Delegate Workbook Getting Started

This Student Pack is designed to help to crystalise and reflect on your research proposal, its structure, its ‘do-ability’ and its efficacy. It should be developed as homework, and in tutorials.

We encourage you to work in groups to help you to complete YOUR work. The completion of this workbook will be assessed.

Groupwork in ‘ThinkTanks’

You should be placed in a ‘ThinkTank’ for the class based sessions. You will have 3 (or so) colleagues in the ThinkTank. This will be the locus of energy and activity to help drive the thinking and learning activities. There are two roles that you are required to fulfil simultaneously and iteratively.

You as the client

Your ThinkTank will work on helping you, challenging you to think carefully about how you are coming to conclusions about YOUR project and your proposal. Think of the other members of your ThinkTank as your consultants, who are going to ‘help’ YOU develop your project workbook, by challenging your approach and assumptions, in a process.  

You as the consultant

Why not develop your skills as a consultant, by mentoring and coaching each other member of the ThinkTank, to help them refine their proposal and their project? You can help them identify suitable methods, processes, clients and contacts etc.

The operation of the ThinkTank is an opportunity to share ideas, methods, techniques etc. You will sharpen your own thinking by considering the perspectives of other members of your ThinkTank. It will help you continuously refine your ideas. Remember, no one perspective is ‘right’ in an absolute sense, but we have the responsibility to continue to refine our ideas, and defend them with logic and precision. Use your ThinkTank to do this. Remember, at all times, you should take responsibility for sharpening your own thinking!

You and your ThinkTank have huge responsibility - you are undertaking something fundamentally important – to scope projects that are realisable, focused and precise... this is always a challenge in practice, and you have the opportunity to fine tune your skills and approach.

Please specify the names of the people in your ThinkTank, and the e-mail address of them.

Name of Colleagues with whom you will work as a ThinkTank (please print)

Their e-mail addresses

















Insert your ThinkTank Name

Your ThinkTank Name

e.g. “Ace Consulting Corporation”







Please Note, in this workbook...

  • Topic areas are identified as a title.
  • Introductory words are in normal type.
  • Instructions are in italics, these should largely be carried out before the tutorial.
  • Please try and fill in as much as you can of this workbook, using your research and ThinkTank to help you.
  • This workbook is assessed.

Your Process

There is a highly process oriented approach to the learning in this programme. You will be working in ThinkTanks, and be relating the conceptual and abstract, to the pragmatics of designing projects and research, using this workbook. You should start at the beginning and move through it, although sometimes you may end up going back and forth a bit. You should discuss each section with your ThinkTank.

You are tasked to apply critical reflexive thinking at all times, to explore each others’ ideas about how to develop an effective research piece and proposal. The ThinkTank members will also share the reading that they do with others, with the view that they all will benefit from an effective team.



1. Selecting a topic

Week 1: Tutorial Exercises

Preliminaries - Task 1 – Getting Organised

Please note that there will be no tutorials in week 1. However, there are tasks that you should undertake in order to prepare for your tutorials in week 2.


Introduce each other in the ThinkTank

Familiarise yourself with the documentation that you have in front of you

Ask questions about it! Write down any areas that you feel you need to know more about in terms of this module...


This report is about a proposed research study that has to be conducted for finding the impact of language differences in cultural diversity management in international business. In this study, the researcher will focus on globalization and increased challenges faced by companies with respect to language differences among different cultures.











Preliminaries - Task 2 – Selecting a topic


Identify one topic that you are interesting in.

The best research comes from a need to know. The best research has as its purpose enhanced understanding. The best research begins with a careful, detailed process of developing a valid, researchable question that YOU need to answer. Potential research topics are all around you.

1.            PURPOSEFULLY read newspapers, watch TV, films, advertisement.

2.            THINK CRITICALLY about what you read and see.

3.            Keep a record of the “WHY” questions you have about everyday occurrences, issues in the news.

4.            CHOOSE a subject that interests you. Narrow it down to 3-4 specific research questions

Hint: Your topic is too broad if you can state it in four-five words

5.            Be PREPARED to present your topic and research questions in class during the tutorial in week 2 outlining origin of the topic, your motivation and rational.

Hint: Think why is this issue important to be researched, (i) for you, (ii) for current or future organisations; (iii) for your current or potential future clients, (iv) for research and academic communities, (v) for products and services that can improve our world, (v) any other stakeholders?

