2,209 )

This essay will seek to describe the issue of women in sports, and discuss the reasons for this, with relevance to some of the concepts covered in this course. It will also go on to discuss the improvements and positives observed in recent years, and explore some other possible measures to improve the situation in the future. 2. Background In Ancient Olympics, competitive sports were masculine affairs. ...

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The Elements of Class Conflict in Pakistan

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

13 (4,936 )

1.1 Overview of the Topic Income distribution is a frequency distribution showing number of persons, taxpayers or households classified by levels of income. The unequal distribution of income is a major issue in many countries, mostly in developing countries and in Pakistan it has been a burning since its birth. As the inequality in the distribution rises, it divides the population into small groups with various differences ...

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Animals for food and clothing | Debate

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

7 (2,739 )

Living things throughout the world have been abused by loved ones and strangers for no reason at all. Abuse has been apart of our world for as long as we can remember. It is a common thing to hear about in the news and is something that should not be so common. There are many types of abuse in the world, such as emotional, physical, and verbal. ...

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Marxism literary and the new criticism theory

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

5 (1,827 )

Marxism literary theory and the new criticism theory are among many wide schools of theory with historical importance. These theories differ in their methods and conclusions as well as their text. Different theories complement and supplement each other in their goals, methods, conclusions and text. The present day literary theory dates back in the 1960s. Literary theory was at its highest peak in popularity in some of ...

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Gay Adoption Rights: The debate

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

7 (2,542 )

This paper is an argumentative essay on gay adopting rights. Gay adopting rights refers to a form where there is a joint adoption by same sex couple (males) adoption by one partner of a same sex couple of the other's biological child and adoption by one gay person. "Adoption is a legal process whereby an individual or a couple presumes the parenting for another who is not ...

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Family contribution to social stability

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

2 (642 )

Family contribution to social stability Social stability entails state of completeness, where life is balanced in terms of good wages, lifestyle, amenities, freedom and prosperity. The family as an institution can contribute highly into this state of life through several ways. Programs such as family-life ambassadors can help insert skills into families, in an attempt to cultivate social stability (Wardle, 2002). Other programs such as family-life champions ...

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Caste and Sri Lankan marriage

23 Mar 2015 17 May 2017

14 (5,252 )

In the modern day Sri Lankan society, the concept of caste with its pre-historic background plays different roles is human life, and its role becomes dominant at the juncture of the typical Sri Lankan marriage. The research will open up doors to show the typical Sri Lankan community being traditional and outdated, the concept of caste is still one of the major determinisms of leading a happy ...

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The Family And Contemporary Society | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

6 (2,337 )

A family can simply be defined as a group of people connected by blood or marriage. They can either be living together in a household, for example, a couple and their never married children living in one place as a family or are related based on 'blood' but are not immediate family -for example, genetic relationships and this can simply be referred to as 'kin'. According to ...

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Gender discrimination in the workplace

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

12 (4,787 )

Introduction: My selected thesis topic basically lays emphasis on how employee motivation and productivity get effected by gender discrimination in workplace and how different variables effects under different envirnoment. Now I shall move to explaining the topic in detail. OVERVIEW: My research interest is in this field because I know the gravity of the situation and how important it is for both genders to treat each other ...

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Role And Status Of Women In The Police

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

8 (3,197 )

Q. "It's not blatant sexism, it's more like a sexual undercurrent" (Female Police Officer cited in Foster et al. 2005). From your reading of the broader research literature, how well does this statement describe police working culture? Review the implications of your answer for the role and status of women in the police. "I do not wish them (women) to have power over men, but over themselves." ...

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This Issue Of Cosmetic Surgery

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

20 (7,688 )

In recent years, the popularity of cosmetic surgery has escalated significantly. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2008, some 12 million cosmetic procedures, most of which were minimally invasive, were performed in the United States alone. As Dutta (2008) cited in Swami et al (2012, p. 55) claims, this situation is not only found in North America, but also for instance in Europe which ...

