Personal And Professional Development For Management & Finance Learning Portfolio

In this essay, the reflection of five activities which were being conducted during the five lectures is provided. After attending every activity, everyone was being asked to participate in one activity. Therefore, I made record of all activities on the provided reflection sheet. I tried to be critical and precise while developing the reflection entries for all activities. Though, there were many activities in all lectures, I selected those activities which I found more relevant an interesting as per my career goals. To write reflection entries was a new experience for me and I was quite excited when I came to know that we have to undertake this activity. I actually started this activity with enthusiasm. Firstly, I took part in stress management assessment questionnaire through which I identified how I am in terms of stress management. Secondly, I took part in the break out activity in which I analysed which skills need to be developed as per my career goals. In this activity I also planned that how these skills could be developed. Thirdly, I took part in balance life activities which told me how I am managing various life activities.  Fourthly, I conducted the training need analysis for myself which helped me to identify those areas which needs development. Lastly, I participated in diversity reflection where I observed how can we work in an effective manner if we appreciate diversity.

Entry 1: Stress Management Assessment Questionnaire

In the first lecture of this course, I learnt about the self-awareness, interacting with others, interacting in a team and how can I be proved helpful for business effectiveness. I could become able to learn the critical management skills which will be proved quite helpful for me in my professional life. The activity of this lecture was quite shocking for me. I always believed that I can manage my stress in a good way. I was confident to work in a stressful environment. When we were being asked to  take part in the stress management assessment questionnaire, I came to know that my stress taking index was quite high. Though, there many important factors which are important for organisational success, but the role of management skills is critical. Though, there are various competencies, including technical, business and human and personal traits. However, I found that there are certain core competencies which are important for every situation and stress and time management is one of those skills which are critical. After taking part in this self assessment related to stress, I came to know that I need to work on stress management. The total score of this assessment was not good enough. During the lecture, I came to know that there were few skills which I do not have like stress management. I was worried but then I realised that I also learned about five step learning model for self development. I am certain that this five step model will prove helpful for me to learn all those management skills, which I do not possess. Previously, I never knew this but now I know the importance of self-awareness. Moreover, the activities of this lecture has helped in understanding how self awareness is important for personal and professional development. Whenever, I will start my career, this knowledge and understanding about self awareness, social awareness and relationship management will make me able to work with my colleagues in a better way. moreover, after identifying that I am bad in stress management I learned how could I improve this skill. The last half of the lecture was about stress management. I learnt many new ways to manage the stress. I could say that now I know how to balance life activities. Moreover, the recommended material has proved quite useful for me. I believe this will be very helpful for me.

Entry 2 – Break Out Activity

This activity is about reflecting on the skill identification and select four skills which must be developed in your personality. In a small group, I had to discuss the plan that I had to develop. It was also discussed that how these skills could be developed and how these skills will prove helpful for me. In this activity, I identified that I need to work on my communication, managing conflict, motivating others and goal setting skills. These skills were identified after doing a discussion with the group members. The importance of communication skills cannot be denied in any sphere of life. I realised that this is the area where I am lacking. After discussing with group members, I came to know that our university conduct many seminars of improving the communication skills. therefore, I have an opportunity to improve my communication skills by attending those seminars. In this lecture, I found that to motivate other is critical for managers. Unless you do not know how to motivate and influence others, you cannot become a good manager. I never realised the importance of this skill before attending the second lecture. Though, all motivational theories are quite interesting, but I found that motivational theory of Maslow is more relatable for me. I am inspired by the idea that we should start from the basic needs then we should move towards higher end needs. For improving this skill, I would be needing mentoring of someone who is very influential. One of my teachers from previous institution can help me in this. I will start taking his mentoring for developing this. This skill will help me to become a good manager. Moreover, I need to develop the skill of conflict management. This is an important skill for all managers. the previous lecture where I learned about social awareness and relationship management can prove quite useful for this skill. I have the opportunity to improve my conflict management skills by applying the concepts I learned in previous lecture. Goal setting is combination of science and art. When I had to develop SMART goals for myself, I realised my goals were not SMART. Actually, I was unable to set realistic goals for myself. I can improve this skill by watching few videos on YouTube. This will prove helpful for my personal and professional development.

