An Investigation of Consumers’ Perceptions of Sustainable Luxury Brands and their Sustainable Brand Image.



In this modern age of technology, organisations are adopting sustainability practices in order to influence consumers’ perceptions. A number of studies have elaborated on consumer perceptions regarding sustainable luxury brands, but very few of them have considered Chinese consumer’s perceptions. This study aims to analyse how Chinese customers perceive sustainable luxury brands in the modern age of technology. Also, this study aims to identify the influence of sustainable marketing that is responsible attitudes of customers towards their environment while highlighting the role of an attractive brand image of sustainable luxury brands in enhancing the satisfaction of Chinese customers. This study will also develop an understanding of the feeling of Chinese customers associated and connected with sustainable luxury brands. The findings state that there is a positive impact of technology on consumer perceptions. Brands have developed better connection. Consumers perceive sustainable brands better for use. Sustainable marketing has also influenced the attitude of consumers towards the environment. Chinese consumers are now adopting eco-friendly products for use. Most importantly, the increase in loyalty of consumers has developed a self-oriented value among consumers. Chinese consumers perceive that they are working for a social cause while adopting the use of products offered by sustainable luxury brands in China. ?

1. Chapter No 1: Introduction

1.1. Background of the study

With the modernization of the society, the trends of the customers’ preferences are changing rapidly. In concern to the fashion industry, the customer demands vary to a notable extent. The customers are attracted toward the business; based on specific parameters including the high-quality, price of the product, the value proposition etc. as also indicated by Zheng et al. (2017). Apart from all these, a new trend for ecofriendly products is discovered. Most of the customers are concerned about the development of a sustainable environment. However, several studies throw light on the importance of sustainable development that attracts the consumers’ attention. Similarly, a study conducted by Rezaee (2016) states that the customers are attracted towards the businesses performing their responsibilities for the development of a healthy environment. Also, the findings indicate that the customers are more likely to adopt eco-friendly products as compared to the other products. Similarly, the current study holds the perspective of customers’ preferences towards sustainable fashion within the luxury brand. The consumers have increased the shopping of sustainable luxury brands in China. In a recent survey conducted in China around one-fifth of the consumers stated that they had bought clothes from sustainable brands. Apart from this, it is obvious that the sustainability trends are frequently increasing. The main reason is that the government impose strict regulations, and the consumer is concerned for the development of a healthy environment, as also observed by Murali et al. (2019). This signifies that the customers as being one of the most valuable stakeholders are attracted to sustainable fashion products. Moreover, the current study reflects the role of the corporate image concerned with the luxury brands that results in enhancing the satisfaction of the customers. In addition to this, it can be stated that customers are concerned about sustainable products. Further, this can also be effective to analyse the buying behaviour of the customers with regard to sustainable products. There is a number of ways through which organisations can use sustainability as a tool of marketing. The idea of sustainability is to focus on saving the world and giving back the environment. In order to entice the individuals, the companies must be focusing on and highlighting the aspect of community in their companies. This significantly shows the commitment of the companies towards the environment while incorporating the aspect of sustainability. Jedrzejczak (2020) assumes that a number of strategies can be employed such as the cutting down of the packaging costs, using the efficient processes during the manufacturing, focusing on the recycling and the efficient use of raw material. Considerably, there is a significant and increasing demand by both the companies and consumers in being more sustainable. The market of sustainability includes an increasingly wide range of companies, products and services which are intended to address the processes of sustainability. Apart from this, some businesses are practising sustainable activities as a marketing tool to attract customers. In such concern, there is a lack of evidence that can support the argument. Concerning this, the current study provides useful insights on consumer behaviour as a response to the sustainable practices performed by luxury brands. Hence, the brief information within the discussed context is provided below.

1.2. Research objectives

The objectives for the current study are given as follows.
  • To analyse how the Chinese customers perceive sustainable luxury brands in the modern age of technology.
  • To identify the influence of sustainable marketing that is responsible attitudes of customers towards their environment.
  • To highlight the role of an attractive brand image of sustainable luxury brands in enhancing the satisfaction of Chinese customers.
  • To understand the feeling of Chinese customers associated and connected with sustainable luxury brands.

1.3. Research questions

The question designed for the present study are as follows • How do Chinese customers perceive sustainable luxury brands in the modern age of technology? • How does sustainable marketing influence the responsible attitudes of customers towards their environment? • What is the role of an attractive brand image of sustainable luxury brands in enhancing the satisfaction of Chinese customers? • In what ways do Chinese customers feel associated and connected with sustainable luxury brands?

1.4. Research Gap

In the era of technological advancement, the business processes demonstrate rapid growth. The operations of the businesses are being changed dynamically due to the changes in the external environment. Also, with the frequent advancement, the sustainability concerns are also increasing frequently. Similarly, the luxury fashion brand is one of the huge business sectors that contributes significant importance in raising the economy of a country (. Several studies have been conducted that provide insights into the development of the luxury fashion industry. However, there is a limited evidence found regarding sustainability as a marketing tool to attract the consumers of a fashion brand (Moorhouse and Moorhouse, 2018). In this concern, the current study will reflect the customers’ preferences that attract them toward the luxury brand. In addition, the significance of sustainability as a marketing tool will also be provided.

1.5. Research problem and significance of the study

Sustainability has long been at the centre of both the scientific and institutional debate. In recent years, sustainability has been one of the most important trends that have been affecting the fashion industry. Fashion industry represents a business with a global turnover of 1.3 trillion dollars and employs more than 300 million people worldwide (Gazzola et al., 2020). However, with this massive growth, the problems of environmental degradation have also been increasing, which have been gaining a major focus in research (Aung et al., 2017). Similarly, consumers are also concerned about the development of a sustainable environment. Therefore, by analysing the role of sustainable fashion products to attract the customers within the luxury brands; the study provides the direction for other brands to attract the customers. In other words, the current study provides insights into the significance of sustainable product in order to attract customers.

1.6. Structure of the study

The structure designed for the current study includes five chapters. Each chapter counters a significant approach to the completion of the study. Further, the concise information with respect to each chapter is given below.

Chapter no 1:

The first and foremost chapter of the research study is the introduction. The introduction begins with a brief overview of the research study. Also, it includes the objectives, question, gap and significance of the study.

Chapter no 2:

The second chapter of the study is also termed as Literature Review. It shows the extractions of meaningful information from previous studies as well as theoretical underpinnings for the current study.

Chapter no 3:

One of the most important chapters of the research study is the research methodology. This research is based on qualitative methodology, wherein data has been collected through interviews.

Chapter no 4:

The fourth chapter highlights the findings and discussion. The chapter demonstrates the results and presents the discussion of the results concluded from the study.

Chapter no 5: Conclusion section will be concluding all the activities done in the current study.

2. Chapter 2: Literature Review

This chapter seeks to address the following research objectives, such as the perception of customers to perceive the sustainability luxury brands in the modern age of technology. Also, the role of an attractive brand image of sustainability luxury brands in enhancing the satisfaction of Chinese customers is also discovered. In addition to this, the ways in which Chinese customers feel associated and connected with sustainable luxury brands will also be studied.

2.1. Perception of Chinese Customers for the Sustainable Luxury Brands in the modern Age of Technology

2.1.1. Influence of Social and Digital Media Marketing

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the concept of marketing has evolved considerably. Considerably, this focus has now been on the consumers, which started from the product-driven approach to the focus on intense sales (Lii et al., 2013). In this modern age of technology, the consumers are no longer perceived as target market consumer based on the demographic factor but rather on the patterns of intelligence, emotions, spiritual values and attitudes influenced by social and digital media platforms. However, social and digital media marketing is formulated not only in relation to the activities but is aimed at individual consumers as well (Joshi and Rahman, 2019). However, it has also been examined that social and digital media marketing is gaining attention of more consumers. In order to build an understanding of the sustainable social media marketing’s influence on the responsible attitude of the consumers, there is a need of understanding the concept of sustainable consumption as well (Sun et al., 2014). Consumers who have been using sustainable products would not be contributing to environmental degradation and would not hinder the ability of other consumers to consume adequately and sustainably. Sustainable social media marketing has not only played a significant role in removing the barriers to sustainable consumption, but it has also enhanced the communication network between brands and consumers.

2.1.2. Enhanced Communication Network

The sustainable fashion has been facing a number of challenges in recent years, such as product development and the inclusion of new technologies into the products. For the companies, the adoption of sustainable material is considered as a complex process as it involves the cost of sourcing of materials and recycling which is a key element in sustainability (Ki and Kim, 2016). Concerned with the issues and challenges of sustainability, fashion brands have taken considerable attention on the reduction of environmental concerns while drawing much attention on the consumers. The main motive of the raising environmental concerns is with the intention for behaving in an environmentally-friendly way. In previous times, much of the consumers were reluctant to buy sustainable products even after watching green advertising (Kumagai, 2020). However, with the increasing demand of the consumers and technological advancement social and digital media have enabled firms to convey messages to the consumers through the use of community groups and discussion boards. The messages conveyed by brands have resulted in positive attitude of the consumers towards the environment as it has been accorded by Delieva and Eom (2019). The only reason for this enhanced communication is the use of social and digital media marketing enabled by technological advancements. It has been also highlighted that the consumption of sustainable fashion brands and social media reporting have enhanced the association and connection of consumers with the brands. Previously conducted study of Delieva and Eom (2019) have highlighted that green advertising on social and digital media platforms has affect the perceptions of the consumers and increase a positive attitude towards the eco-friendly products, which can be beneficial for the environment. This positive attitudes among consumers have been developed through the use of enhanced communication network enabled by social and digital media platforms owing to which desires of consumers for sustainable production has been increased. The above section has elaborated on the impact of sustainable social media marketing on consumer attitude, but neither it has focused on Chinese consumers nor it demonstrates the impact of using social and digital media tools by luxury fashion brands. Considering the identified gap, this study will be elaborating on the impact of sustainable social and digital marketing of luxury brands on Chinese consumers.