Outline your ideas and arguments on the page below.






Due to increased globalization, companies do not work in same way like in previous few years. The values and experiences of multinational companies have been changed. The culture of host countries has an impact on performance of organizations as it influences the way companies manage the human resource. The culture of countries affects the managerial practices of organizations working in international countries. The department of human resource management serves as a linkage between workforce and performance of international companies. The companies that operate in international countries initiate for dealing with range of diverse workforce. The human resource managers play an important role for managing cultural diversity. Although the linkage of different markets all around the world is a new phenomenon, it has presented new challenges for multinational companies.

Cultural diversity is a developing phenomenon that has increased attention and significance in 21st century. In today’s competitive business world, cultural differences are highly encountered by managers of globalized firms. The use of cross cultural teams can give a source of experience and creative thinking for enhancing the competitive position of companies. However, there is an interference of cultural differences with successful and effective completion of projects in global community of business. For achieving goals of a multinational project and avoiding misunderstandings of cultural diversity, there is a need of promoting creativity and motivation through flexible leadership. The human resource managers have to face essential issue regarding management of cultural diversity among employees. There is a need of effective management of cultural diversity in organizations for ensuring better performance of firms. There are different elements of cultural diversity due to which the performace of firms is affected  This study has been conducted for analysing the impact of human resource management on managing cultural diversity in international companies.


inaries - Task 3



Make a list of the potential clients that you currently have access to (can be in any part of the world).

Outline how you would approach them if you thought they would be interesting and useful to do your action research project.

Identify the most interesting.

Identify the easiest.

What do you think their key ‘problems’ might be?



2.Choosing a topic

Week 2: Tutorial Exercises


Presenting and debating your topics

During this tutorial we will discuss your preparations and preliminary tasks that you have created during week 1.

In your ThinkTank decide on a topic you would like to present at the tutorial.

Outline your chosen topic below.


Impact of language differences on managing cultural diversity in international firms.


3.Literature Review

Week 3: Developing a Literature Review

Task 1 – Literature review

Whatever the research topic, it is essential to use the literature. In effect, you should ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’. However, it is not ANY literature. Indeed, just because it is in a journal, book or article, it does not mean that it is either ‘right’ nor is it ‘relevant’ to your research. Analysis, synthesis and critique’ into the selection of literature can help you gain precision in your own dissertation work. This precision is of course one of the key Sheffield triad principles’ of ‘Detail, Precision and Transparency’. Precision means that we are to be highly selective with the correct set of ideas, frameworks, methods, principles etc, drawn from the literature, to be applied to your research question(s). We must be able to apply effectively to help draw conclusions. The literature review is in essence a justification or rationale for the use of the ideas, frameworks, methods, principles, or how you have adapted them to your specific research question.



1.            Identify at least 5 literature sources. Preferably peer-reviewed journal articles.

2.            Contrast the research design and findings of the selected papers.  How do your ideas ‘build on’ or ‘contrast with’ the existing literature?

3.            Can you identify gaps in the literature?

Once you have done this, you should formulate 3-4 research objectives for your research


In your ThinkTank discuss what have your found most challenging in doing this task. Be ready to discuss your findings in class.




Author, Title (Harvard referencing style)


Caprar, D.V., Devinney, T.M., Kirkman, B.L. and Caligiuri, P., 2015. Conceptualizing and measuring culture in international business and management: From challenges to potential solutions. Journal of International Business Studies46(9), pp.1011-1027.


Purpose of author [aims of the paper]





The aim of this research is to give an overview of past and current approaches for measuring culture in international business management and challenges linked with these approaches.



Full details of the research design



In this research paper, qualitative research design is used. The researcher collected secondary data from different articles and books related to international human resource management to analyse different approaches for measuring culture. In case of qualitative research design, there is no use of facts and figures.





Key findings


The study has found that it is important to conceptualize the culture and conceptualization of culture helps in advancing the knowledge in the field of international business management. In addition to this, the research has found that there are different opportunities that can be used to improve ways of conceptualizing and measuring culture. The international firms can make improvements through considering innovative content like elements of culture that were ignored previously, finding innovative ways to structure the content and relevant new approaches.







The source that led me to the reference [include how you found it using literature search web sites]

Insights for me [what is interesting]



In this article, the most interesting thing was the conceptualization and measurement of culture in international business. It was interesting to read various aspects of conceptualization of culture in this article.