Entry 3 – Balancing Life Activities

In this activity, we are basically required to show the scores of individuals on each dimension which are given on ‘Wheel of Life’. In this activity, I made my wheel of life where I ranked various dimensions on the score of 1 and 10 where 1 showed least time given to that particular activity while 10 is given to that activity which is given most time. The results are depicted in below figure.

The results are clearly demonstrating that I do not manage my time in an effective manner. Time management is a critical skill for all managers. This skill is needed in all managers as without this, nothing could be done in an effective manner. I found that I am overemphasising fun and money in my life. On the other hand, many other important aspects like learning/growth, health/fitness and family / friends / social relationship are somehow neglected. This demonstrates one of the weaknesses of my personality. This activity was very helpful for me as I could actually realise that how much time I am giving to important things of my life. I also found that I am unable to manage stress and perhaps ineffective time management adds to the bad stress management skills. without time and stress management, emotional intelligence could never be developed. I was unable to manage many things previously. In the respective lecture in which this activity took place, I also learned techniques to manage the time and stress. I personally feel that both time and stress management are interlinked. Unless I do not work on my time management skills, it would not be possible for me to improve the stress management index. After taking part in this activity of balancing life activities, I can shed light on how to manage the life in an effective manner. Many things have become clear. I can do manage the time by developing SMART goals where every life activity should be given time and importance as per goals. Once, there will be a balance among all life activities, I am certain that I could succeed in my professional life. Moreover, this will also help me in my personal development. Even before starting my career, it will help me in performing good in my studies. So in future I will be able to manage the personal time in more effective manner.

Entry 4 -  Conducting a training need analysis

In this activity, we were being asked to conduct a need analysis. Hence, I conducted the need analysis to know the areas where I am lacking. Firstly, I specified my personal career goal and identified the broader area which needs professional development. Then I identified the qualities which are required for achieving the career goal. After this, I identified the gap to know what are the areas which need training or improvement. My personal career goal is to start my career as a manager of a small and medium organisation. After gaining some experience, I will take a move to multinational corporations. Being a potential manager, there are certain skills which are also known as critical management skills are mandatory. Therefore I rated myself on these skills. though, information about the required skill level for managers was not available, therefore, an estimate was made and rating is done for different management skills. The results are shown in below table. Here, 10 stands for excellent while 1 stands for poor.


Self Assessment Score

Required Score for managers

Gap in scorers





Managing Time and Stress




Problem Solving




Motivating and Influencing Others








Goal Setting








Team Building




Managing Conflict





From the above table results, it became clearer that I need training in communication, time and stress management, delegation and self-awareness. This activity has proved helpful as it has actually helped me in self-awareness. I became able to know where I do stand now and what I have to do to achieve my career goal. There is a need for training on communication, time and stress management and self-awareness. This activity has proved helpful for me as now I know that how to actually conduct the training need analysis. I did for myself and I am also able to do it for organisation, task or person training need analysis. This exercise will prove helpful for my career. If ever I have to do this activity again, I will try to ensure that I possess enough information that which level of scores is needed for each managerial skills. Currently, I used estimated figures. In future, I will try to improve this thing.

Entry 5 – Diversity Reflection

In this activity, we had to work in a group to understand how diversity can have an influence on our work. In our group, there were five members and they were of different gender, race and culture and religion. The members from a different nationality was also part of our group. When we started to work as a group, there were many difficulties which we had to face. One of us was not good in speaking English because this was not his first language. As it was not his first language, sometimes, it was difficult for us to comprehend what he is saying. One of the group members made his fun as well which demotivate that group member to participate frequently. Likewise, we had a one person who is from different nationality, and it is associated with that nation [I will not mention the name] that they are less intelligent. Therefore, whenever he wanted to suggest something, group leader did not give importance to his suggestion, considering that he is less intelligent than others. Though, it was only a stereotype. Due to this, there were many conflicts which were occurring in the group. I also faced the difficulty due to the diversity. My academic background is different from others, likewise, my family background is not that good in terms of academic qualifications. Therefore, one of the group members treated me as an inferior.  When I was discussing about the topic, he made fun of my point of view saying that I can never understand this. Though, it was quite demotivating for me, but I did not stop participating in group discussions. Initially when the group work started, we could not realise the consequences of such stereotypes. After realising the drawbacks of these stereotypes, the group members started to realise that we should not do so with each other. We even realised that when people from different background start working together, the ultimate result is better. The suggestion for dealing with the diversity challenges is the awareness. Everyone should understand that we can work better when we work with such people who are different from us. For managing the diversity we must recognise, understand and appreciate the differences of each other. This activity has proved helpful for me, as now I know how should I work in my professional career with people who are diverse in background.


