Provide Leadership Across The Organization:

LA Ice Cola is one of the widely known Australian soft drink, which was launched in 2000. The company’s core business is soft drink and it is actively seeking to diversify its business in other categories.

  1. The mission of LA Ice Cola is to refresh people by inspiring positivism and making them happy through value creation. The vision of company is the combination of 5Ps which includes; people, partners, profit, planet and productivity. The core values of the company include collaboration, integrity, accountability and quality. The company aims to offer better health products to the customers through its sugar free and diet cola range. The aim of company is to expand its business in different markets by increasing range of its products. 
  2. The strategic objective of LA Ice Cola is to be the most known brand of Australia with strong brand image and customer loyalty. They aim to work closely with their customers through easy availability at grocery stores, theatres, cinemas and street vendors.
  3. The company needs to carry out extensive promotion with an aim of conveying their customers about their strategic values. They should come into partnership with local retail stores and restaurants to help them market their product in front of diverse range of customers.
  4. The values of integrity, collaboration, accountability and quality are easily understandable as they are simple terms. The company could ensure the right interpretation of objectives by engaging in extensive communication with relevant groups through different forums and publication of public information in periodic manner.
  5. The main expectation of the company is to enhance its profit level through fulfilment of requirements of key stake holders and producing products which offer high quality and improved health prospects to the customers. In order to serve the stake holders in an effective manner, the collaboration of internal groups is crucial.
  6. The health and safety department of the LA Ice Cola is responsible for recording and reporting of accidents which can help to avoid repetition of mishaps and to improve the safety conditions in the working environment. The RIDDOR 2013 (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) will serve as the basis of investigation. The expected time frame of investigation in case of serious occurrences is of one to two weeks. The instances of two incidents include; first, the burning of worker that damaged more than 10% of body and led to damage to vital organs of the body. While the second was the suicide committed by an employee. According to RIDDOR, the former is reportable while the latter is non reportable.
  7. The LA Ice Cola has a diversity among workers and it is creating a challenge for the management to serve their diverse interests. The differences of diverse workforce include the following; 1) Cultural values, 2) languages, 3) communication patterns, 4) flexibility towards adoption of change, 5) gender difference (men and women) and 6) ethnicity. The differences in workforce demands for open communication in organization by encouraging employees to convey their ideas and attributes. The diversity can be brought at leadership level to understand and incorporate the peculiarities of diverse employees’ groups. Further, the trust of diverse workforce should be obtained by reducing discrimination and biases due to cultural and other differences of diversity.
  8. Improvements in workplace culture can foster mutual trust among organizational members and participative culture can reduce time of decision making. Strong culture can foster strong sense of identification and shared understanding can enhance commitment towards organization. Moreover, an effective culture minimizes disagreement among members and improves overall effectiveness of organization.
  9. The scanning of external environment is carried out on continuous basis to ensure the understanding of trends relating to technology. The reliance on global industrial scanning is maintained which helps in identifying any differences among industrial demands and internal activities of organization. The changes are monitored through VRIO framework with an aim of tracking the technology situation of company.
  10. The LA Ice Cola is incorporating the changes of external environment into account through open structure and by embracing change at its possible levels. The flexibility is ensured through application of change control mechanism in which record is maintained for changes which are being carried out in response to changing trends in industry. The change mechanism of LA Ice Cola is reflecting that company has always responded flexibly.
  11. In LA Ice Cola, the consultation of stake holders is ensured through continuous evaluation of consultation exercise. The evaluation is carried out through end-of-process survey which addresses all the relevant consulting parties. This can help in gauging the responses of stake holders about the effectiveness of consultation process.
  12.  The decision making of LA Ice Cola is based on extensive investigation of stake holders of the company both internal and external. The management of organization offers emphasis on the notion that none of the action of management should harm any of stake holder.  The triple bottom line is being adopted by the company to ensure consideration for expectations of both internal and external parties. The triple bottom line includes social, environmental and financial concerns of business and focus on performance is maintained by taking concerns of societal, environmental and internal business concerns into account.
  13. Being leader of company, I want to convey you, that essence of LA Ice Cola is based on its values of integrity, collaboration, integrity and accountability. Being the members of organisation you all should stick with these values to meet the objective of being better global player. It is necessary for us to be honest and open with our customers to enhance their refreshment experience. It is expected from all of you to share these values and increase level of collaboration among groups and teams within LA Ice Cola. This is the only way, which can help us to face and reduce our problems and to achieve our mission of making consumers happy.




