Influence of Sustainable Marketing on the Responsible Attitudes of consumers towards the environment

2.1.3. Consumers are Adopting the Use of Sustainable Products

As the economies of countries and population is growing rapidly, emerging markets have become one of the most attractive markets of luxury brands in the world (Kapferer and Bastien, 2012). Accordingly, the consumption of luxury brands has been increased by 25%. However, the perceptions of customers for sustainable luxury brands are changing. The effective social and digital media marketing of luxury brands has motivated consumers for the use of sustainable products (Kapferer and Michaut-Denizeau, 2017). However, previously conducted studies have highlighted the perceptions of consumers (Kong et al., 2020). Owing to an increase in social and digital media marketing consumers are paying close attention to the social meanings of the products, and they also like to use the material possessions for the development of a responsible attitude towards environment. Sustainable marketing on social and digital media have increased the social values that refer to the desires of the individuals to possess luxury fashion brands that may serve as a symbolic marker of the group membership. Owing to the increased sustainable marketing, consumers are using sustainable production for enhancing their social status (Jain, 2019). According to Berghaus et al. (2014), the consumption of luxury brands is serving as one of the conventions of the social class for consumers. In order to understand consumer behaviour, a thorough understanding of culture is necessary. The study of Amatulli et al. (2017) highlighted that different values could affect consumer behaviour, i.e., the attitudinal, contextual, personal values and cultural aspects. The seminal findings of Featherstone (2007) have comprehensively elaborated the change of consumer culture due to the emergence of modernism in the society. It has been found that consumer behavior changes significantly due to the changes of consumer culture, which is significantly driven by modernism. Sustainable marketing has encouraged the ‘modern’ consumers for adopting the use of sustainable products so that they would be able to enhance their social status. Hence, it can be examined that sustainable marketing have actually influenced the lifestyle of consumers as they have adopted the consumption of sustainable products. Sustainable marketing has impacted the socio-cultural factor of consumers owing to which consumers are now paying more attention towards the consumption of sustainable products.

Motivation for Adaptation of Sustainable Products

The consumers of sustainable fashion products perceive the environmental performance of the products that they are using. The perceptions of the customers are directly associated with the ‘green values’ for satisfying their needs. This satisfaction created by sustainable marketing motivates consumers for the adaptation of sustainable products. However, the first demand of the customers is of the value of the brand, which is created by sustainable marketing through the use of social and digital media tools. Keller’s customer-based brand equity and consumption-value theory argue that there are three types of perceived values of the consumers that are attached to the product. These include such as the functional value, the social value and emotional value (Gürhan-Canli et al., 2016). Enhanced functional value, social value and emotional value results in the removal of barriers for the adaptation of sustainable products. Considerably, the functional, emotional and social values are associated with the value of the product communicated through community groups and discussion boards available on social and digital media, which can have a significant impact on the sustainability perceptions of the consumers. For instance, a product made out of the organic cotton may protect the body of the user, while its appealing design may attract the attention of the customer (emotional value). With an increase in desires of consumers, motivations are increased and barriers such as high prices of sustainable product are reduced (Amatulli et al., 2018). As such, the perceptions of the individuals are also developed while their needs are also fulfilled by consuming less harmful environment. One can say that the enhanced perceptions of consumers enable them to buy sustainable product at high prices. The previously conducted study of Wei and Jung (2017) have highlighted consumer perceptions of the value of the product and constructs of green value results in satisfaction and enhanced social status which removes barriers involved in the adaptation of sustainable products. However, this study has not highlighted the perceptions of Chinese consumers, which considerably creates a gap in the study. Hence, there is a need to conduct a study to determine the perceptions of Chinese consumers for luxury products and sustainability. Motivation is one of the major elements to persuade consumers to make a purchase. However, sustainability seems to be a motivation for consumers. A study conducted by Wei and Jung (2017) throws lights on motivation offered by sustainable luxury brands. According to the findings of the study, the face-saving may be the motivation for Chinese consumers. Further, it also indicates that such motivation results in enhancing consumers buying behaviour. No doubt, the study presents effective insights related to the Chinese consumer. But the previously conducted study lacks the context of Chinese consumer behaviour within the western culture. The present study is concerned to throw the light within the context of Europe; therefore, this depicts the need for the conduction of the current study. Therefore, the researcher conducts the present study to reflect the role of an attractive brand image of sustainable luxury brands for enhancing the satisfaction level of Chinese consumers within Western culture. Hence, the section signifies the need to conduct the current study.

Positivity Perception Building

With the influence of country economic changes and the economic evolution, the purchasing habits of the consumers have been changed especially in the past few decades. The feature of uniqueness that is offered to the customers makes them believe that a brand is different from its competing brands. This develops positive perceptions among consumers which results in shaping consumer attitude in a positive manner. Min Kong and Ko (2017) examines that consumers can only be convinced and are willing to pay if they are offered some of the unique features in a brand. The willingness of the consumers to pay more for the sustainable products or services is a result of positive attitude developed among consumers through sustainability marketing. The consumers who are willing to pay is one of the strongest indicators that a positive perception among consumers regarding adaptation of sustainable products is developed. The hypotheses have been examined, which follows that the consumer who is willing to pay may be considered as one of the direct antecedents of brand purchasing behaviour. The previously conducted study has highlighted that sustainable marketing has developed this positive attitude of consumers (Seretny and Seretny, 2012). The consumers have trust in sustainable brands as they think of the sustainable features of the products communicated via sustainable marketing. Additionally, such customers are also ready to pay premium prices for those products which are marked the credible labelling of sustainability. This evidence provides an explanation that the consumers are willing to pay for the luxury brands that are labelled with sustainability.

2.2. The role of positive brand image in enhancing customers’ satisfaction

2.2.1. Criticism for Unsustainable Products

Studies present the significance of the brand image with respect to the customer’s satisfaction. But the current study holds the perspective of the luxury brand industry with respect to sustainability. The study conducted by Amatulli et al. (2017) states that environmental concerns are increasing rapidly. Therefore, the consumers show the resistance to buy the products of the companies who lack to maintain sustainability. Even brand image of sustainable luxury brands has provoked consumers to criticise unsustainable products (Okonkwo, 2009). Moreover, the findings also indicate that sustainable processes followed within the companies are responsible for the customer’s attraction towards sustainable products and resistance for unsustainable products. This signifies the role of brand image in developing resistance for unsustainable brands. The researcher cannot rely upon the findings of the previous study. The reason can be justified as the current study concerns the role of an attractive brand image of sustainable products in order to satisfy the customers. This creates the need for the conduction of the current study. Brand image helps luxury brands in satisfying consumers by using sustainability values which not only develop resistance for unsustainable products, but also satisfy consumer when they use sustainable products. Similarly, a study conducted by Hwang and Kandampully (2012) states that consumers satisfaction can be measured by brand image of luxury brands. However, there are different techniques that are responsible for the creation of brand image such as sustainability practices. These techniques also include the emotional appeal created by the businesses. It is obvious that customers’ satisfaction can be enhanced by different techniques; the previous study reflects the significance of emotional appeal to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers. In concern to the current study, the previously conducted study lacks the concept of sustainable luxury brands. Therefore, this creates the need for the conduction of the current study. In this regard, the current study provides information regarding the role of sustainable marketing in order to influence the attitudes of the customers toward the environment.

2.2.2. Brand Image and Self-Orientation

The findings of Jain (2019) enlighten the study by providing information about the factors that affect the purchase behaviour of sustainable luxury brands. Those factors include the self-oriented values of the customers, culture and economic values etc. This indicates that based upon these factors, the purchasing power of consumers for sustainable luxury brands is enhanced. However, the study presents useful insights concerning the consumers of sustainable luxury brands, but it lacks the concern of the current study. Therefore, the need for the conduction of the current study is signified. In this regard, the current study holds the role of an attractive brand image of sustainable luxury brands to enhance the satisfaction of Chinese customers. The trends in sustainability concerns are increasing across the global market. Most of the developed and underdeveloped countries emphasise the development of a sustainable environment. In this concern, the consumers belonging to different areas have developed different self-oriented values of sustainability. In this regard, Wang et al. (2019) state that sustainability is one of the trending debates worldwide; the consideration for the sustainability concerns is increasing self-orientation values among consumers. Therefore, this brought a challenging situation for the businesses to ensure the development of the sustainable environment. The brand image of played a significant role in the elimination of this challenges. Moreover, the study indicates that the consumer’s interest in a specific brand is also enhanced; if the company follows sustainability. Further, the previously conducted study provides useful insights into sustainability. But the study lacks the focus of the existing study that reflects the reason for the conduction of the current study. In this regard, the current study will provide insights into the behaviour of Chinese consumers associated with sustainable luxury brands.