Points I agree with




I agree with the point that it is possible to measure culture and companies have faced a lot of advancement in case of culture. Companies are in need of understanding new approaches and concepts related to culture. In order to get success through globalization, companies must focus on conceptualization of culture by understanding its new approaches.





Points I disagree with.  Justify points you disagree with by considering how the choice and implementation of methods may have affected the results.


I do not disagree with the method used in research as for studying the development in concept of culture in international business management, it was better to use qualitative research approach. This research method helped the researcher in reviewing different researches conducted on conceptualization of culture. This helped in analysing viewpoints of different previous researchers regarding the research topic.



Quotations I may wish to use in my review



“We need to acknowledge that our understanding of culture has advanced dramatically in the last half century, but like all sciences, we need to also look at ways of building on foundational work with new thinking and new approaches”.

“researchers (ourselves included!) have been, in some ways, “addicted” to values-based measures for the last 40 years, and to be fair, we have gained a great deal of understanding about how cultural values influence important outcomes in organizations (Taras et al., 2010a”).








Author, Title (Harvard referencing style)


Brannen, M.Y., Piekkari, R. and Tietze, S., 2014. The multifaceted role of language in international business: Unpacking the forms, functions and features of a critical challenge to MNC theory and performance. Journal of International Business Studies45(5), pp.495-507.



Purpose of author [aims of the paper]



The aim of this paper is to assess the role of language in international business. The authors conducted this study for finding different challenges that MNCs have to face while operating globally. The aim of this research paper is catalysing and setting a course for developing a new domain in IB scholarship that initiates from explicit consideration on language.




Full details of the research design


The researcher used mixed method triangulation, in which they deploy qualitative case studies of 101 foreign subsidiaries for inductively developing a model related to the impact of culture on international business management.






Key findings


In accordance with findings of this research, it can be stated that there exists an inverted U-shaped relationship between language sensitive recruitment and transfer of knowledge,






The source that led me to the reference [include how you found it using literature search web sites]

Google Scholar

Insights for me [what is interesting]

The most interesting point in this research paper was examination of significance of language for knowledge transfer in international businesses. Firms have to focus on learning different international languages for ensuring effective transfer of knowledge among individuals recruited with having different cultural backgrounds.








Points I agree with


I agree with the point that language is a key challenge for international organisations. In order to work in international countries, companies have to focus on language that is a key issue. Another point to which I agree is that English is imposed on managers as well as employees of multinational companies.







Points I disagree with.  Justify points you disagree with by considering how the choice and implementation of methods may have affected the results.



I think this research study must be conducted by using quantitative research method. This can help the researchers in getting insight from management of different multinational companies related to the challenges faced by them due to language differences. The qualitative research method might affected findings of research in a way that factual results are not obtained through qualitative method.




Quotations I may wish to use in my review


“English is imposed on managers and employees of the MNC. The decision to mandate a lingua franca such as English is a strong force that shapes organizational processes of inclusion and exclusion”.

“Some US firms, in which the official corporate language and the home country language coincide, impose a monolingual Englishonly policy marking their identity (SanAntonio, 1987)”,

“Language takes on a variety of distinct focuses, which underscore its multifaceted and multilevel nature”.

“The analysis of language-in-context has produced typologies of idioms used in the MNC that reflect the inner workings of this organizational form”.






Author, Title (Harvard referencing style)



Chidlow, A., Plakoyiannaki, E. and Welch, C., 2014. Translation in cross-language international business research: Beyond equivalence. Journal of International Business Studies45(5), pp.562-582.


Purpose of author [aims of the paper]





The main aim of this research paper is problematising the way treatment of language translation is done in international business.



Full details of the research design


The researchers used interpretive content analysis of qualitative and quantitative cross language studies that were published in journals of international business.






Key findings


The research has found that there is an association between dominance of technical view of translation with equivalence paradigm. It has been concluded from the findings that process of translation is a procedure of interaction between cultures. This means international companies focus on translation of language for the purpose of intercultural interaction rather than just understanding the meaning.






The source that led me to the reference [include how you found it using literature search web sites]

Google Scholar (Journal of International Business Studies)

Insights for me [what is interesting]




We usually study about importance of language in terms of international business, but in this study the interesting point was use of translation for the purpose of cross-cultural understanding. The translation of language helps in conveying meaning of some text in identical meaning.





Points I agree with


I agree with various points of this research but the most significant point was that in case of international business where cross-cultural understanding is very important, it is significant to use language translation for expressing same values to others.