It can be concluded that this exercise of reflecting all learning experiences has proved quite helpful for me. It allowed me to keep record of the learning from each activity. Moreover, I also became able to develop a link between my learning experience from the activity and its link with the theories which we studied in each lecture.  From the first activity, I found that I need to work on my stress management skills. Previously, I used to think that I can manage the stress well, but after taking part in the stress management self assessment, I became aware of this fact that I need further development in stress management. This activity proved helpful for self-awareness as I know that I need to develop myself on managing stressful situations. The second activity helped me to identify those areas which needs further development. From this, I also planned how can I improve these areas. The third activity allowed me to investigate how I am managing the life activities. I came to know that I need to manage the life activities in a more better manner. This could be done by prioritising different activities. The next activity was about training need analysis which helped me to identify the gap between required and actual skill level. The last activity was about diversity which has helped to understand the importance of working with people who are different from us. In conclusion, this exercise of doing reflection has proved quite helpful for my personal and professional development. It has enabled me to direct my attention towards those areas which can develop me in terms of professional and personal development.







Topic of the Lecture

Self management

Title of the activity

Stress Management Assessment Questionnaire

Details of how the activity went.

In this activity, I had to fill the questionnaire. These questions were measuring my stress level. There were different questions which were having different dimensions of the stress. I rated myself on those dimensions of stress. The results showed I am a person who take stress very seriously.

What was your task in the activity?

I filled the questionnaire.

What skills/behaviours did you use?

I learned that how to assess yourself and how to be aware about yourself. Self-awareness is the main skill/behaviour I learnt from this activity.

What was your experience in the activity? (1 – Good; 2 – Poor)


What was good/poor about the activity?

I figured out the level of stress I take. I proved wrong. I used to think that I do not take stress. But the results showed me a new thing that I do take stress.

How do you feel about the activity? Explain them. (1 – Like; 2 - Didn’t like)


I could figure out that where I need improvement.

Why did you feel that way? Use some examples.

Self-awareness is critical. If we know where we need improvement, we can take some steps. Unless and until, we do not know improvement and development is not possible. I liked this activity as I could come to know what are developmental areas.

What didn’t go well in the activity?

I think everything went well.

What did you find easy or difficult?

It was a long questionnaire and definitely to answer all was quite time consuming.

How was your experience working with others?

It was good.

Was it useful to have other members in this activity?

Not really.

What was useful for having other members?

This activity was about self-assessment. Involvement of others could not be effective. 

If you were to do this activity again, what will you do differently next time?

To understand few questions was tough, hence more time was utilised. Again, I will be able to do it quickly.

Why do you want to do something differently? What might happen after the difference?

It was a questionnaire which was close ended. It must also have open ended question. I will like to have some open ended questions which could be analysed by some experts to see how I take stress.

What did you learn from the activity?

Stress management is important in all spheres of life.

What did you learn from others in this activity?


Identify some of the lecture topics that you learned from this activity

Type of stressors (time, encounter, situational and anticipatory)

Self awareness

Give two examples of the topics you identified relating to the activity.

Type of stressors (time, encounter, situational and anticipatory)

The Read Thread

Self awareness is important






Topic of the Lecture


Title of the activity

Break out activity

Details of how the activity went.

 This activity is about reflecting on the skill identification and select four skills which must be developed in your personality. In this activity, I identified that I need to work on my communication, managing conflict, motivating others and goal setting skills.

What was your task in the activity?

In a small group, I had to discuss the plan that I had to develop. It was also discussed that how these skills could be developed and how these skills will prove helpful for me.