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Grounded theory in research

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

9 (3,312 )

Evaluate the contribution of grounded theory, as an approach to data analysis Introduction The concept of grounded theory is from the Glaser and Strauss' research in 1967. In 1960s, they made a research for medical personnel to deal with an imminent death of the patient's field observation in a hospital, and then discovered and developed the grounded theory. In this essay, I will evaluate the grounded theory ...

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Nature and nurture: Forming attitudes and behaviors

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

5 (1,823 )

How far is that human feelings and behaviors are inborn and how far are they all learned? This has been a very controversial issue over century and it is now come across as the nature versus nurture debate. "By birth the same, by custom different" is a quotation by Confucius which means that all human being are naturally alike, it is the habits that make each of ...

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The effects of globalisation on women

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

13 (5,128 )

Although the term 'globalisation' was only known to me from items on TV and in newspapers, I have tried to make a thorough analysis in this paper for my English course. I am not an economist, so the subject was rather new to me. In the different media, globalisation is usually dealt covered from an anti-globalisation angle. This raises the first very important question: is globalisation all ...

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The theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

4 (1,473 )

It was the belief of Karl Marx that social class plays an integral role in society. It was his theory that social class is important to understanding capitalism and other social systems. He asserted that the history of all hitherto existing in society is the history of class struggles (Marx 1848). Marx theorised social classes are defined by the relationship between capitalists and their workforce. For Marx ...

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Intersectionality: Making a difference

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

8 (2,839 )

Intersectionality is defined as the relationships among multiple dimensions of identities and modalities of social relations and experiences of exclusion and subordination, including gender, class, race, ethnicity, nationality and sexuality (Collins 2000; McCall 2005; Davis 2008). It starts on the premise that everyone live multiple, layered identities. The theory attempts to expose the different types of discrimination and disadvantages that occur as a consequence of the combination ...

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Is It Ethical To Use Animals In Medical Testing?

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

3 (1,197 )

Medicine is very complicated field. There is no doubt that it has helped human beings through history to live longer, but it has had its bad times too. Because of medicine we have found cures for various diseases, and now can extend our lives for years. Medicine is helping animals too. However, on occasions, medicine is a very controversial field, and animal testing is one of the ...

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Legal And Ethical Issues In Robotics

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

9 (3,576 )

With the development of the technology over the past decade the Robotics has become one of conversational subject areas. As a result of mankinds ultimate innovations and accomplishments regarding to the Robotics, the social, ethical and professional norms have been affected in both positive and negative manner. Therefore, identify and analyze issues which might occur when implementing robot technologies an important and contemporary need. According to the ...

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Ethnic inequalities in the workplace

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

4 (1,480 )

3. Why, despite Race Discrimination, legislation do ethnic inequalities in the workplace persist? There are a large number of problems including discrimination, human capital and social isolation that mean that ethnic inequalities in the workplace continue. Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Black Caribbean's suffer the most discrimination, have the least human capital and are most prone to social isolation. This can be seen in that these ethnic groups have ...

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Health inequality and disparity in the US

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

9 (3,321 )

Today, in our world one of the biggest issues that have risen amongst health care activist in the United States is how health disparity and inequality has affected rural areas and culture. However, it is important to keep in the back of our minds that this is not a problem that only exists in the U.S., it is a worldwide concern. Health disparity is taking an in ...

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Sociological theory of religion

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

16 (6,217 )

1 Using examples critically assess one sociological theory of religion In most traditional societies, religion is an important form of social 'togetherness'. It augments a feeling of 'community' and promotes a set of shared values and beliefs in some form of god. Religion also plays a central role in cultural life; people often synthesize religious symbols and rituals into the material and artistic culture of the society: ...

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Functionalism In Families And Societies

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

4 (1,353 )

Functionalists view the family as a nuclear family structure, i.e. a mother, father and 1 or 2 children. Murdock surveyed 250 societies from the small hunting tribes to the large industrialised societies. He found that in every society there was some form of a nuclear family, he concluded from this study that the nuclear family was universal. Murdock's definition of a nuclear family is Within the framework ...