Points I disagree with.  Justify points you disagree with by considering how the choice and implementation of methods may have affected the results.

In addition to the analysis of cross-language studies, the researcher should have used quantitative research method in this study. The use of questionnaires could help the researcher in getting feedback of management and employees of different multinational companies about the importance of language translation in case of international business.






Quotations I may wish to use in my review

“A translation is equivalent if it achieves “the conveyance of identical meaning” (Hult et al., 2008: 1035) between the target and source language versions”.


“While we agree with the need for transparency and rigour when it comes to translation, we argue that this does not require a mechanical process of arriving at the most identical target-language text as possible. Instead, we propose the shift to a more contextualised approach based on theoretical developments in translation studies”.

“The complication arising from this assumption – that a word or concept may have a fundamentally different meaning in another language or be absent altogether, so the relationship between the two languages is asymmetrical – is acknowledged in existing literature, but its implications are often downplayed or sidelined”.







Author, Title (Harvard referencing style)



Yamao, S. and Sekiguchi, T., 2015. Employee commitment to corporate globalization: The role of English language proficiency and human resource practices. Journal of World Business50(1), pp.168-179.


Purpose of author [aims of the paper]

The aim of this research paper is investigating different factors that can affect the commitment level of non-native employees who speak English to globalization of companies. In this research, the researcher focused on the role of proficiency in English language and human resource practices for managing international business.







Full details of the research design


The researcher conducted a survey with 693 non-native English speakers in Japan. For conducting the survey, the researcher used questionnaire to collect data from respondents. The questionnaire consisted of items related to English language proficiency, HR practices, affective and normative commitment.






Key findings

The research has found that there is a direct impact of English language proficiency and HR practices on affective and normative commitment of employees towards performance of globalized firms. It is significant for globalized companies to promote proficiency of English language through practices of HR in order to ensure high performance of companies.







The source that led me to the reference [include how you found it using literature search web sites]

Google Scholar (Science Direct)

Insights for me [what is interesting]



The interesting point was the importance of English language in international businesses. I found from this study that companies have to focus on ensuring proficiency of English language for getting success in case of globalization.






Points I agree with


I agree with the point that through high proficiency in English level with the help of HR practices, companies can increase cross-cultural understanding because in most of countries, people are aware of English language. So, globalized firms must focus on providing proficiency of English level to employees.







Points I disagree with.  Justify points you disagree with by considering how the choice and implementation of methods may have affected the results.


Qualitative research methods are being used for in-depth analysis, but we can see that in-depth analysis is not effectively done. or systematic research is not done in qualitative study, so reseracher should use some software like NVivo for systematic analysis..



Quotations I may wish to use in my review

Based on self-efficacy theory, the self-perceived Englishlanguage proficiency of employees who speak English as a foreign language will influence their affective commitment to their firms’ globalization”.


“Self-perceived foreign-language profi- ciency influences a person’s confidence in coping with an environment in which the foreign language is used”.














Task 2 – Setting research objectives


Insert your objectives in 3 bullet points. Insert your ideas in the box below.


  • To study the importance of language in international business management.
  • To identify the challenges faced by global firms with respect to language differences.
  • To assess the role of managing language differences in culture diversity management.









4.Research Ethics

Week 4: Considering the ethical dimensions of your proposed research, with implications


Task 1. Ethics Case studies


Read the following cases featuring two ethically difficult scenarios:


Case study 1: Researching street art


You are a University lecturer engaged in a long-term research project about the stylistic and political development of street art in a northern city. You started this research over ten years ago, before your University had an ethics committee or formal ethics procedures, and it has never been approved by an ethics committee as a result.


There are two major data gathering strands: (i) photographic documentation of all of the street art in specified area of the city, which you sample on a weekly basis; (ii) interviews with the artists. Both photographs and texts are stored digitally, on your office computer. You have published several papers and a book based on this material, with more planned.


One of the street artists (who is well-known in the local area) is arrested and charged, at the behest of the City Council, with criminal damage. This arises from a series of images of local councillors and officials that have appeared on a municipally owned skate park. The artist denies that they are his images, but refuses to say who has made them. The Council rings you up and demands copies of your pictures of the skate park.


Q1: What do you do in response to the Council’s request?


Subsequently, the police contact you and suggest they could require you to submit your interview material.


Q2: What do you do in response to the police’s request?