What skills/behaviours did you use?

 Teamwork, discussion with group members, communication, critical analysis, self awareness

What was your experience in the activity? (1 – Good; 2 – Poor)


What was good/poor about the activity?

I identified which skills I need

How do you feel about the activity? Explain them. (1 – Like; 2 - Didn’t like)


Why did you feel that way? Use some examples.

I could get to know where I need improvement.

What didn’t go well in the activity?

It was very time gaining to know that where I lack and where I should improve.

What did you find easy or difficult?

It was a difficult activity to plan how to develop in identified areas. Information about planning was not sufficient.

How was your experience working with others?

It was good.

Was it useful to have other members in this activity?


What was useful for having other members?

They helped me in identifying areas which need improvement.

If you were to do this activity again, what will you do differently next time?

I will try to give more time to planning phase that how these areas could be improved.

Why do you want to do something differently? What might happen after the difference?

I need more information about certain alternatives which are available for my development. These will help in developing a better plan.

What did you learn from the activity?

Self awareness is important but others can also help in developing oneself.

What did you learn from others in this activity?

Few of them made very well thought-out plans.

Identify some of the lecture topics that you learned from this activity

Goal setting theory, SMART Goals, personal development plan

Give two examples of the topics you identified relating to the activity.

With this activity, I found that Personal goal setting process is quite important. The set goals must be SMART.  Personal development plan is helpful.






Topic of the Lecture


Title of the activity

Balancing life activities

Details of how the activity went.

 Overall, this activity went excellent.

What was your task in the activity?

In this activity, I made my wheel of life where I ranked various dimensions on the score of 1 and 10 where 1 showed least time given to that particular activity while 10 is given to that activity which is given most time

What skills/behaviours did you use?

 Self awareness, communication, use of online wheel of life 

What was your experience in the activity? (1 – Good; 2 – Poor)


What was good/poor about the activity?

It was interesting to have a demonstration how I am managing my life activities

How do you feel about the activity? Explain them. (1 – Like; 2 - Didn’t like)


Why did you feel that way? Use some examples.

It was interesting to see how much time my life activities are having. The pictorial demonstration of life activities was good actually.

What didn’t go well in the activity?

At first, I could not understand that how to make this wheel.

What did you find easy or difficult?

To find out the estimated percentage time given to each life activity was difficult.

How was your experience working with others?

It was good.

Was it useful to have other members in this activity?


What was useful for having other members?

One of my other group members helped me in this activity. 

If you were to do this activity again, what will you do differently next time?

I will be able to do it easily. I will also allocate different time to all activities.

Why do you want to do something differently? What might happen after the difference?

Because now I know that how to do it. I will allocate different time because I know how to manage different life activities. I have learned this from this course that it is important to balance various life activities.

What did you learn from the activity?

Time management is important.

What did you learn from others in this activity?

Few of us were having very balanced wheel, showing they are managing time well. I learned this.

Identify some of the lecture topics that you learned from this activity

Managing time

Self awareness

Self management

Self control

Accurate self assessment

Give two examples of the topics you identified relating to the activity.

Managing time is important managerial skill. This activity helped me to understand that I am not managing time well, which is a must for good managers.

Core self evaluation is important as after evaluating my life activities, I got to know that it is important to manage every activity of life in an appropriate manner.






Topic of the Lecture

Individual strategies and techniques for self development

Title of the activity

Conducting a training need analysis

Details of how the activity went.

This activity was a excellent learning experience for me.

What was your task in the activity?

Hence, I conducted the need analysis to know the areas where I am lacking. Firstly, I specified my personal career goal and identified the broader area which needs professional development. Then I identified the qualities which are required for achieving the career goal. After this, I identified the gap to know what are the areas which need training or improvement.

What skills/behaviours did you use?

 Accurate self assessment

Self awareness


What was your experience in the activity? (1 – Good; 2 – Poor)


What was good/poor about the activity?

I planned for my personal and professional development.

How do you feel about the activity? Explain them. (1 – Like; 2 - Didn’t like)


Why did you feel that way? Use some examples.

It was good and I like it because I got to learn how training needs are identified and how training plans could be developed. 