2.2.3. Brand Image Leads to Consumer Loyalty

The positive brand image plays a supportive role to enhance the loyalty of consumers. The findings of Sondoh et al. (2007) revealed that the positive brand image act a driver in enhancing the customer’s satisfaction and loyalty toward a brand. Moreover, this can happen if the businesses focus on the psychological needs of the customers. The fulfilment of psychological needs directly impacts the loyalty of consumers. Further, the study presents the benefits of a positive brand image that ultimately results in enhancing the consumers’ satisfaction. Those benefits include the appearance, functions, social and experience of the products. The study provides meaningful information that may result in increased consumers’ loyalty. But the study lacks the concept of Chinese consumers and sustainable luxury brands; therefore, the researcher cannot rely upon such findings. In contrast, the present study is conducted to enlighten the role of a positive brand image of a sustainable brand that leads to the satisfaction of Chinese consumers. Therefore, the researcher conducts the current study in order to satisfy the objective and bridge up the gap found in the previous studies.

2.3. Feelings of Chinese customers associated and connected with sustainable luxury brands

2.3.1. Enhanced Social Status, and Social Interest

Consumers feel connected and associated with luxury sustainable brands owing to multiple reasons. At the very first step, is that sustainability in the West is the self-interest versus the altruism. In the West, sustainability is associated with greater goods, such as recycled materials. But in some countries, the idea of buying green products is more associated as a status symbol for the Chinese consumers (De Angelis et al., 2017). This has become one of the factors in daily lives in shopping decisions among mainstream consumers. Consumers perceive that their social status will be enhanced by the use of sustainable products. Hence, it can be examined that the green production and consumption for the individuals is directly associated with status of consumers where they feel more superior due to the consumption of sustainable luxury brands (Janssen et al., 2017). The practical consumers are more concerned with the safe or ‘natural’ materials on how carbon emissions have been accelerating global warming which attracts then and motivates them for using sustainable products. A number of brands and designers have been entering in the emerging markets. Not only this, but the consumers have also become interested and concerned with sustainability that pushes the apparel industry to develop a sustainable consumption system. Some consumers feel them self-superior which increase their connectivity and association with the brands, whereas motivation for reducing carbon footprints increase the association of practical consumers. It can also be examined that the world has increasingly becoming technology-driven where the fashion industry is no exception. Hence, this can also be associated with a brand attachment which determines a strong relationship between the brand and consumer. This can directly be associated with the feelings of the brand, which leads the consumers to associate themselves with the brand. However, there is an availability of low evidence on the feelings of Chinese consumers that are associated with sustainable luxury brands.

2.4. Conclusion

Sustainable luxury brands have long been in debate in both the academics and policies. Before the advent of sustainable branding, consumers were unaware of the concept of sustainability and were rather skeptical about buying even after watching the advertisements. The consumers have become aware of the sustainable luxury brands and also determine that the trend has been evolving due to the advancement in technology. Not only this, but the perceptions of Chinese consumers for sustainable products are associated with social values. Not only this, but the consumption of luxury fashion brands is determining a more responsible behaviour among the consumers for the protection of the environment and reducing the carbon emissions. On the same lines, brand image and brand attachment are associated with the building of positive attitude among the consumers.

3. Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1. Introduction

This section of the study will provide an overview of the methods that have been selected and the techniques employed for this research. The data is collected and analysed for presenting the information to the readers. This chapter will be providing in-depth details on the tools of data collection and procedures for the conduction of the research. In addition to this, the researcher will also be providing a rationale for the selected method while also justifying the rejection of other methods for not being selected. This chapter will be presenting the research philosophy, research approach, and research method while elaborating on the data collection technique. Moreover, this chapter will provide a brief description of the sampling technique used while providing justifications for choice. Also, data analysis technique will be explained. By the end of this study, a paragraph will be demonstrating the ethics considered while conducting this primary study.

3.2. Research Philosophy

Research philosophy is determined with the system of assumptions and beliefs that leads to the development of knowledge. According to Saunders Onion, there is an existence of five philosophical assumptions which includes positivism, interpretivism, realism, pragmatism and post-modernism. Each of the philosophy is associated with either the qualitative, quantitative or the mixed methodological approach (Saunders et al., 2015). This study follows the interpretivists research approach, which is directly associated with qualitative research. It is justified to use the qualitative research approach as it is aligned with the interpretivists approach. The researcher has involved his personal opinions and associates himself to share his point of view. As this research is centred across sustainable luxury brands for the incorporation of sustainable values, it is justified to collect data from the customers as they can share their personal point of view on sustainability. In addition to this, it is justified to use the interpretivists philosophy as the gathering of information is also easier and what the interviewer wants to know. The interpretivists philosophy is simple and straightforward as compared with the positivism and pragmatism approach, which are more time-consuming. Also, the interpretivists approach provided more flexibility for exploring the themes in detail (Sahay, 2016). The inverse of the interpretivists approach is the positivism approach which aligns with the quantitative research approach. Positivism cannot be used of the aim is to analyse qualitative data. The core aim of this study is to analyse how Chinese consumers perceive sustainable luxury brands in this modern age of technology. This objective of the research study cannot be analysed quantitatively. Similarly, the second objective is to investigate how sustainable marketing of luxury fashion brands influence the attitudes of consumers. This objective also requires the use of a qualitative research method. Hence, the effectiveness of the current study is increased by employing the interpretivists’ research approach.

3.3. Research Approach

A research approach is defined as the overall blueprint of the research that needs to be conducted. Usually, in research, the inductive and deductive are the two key approaches which can be implemented by the researcher. For this research, the deductive approach is applied. It can be justified to use the deductive approach as much of the studies and theories are available on sustainable luxury brands. However, the scope of the research is centred across sustainable fashion as a trend in luxury brands, and either sustainability is used as a marketing tool or a way of business. By employing the deductive approach, the researcher accessed the real-time data while reaching the respondents through interviews. It has been asserted by Woiceshyn and Daellenbach (2018) that the interviews are conducted by the researcher, which guides the individuals in sharing the perspective on the phenomena of interest. Through the deductive approach, more compelling and dependable results were prepared as compared with the inductive approach, which is more focused on the theory building and not required in this study (Seale, 2004). Furthermore, the use of inductive research approach is avoided owing to multiple reasons. At the very first step, a large number of scholars has elaborated on the limitations of the inductive research approach. Scholars have argued that the inductive approach is not complete. This may impact the results of the study negatively. One may find inappropriate results if the inductive approach is used as a research approach. Also, the use of this approach can mislead the researcher in multiple ways. Considering the limitations of inductive research approach, this study has adopted the use of deductive research approach.

3.4. Research Method

The methodology section in research is either defined with the qualitative or quantitative research approach. It has been examined that the qualitative method assisted in analysing the perceptions of Chinese consumers for the sustainable luxury brand. In addition to this, the influence of sustainable marketing for the responsible attitude of the consumers has also be analysed in detail. As accorded by this research method, the researcher also examined the key themes that were related to sustainable luxury brands. The qualitative research method was deemed as more feasible and the need for in-depth analysis (Teherani et al., 2015). On the foundation of this, the current study has employed the qualitative research approach. The characteristics of sustainable luxury brands refer to a luxury brand which has incorporated sustainable values. The main purpose of such brands is to channel the purchasing power of the customers through an attractive brand image. Some of the features that are associated with sustainability involve such as eco-friendliness and sustainability, which convinces consumers to buy luxury products. It has also been examined that by employing the qualitative research approach, interviews of young Chinese consumers are incorporated.

3.5. Research Strategy

The research strategy is defined as how the researcher will be reaching for providing answers to the research questions. In addition to this, a research strategy is an overall plan for the conduction of a research strategy. A research strategy guides the researcher for the planning and execution of the research plan (Flick, 2018). This tells the researcher for the collection and analysing the data through the interviews, questionnaires or the statistical methods. For this particular study, the interview technique is used for the collection of primary data from Chinese consumers. According to this, the researcher analysed the perceptions of Chinese consumers for sustainable luxury brands. This specific strategy was used for analysing the influence of sustainable marketing on the responsible attitude of consumers towards the environment. As this research is about sustainable marketing, questions from the respondents were asked accordingly.

3.6. Research Choice

The research choices seek to inform about the data that is collected from the respondents in a responsible way. The researcher can choose from two different choices which are the mono and mixed-method (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015). For this study, the mono method is used for the qualitative research approach provided rich insights which could not have been possible through the quantitative research approach.

