Essays Assignments-samples

MNCs In India

The global business environment has various implications for the every economy. With the globalization, the interdependence along with the competition among different countries has become intense. Now, the interdependence is also visible in the trade of goods and services and capital movement (Mellahi and Frynas, 2015). Due to this interdependence, the domestic policies and economic conditions are influenced with the global business environment.  It could be said that the eco ...

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The Meaning And The Importance Of Marketing In Relation To The Creation Of Value For Stakeholders. Please Illustrate Your Arguments Using Applicable Examples From Different Companies.

Value creation is a continuous process which aims to increase the worth of goods and services offered by the businesses. In the contemporary world, the focus of marketers has shifted from value creation for shareholders to the value creation for all stakeholders. All of the marketing activities are now directed towards the creating better value for customers and all other stakeholders. Marketing refers to the activities which are referred to buying and selling of a product or serv ...

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Analyse The Potential Benefits That Can Be Achieved As Well As The Limitations And Challenges Of A Virtual Organisation Structure?

A virtual organisation is an organisation that involves disseminated and detached entities and requires information technology for supporting the work and communication. This is not an attribute of the firms, rather it is one of the form of the organisations. The virtual organisational structure relies highly on the information technology (Griffin and Moorhead, 2011). However, it is important to mention that up till now its precise definition is not agreed upon by the researchers. ...

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Consumer Culture Is A Homogeneous Culture Of Global Commodities

Introduction Through the fluidity of communication and the ability to travel around the world, one is not just limited to what is particularly present in their country, or relative to their traditions or class. People are now capable of exploring and consuming internationally. The days of restrictions and sumptuary laws are gone (Kaplan, 2016). Through democratisation and globalisation of fashion, the culture of internationa ...

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Robot Revolution

Introduction The main objective of current essay is to shed light on the likely effects of robots revolution on the job market at global level. The study is also expected to achieve the objective of guiding the graduate career by highlighting the job areas which have limited chances of risk regarding the replacement of manual jobs with robotics and artificial intelligence. In order to achieve the aim of present study, the focus has been ma ...

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The global social issue that is outlined in the selected newspaper article is poverty, and food shortage in Papua New Guineans (PNG). According to ABC News (2016), people of PNG are suffering from and dying of malnutrition as well as drastic effects of drought. They have nothing to eat and have no financial resources to buy food. They are waiting for a miracle in the form of external aid and help. Children, men and women are losing their lives and there are no sufficient resources ...

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SUMMARY OF ARTICLE :Egypt Devalues Its Currency, At Last

article is about the devaluation of currency that has recently been done by the government of Egypt (Cairo, 2016). First of all, the author gave some background about the economic condition of Egypt. It has been illustrated in the article that the position of the country is critical and the government is responsible for taking tough decisions in order to drag the country out of it. Although, the Egyptian government has taken some crucial decisions for overcoming the economic crisi ...

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Genesis" Story Of The Bible Vs Charles Darwin's Creation Scientists Look To Prove That Creation Is Right And Science Is Wrong.

and creation are religious and scientific in the same way. There is no controversy between science and religion, but between the science of a religion and the science of other. The Creator-honouring science is made upon the religion of Biblical creation. It depends upon the term (the Bible) of the One who asserts His presence in the past. He sends men by His Holy Spirit to carve His sayings to make next generation find out and understand they require knowing regarding the creation ...

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Discussion On Holacracy And Taylorism:

Blog 1 Previously, the structures of organizations have been seen as something that is separate from the strategy and they were only designed in the way which can bring efficiency and synergy within organization. However, this is not the case as per current research, in which it has been suggested that there is a strong linkage among structure and strategy (Whittington, 2006). The structure of organization should comp ...

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Key International HRM Issues

Introduction In contemporary highly globalised economy, a crucial role is played by multinational companies and these global companies have a dominating power in the business setting all around the world because of having maximum capability of doing business across wide variety of settings. In addition to this, in case of multinational organisations employees are hired by the management from various countries, so human resource management ...

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Science in the 20th Century and Beyond

  Introduction The current research study explores the primary resources identified in the first essay to indicate space-based rocket development within the 20th century. In this way, the present research study forms the foundation of the developmental history during the cold war in terms of moon race to highlight the key characteristics and competition between the USSR and USA. Therefore, it ...

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Critically discuss how non-financial reporting initiatives such as triple bottom line-based frameworks (e.g., TBL, GRI), integrated reporting, or alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals contribute to businesses achieving true sustainability

  Introduction With the continuously changing business environment, the need for non-financial reporting initiatives, such as triple bottom line-based frameworks, is emerging rapidly in businesses. In doing so, businesses are trying to develop sustainable development goals to achieve true sustainability (Dyllick and Muff, 2016). Therefore, there is a need to integrate the sustainable development w ...

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Unfair Dismissal Law

  Introduction The unfair dismissal law provides a right to individual employees to file a legal suit against the employer or a manager if one thinks that she/he is unfairly dismissed. Scholars have argued that the unfair dismissal law is quite effective in deterring managers from unfair dismissal and encouraging the adaptation of disciplinary and fair practices. Some of these scholars have argued ...

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New Normal in the Service and Retail Sector

  1. Introduction The spread of COVID-19 is the only reason for the closure of business activities throughout the globe. For retailers and services providers, it was a very bad time as they have experienced a major financial crisis during the pandemic. The new normal stage emerges through the adaptation of the latest technologies. In this new normal, a business can operate while having minimum i ...

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Barriers to Democratic Accountability within SEA

  Identify the main barriers to democratic accountability within SEA. How might such barriers be overcome? Introduction Strategic environmental assessment is nothing more than a new form of environmental impact assessment. One can say that the environmental impact assessment has entered into a new evolutionary phase where there are some barriers to democrat ...

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