Finally, the University’s Faculty Director of Research asks to talk to you, to discuss the ethical status of your research.


Q3: What do you say to the Director of Research? What are the ethical issues here?


Case study 2: Deception in social research


Dr Joan Miller is a management scholar studying motivation and turnover. She submits a proposal to her University ethics committee outlining a study that will examine the change of employee’s turnover intentions following the introduction of a specific motivational measure in a company suffering from high staff turnover. Dr Miller plans to identify change in turnover intentions by administering a survey to the employees of this firm before and after the motivational measure has been applied. She is worried, however, that the employees will recognise what she is looking for and that this knowledge will influence their answers on the survey.


To address this problem, she plans to disguise the issues she is most interested in; when she administers the survey, she will give a very broad explanation that does not fully disclose the nature of the study. Her proposal includes these procedures and an explanation of why she believes they are necessary; she also includes a plan to "debrief" the subjects (tell them the real purpose of the study) after they finish taking the second survey.


Q4: Is this type of deception justifiable? What are the issues that would need to be considered?


Task 2 : Considering the ethical dimensions of your topic


Reflect on what you have learn from the case-studies and consider possible ethical dilemmas in your research. Outline what are ethical consideration in your research and how you will address them.

In this research, there are chances of facing ethical dilemmas by the researcher. As research will include both primary and secondary data, so in case of primary data, respondents might feel insecure while giving data to the researcher. The researcher will have to ensure safety of data taken from the respondents and they will be ensured that their personal information will not be revealed. In addition to this, researcher will ensure that he or she will not force any of the respondents to fill questionnaires or to give interviews. Before collection of data, researcher will take formal permission from each respondent. In case of secondary data, there will be an ethical consideration related to the use of others’ work. The researcher will properly refer others’ work and none of the work of others will be used directly by the researcher.












5.  Methodology

Week 5: Considering the methodological dimensions

Task 1 – Methodology: Qualitative, Quantitative or Mixed?


Over decades the debate over the virtues of quantitative and qualitative methodology is burgeoning. This tension derives from differences in goals and epistemologies. In more recent years a new approach is emerged, mixed method research, advocating combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques, methods and approaches. Moreover Onwuegbuzie (2005) argues that “Mono?method research is the biggest threat to the advancement of the social sciences. Indeed, as long as we stay polarized in research, how can we expect stakeholders who rely on our research findings to take our work seriously?”

From practical point of view methodology is important to ensure transparency and clarity of the research outcomes. Thus, there are some obvious areas that are required to be included in a methodology chapter. Once we have clarity of such ideas, we can then progress our thinking in terms of the actual choices that we may need to make e.g. the designs in terms of dimensions such as, levels of deduction and induction, the use of qualitative and quantitative data, the location of our work as ‘interpretation’ & the associated challenges in terms of ensuring validity and reliability. In addition, we may want to consider our methodological choices in the wider context of the ‘nature of science’ and the dominant ‘schools of meta-science’



For the tutorial

Read the literature on social research methods focusing on key arguments for and against qualitative and quantitative research methods. Pay specific attention to issues such as dominant paradigm, assurance and measurement of quality of the research, areas of application.

We also advise you to extend your reading to learn more about mixed method research.

Make notes of key arguments





Areas of application – where you might use a particular method

Quality assurance

Dominant paradigm






What is the importance of language in international business management?

What are the challenges faced by global firms with respect to language differences?






The quality of method will be assured by using reliable sources like reliable journals, articles and books.

In this method, interpretivism paradigm will be used. Under this philosophy a detailed mechanism or process is studied. So, in this method secondary data will be used for getting detailed insight about the research issue.

This method involves detailed explanation of various objects and events.

In this method, researcher does not rely on single method.

More information about the issue can be gained.



There are chances of personal biasness.

Biasness can result in misleading results.

(List particular methods)









Secondary data collection from different sources like articles, books, journals etc.

Interview will be conducted from managers of global companies to collect primary data.



















What is the role of managing language differences in diverse culture management?




The reliability of instrument will be tested for assuring quality. In order to test reliability, pilot test will be conducted.

While using this method, positivistic philosophy will be used. Under this philosophy, a hypothesis will be formulated and will be tested on the basis of data collected from respondents. This involves focus on socially observable processes.

Quantification of various events and things.

The results obtained through this approach have high generalizability.

Lesser chances of biasness.