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The Cultural Myths Of America

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

6 (2,231 )

A cultural myth is a traditional story that has a meaning attached to it. These myths have an effect in they way people lead their lives and even how they interact with each other. It is notable that myths have a role to play be it personally, or to the wider society. In as much as one may believe or doubt such myths, they still continue to ...

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Facts and Values in Social Science

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

9 (3,281 )

'It is not possible to separate facts from values in social science research'. Discuss this statement by using empiricist and interpretative approachesIntroduction The most complicated study in the realm of knowledge is the behaviour of human beings. It is always relative and unpredictable, the thought pattern always moulds with respect to time, space and circumstances. The social structure and embedded traditional fabric guides the human behaviour accordingly ...

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The Changing Role Of Women

23 Mar 2015 16 May 2017

9 (3,310 )

Gender inequality is one of the enormous puzzles of contemporary society. In last several decades, a significant alteration has happened in higher education throughout much of the industrialized world. For the first time in history, females are completing their educational studies more than males are. However, the university majors are still highly gender separated. Nonetheless, the creation of women's studies programs at university level helps women to ...

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Theories for superiority and success

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

9 (3,304 )

Adler felt behaviour was motivated mainly by social influences and by a striving for superiority or success; power being the basic drive, rather than sexuality as Freud suggested. Adler (1922) said it was an inferiority complex rather than Oedipus complex that was the determining factor in neurosis. Freud felt that society rose out of aggression and sexual repression, formulating his Oedipus theory to illustrate it. He assumed ...

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Theoretical Perspectives On A Family

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,634 )

Theories have been useful as a tool for creating explanations for patterns of behaviour in families (Doherty et al:, 1993). Functionalism gives an extremely optimistic view of family life. Lang's evidence on child abuse, violence against women and divorce statistics indicates that functionalists neglect the dysfunctional aspects of the nuclear family. Functionalism focused excessively on the nuclear family form and insufficiently on other family forms. Marxist and ...

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A bibliography of John Lennon

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

3 (1,073 )

Encomium about John Lennon Introduction Many of us disagree with moves taken by governments on specific political issues and thus choose to air our opinion as constitution permits. One of the major wars listed in history is the Vietnam War of the sixties and seventies that recounts in the history of United States of America. Most Americans were strongly against U.S. involvement in Vietnam War. John ...

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Gender Roles Influenced By Media And Society

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

4 (1,462 )

One usually obtains their gender roles usually through social interactions rather than obtaining it genetically. When humans are born, one are endowed with a small concept of gender. Manners and proper behavior is mainly learned through the social interactions with others and also the relationships with one another. Our gender identity is build through the interactions or experience from our parents, media, people from school, work or ...

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The different types of animal cruelty

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

3 (1,058 )

Different types of animal cruelty have ee around for many years. Laws relating to animal cruelty vary from state to state. As of 2009, about forty-six states have some felony provisions in their anti-cruelty and/or animal fighting laws (Wisch, 2005). As time passes and new things are being invented, people seem to loose interest in their pets. Even though people use animals for their testing/experiments, there are ...

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A Study On Sexism In Mexico

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

4 (1,403 )

The Machismo, how is it called in Mexico and latinamercia "is a set of beliefs claiming that real or alleged differences between women and men establishing the superiority of one sex over the other. Also known as discrimination or devaluation based on a person's sex, as in restricted job opportunities; especially, such discrimination directed against women" Mexican society in general has been classified in the past as ...

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Theories of The London Riots

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,822 )

Secondly, Karl Marx's class conflict theory of Marxism will be discussed regarding its theoretical input to the preliminary causing of the riots. Capitalism engenders crime through the infusion of egotistic tendencies with the failure of means to satisfy such demands. A financial hierarchy has been created in which wealth and material possessions are crucial when escalating up this hierarchy. Lastly, the theory of consumer culture shall be ...

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Saving behaviour of Malaysian university students

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

8 (3,111 )

The purpose of doing this research is to determine the factors that influence the saving behavior towards private and public university students in Malaysia. There is an introduction regarding the research background about the factors influence the saving behavior towards private and public university students in Malaysia. For information, it determines the objectives of entire research and also justifies significant of research which outlines the purpose of ...