3.7. Research Instrument

In the existing study, the focus of the investigation is on the collection of data through primary research means. To collect the data from the respondents, the interview technique is used as this has been recommended by Paine (2015) as one of the effective tools for data collection. Prior to the collection of data from the interviewees, the researcher established some of the questions of the interview to be asked by the participants. Considerably, a semi-structured interview was intended to be conducted by the respondents. This interview included the open-ended questions from which various themes were examined. It can be justified as the use of interview as a tool was important for the efficient and effective tool for the collection of research. The semi-structured interviews provided the flexibility for data to be altered easily while also providing a chance to the interviewer to ask any other questions which were not included in the interview guide. Although initially it was a difficult task for the researcher to elicit responses from the interviewees, however, the researcher gained confidence with the passage of time. The questions that were asked from the participants were related to the perceptions of customers for the sustainable luxury brands in modern technology. Due to the advent of COVID-19, in-person interviews were not possible. Hence, all the interviews were conducted through Skype, which created a hassle for the researcher since interaction was not as smooth as it could have been in a physical interview setting.

3.8. Choice of Sample

In order to conduct research in an effective and efficient manner, it is significant to select suitable sample size. The selection of an appropriate sample size is significant as this can help in obtaining knowledge about the research problem that is being examined. The focus of the current study has been on the perceptions of Chinese consumers for sustainable luxury brands. For this research, a sample size of 5 was selected for the collection of primary data from the participants. As per the arguments of Cohen et al. (2013), interviewing five consumers of any industry is appropriate. In order to select the participants of this study, purposive sampling was used. The core reason for choosing this sampling technique was that it enables the researchers to choose participants according to their choice. Using purposive sampling, it was made sure that all the participants of this study are consumers of sustainable luxury brands. Also, all the participants were from China, who were the consumers of NEEMIC, and Stella McCartney. Three of the participants were the consumers of NEEMIC, and the rest of them were consumers of Stella McCartney. Moreover, all the consumers selected as participants were young consumers between age 18 to 30. Most importantly, these consumers were quite known about the sustainability practices of the organisations. It was also made sure that all the participants have an understanding of the impacts of sustainability on consumers and the climate of the Earth. A number of consumers of Stella McCartney and NEEMIC were approached via emails. The consumers who fall in the criteria selected for the selection of participants and showed interest in the research were selected as participants of this study. Considering the spread of COVID-19, there were a lot of concerns involved. Hence, face-to-face interviews were not conducted. The online platform was chosen to make a video call of the purpose of the interview. Skype was used as video calling tool for the conduction of interviews of the consumers.

3.9. Data Analysis

Data collected from a total number of 5 consumers of Stella McCartney and NEEMIC could be analysed through a large number of analysis techniques including factor analysis, sentiment analysis, thematic analysis, discourse analysis, and etc. As stated in the above sections, primary data for this study is collected from interviews which are in textual form, so the thematic analysis will be used to analyse the data. One of the major reasons for using thematic analysis is that it helps in the development of themes with the help of which interpretations are easily made. A second major reason for this choice is the in-depth analysis (Bryman, 2015). The thematic analysis enables researchers in the constriction of themes on the basis of collected data. This makes it easier for the researcher to conduct an in-depth analysis. Also, thematic analysis is an easier and less consuming technique for data analysis as compared to other data analysis techniques. This is because the thematic analysis does not require any technical knowledge. The thematic analysis also avoids the use of theoretical knowledge (Carr, 1994). Another major reason for choosing thematic analysis as data analysis technique is that it offers a more accessible form of analysis. Discourse and semantic analysis were not used as data analysis techniques for this study because these techniques would enable to conduct an in-depth analysis. Case study analysis enables in-depth analysis, but there is no case study in this research, so the use of case study analysis was also avoided.

3.10. Ethical Considerations

When it comes to secondary research studies, very few ethical considerations are involved, but primary research studies involve a large number of ethical considerations. It is very important for any researcher to consider the ethics of primary research studies in order to enhance the validity and authenticity of the research study. Considering the importance of ethical considerations, a number of ethics were considered while conducting this study. At the very first step, participants selected for this study were asked to sign a consent form. It was clearly indicated in the consent form that a participant could withdraw any time if one finds it uncomfortable (Blumberg et al., 2014). Also, participants were provided with a participant information sheet. All the information was written and explained very clearly to the participants to avoid any conflicts in the future. Participants were asked to sign the confidentiality agreement according to which the researcher is not allowed to share any of the participants’ personal information with any third party. The data collected from the participants through interviews was stored in a password protected folders for security purpose (Bryman and Bell, 2015). The storage of data in password-protected folders ensured the confidentiality of the study as well as participants. After the completion of the research study, the original data collected was deleted, but the transcriptions of interviews were stored in password-protected folders. Moreover, the arguments presented in this study are also cited properly in order to provide credit to the original authors. This is very important as it enhances the authenticity and validity of the research study. At the end of the dissertation, a list of references is provided, which ensures all the information provided is authentic and valid.

3.11. Conclusion

This study has adopted the use of interpretivism as research philosophy. The selection of interpretivism is justified, as this study is going to conduct a qualitative analysis. Positivism deals with quantitative analysis, so its use was avoided. The deductive research approach was used because the aim was to analyse existing theories and concepts. The inductive approach is used when the purpose is to develop a theory, model, or concept. Hence, inductive research approach was not used. Primary data was collected from a total number of 5 consumers. 3 Consumers were selected from NEEMIC, and the rest of the two consumers were using fashion products of Stella McCartney. The participants were recruited through the use of purposive sampling technique. Using purposive sampling, young consumers from China with age 18 to 30 were recruited via emails. Thematic analysis was used as data analysis which helps in the development of themes. Thematic analysis was used to conduct an in-depth analysis of data collected from 5 respondents. A number of ethics were considered, such as data was stored in a password protected folders, and original recording was deleted after the completion of this study. Arguments of other resources are cited in order to provide a reference. Ethics considered for this study enhanced the authenticity and validity of this research study.

4. Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion

4.1. Introduction

This chapter will be presenting the results collected from the thematic analysis of collected. The results are presented in this chapter in an effective manner, using themes. A number of themes were designed on the basis of data collected. The development of themes makes it easier for the reader to understand the results of this research study. While demonstrating the results of this study, this chapter will also elaborate on the discussion conducted. In the discussion section, results will be presented in a way that they answer the research questions presented in the first chapter (Introduction) of the study. Also, this section will be linking the results with the arguments of other studies presented in the second chapter (literature review) of this research study. Most importantly, a conclusion of every theme will be presented in this chapter.

4.2. Primary Findings

Primary data for this study is collected from a number of primary resources. A total number of 5 participants were recruited. Three of the participants are the consumers of NEEMIC, while the other 2 are consumers of Stella McCartney. The consumers recruited for this study are of 18 to 30. Also, all of the participants are Chinese consumers because the aim is to analyse the perceptions of Chinese consumers. Thematic analysis is used to present the findings of this study. Thematic analysis was used as it enables in-depth analysis of the collected data. Moreover, the thematic analysis makes it easier for the reader to understand the results.

4.2.1. Consumers Perceptions of Luxury Sustainable Brands in Technology Era Dependence on Social Media

In this modern era of technology, social and digital media have influenced the perceptions of consumers. Fashion blogs and community groups on the social media platform provide great help in developing consumer perceptions regarding sustainable luxury brands. Discussions in community group enable consumers to understand the sustainability of a brand. This makes it tougher for the brands to satisfy the consumers. No doubt, the use of social and digital media platforms enables brands to develop their brand image, which helps the consumer to develop positive perceptions regarding sustainable fashion brands. Jelassi and Enders (2014) also acknowledge how digital and social media help creating value of a brand in the eyes of consumers. Brands like NEEMIC and Stella McCartney have used social and digital media platforms for the development of good brand image among consumers. These days consumers perceptions are totally dependent on the reviews made by consumers of sustainable luxury brands. Consumers are motivated by the positive reviews of other consumers. Social and digital media platforms have also changed the perceptions of consumers in another way. Social and digital media platforms have spread awareness regarding sustainability practices of businesses owing to which the demand of consumers for sustainable luxury products have been increased. Consumers do not buy a fashion product if it is not sustainable. A Chinese interviewee has also supported the above argument. “I totally depend on social and digital media platform while making a purchase decision. There are community groups on different social media platforms with positive and negative reviews of consumers regarding the sustainability of brands. I choose a brand that is sustainable because I have read a lot of blogs on sustainable production and products owing to which I am aware of its impacts on climate”. Another interviewee from China said: “Social and digital media platforms have helped consumers to make a decision after evaluating a brand. Due to this dependence, my understanding of sustainability is increased. This is because discussions are made in community groups where consumers and brands discuss new sustainability trends and their impact on climate. This increases my awareness level”. Building Better Connection