Limited information is obtained.

Total reliance on one specific instrument.

(List particular methods)









Survey through questionnaires in order to get primary data from respondents.

















Task 2 – A Debate

Get prepared to participate in Debate:

"This house believes that only quantitative research can ensure validity and reliability of the research outcomes"


Suggested reading:

Bryman, A. (1984). The Debate about Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A Question of Method or Epistemology?.The British Journal of Sociology, 35(1), 75–92.

Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Leech, N. L. (2005). On becoming a pragmatic researcher: The importance of combining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8(5), 375-387.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.


Outline your key points which contribute to the debate below:



Mixed method approach helps in getting both reliable and valid data. The generalizability of data collected through mixed method is high. With the help of mixed method, both factual and detailed information can be obtained. Mixed method helps in obtaining findings to different research questions.

















6.Qualitative Research

Week 6:  Developing an instrument for qualitative data collection

Unlike quantitative data, qualitative data can come from various sources, e.g. in formal interviews, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, informal interactions, informal meeting, participants’ observation, ad-hoc discussions. Undertaking a formal qualitative data analysis can provide greater justification for your own conclusions, and increase the transparency of results. If applied well, using qualitative data analysis can ensure that you avoid rather speculative or circumstantial conclusions, and thereby increasing the rigour, precision, detail and particularly the transparency of conclusions drawn. There are many approaches to qualitative data analysis, from the inductive ‘grounded theory’ type approach, to simple sets of content analyses.


1.            Consider your research objectives – how can you address them by deploying qualitative research?

2.            Identify what particular qualitative data collection method would be most suitable for your research?

3.            Develop a protocol for your qualitative data collection outing how you are going to address issues of research ethics.

4.            Be prepared to present your research design in class

5.            Be prepared to give feedback to the qualitative research design of your fellow students paying particular attention to ensuring validity of the research design.


Task 1: Outline your qualitative research designs










Task 2 : Qualitative data collection (2-3) interviews and content analysis


Content analysis is a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Researchers quantify and analyse the presence, meanings and relationships of such words and concepts, then make inferences about the messages within the texts. To conduct a content analysis on any such text, the text is coded, or broken down, into manageable categories on a variety of levels--word, word sense, phrase, sentence, or theme--and then examined using one of content analysis' basic methods: conceptual analysis or relational analysis.



1.            Based on your qualitative research design conduct at least 2 interviews with relevant respondents


2.            Develop the coding frame for content analysis and prepare to present your findings in class


3. In your ThinkTank prepare a presentation outlining your process and main findings related to your topics. Outline similarities and differences in your individual approach in content analysis.  



Outline your coding frame in the box below










7.Quantitative Research

Week 7: Developing an instrument for quantitative data collection


In this tutorial we will focus on practical aspects of data collection techniques that is based on quantitative research. Such research is often associated with the application of some sort of survey of people’s perspectives and viewpoints to gather data of the subject at hand. Thus, quantitative data gathering, analysis and inference is often associated with surveys, although it is not always the case.

In your work you might want to undertake some statistical analyses, using either primary or secondary data that is available in the context of your research. You might also want to gather your own primary data. The issues of data gathering using a questionnaire type of survey research may be required. This involves questionnaire design and normally fairly simple statistical tools.



Consider your research objectives – how can you address them by deploying quantitative research? What quantitative data do you need?

Consider your sample population - what ethical issues might emerge in conducting your research? How will you address them?

How are you going to get hold of suitable respondents? Be as specific as you can.

Develop a questionnaire to address your objectives.

Be prepared to give feedback to the questionnaires of your fellow students paying particular attention to common flaws in questionnaire design.

Insert your ideas and questionnaire in the boxes below








Insert your ideas and questionnaire in the boxes below



8.Piloting a research design

Week 8: Pilot study - data capture, analysis and feedback


1.            Take feedback from the previous tutorial and try to improve on your questionnaire.

2.            During the week collect at least 30 responses from your target sample.

3.            Use appropriate statistical techniques to analyse your data

4.            Be prepared to present your preliminary research results in class.

Reflect on your data analysis. Did your results provide answers to your research questions? Do you need to work on your questionnaire? Do you need to do it differently? Insert your reflections below.