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Reasons for the gender pay gap

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

7 (2,647 )

Since 1960, the feminization in the European work force is a phenomenon unquestionable. Indeed, today in France of 100 employed people, 47 are women contrary to 1962 where they were 34. In spite of this increase, sex is a significant decisive of professional position in working places (De Curraize, Y., Hugouneny, R., (2004)). This gender discrimination results through the gap of salaries between men and women. We ...

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Marx and Weber: Capitalism

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,632 )

A comparison of Marx and Weber's theories with respect to their ideas and interpretations on capitalism. Marx's view of the industrialist society he lived in was one of inequality and driven by capitalism. His ideas and interpretations of capitalism are based on historical precedent and industrialism. He calls the capitalist ownership class, the bourgeoisie, owning the means of production, whilst describing the working class, the proletariat, ...

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Vrouwen in topfuncties

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

26 (10,133 )

Vrouwen in topfuncties 1. Inleiding 2. Wat is een topfunctie? 3. Vrouwen op de arbeidsmarkt en in topfuncties 3.1 Hoe is de situatie nu met vrouwen op de totale arbeidsmarkt? 3.2 Hoe is de situatie nu met het aantal vrouwen in topfuncties? 4. Oorzaken 4.1 Wat zijn de oorzaken van het grote verschil in aantal mannen en vrouwen in topfuncties? 5. Quotum 5.1 Waarom zou de ...

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Gender inequality in contemporary society

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,732 )

Describe And Discuss Gender Inequality In Contemporary Society With Reference To The Labour Market. Sex is what distinguishes men and women biologically, namely it describes the physical qualities which derive from variations in chromosomes, hormones and genitalia. Gender refers to a set of culturally defined characteristics which determine society's view of people as 'masculine' or 'feminine'. Sociologists have long debated over the causes of unfair sexual divisions ...

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Durkheim: Suicide and Solidarity in Society

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

5 (1,931 )

Durkheim and Links Between Suicide and Solidarity in Society Emile Durkheim's third piece of work was, 'Suicide' published in 1897 and was a case study of which the title describes. A subject that Durkheim was very interested in along with suicide rates and the aspects of social life which had an impact on these statistics. Durkheim's own definition of suicide was 'applied to all cases of death ...

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The complex nature of human relationships

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

10 (3,835 )

Introduction Human relationships are complex in their nature. People coexist with each other in the world where conflict and differences in their lives occur and learning how to effectively manage those problems can have a great impact on the quality of the relationshipe. Conflicts gives people the opporunity to find the appropriate decisions and finding ways to find a solution to the problemswith minimal negative events. That ...

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The Difficulties Single Fathers Face

23 Mar 2015 15 May 2017

6 (2,196 )

Once a famous German caricaturist and poet Wilhelm Busch (1832 - 1908) said that "becoming a father isn't difficult, but it's very difficult to become a father." This phrase can be interpreted in different ways, but at the moment it is as topical as never before, since essential social changes and shifts state the question of parenthood for men in absolutely new light. The matter is, more ...

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The Sociological Definition Of Family

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

12 (4,643 )

At the outset itself, this quotation describes the position of women in practically most society. Women are there to make children, are mothers and wives, act as the 'house-maid', take care of their husbands and families, bear male authority, being deprived of high status jobs and position of power. So, there is this element of discrimination which has prevailed through time. 2.1.1 Definition of Family According to ...

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The History of the Welfare State

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

8 (2,935 )

In 1942 William Beveridge published his report on Social Insurance and Allied Services. The report instantly became a best seller of all time. The report was based on eliminating poverty and it has subsequently come to be considered as the blueprint of the welfare state. The Beveridge Report was identified as the core of wartime social transformation. It became very significant at a time when unemployment was ...

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Changes in the family structure | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

5 (1,753 )

Many countries have experienced very significant changes in patterns of family formation and family structure. Great Britain is one of the countries where these changes have been particularly marked with the result that British families have become less stable . The roles of women and men with the parents or within the family have also changed. The last 100 years have seen changes in attitudes and expectations. ...