What didn’t go well in the activity?

Planning was not done effectively.

What did you find easy or difficult?

To plan for my personal development was difficult as I did not have accurate information.

How was your experience working with others?


Was it useful to have other members in this activity?


What was useful for having other members?

They helped in identifying the score for my career goals.

If you were to do this activity again, what will you do differently next time?

I will start with the accurate information for my career goals and I will do it in a planned manner

Why do you want to do something differently? What might happen after the difference?

It will help me in developing a good plan for my personal and professional development.

What did you learn from the activity?

Training needs could also be arranged at personal level.

What did you learn from others in this activity?

Different plans for training

Identify some of the lecture topics that you learned from this activity



Self awareness

Self development

Self assessment

Give two examples of the topics you identified relating to the activity.

Conducting training need analysis is learnt from this activity.

How to set SMART goals is learned.






Topic of the Lecture

Engaging with others – diversity 

Title of the activity

Diversity reflection

Details of how the activity went.

This activity was quite good for understanding the importance of differences in individuals.

What was your task in the activity?

I had to work with the people who are from different background.

What skills/behaviours did you use?

Appreciating differences

Understanding others

Cross cultural communication

Self awareness

What was your experience in the activity? (1 – Good; 2 – Poor)


What was good/poor about the activity?

I was being mocked by one group partners.

How do you feel about the activity? Explain them. (1 – Like; 2 - Didn’t like)


Why did you feel that way? Use some examples.

It was hard to work with such people who are different. For example, it was hard to understand language of one person. It was hard to work in environment of people who are different from us.

What didn’t go well in the activity?

No one valued the differences.

What did you find easy or difficult?

To work with diverse people was difficult.

How was your experience working with others?

Quite tough.

Was it useful to have other members in this activity?

Yes. It was a group activity.

What was useful for having other members?

I learned how conflict could occur in diverse settings.

If you were to do this activity again, what will you do differently next time?


Why do you want to do something differently? What might happen after the difference?

I will recognize differences of others. I will appreciate and value their differences. Now I have learned how to manage the diversity in the group.

What did you learn from the activity?

It is important to manage the diversity.

What did you learn from others in this activity?

Differences exist. These must be valued.

Identify some of the lecture topics that you learned from this activity

Diversity management

Workplace diversity



Give two examples of the topics you identified relating to the activity.

The platinum rule could be applied.  There were people from different culture. Diversity statement could be developed and diversity training could have had been given before working in diverse groups.




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Personal And Professional Development For Management & Finance Learning Portfolio

In this essay, the reflection of five activities which were being conducted during the five lectures is provided. After attending every activity, everyone was being asked to participate in one activity. Therefore, I made record of all activities on the provided reflection sheet. I tried to be critical and precise while developing the reflection entries for all activities. Though, there were many activities in all lectures, I selected those activities which I found more relevant an interesting as per my career goals. To write reflection entries was a new experience for me and I was quite excited when I came to know that we have to undertake this activity. I actually started this activity with enthusiasm. Firstly, I took part in stress management assessment questionnaire through which I identified how I am in terms of stress management. Secondly, I took part in the break out activity in which I analysed which skills need to be developed as per my career goals. In this activity I also planned that how these skills could be developed. Thirdly, I took part in balance life activities which told me how I am managing various life activities.  Fourthly, I conducted the training need analysis for myself which helped me to identify those areas which needs development. Lastly, I participated in diversity reflection where I observed how can we work in an effective manner if we appreciate diversity.