No doubt, social and digital media platforms have enabled mankind to improve communication. Improved communication among brands and consumers definitely impacts the perception of communication as brands get enable to engage with consumers effectively and influence their perceptions as per their requirements. Through the use of social and digital media platforms, sustainable luxury brands have positively impacted the consumer's perceptions. Brands adopt the use of community groups and discussion boards available on digital media platforms to develop positive consumer perceptions. The use of theories, such as communication theory and emotional branding, has enabled brands to engage with consumers emotionally. Sustainability is the trend which directly impacts the emotions of consumers. For influencing the perception of consumers, sustainable brands engage consumers emotionally. Through emotional communication, sustainable luxury brands have developed a better connection with consumers. They communicate new sustainability trends with their consumers and enable them to understand how these sustainability trends are important for them. An interviewee has supported the above argument in the following words. “Brands are now able to communicate effectively through the use of social and digital media platforms. They build a better and emotional connection with consumers by discussing the dangerous impacts of CO2 on the environment. Sustainable luxury brands elaborate on their efforts for making their products sustainable for use”. Another Chinese consumer of a sustainable luxury brand has also supported the above arguments. “Yes, of course, technology has supported luxury fashion brands in engaging consumers through better communication. Better communication means better connection, either it is emotional or not. I can say that sustainability is a trend which impacts consumer perception through emotions. So, yes, technology has developed better connection of brands with consumers”. Increased Desires of Consumers

Where technology has helped sustainable luxury brands in developing a better connection with consumers, it has also created a number of challenges for brands. Massive sustainable marketing of sustainable fashion brands has positively impacted consumer perceptions, but it has also increased the desires of consumers. Every day a new sustainability trend is discussed by a sustainable luxury brand on social media platforms owing to which consumers are now demanding more sustainable products. Consumers have perceived that sustainable luxury brands are capable of enhancing their sustainability practices. Consumers think if one brand can adopt an innovative idea for enhancing sustainability practices, why others can’t do that. Consumers are strictly against the brands that are not focusing on the sustainable production of products. A few of the sustainable luxury brands have been criticised by the consumers as they were not adopting sustainability practices. One of the interviewees has also supported the above argument. “Technology has not only supported the brands, but it has also created some challenges for sustainable brands. Social and digital media platforms have increased awareness, owing to which consumers have perceived that sustainable luxury brands are capable of making their products more sustainable. Also, consumers are demanding more sustainable products every day, and a new sustainability trend is introduced. Conclusion

In light of above analysis, it is quite evident that in this modern era of technology, consumer perceptions are totally dependent in social and digital media platforms owing to the availability of community groups and discussion boards. Social and digital media have developed a better connection between consumers and brands. Brands engage consumer emotionally by discussing sustainability trends and their efforts for making their products sustainable. This has increased the sustainability desires of consumers. Consumers these days are demanding new sustainability trends. They want brands to emit zero greenhouse gases in the environment. Massive sustainability marketing of sustainable luxury brands is responsible for this.

4.2.2. Impact of Sustainable Marketing on Consumer’s Attitude Towards Environment

It has been examined that since the advent of sustainable marketing, the concept of sustainable marketing has evolved. The focus of marketing has now been driven and focused on consumers and their needs. Thus, some of the questions were also asked concerned with sustainable marketing and its impact on the attitude of the consumer. The consumers have not only started to consume sustainable products, but awareness has also been built upon the consumers due to sustainable marketing. Sustainable Consumption

The sustainable consumption is the use of material, products and energy in such a way which can minimise the impact on the environment. Considerably, the motive of sustainable consumption is not only focused on present but also for future generations. In addition to this, the sustainable consumption for consumers is not only targeted towards the demographic factor but also on the patterns of intelligence, emotions and spiritual values. One of the interviewees also stated that: “The sustainable consumption and production can be referred with the use of services and products which respond to the basic needs while bringing better quality life for the individuals. In addition to this, sustainable consumption can be linked with minimising the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle”. Another interviewee also stated about sustainable consumption linked with the luxury fashion brands. “The consumers who have been using sustainable products would not only be contributing to environmental degradation but also would also provide an opportunity for other consumers for consuming in a sustainable manner”. It can be analysed from the above statements that sustainable consumption is not only limited to one individual, but others can also take advantage of it. The sustainable consumption is linked with the minimisation of the use of natural resources which have been providing better quality life to the consumers. Chevalier and Gutsatz (2012) also emphasized the way luxury brands attract their consumers by delivering top-notch and promising quality. Not only this, but other consumers have also become aware of sustainable consumption due to the attitude of the individuals. This has also become prevalent in the industry of luxury fashion brand. Removal of Barriers

The market for sustainability is growing, and individuals have become interested in sustainable products and services. The concept of sustainability can be examined and determined in the industry of luxury and fashion. The changes in climate have been leading the consumers towards the consumption of sustainable products. In addition to this, consumers are also aware of carbon footprints, which can be reduced through the aid of sustainable consumption. One of the questions that were asked by the consumers was related to the removal of barriers. Hence, one of the interviewees stated as: “Sustainable marketing has been playing a significant role in removing the barriers to sustainable consumption as much as possible”. One of the other interviewees also stated as: “I think that a number of companies of luxury brands have been using sustainable marketing for increasing the number of customers that are towards sustainable consumption. Sustainable marketing can result in a higher value of the product, the successful sales and loyal customers. In addition to this, sustainable consumption has been removing barriers as the consumers have become aware of the carbon footprints, which is having an impact on the environment”. It can be analysed from the above statements that sustainable marketing has been playing a role in removing barriers to sustainable consumption as much as possible. The consumers have also become aware that carbon footprints can be reduced through sustainable consumption. Positive Attitude Towards Eco-friendly Products

Before the advent of sustainability, the consumers were not aware of sustainable products. In addition to this, the consumers have also become aware of the eco-friendly products and thus show a positive attitude towards it. One of the interviewees stated that: “In previous times, the consumers were reluctant to buy sustainable items even after watching a green advertisement. Due to the increasing demand of consumers and technological advancement, the messages that have been conveyed through the luxury products has been increasing a positive attitude towards the eco-friendly products”. It can be analysed from the above statement that the consumption of luxury products and green advertising may affect the perceptions of the consumers. The increased positive attitude towards eco-friendly products can also prove to be beneficial for the environment. It can be concluded that sustainable marketing has been having a significant impact on consumer attitude. Before the advent of sustainability, the consumers were unaware of the benefits of sustainability and its impact on the environment. However, due to the increase in awareness, the consumers have become conscious due to the environmental concerns while have also been aiming to reduce their carbon footprints.

4.2.3. Brand Image Enhances Chinese Consumer Satisfaction Resistance for Unsustainable Brands

Sustainable marketing of sustainable luxury brands has not only increased the desires of consumers, but it has also helped consumers for adopting sustainable consumption practices. Although the core interest of luxury fashion brands is to increase the brand image, consumer perceptions are positively impacted in this way. The sustainable marketing of brands spread awareness among consumers regarding sustainable consumption of materials. Consumers have perceived that it is very important for them and other individuals to adopt the use of sustainability products so that they would be able to live in a clean environment. The development of this perception among consumers has increased resistance for unsustainable brands. Sustainable marketing of sustainable luxury brands has increased this resistance to much extent owing to which consumers feel satisfied when they use products of sustainable luxury brands. In simple words, one can say that the sustainable marketing of brands has increased the consumer satisfaction level of Chinese consumers. These arguments are also supported by one of the participants of this research study. “Yes, I am very satisfied with the sustainable marketing of luxury fashion brands. This has helped me in understanding why we should avoid the use of unsustainable products. There is a resistance inside me for unsustainable products owing to which I feel quite satisfied when I use a sustainable product”. Increased Loyalty

Consumer loyalty is directly linked to consumer satisfaction. A consumer can be satisfied, but if one is not loyal to a specific brand, the satisfaction may decrease with a passage of time. Sustainable marketing of luxury brands has impacted consumer perceptions in such a way that they believe in whatever is communicated by the brands. This is because sustainable marketing of luxury fashion brands has increased the loyalty of Chinese consumers. This increase in loyalty makes the consumer feel satisfied. The satisfaction level developed through loyalty is consistent,, which cannot be decreased easily, but it can be increased with more effective sustainable marketing tactics. Consumers have developed a perception that the use of sustainable products will enhance their lifestyle. This perception has also increased their satisfaction level because they think that they are adopting the use of sustainable products for a social cause. Working for a social cause increases satisfaction to another extent. One of the participants of this study have also elaborated on this is the following words. “I feel proud while adopting the use of sustainable products. This is because I think it is not only for brand or me, but it is for the whole society. I think it is a crucial time and we need to work together on this. I actually feel satisfied when I buy a sustainable product from a sustainable luxury brand”. Increased Self-Oriented Values

The sustainable brand image of luxury brands has increased consumer satisfaction in multiple ways. The sustainable brand image of luxury brands influences the perception of consumers and force them to think that they are working for the well-being of society. The brand image of the brands increases the self-oriented values among the consumers of luxury brands. The brand image of a luxury brand not only attracts an individual consumer, but the increased satisfaction of a consumer helps the brand in attracting more and more consumers. When a consumer uses a product of a brand with a sustainable brand image, one feels satisfied and proud because one perceives that he/she is working for the sake of society. “The sustainable image has helped me in understanding that I have worked well for the well-being of society. I am proud and satisfied with what I have done. I think I have played my role. I have done whatever I can”. The above analysis clearly states that the brand image of sustainable luxury brands has played a major role in increasing the satisfaction level of employees. The sustainable brand image of the luxury brands increased self-oriented values, loyalty, and resistance for unsustainable brands owing to which consumers feel satisfied while using a sustainable product offered by a sustainable luxury brand.