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Infidelity In Marriages | Analysis

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

26 (10,054 )

Introduction Infidelity is perhaps the most complex issue faced by spouses in the marital relationship. Usually, when the discovery of an affair is done, it can be very annoying for the person on the receiving end of the case. Obviously the blame on oneself is the primary response after the information and facts are understood and then the person must be willing to understand that he / ...

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Durkheim: Types of suicide in society

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

7 (2,555 )

Once he discovered that certain types of suicide could be accounted for by anomie, he could then use anomic suicide as an index for the otherwise unmeasurable degree of social integration. This was not circular reasoning, as could be argued, but a further application of his method of analysis. He reasoned as follows: There are no societies in which suicide does not occur, and many societies show ...

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The Civil War In Sri Lanka

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

6 (2,383 )

The Sri Lankan civil war by definition started in 1983 when two pronounced groups began to rival, the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of the Tamil Eelam, a separatist group that was formed seeking to represent the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka (Clarance, 2002). However civil war on an emotional level between the two ethnic groups, Sinhalese and Tamils started in 1948, when Sri Lanka ...

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Rastafarianism Religious Beliefs: Spiritual Practices

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

10 (3,894 )

Over the years, there have been various explanations to the causes of mental illness; while some have indicated genetic causes, others have identified socio-economic causes and others have explained it using a stress-vulnerability model. Sometimes it has been explained as a combination of these factors but irrespective of these explanations which could be argued, it has been substantiated by various studies. One cannot dismiss the strong association ...

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Patricia Hill Collins' Views On Feminism

23 Mar 2015 12 May 2017

5 (1,833 )

As a standpoint feminist, Patricia Hill Collins continuously argues that feminist studies should be practiced from the standpoint of women or particular groups of women who are not as egocentric to think they understand certain aspects of the world. Because of the differences that women have, many standpoint feminist now recognize this division of women and how it is impossible to claim one universal experience for women. ...

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Individual Behaviour And Influence On Society

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

4 (1,470 )

Sociology is defined as the study of social life of human beings. It helps social analysts to understand the working of human beings and society (Moore Kelly, 2008). Relationship between the individual and society has formed the major basis of sociological principles. George Ritzer's Integration model: Ritzer's model is a good example of sociological theory based on integrationist approach. It combines both macro and micro level theories ...

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Changes in the structure of the British family

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

6 (2,219 )

How has the structure of the family changed in Britain over the last hundred years? Indicate the implications of the changes for the education system. I am going to start by defining what a family is from a social science dictionary. "A group of individuals related to one another by blood ties, marriage and adoption". ( In the nineteenth century the family structure was shaped by the ...

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Causes of conflict in romantic relationships

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

8 (2,813 )

As long as people have gotten romantically involved with one another, there has been conflict within those relationships. Some people argue that conflict is bad for the relationship and will ultimately lead to the demise of that relationship. Others argue that the conflict is good for the relationship and will help it to flourish. Conflict can be both positive and negative for a relationship. It can both ...

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Impact Of Mental Illness On Family

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

11 (4,102 )

A mental illness is a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with other people, the term mental disorder is also used to refer to these health problems. Mental health problems also interfere with how a person thinks, feels, and behaves, but to a lesser extent than mental illness. Mental health problems are more common and include the mental ill health ...

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Primary school sex education in Malaysia

03 Oct 2016 11 May 2017

6 (2,063 )

1.1 Introduction “Pedophiles’ blackmail victims into sex acts”, “Lustful minors”, these are the recent news titles published in newspapers in 2013 from New Straits Times. Sex education has always been a sensitive issue, in a particular in a country like Malaysia; and the issue has been brought into discussion since January 1991 until the latest on November 2008 (Sunday Times, 2010). There are rising of cases ...

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Sociology: Attack On Biological Determinism

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

4 (1,531 )

Biological determinism is a theory that tries to explain a person's behaviour and other aspects of life in relation to his or her genetic makeup. This theory was encompasses the work of various prominent scientists such as Mendel, Charles Darwin and Francis Galton. Biological determinism abnegates the idea of the surrounding influencing the characteristics and behavioural aspects of an individual. For decades, this theory has been expounded ...