Entry 1: Stress Management Assessment Questionnaire

In the first lecture of this course, I learnt about the self-awareness, interacting with others, interacting in a team and how can I be proved helpful for business effectiveness. I could become able to learn the critical management skills which will be proved quite helpful for me in my professional life. The activity of this lecture was quite shocking for me. I always believed that I can manage my stress in a good way. I was confident to work in a stressful environment. When we were being asked to  take part in the stress management assessment questionnaire, I came to know that my stress taking index was quite high. Though, there many important factors which are important for organisational success, but the role of management skills is critical. Though, there are various competencies, including technical, business and human and personal traits. However, I found that there are certain core competencies which are important for every situation and stress and time management is one of those skills which are critical. After taking part in this self assessment related to stress, I came to know that I need to work on stress management. The total score of this assessment was not good enough. During the lecture, I came to know that there were few skills which I do not have like stress management. I was worried but then I realised that I also learned about five step learning model for self development. I am certain that this five step model will prove helpful for me to learn all those management skills, which I do not possess. Previously, I never knew this but now I know the importance of self-awareness. Moreover, the activities of this lecture has helped in understanding how self awareness is important for personal and professional development. Whenever, I will start my career, this knowledge and understanding about self awareness, social awareness and relationship management will make me able to work with my colleagues in a better way. moreover, after identifying that I am bad in stress management I learned how could I improve this skill. The last half of the lecture was about stress management. I learnt many new ways to manage the stress. I could say that now I know how to balance life activities. Moreover, the recommended material has proved quite useful for me. I believe this will be very helpful for me.

Entry 2 – Break Out Activity

This activity is about reflecting on the skill identification and select four skills which must be developed in your personality. In a small group, I had to discuss the plan that I had to develop. It was also discussed that how these skills could be developed and how these skills will prove helpful for me. In this activity, I identified that I need to work on my communication, managing conflict, motivating others and goal setting skills. These skills were identified after doing a discussion with the group members. The importance of communication skills cannot be denied in any sphere of life. I realised that this is the area where I am lacking. After discussing with group members, I came to know that our university conduct many seminars of improving the communication skills. therefore, I have an opportunity to improve my communication skills by attending those seminars. In this lecture, I found that to motivate other is critical for managers. Unless you do not know how to motivate and influence others, you cannot become a good manager. I never realised the importance of this skill before attending the second lecture. Though, all motivational theories are quite interesting, but I found that motivational theory of Maslow is more relatable for me. I am inspired by the idea that we should start from the basic needs then we should move towards higher end needs. For improving this skill, I would be needing mentoring of someone who is very influential. One of my teachers from previous institution can help me in this. I will start taking his mentoring for developing this. This skill will help me to become a good manager. Moreover, I need to develop the skill of conflict management. This is an important skill for all managers. the previous lecture where I learned about social awareness and relationship management can prove quite useful for this skill. I have the opportunity to improve my conflict management skills by applying the concepts I learned in previous lecture. Goal setting is combination of science and art. When I had to develop SMART goals for myself, I realised my goals were not SMART. Actually, I was unable to set realistic goals for myself. I can improve this skill by watching few videos on YouTube. This will prove helpful for my personal and professional development.

Entry 3 – Balancing Life Activities

In this activity, we are basically required to show the scores of individuals on each dimension which are given on ‘Wheel of Life’. In this activity, I made my wheel of life where I ranked various dimensions on the score of 1 and 10 where 1 showed least time given to that particular activity while 10 is given to that activity which is given most time. The results are depicted in below figure.

The results are clearly demonstrating that I do not manage my time in an effective manner. time management is a critical skill for all managers. This skill is needed in all managers as without this, nothing could be done in an effective manner. I found that I am overemphasising fun and money in my life. On the other hand, many other important aspects like learning/growth, health/fitness and family / friends / social relationship are somehow neglected. This demonstrates one of the weaknesses of my personality. This activity was very helpful for me as I could actually realise that how much time I am giving to important things of my life. I also found that I am unable to manage stress and perhaps ineffective time management adds to the bad stress management skills. without time and stress management, emotional intelligence could never be developed. I was unable to manage many things previously. In the respective lecture in which this activity took place, I also learned techniques to manage the time and stress. I personally feel that both time and stress management are interlinked. Unless I do not work on my time management skills, it would not be possible for me to improve the stress management index. After taking part in this activity of balancing life activities, I can shed light on how to manage the life in an effective manner. Many things have become clear. I can do manage the time by developing SMART goals where every life activity should be given time and importance as per goals. Once, there will be a balance among all life activities, I am certain that I could succeed in my professional life. Moreover, this will also help me in my personal development. Even before starting my career, it will help me in performing good in my studies. So in future I will be able to manage the personal time in more effective manner.