4.2.4. Association and Connectivity with Sustainable Luxury Brands

It has been indicated in the previously conducted studies that the market of consumers of luxury brands has been increasing. The purchases of sustainable products are increased due to the needs of the customers. Chinese consumers in the industry of luxury brands have now become more aware of sustainability. Additionally, the demands of the consumers are also evolving, which are required to adapt to changes. However, on the same lines, Chinese consumers have also become associated and connected with sustainable luxury brands. One of the questions that were asked from the interviewee was related to association and connectivity. Consumers Feel Superior

According to the previously conducted studies, consumers automatically feel superior when they buy luxury items. One of the main reasons is due to its high pricing that is paid by the consumers. However, with the advent of sustainable consumption, the preferences of Chinese consumers have also been changed. One of the interviewees stated that: “The sustainable consumption of luxury products makes me feel more superior as I feel that the material that is used in clothes is safe and made naturally”. One of the other interviewees stated that: “I am more concerned with the material that is used in luxury clothes as this can have an impact on my feelings. I feel superior as I think sustainable marketing makes an attempt to satisfy the needs of customers”. It can be analysed from the above statements that the demands of the consumers have been evolving with the passage of time. The Chinese consumers feel more superior due to the consumption of luxury brands, but due to the advent of sustainability, the superiority of the consumers has been increased. Not only this, but the consumers are also concerned with the material and fabric that is used in luxury clothing. Social Status

It has been examined that consumers consume luxury products for the conformation of professional position or the demonstration of social status. The consumption of luxury brands has also been serving as one of the conventions of social class for consumers. Datta et al. (2012) assume that the idea of green buying has been associated as a status symbol. Also, the buying and shopping decisions of consumers are solely associated with the social status of the consumers. A clear difference between the West and China can be examined, which is the self-interest versus the altruism. West associates green buying through the use of recycled products while China uses it as one of the status symbols. One of the interviewees stated that: “I shop sustainable products as I consider them as a social status for myself”. It can be analysed that Chinese consumers consume luxury brands as they feel more superior. Not only this, but consumers consume sustainable luxury brands as one of the status symbols. Social Interest

The social interest of the individuals can be referred with the individual belongingness and awareness. In addition to this, social interest is a capacity that is inherent in all consumers who must be trained and developed. Previously conducted studies have indicated that the self-interest of the consumers in a specific brand is enhanced if the companies follow the concept of sustainability. It has been stated by one of the interviewees as: “I think that the consumers the companies closely watch the environmental practices in luxury brands and for this cause, the social interest of the consumers towards the luxury brands is also increased”. It can be analysed that Chinese consumers consume luxury products as a status symbol. In addition to this, consumers also feel superior when they consume sustainable luxury products.

4.3. Discussion

In this modern era of technology, the perception of Chinese consumers is dependent on social and digital media platforms. The reviews and discussions conducted on social and digital media platforms influence the consumer’s perceptions positively and negatively. The availability of community groups and discussion boards on social and digital media platforms have enabled consumers to share their views with other consumers regarding the sustainability of luxury brands. Also, technology has provided great help in spreading sustainability awareness among consumers. The most important thing is that social and digital media platforms have enabled brands to influence consumer perceptions through the development of an emotional connection. Amatulli et al. (2018) have also argued that social and digital media platforms have enabled brands to build a better connection with the consumers so that they could communicate and collaborate effectively. Effective communication has changed the thinking of consumers. Moreover, social and digital media platforms have increased the desires of consumers. Now, consumers need more sustainable products. As per the perceptions of Chinese consumers, if a brand is not sustainable, one should not buy its products (Amatulli et al., 2017). Even Chinese consumers have criticised unsustainable luxury brand. Consumers perceive a brand to be good enough for use if one adopts sustainability practices. The sustainable consumption is the use of material, product and energy, which can minimise the overall environmental impact. As it has been indicated in the study of Sun et al. (2014) sustainable consumption is defined with the consumers who have been moving to a more responsible attitude. As per the findings of this objective, it has been analysed that the sustainable consumption is not only limited to the contribution for the environmental degradation but also have been providing an opportunity for the other consumers to consume in a responsible way. On the same lines, it has been indicated in the previously conducted study of Ki and Kim (2016), sustainable marketing plays a significant role in removing barriers for the sustainable consumption as much as possible. It can be compared and contrasted with the findings of this objective which indicates that the companies have been increasing sustainability for the successful sales and the increase in the overall value of the brand. Also, this has been leading towards the increased awareness among the consumers about sustainability which has also been removing barriers. The consumers are sure that the usage of sustainable luxury brands can decrease carbon footprints, which is beneficial for the environment. Upon the positive attitude of consumers for the eco-friendly, a number of studies have been conducted previously. Delieva and Eom (2019) highlighted that green advertising has been affecting the perceptions of the consumers positively towards the eco-friendly products which are beneficial for the environment. The findings of this study also suggested that the consumption of luxury products and green advertising can have a significant impact on consumers and on sustainable consumption. It has been analysed that the brand image of a sustainable luxury brand leads to the increased satisfaction of consumers. It has also been discussed in the previous section that consumers perceptions are dependent on social and digital media platforms. If positive reviews are available on these platforms regarding the sustainability of the product, the brand image is enhanced, and the consumes feel satisfied. The positive brand image of luxury fashion brand develops resistance among consumers for unsustainable brands. A good brand image of sustainable brand results in increased loyalty of consumers, owing to which the satisfaction level of consumers is also influenced positively (Hwang and Kandampully, 2012). Consumers feel that they are working for a social cause as they purchase sustainable products in support of brands who are adopting sustainability practices. Such a brand image of sustainable luxury brands increases self-orientated values of consumers. This further results in consumer satisfaction. When consumer think that they have done something very important for the sake of society, they feel proud and satisfied. The increase in the market of consumers has been leading the marketers to think about significant strategies that can satisfy their needs. In the context of sustainable luxury brands, Chinese consumers have become more aware of sustainability. As per the study of Shahid and Farooqi (2019), the connectivity and association with sustainable luxury brands are different for the West and China. This can be linked with the findings of this study which suggested that the Chinese consumers consume luxury products for social status and social interest. Also, it has been analysed that consumers feel superior due to the consumption of sustainable luxury brands. As per the study of Janssen et al. (2017), the green production and consumption for the Chinese individuals are directly associated with the status where they feel more superior due to its consumption. In addition to this and as per the study of De Angelis et al. (2017), the idea of green buying for the Chinese consumers is associated with the status symbol. Hence, this is aligned with the findings of the study, which also suggests that the Chinese consumers consume sustainable luxury products for social status, symbol and to feel superior.

5. Chapter 5: Conclusion

As identified brands are rapidly moving towards sustainable production as the demand of consumer for sustainable products have been increased. A number of scholars have analysed the perceptions of consumers in modern age of technology, but none of them focused on the Chinese consumers and Chinese sustainable luxury brands. Also, none of the studies investigate the influence of sustainable marketing on Chinese consumer attitude towards environment. It has also been analysed that there are very limited studies available that shed light on the role of brand image in enhancing Chinese consumer satisfaction. Bridging the analysed gap, this study has satisfied the core aim of the research study while answering four research question. Interpretivism philosophy followed by the deductive approach was adopted to answer the research questions. Moreover, the researcher used the primary-qualitative method to gather the data from five consumers of Stella McCartney and NEEMIC. Thematic analysis was chosen to analyse and interpret the data. In concern to the first objective, the findings indicated that most of the consumers are dependent on the social media platforms for making a purchase decision. Also, social media platforms allow brands to communicate effectively with consumers. In line with this, the brands build an emotional connection with the consumers by discussing sustainability concerns. This signifies the role of social media platforms in attracting the customers’ attention. Apart from this, technology creates some challenges for sustainable brands. This can be justified as social media platforms create awareness for the sustainability concerns owing to which consumers demand more sustainable products. This indicates that social media platforms have a strong influence on the brands to manufacture more sustainable products. In modern age of technology consumers perceive sustainable luxury brands as responsible brands. In light of above analysis, it is quite evident that in this modern era of technology, consumer perceptions are totally dependent in social and digital media platforms owing to the availability of community groups and discussion boards. Social and digital media have developed a better connection between consumers and brands. Brands engage consumer emotionally by discussing sustainability trends and their efforts for making their products sustainable. This has increased the sustainability desires of consumers. Consumers these days are demanding new sustainability trends. They want brands to emit zero greenhouse gases in the environment. Massive sustainability marketing of sustainable luxury brands is responsible for this. Concerning the second objective, it has been analysed that sustainable marketing plays a positive role in influencing the consumer attitude towards the environment. Also, sustainable marketing plays an effective role in the consumption of sustainable products. In line with this, most of the luxury brands are opting for sustainable marketing to grab the attention of the customers. Above all, it can be stated that the brands show a positive attitude toward eco-friendly products. Apart from this, the sustainable brand image is also responsible for enhancing the customers’ motivation while removing the barriers to sustainable consumption. It has also been analysed that sustainable marketing has a significant impact on consumer attitude. Before the advent of sustainability, the consumers were unaware of the benefits of sustainability and its impact on the environment. However, due to the increase in awareness, the consumers have become conscious due to the environmental concerns while have also been aiming to reduce their carbon footprints. Answering third research question, the findings indicated that most of the customers show resistance to buying unsustainable products. The above analysis clearly indicate that the brand image of sustainable luxury brands has played a major role in increasing the satisfaction level of employees. The sustainable brand image of the luxury brands increased self-oriented values, loyalty, and resistance for unsustainable brands owing to which consumers feel satisfied while using a sustainable product offered by a sustainable luxury brand. Also, the brands having a sustainable image attracts the loyalty of Chinese customers. Sustainability luxury brands have achieved success in increasing the association and connectivity with the consumers by developing good brand image among consumers through the use of social and digital media platforms. Results have indicated that Chinese consumers feel proud to adopt sustainable products. Moreover, the sustainable image helps the consumers to understand their role for the societal well-being. Further, customers feel superior to purchase sustainable products. Apart from this, such sustainable products have become a social status for Chinese consumers. Simplifying the above discussion, it can be stated that the current study provides meaningful information that satisfies the objectives of the current study.