Part B

  1.  The monitoring of risk is carried out to identify and record potential risks. The LA Ice Cola has an integrated information management system which allows all the concerning parties to view the information associated with risks, which are documented in an appropriate manner. The risk management plans have successfully helped to mitigate the risk. The authority lies in the hands of top management due to significance of risk assessment for improvement of business operations. They are responsible for monitoring the activities of risk manager.

The risk is assessed by identifying the factors which inhibit achievement of objectives. For this purpose, bench marking is carried out and then different factors are identified which can hinder the achievement of performance standards. The risk are then prioritized from most important to least important and controlling strategies are devised accordingly.

The La Ice Cola is facing strategic risk which can be minimized by making alliances with other relevant businesses in soft drink industry. Likewise, the compliance risk is high due to regulations of carbonated drink which are unhealthy. It can be controlled by introducing dairy products. Other is reputational risk, which can be reduced by participating in community development programs. Finally, the financial risk can be reduced through entering in new markets and strategic alliances.

The success of risk management is measured through continuous monitoring and recognizing whether the strategies are filling the gaps or not. The risk management is a continual process and there is no fixed time frame.

  1. The accident of burning of an employee has initiated gossips about health and safety of the LA Ice Cola and led to negative PR. The marketing department of the company will make an effort to neutralize the negative comments by offering explanation with an aim of mitigating the impact. Further, the head of company will get engaged in conversations with public through press and will try to explain the situation by ensuring avoidance of such incidents in future.
  2. The accountabilities and responsibilities can be offered to employees on the basis of their performance appraisal ratings and assessment of their skills and abilities. The outgoing behaviour of employees and willingness to perform creatively will lead to empowering them.
  3. The resource availability of teams can be ensured by carrying out a survey of the team members and considering their views about the alignment of resource allocation and expected objectives of team. Further, in La Ice Cola, the teams are closely monitored by supervisor and he can prioritize tasks and can ensure sufficiency of resources to achieve those tasks.
  4. In La Ice Cola, teams can be empowered in two ways. Firstly, by giving them the opportunity to participate in decision making process and giving them feedback to increase their confidence. Secondly, by enhancing the responsibility of employees and giving them opportunity to complete project at their own.

The individual employees can be empowered in following ways: firstly, by fostering open communication and extensive sharing of information. Secondly, the management of La Ice Cola can encourage employees to offer input in the decision making by appreciating their efforts and making them feel valued.