Entry 4 -  Conducting a training need analysis

In this activity, we were being asked to conduct a need analysis. hence, I conducted the need analysis to know the areas where I am lacking. Firstly, I specified my personal career goal and identified the broader area which needs professional development. Then I identified the qualities which are required for achieving the career goal. After this, I identified the gap to know what are the areas which need training or improvement. My personal career goal is to start my career as a manager of a small and medium organisation. After gaining some experience, I will take a move to multinational corporations. Being a potential manager, there are certain skills which are also known as critical management skills are mandatory. Therefore I rated myself on these skills. though, information about the required skill level for managers was not available, therefore, an estimate was made and rating is done for different management skills. The results are shown in below table. Here, 10 stands for excellent while 1 stands for poor.


Self Assessment Score

Required Score for managers

Gap in scorers





Managing Time and Stress




Problem Solving




Motivating and Influencing Others








Goal Setting








Team Building




Managing Conflict





From the above table results, it became clearer that I need training in communication, time and stress management, delegation and self-awareness. This activity has proved helpful as it has actually helped me in self-awareness. I became able to know where I do stand now and what I have to do to achieve my career goal. There is a need for training on communication, time and stress management and self-awareness. This activity has proved helpful for me as now I know that how to actually conduct the training need analysis. I did for myself and I am also able to do it for organisation, task or person training need analysis. This exercise will prove helpful for my career. If ever I have to do this activity again, I will try to ensure that I possess enough information that which level of scores is needed for each managerial skills. Currently, I used estimated figures. In future, I will try to improve this thing.

Entry 5 – Diversity Reflection

In this activity, we had to work in a group to understand how diversity can have an influence on our work. In our group, there were five members and they were of different gender, race and culture and religion. The members from a different nationality was also part of our group. When we started to work as a group, there were many difficulties which we had to face. One of us was not good in speaking English because this was not his first language. As it was not his first language, sometimes, it was difficult for us to comprehend what he is saying. One of the group members made his fun as well which demotivate that group member to participate frequently. Likewise, we had a one person who is from different nationality, and it is associated with that nation [I will not mention the name] that they are less intelligent. Therefore, whenever he wanted to suggest something, group leader did not give importance to his suggestion, considering that he is less intelligent than others. Though, it was only a stereotype. Due to this, there were many conflicts which were occurring in the group. I also faced the difficulty due to the diversity. My academic background is different from others, likewise, my family background is not that good in terms of academic qualifications. Therefore, one of the group members treated me as an inferior.  When I was discussing about the topic, he made fun of my point of view saying that I can never understand this. Though, it was quite demotivating for me, but I did not stop participating in group discussions. Initially when the group work started, we could not realise the consequences of such stereotypes. After realising the drawbacks of these stereotypes, the group members started to realise that we should not do so with each other. We even realised that when people from different background start working together, the ultimate result is better. The suggestion for dealing with the diversity challenges is the awareness. Everyone should understand that we can work better when we work with such people who are different from us. For managing the diversity we must recognise, understand and appreciate the differences of each other. This activity has proved helpful for me, as now I know how should I work in my professional career with people who are diverse in background.


It can be concluded that this exercise of reflecting all learning experiences has proved quite helpful for me. It allowed me to keep record of the learning from each activity. Moreover, I also became able to develop a link between my learning experience from the activity and its link with the theories which we studied in each lecture.  From the first activity, I found that I need to work on my stress management skills. Previously, I used to think that I can manage the stress well, but after taking part in the stress management self assessment, I became aware of this fact that I need further development in stress management. This activity proved helpful for self-awareness as I know that I need to develop myself on managing stressful situations. The second activity helped me to identify those areas which needs further development. From this, I also planned how can I improve these areas. The third activity allowed me to investigate how I am managing the life activities. I came to know that I need to manage the life activities in a more better manner. This could be done by prioritising different activities. The next activity was about training need analysis which helped me to identify the gap between required and actual skill level. The last activity was about diversity which has helped to understand the importance of working with people who are different from us. In conclusion, this exercise of doing reflection has proved quite helpful for my personal and professional development. It has enabled me to direct my attention towards those areas which can develop me in terms of professional and personal development.


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