5.1. Limitations

The current study provides useful insights concerning the perception of Chinese consumers regarding sustainable luxury brands. However, the results satisfy the objectives that are designed for the current study. Apart from this, there are some limitations that are found for the current study. Those include, the data for the current study is collected through the primary-qualitative method. Concerning the customers’ perception of sustainable luxury brands, the selected strategy is appropriate, but the sample size seems to be inappropriate. In order to gather more meaningful information, there is a need to approach the large sample size. On the other hand, the researcher may approach the secondary-qualitative method to conduct more deep analysis. This may result in providing a more attractive result for the completion of the study. Hence these were the limitations for the current study.

5.2. Future Implications

Considering the limitations as discussed above, there is a need to make some improvements for future studies. The Chinese consumers’ perception regarding the sustainable luxury brands concerns to a broad perspective; therefore, there is a need to approach large sample size. In such concern, if using the primary-qualitative method, it is recommended to gather the data from the sample size. On the other hand, the researchers may approach the secondary -qualitative method for collecting the data in future studies. Hence, future studies may be more attractive by following these recommendations.


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6. Appendices

6.1. Interview Questions

1. What are your views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands? 2. Are you attracted by the sustainable luxury brand that has a prominent position in the market? 3. What impression do you develop when you come across the sustainable luxury brands? 4. Are you willing to spend on a sustainable luxury brand? If yes, why? 5. Do you believe that sustainable marketing activities make you more responsible for the environment? 6. In what ways, do you think sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being? 7. Do you depend on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands? 8. To what extent is your knowledge and understanding of sustainable luxury brands improved due to your dependence on digital media? 9. To what extent do you understand sustainable luxury brands to be responsible towards the society and environment? 10. Are you satisfied with an improved image of sustainable luxury brands? If yes, to what extent? 11. Do you intend to buy frequently from a brand that has a good image in the market? 12. Do you think technology results in building a better connection and understanding of the brand with its consumers? 13. Does social media presence make you feel more connected with the brand? If yes, why?

6.2. Interview Transcripts

6.2.1. Transcript 1

What are your views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands? I think the customers are getting socially and environmentally responsible and encouraging sustainable luxury brands as they are adopting the practices which do not harm the environment. Are you attracted by the sustainable luxury brand that has a prominent position in the market? Yes, I am attracted towards the sustainable luxury brands that have a prominent position in the market because these brands have helped me in understanding the importance of sustainability towards the society and environment. What impression do you develop when you come across the sustainable luxury brands? Coming across sustainable luxury brands has developed the best experience because the products are very comfortable, and I feel relaxed while using sustainable products. Are you willing to spend on a sustainable luxury brand? If yes, why? Yes, of course, I am willing to spend on a sustainable luxury brand even if I had to pay a bit more as compared to the other brands because these brands promote social and environmental responsibility which should be adopted by other brands as well. Do you believe that sustainable marketing activities make you more responsible for the environment? According to me, sustainable marketing activities make us more responsible for the environment because they help us in understanding the importance of sustainable products. In what ways, do you think sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being? The sustainable luxury brands should adopt the activities which eliminate the use of water and carbon emission. With the help of this water will be saved, and there will be a decrease in the population. This is how sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being. Do you depend on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands? Yes, of course. I totally depend on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands as I can get more awareness of the brands and their products by following them on social media platforms. The quality of the products can also be known through the comments of the other customers. To what extent is your knowledge and understanding of sustainable luxury brands improved due to your dependence on digital media? My knowledge and understanding of the sustainable luxury brands have been improved due to the dependence on digital media to a great extent because I can gain awareness about the sustainable luxury brands and the practices, they are adopting to produce sustainable products. To what extent do you understand sustainable luxury brands to be responsible towards the society and environment? The sustainable luxury brands are manufacturing the products by minimising the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle which means that the sustainable luxury brands are responsible towards the society and environment to a great extent. Are you satisfied with an improved image of sustainable luxury brands? If yes, to what extent? Yes, I am very satisfied with the sustainable luxury brands. These brands have helped me to understand the importance of sustainability towards the society and environment and provided a reason to avoid unsustainable products. These products also enhance the value of the products. Do you intend to buy frequently from a brand that has a good image in the market? No, I do not prefer to buy a brand that has a good image in the market. I intend to buy a product that is rich in quality and adopts sustainable manufacturing and marketing practices. Do you think technology results in building a better connection and understanding of the brand with its consumers? I think technology can help luxury brands in building a better connection with customers because the customers are gaining more awareness regarding sustainability through technology. With the help of technology, the brands can easily communicate with the customer and promote their products. Does social media presence make you feel more connected with the brand? If yes, why? Yes, social the presence of social media makes me feel more connected with the brand as by following the brands on social media let me know about all the posts uploaded by the brands which make me aware of almost all the activities being held there.

6.2.2. Transcript 2

What are your views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands? According to me, the sustainable luxury brands have a strong and good brand image as the customers are now getting aware of the sustainable products and the customers also prefer to purchase these products. Are you attracted by the sustainable luxury brand that has a prominent position in the market? Of course, the sustainable luxury brands that have a prominent position in the market attract me because these brands have introduced the concept of sustainability among the fashion industry. These brands are also considered responsible towards the society and environment. What impression do you develop when you come across the sustainable luxury brands? The best experience has been developed when I came across the sustainable luxury brands because I felt socially and environmentally responsible, and the product was also very comfortable to use. Are you willing to spend on a sustainable luxury brand? If yes, why? Yes, I am willing to spend on sustainable luxury because the sustainable products are comfortable and increase in their sales can encourage these brands. Do you believe that sustainable marketing activities make you more responsible for the environment? I think we can get responsible with the help of sustainable marketing activities because they develop a habit of conducting the activities which are socially and environmentally responsible and does not harm the environment. In what ways, do you think sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being? Sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being by recycling the products. This will reduce the waste and will also save the resources which are required for the manufacturing of such products. Do you depend on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands? Yes, I depend on the digital and social media to connect with the sustainable luxury brands because the quality and reliability of the products can be known from it with the help of the comments of the other customers. To what extent is your knowledge and understanding of sustainable luxury brands improved due to your dependence on digital media? I have gained a lot of knowledge about sustainability and the practices that can be used by the sustainable luxury brands that can be adopted for manufacturing sustainable products. Now I can also know about the brands which are producing sustainable products which has improved my knowledge and understanding due to the dependence on digital media. To what extent do you understand sustainable luxury brands to be responsible towards the society and environment? The sustainable luxury brands are very much responsible towards society and environment because they are linked with the production of products and services that can fulfil the basic needs of the customers by bringing better quality life for them. Are you satisfied with an improved image of sustainable luxury brands? If yes, to what extent? Yes, I am satisfied with the sustainable luxury brands to a great extent because I can resist myself from buying unsustainable products after knowing the importance of sustainability. Now I am also feeling responsible towards the society and environment. Do you intend to buy frequently from a brand that has a good image in the market? Yes, I intend to frequently buy from a brand with a good image in the market because if the brad has a good image in the market, it might be providing something new and good to the customers. Do you think technology results in building a better connection and understanding of the brand with its consumers? Yes, according to me, technology is helping the luxury brands in building a strong connection with the customers as the brands can discuss the efforts, they are making for producing sustainable luxury brands and the customers can also gain awareness about the new products manufactured by the brands. Does social media presence make you feel more connected with the brand? If yes, why? Of course, I feel connected with the brand because of the presence of social media. The brands are continuously uploading the posts due to which I know whatever is happening there and what efforts they are making to fulfil our needs.