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Poverty and the Welfare State

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

5 (1,950 )

Poverty and the Welfare State. Question 1 - Describe critically Murray's analysis of the underclass. How does the population in the USA characterized by his use of this term differ from that in Britain. Question 2 - In an essay of no more than 1000 words, outline and critically evaluate the view that the Welfare State tends to create more poverty than it has the ability to ...

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Hispanic Discrimination In The US

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

7 (2,501 )

Introduction Hispanics are considered a single minority group arising in the United States which certainly as the name suggests being a product of the Spanish. It is evident that Spanish environment is dominated in such territories hence the high level of discrimination against them the American people are afraid of such small tribes to being very strong communities not only in politics but also power and economic ...

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Comprehensive perspective of radical feminism

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

3 (1,043 )

In Rosemarie Putnam Tong's book, Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction, she describes the perspective of radical feminism. By splitting radical feminism into two different parts, the radical-libertarian feminists and the radical-cultural feminists, Tong shows how two parties that have the same basic theory and goal can have significant differences. In the beginning of the chapter, Tong points out that "a feminist must insist the sex/gender system ...

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Subcultural Theories And Critiques

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

5 (1,693 )

Introduction In this assignment, I have been asked to evaluate the main points of subcultural theories and critiques of them. In order to answer this question put to me, I will go on to describing exactly what a subculture is, I will then go on to state the different theorists who have given theories as to what subculture is, why it happens and how they may evaluate ...

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Social Issues In Sport

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

9 (3,277 )

Sociology is the study of how society is structured and how people experience life through its processes, directly or indirectly. A basic understanding of social issues helps us to learn how these processes affect us in everyday life. Discussing social issues in sport can help us understand different sociological concepts and perspectives of sport in society. These sociological perspectives can help explain the underlying reality of sports ...

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The Concept Of Medicalization: Shifting Ideas

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

8 (2,929 )

Medicalization is term for the erroneous tendency by society-often perpetuated by health professionals to view effects of socioeconomic disadvantage as purely medical issues. It is the process by which human conditions and problems come to be defined and treated as medical conditions and problems, and thus come under the authority of doctors and other health professionals to study, diagnose, prevent or treat. The process of medicalization can ...

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Defining Racism In America

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

6 (2,161 )

Race and race relations have been aspects of American society since the colonial era. With the exception of a handful of countries, no other nation has dealt with the struggles of a multiracial society and has had to overcome the problems created in its nation's past. As a result, race in America is a complex issue with many facets and race relations have become increasingly difficult to ...

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The Structure-Agency Debate

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

6 (2,060 )

I have been involved in football for as long as I can remember, with the application of Structural Functionalism I am going to attempt to understand my involvement in football. The Structure theory, Structural Functionalism can be applied to my position as a footballer and explain how football has affected my position in contemporary society. The main assumption of Structural Functionalism is "that society is an organized ...

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The Suicide Rate In Men

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

14 (5,261 )

Suicide Rate Men The suicide rate for young men is much higher than for young women in western developed countries. Discuss with reference to gender and competing explanations of suicide. For many, a rational response in life is to fear death after all life is our most personal and valuable asset, and it is not surprising that a copious amount of research has been devoted to suicide. ...

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Women Opting Out Of Work

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

5 (1,636 )

Opting out is a term most commonly understood to describe the decision of married women to voluntarily quit professional careers and remain out of the labor force for a relatively extended period of time during which they are engaged in family care giving, primarily motherhood, to the exclusion of paid employment. Women use a variety of strategies to reconcile work and family responsibilities, including time out of ...

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The benefits of paid parental leave

23 Mar 2015 11 May 2017

5 (1,662 )

In 2007, around 280 000 mothers gave birth in Australia and around 175 000 of these were working mothers who intend to work again. Consequently, there is a significant number of working mothers who require taking leave from work. There have been debates in Australia over a proposal of a statutory scheme that would offer paid parental leave to parents. The concern of paid parental leave has ...

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