: Using A Failure In Your Life Or Career To Improve Your Vision As A Leader

upon the future and career, one should step back and should do the assessment of body of work and how it influences the manner in which one leads. What makes a person a stronger leader and gives the one the perspective for casting more of the vision; it is the wisdom which is within the failures of a person. Most of the people do not like talking about the failures, but the failure can help in:

Management of diversity:

For instance, through failure the one can interpret that why the dots did not get connected while building the career. It can assist in interpreting that why specific opportunities or relationships went away. Failure helps in finding out the major issues that are being faced in some project.

Enhance learning:

Failure helps in providing fuel to the rewarding opportunities and learning in one’s career. Through each of the experiences, one learns new thing relative to leadership. The one gets better interpretation of the expectations of people from him/her. Failure teaches that how to deal with the marketplace that is so unpredictable. Failure can be called as being the strongest sources for understanding and know-how. It teaches one about reinvention, renewal and survival of the organization lead by the person. Failure is termed as the greatest enabler of life. If one does not get fail at anything, then the one would never take any action to correct or for trying new ways of seizing the opportunities (Nahavandi, 2016).

2. Examine the key traits and characteristics that transformational leaders possess. Predict the impact that a transformational leader’s response to a failure would have on performance and behavior in his or her employees. Provide a rationale for your response

Following are the basic features or traits of transformational leaders.

1. Having check on ego

In transformational leader, the most important thing is to keeping the ego under control and not letting it to get interfered with the interest of organization or team.

2. Self-management

Transformational leaders do not need more of the directions through others, and they are enough able to manage themselves on their own. They get highly motivated internally and use motivation for directing the company towards the right path. These leaders tend to do what is loved by them and do the alignment of values with the organization.

3. Ability of taking right decisions

The ability of taking calculated risks is the major trait of transformational leader. The team of translational leader is behind the leader and is willing in doing the research that is important for the evaluation of situation in appropriate way. The leader gets the input through the team for making risky decisions that supports the development.

4. Taking crucial decisions

Being a leader is not an easy work to do, leader needs to make a lot of tough decisions. Transformational leaders do not feel bad in taking any tough decisions. They make decisions while targeting the objectives, goals, visions and values of the company.

5. Share collective organizational consciousness

A transformational leader understands and shares the consciousness of the whole organization. This makes them attuned to the feelings of the people. They develop the shared vision for the company.

6. Inspirational

People want to get inspired and perhaps transformational leaders are the most inspiring one. They own the ability of motivating other for rising the occasion.

7. Creativity

Transformation cannot be acquired fully if the leader is receptive or not open to the new ideas.

8. Adaptability

The leader interprets that it is significant to adapt to the altering market situations for moving forward.

9. Proactive

Leaders take active role and risks for the development of organization.

10. Lead through vision

Transformational leaders set an achievable and realistic vision of the organization (Van Knippenberg & Sitkin, 2013).

3. Determine whether or not you believe that failure is an integral part of life that contributes to leadership effectiveness. Provide two (2) examples to support your response.

According to Schein (2006), as someone grow into management or leadership position, the one does not get responsible for his/her own behavior but also the behavior of the team members, it is most significant that the team members and the person gets exposed to the idea of failure and the way it is linked with the leadership.


Given are the five things that make contribution in the effectiveness of leadership:

1.      Resist the Failure and Get Learning Out of It

Instead of masking or running away from the failure from which one suffers, one should take some time reflecting over the situation. One should confront the issue and should evaluate that what should be done and should learn some lesson.

2.      Building the Team and Making Improvement in the Business

Different ways should be identified for making the system more effective and for making the system interdependent over the decisions that are made through the leader of department. In the process of reinvention of system, the team should be made stronger and united.

Failure teaches that who can be dependent upon and trust. It provides the real perspective that who owns your back.

3.      Have Trust in Own Guts

One should let the failure to make the person enough wiser and stronger. Through this attitude, one can become fearless. Failure should be empowered for trusting your gut and thus enabling the one to make better decisions; dependent on the experiences of failure.

4.      Always Focus on Taking Second Chances

Failure is not basically a fatal. For the next opportunity, it is like a wake-up call. The mother of success is opportunity. Second chances are present around people. Failure enables the person to see the opportunities with wider view. The opportunities present around can be identified, beyond and beneath what is sought out. Therefore it widens the opportunity field.

5.      Appreciation of Leadership Responsibilities

Failure enables leaders to open their eyes for appreciating their responsibilities like a leader. Failure enables the leaders to find out the innovative ways for the improvement of their skills.


If someone never fails at anything, then he would not take any of the actions to correct or to try new things to do things. In the end what is done with the failure defines the character of person being a leader. For instance, if a person admits defeat or if a person asks himself that what he learnt during his failure or if the person held someone else accountable for the mistake?

Great leadership means that to be accountable for the actions done by the person. Some greatest leaders also had some failures like Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Thomas Edison. They were enough able to hold themselves which let them to develop their legacies and to become better leaders.

4. Create a list of five (5) best practices for leaders to follow in order to be effective after a failure in the work place.

These are the five practices that should be followed by leaders to be effective in the workplace after failure:

1. Unavoidance of failure

The more the failure is avoided; there is more of the chance to get involved into it. It is because of the reason that the more one tries not to fail, the more reserved the person become in the approach. The more reserved the person become, the approach becomes more negative.

2. Rejection of Mediocrity

For getting the best, one should never accept any less, either from someone else around or even you. As soon as the mediocrity is accept, the standards the dropped more or less, and in future the people becomes willing to accept the failure.

3. Removal of disbelief

Belief should be removed based on the fact and not over emotion and hype. Through depicted ability, the confidence is acquired. The one should be belief that he can acquire the final result. The only belief the one should have is that he can take the first step towards the result.

4. Appropriate Selection of Partners

Hang out with the ones who can assist in letting you to go forward and not with the ones who can let you to hold back. Allow the partners to be different in few approaches; preparedness, discipline, commitment and desire.

5. Never Capitulate

This is one of the significant rules order to overcome the failure, regardless of what you pursue, how you will be capable of getting it, and why someone goes after it (Mumford et al, 2000).

5. Determine the manner in which experiences with failure and leadership affect the risk taking and decision making behaviors of an individual on a leadership track. Provide a rationale for your response.

In case of experiences with failure, a leader feels insecure while taking any kind of risk. He feels uncomfortable while making any decision. This is due to the fact that failure causes high chances of insecurity that means an individual thinks that in future, he or she might also face failure. The experiences of failure reduce the confidence level of an individual. On the other hand, when a leader makes some decision and faces failure in it, then that person’s conscious level is also increased. In contrast to this, a leader who is a risk taker always prefers to take risk for the next time also. He does not bother about last failure but rather than that his confidence level is increased to take further risk. Moreover, the decision making ability of a leader is also improved through failures (Cianci et al, 2014).























Cianci, A. M., Hannah, S. T., Roberts, R. P., & Tsakumis, G. T. (2014). The effects of authentic leadership on followers' ethical decision-making in the face of temptation: An experimental study. The Leadership Quarterly25(3), 581-594.

Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Harding, F. D., Jacobs, T. O., & Fleishman, E. A. (2000). Leadership skills for a changing world: Solving complex social problems. The Leadership Quarterly11(1), 11-35.

Nahavandi, A. (2016). The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson.

Schein, E. H. (2006). Organizational culture and leadership (Vol. 356). John Wiley & Sons.

Van Knippenberg, D., & Sitkin, S. B. (2013). A critical assessment of charismatic—Transformational leadership research: Back to the drawing board?. The Academy of Management Annals7(1), 1-60.




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