  1. In the La Ice Cola positive working environment can be maintained by establishing a culture of integrity and trustfulness. Further the open communication is needed which can help to foster sharing of knowledge and learning. Consequently, the employees will develop positive perceptions of organization and their overall commitment will enhance. Likewise, the culture of innovation can be fostered within organization with an aim of creating positivity and creativity. 
  2. The innovative approaches of teams and individuals can be enhanced within organization by encouraging them to share ideas through brain storming process. The innovative ideas should be recognized, which will motivate employees to participate actively in decision making. Similarly, the management of La Ice Cola should share information with employees to provide them the integrated view of organizational operations. Moreover, the approach of employee empowerment and participative management can assist in enhancing innovative behaviour of employees.
  3. The ethical conduct can be fostered within business organization mainly through ethical leadership. The management of La Ice Cola needs to set and communicate guidelines about conduct of organizational members in a clear manner. They need to maintain the environment of integrity and honesty and violation of ethical conduct should be penalized by following appropriate procedures.
  4. The requirement of current volatile business environment is to follow the leadership style which can enhance innovation within organization. The leaders of La Ice Cola need to move towards the participative style of leadership and they should encourage involvement of employee in decision making process. One of the significant participative style of leadership is transformational and it will modify the current structure of company towards more flexible and open.
  5. Both the personal objective and the work program outcomes will be set according to the criteria of SMART, which requires the objectives to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time specific. These set objectives will be achieved by carrying out comprehensive planning and allocating resources. Further the proper monitoring and evaluation will be carried out on continuous basis to identify and minimize any shortfalls.
  6. The system of continuous monitoring will help to overcome gaps in performance of employees and it will help to identify any negative consequences of leadership of La Ice Cola as well. Furthermore, in order to gauge the competencies of employees and leadership, an appropriate standard based assessment can be carried out. Along with this, the well formulated performance appraisal system can help La Ice Cola to identify the competencies of organizational members. 
  7.  There are different professional development opportunities which can contribute to development of employees. It may include the following; centres for online learning, outsourcing employees, let the employees to take responsibility of their careers, arranging workshops for employees and offering them extensive training. All of these programs are aimed at developing the employees and it would help the company to increase employee engagement which will lead to better employee related outcomes including satisfaction, commitment, motivation and productivity.
  8. One significant example of legislation which can affect the leadership of La Ice Cola is the prevailing labour laws within Australia. The leaders need to incorporate the interests of employees into account and even a slight mistake can led them to bear high cost of law suit. The leaders cannot adopt authoritative style and they need to be supportive towards employee’s concerns.












Part C

  1. The strategic plans of La Ice Cola are well aligned with the objectives of the company and they are designed by considering the aspect of mission and vision of company into account. Therefore, it is expected to achieve the company’s objectives.
  2. The objectives of La Ice Cola revolves around delivering the range of healthy products to the customers and the company’s values of collaboration, accountability, integrity and quality will help to achieve its objective. These values have set the standard of openness and they are complimenting each other.
  3. The expectation of La Ice Cola which can enhance organizational commitment is the fulfilment of stake holder’s concerns in a timely manner and to offer products which contributes positively to environment.
  4. Being a manager, I would foster the behaviour of employees from all levels of management to work for the best interest of key stake holders including; community, customers, employees and governmental authorities.
  5. The information of breach is given to director of the company, who calls the involved employees for further investigation. If the employees provide reasonable explanation then the investigation is dismissed, whereas in case of lack of explanation, advice form people management section is gained and formal or informal counselling is carried out to overcome the misconduct of employees.
  6. In La Ice Cola, the management of diverse groups is carried out by fostering the employees to understand the peculiarities of diverse members and then respecting their differences. The extensive communication can play an active role in minimizing conflicts and role modelling can set standard of desired code of conduct.
  7. Consulting employee in decision making process can offer creative ideas to the management which can improve decision making and can help to bring innovation. The time of decision making also reduces with active involvement of employees.
  8. The competency level of employee will be evaluated and then according to their willingness and ability to handle the responsibilities, their jobs will be enlarged to enhance their learning.
  9. The employees and teams will be delegated by giving them authority to make routine decisions and to plan their tasks. The management will encourage them through providing feedback and suggesting improvements where necessary.
  10. Positive working environment can be created and maintained through communicating the values of integrity, collaboration, accountability and quality to employees. The shared sense of values will align the employee behaviour with values. In this way, the ethical code of conduct can be established to maintain positivity within organization.
  11. Innovative behaviour of employees will be encouraged through empowering employees and encouraging them to participate actively in decision making.
  12. The ethical values will be communicated appropriately to all the members of organization and it will be linked with core business values which are root of La Ice Cola. The breaching of ethical conduct will be penalized.
  13. In a situation where employees breach the ethical conduct, leadership style is shifted to authoritative and employees are held accountable for their misconduct.




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