6.2.3. Transcript 3

What are your views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands? My views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands are that the sustainable brand image has helped me in understanding that I have worked well for the well-being of society. I am proud and satisfied with what I have, and I have also played my role. I have also done whatever I can. Are you attracted by the sustainable luxury brand that has a prominent position in the market? The sustainable brands have a prominent position in the market, and I am attracted to sustainable luxury brands as compared with the unsustainable luxury brands. What impression do you develop when you come across the sustainable luxury brands? The impression that is developed when I come across the luxury brands is positive, and I feel like buying sustainable luxury brands. Are you willing to spend on a sustainable luxury brand? If yes, why? I am willing to pay and spend on luxury brands as I think these have been minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials. I also have become aware of the environmental concerns; that is why I am willing to spend on sustainable luxury brands. Do you believe that sustainable marketing activities make you more responsible for the environment? Technology has not only supported the brands, but it has also created some challenges for sustainable brands. Social and digital media platforms have increased awareness, owing to which consumers have perceived that sustainable luxury brands are capable of making their products more sustainable. Also, consumers are demanding more sustainable products every day, and a new sustainability trend is introduced. This determines that sustainable marketing activities make consumers more responsible for the environment. In what ways, do you think sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being? Sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being through the incorporation of sustainable practices. Also, I think that the sustainable image has helped me to advance in environmental well-being. Do you depend on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands? I totally depend on social and digital media platform while making a purchase decision. There are community groups on different social media platforms with positive and negative reviews of consumers regarding the sustainability of brands. I choose a brand that is sustainable because I have read a lot of blogs on sustainable production and products owing to which I am aware of its impacts on climate To what extent is your knowledge and understanding of sustainable luxury brands improved due to your dependence on digital media? Social and digital media platforms have helped consumers to make a decision after evaluating a brand. Due to this dependence, my understanding of sustainability is increased. This is because discussions are made in community groups where consumers and brands discuss new sustainability trends and their impact on climate. This increases my awareness level. To what extent do you understand sustainable luxury brands to be responsible towards the society and environment? The sustainable luxury brand is understood to be responsible towards the society and environment as it has been leading to decrease the carbon footprints. The consumers have also become conscious of decreasing the overall environmental impacts. Are you satisfied with an improved image of sustainable luxury brands? If yes, to what extent? Yes, I am very satisfied with the sustainable marketing of luxury fashion brands and improved image of sustainable brands. This has helped me in understanding why we should avoid the use of unsustainable products. There is a resistance inside me for unsustainable products owing to which I feel quite satisfied when I use a sustainable product. Do you intend to buy frequently from a brand that has a good image in the market? Yes, I intend to buy those brands frequently which have a good image in the market. However, my preference is for those brands which incorporate the aspect of sustainability within the brands. Do you think technology results in building a better connection and understanding of the brand with its consumers? Yes, of course, technology has supported luxury fashion brands in engaging consumers through better communication. Better communication means better connection, either it is emotional or not. I can say that sustainability is a trend which impacts consumer perception through emotions. So, yes, technology has developed better connection of brands with consumers. Does social media presence make you feel more connected with the brand? If yes, why? Brands are now able to communicate effectively through the use of social and digital media platforms. They build a better and emotional connection with consumers by discussing the dangerous impacts of CO 2 on the environment. Sustainable luxury brands elaborate on their efforts for making their products sustainable for use.

6.2.4. Transcript 4

What are your views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands? My views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands have changed over the years. In previous times, I was reluctant to buy sustainable luxury brands. However, I came forward with a positive view regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands. Are you attracted by the sustainable luxury brand that has a prominent position in the market? Yes, I prefer to buy the sustainable luxury brands that has a prominent position in the market. I am also attracted to such brands which incorporates the aspect of sustainability in brands. What impression do you develop when you come across the sustainable luxury brands? The impression that I develop whenever I see and come across the sustainable luxury brands is positive. However, my impression and perceptions for the luxury brands are associated with the green values which are helpful in satisfying my needs. Are you willing to spend on a sustainable luxury brand? If yes, why? At times I do feel that I should not be paying for the sustainable luxury brands due to their higher price. But on the same lines, I am willing to spend on the luxury brands as I am aware that the sustainable luxury brands are beneficial for the environment. Do you believe that sustainable marketing activities make you more responsible for the environment? I think that the sustainable marketing activities are makes me responsible as the green advertisements and social media posts are helpful in building the awareness. I also feel more responsible for the environment whenever I come across social media post. The marketing activities of luxury brands also makes me more responsible towards the environment. In what ways, do you think sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being? There are significant ways in which the sustainable luxury brand can advance in the environmental well-being such as through the social media posts. Also, the sustainable luxury brands can advance in environmental well-being by spreading awareness to the consumers about sustainability and its benefits on the environment. Do you depend on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands? Yes. It is due to the fact that the technological advancement has increased the reliance of individual on social media platforms. Whenever I have to make a purchase of any product, I connect myself to the brands through the social media platforms. This is also the case when I have to make a purchase for the sustainable luxury brands. To what extent is your knowledge and understanding of sustainable luxury brands improved due to your dependence on digital media? My knowledge and understanding for the sustainable luxury brands have improved due to my dependence on digital media. The social media page of NEEMIC is vigilant in posting posts that are related with sustainability. My dependence on social media posts have improved my knowledge of sustainable luxury brands. To what extent do you understand sustainable luxury brands to be responsible towards the society and environment? The sustainable consumption and production can be referred with the use of services and products which respond to the basic needs while bringing better quality life for the individuals. In addition to this, sustainable consumption can be linked with minimising the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle. This can be examined that the sustainable luxury brands are responsible towards the society and environment. Are you satisfied with an improved image of sustainable luxury brands? If yes, to what extent? Yes, I am satisfied with the improved image of sustainable luxury brands to the extent that it satisfies my needs whenever I buy the products. Do you intend to buy frequently from a brand that has a good image in the market? Well, my preference is to buy the luxury brands only which have a good image and reputation in the market. However, I buy only those brands frequently which has a good image in the market and can help in satisfying my needs at the same time. Do you think technology results in building a better connection and understanding of the brand with its consumers? Technology has helped the customers to build a better connection and understanding of customers with the brands. The customers can now connect with their favourite brand whenever they want to through the social media platforms. Does social media presence make you feel more connected with the brand? If yes, why? The social media presence makes me feel more connected with the brand by engaging through its daily posts and updates on the social media page.

6.2.5. Transcript 5

What are your views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands? My views regarding the brand image of sustainable luxury brands have changed over time. When the concept of sustainability first emerged, I was reluctant to buy sustainable luxury brands. However, my views and perceptions for sustainable luxury brands changed, and I was positive to buy sustainable luxury brands which have a good brand image. Are you attracted by the sustainable luxury brand that has a prominent position in the market? Yes, I am attracted by the sustainable luxury brands that have a prominent position in the market. In addition to this, I am also convinced to buy those brands which incorporate the aspect of sustainability. What impression do you develop when you come across the sustainable luxury brands? The impression that is developed when I come across the sustainable luxury brands is that the product comes from eco-friendly and recycled sources, so I feel like making a contribution towards the environment. Are you willing to spend on a sustainable luxury brand? If yes, why? Undoubtedly Yes, I would like to spend on a sustainable luxury brand and would recommend others to spend of it as well. The main reason is that the sustainable luxury brand promotes social and environmental initiatives, and it is our great responsibility to promote these types of luxury brands. Do you believe that sustainable marketing activities make you more responsible for the environment? I believe that sustainable marketing activities make us more responsible for the environment because it increases awareness about the organization’s sustainability. In what ways, do you think sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being? Sustainable luxury brands can advance environmental well-being by eliminating the wastage and greenhouse gases emissions. With the use of recycled and waste product in providing the products, luxury brands can reduce waste products and carbon emissions. Do you depend on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands? Yes, I depend more on digital and social media to connect with sustainable luxury brands. The main reason is that technological advancement has increased the utilization of online means to grasp the knowledge about business products. Hence, digital and social media are essential means to connect with sustainable luxury brands. To what extent is your knowledge and understanding of sustainable luxury brands improved due to your dependence on digital media? My knowledge and understanding of sustainable luxury brand have improved due to dependence on digital media, as I have gained much information about the sustainable initiatives from the published sustainability reports of the company and watched videos about the manufacturing and other processes of the luxury brand businesses. To what extent do you understand sustainable luxury brands to be responsible towards the society and environment? The luxury brands are becoming more responsible towards the society and environment by utilising renewable sources of energy for manufacturing the products and reducing the waste by re-using it in making the eco-friendly products. Are you satisfied with an improved image of sustainable luxury brands? If yes, to what extent? Yes, I am greatly satisfied with an improved image of sustainable luxury brands. The main reason is that these luxury brand helped me to get knowledge about the significance of contribution towards society and the environment. It also encouraged to take effective steps at the individual level to contribute towards the society and environment. Do you intend to buy frequently from a brand that has a good image in the market? I would say No because despite of buying from a brand that has a good image in the market, I would like to buy from the brand that manufactures its products from sustainable and recycled products. Do you think technology results in building a better connection and understanding of the brand with its consumers? Yes, of course, because technology has significant potential and capability to increase the connection and understanding of the brand with its customer, as it updates the customer about the new arrival and subsequent changes in the brand time to time. Does social media presence make you feel more connected with the brand? If yes, why? Yes, the social media presence makes me feel more connected with the brands, as the luxury engage its customer through an online survey, customer feedback and through e-marketing and e-commerce channels.

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