9 : Action Research

Week 9: Designing an ‘Action Research’

An alternative approach to issue-based research is to undertake an ‘action research’. This essentially is a form of research in which the researcher undertakes action in a client situation, often performing tasks and activities that are serving a client’s needs. In these cases, action itself is required to be the subject of critique and analysis. These types of research tend to be characterised by emphasis on the methods being undertaken in the actions of the researcher, and in the critical reflective practice of the researcher. These key characteristics are much more important in an action research than in ‘issue based’ research. There are significant challenges in undertaking an action research. In part, this is because action research demands a critique of self, and significant leaps in the development of self awareness.

In this tutorial we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of an action research as well as an option to conduct action research as your dissertation project.


Consider the topic of your research


Who could be a client for your research?

- Specific company?

- Specific individual?

Insert your ideas below













2.            What is the perceived ‘problem’ of your client. Try to express it in no more than one sentence













3.            What are benefits for the company to sponsor your project? What are the deliverables?








Week 10: Preparing for the next stage


Identify the issues that are concerning your research design.




















What do you need to do to prepare for the exam?











Appendix 1: Assessment grading guidance on the workbook

Assessment of the workbook will be primarily based on:

The efficacy of the preparations that you have made in developing your ideas for your management inquiry; that is to say, your workbook must demonstrate it must be ‘do-able’.

The precision in applying concepts, ideas and principles in your considerations, in the various tasks asked of you in the workbook;

The detail that you apply to the various activities in the workbook;

The transparency of your expressions of the various aspects involved in designing an effective management inquiry.

Our advice is to make your designs simple, brief and precise. Remember, “ takes time to be brief”! It must be clear with what you are proposing, and you should aim to ensure that clarity and ‘do-ability’ is clearly expressed.

You should be able to express some key aspects of your developing ideas, e.g. The reason for investigating the area is clearly expressed.

  • The research questions / aim and objectives of the study are clearly described and feasible.
  • The literature review has outlined some of the current academic and professional thinking in the area.
  • The methodology is clearly and succinctly described and is appropriate to the research questions / aim and objectives.
  • The details of data collection are clearly specified and are feasible. 


You should submit an electronic copy of this workbook to TURNITIN. You should submit your workbook by the due date (5th May,  2016).  You will be penalised by 5 per cent for every day later than the submission date.




Appendix 2 : Important Dates & Lecture & Tutorial Topics


Week commencing

Lecture topic


Tutorial topic



8 Feb 16

Introduction to the module



No tutorial, but preparation tasks required incl. Selecting a Topic



15 Feb 16

The Literature review


Presenting your topic



22 Feb 16

Research ethics



Developing a literature review



29 Feb 16

Research Methodology



Ethics Exercise



7 Mar 16

Gathering and analysing qualitative primary data


Qualitative vs quantitative research



14 Mar 16

Gathering and analysing quantitative primary data






Developing an instrument for qualitative data collection



11 Apr 16

Using software tools for gathering data and analysis



Developing an instrument for quantitative data collection




18 Apr 16

Action research



Developing a short pilot study




25 Apr 16

Theorisation, personal reflections and evaluation


Constructing an Action Research




2 May 16

No Lecture this week (bank holiday)


No Tutorial this week (bank holiday week)



9 May 16

Examination Workshop







Appendix 3 : Example Coursework Report

Student’s Name:


Module Name:

MGT6129 Management Inquiry




Unconfirmed Grade



Title of Coursework:

Management Inquiry Coursework











1. Selecting a topic



Excellent precision in defining the topic with an excellent rationale.

Showed good awareness of the rationale for the choice of topic but could have been ‘sharper’!

Good, but with errors or ambiguities in topic choice or in the rationale for it.

Poor topic with poor rationale or ones with significant errors.

Inadequate topic definition and weak rationale.

No attempt to undertake this task.



2. Literature review


Excellent depth and attention to detail in assessing the literature sufficient for practical application into a research project.

Showed good depth and attention to detail, sufficient for some areas of practice.

Some useful detail, demonstrating some useful application to practice.

Pockets of detail, which may be useful in practice with a little more attention to detail.

Rather weak on detail/depth and thus most of the work is impractical.

Insufficient detail/no practical value.



3. Research objectives


Excellent precision in defining the objectives, in an ideal form

Useful and appropriate objectives, although there were some ambiguities or some scoping issues.

Appropriate objectives, but they tended to be too wide in scope, or ambiguous in some way.

Poor attempt at outlining the research objectives.

Weak research objectives, inadequate for research practice.

Insufficient understanding of the concept or construction of research objectives, or not attempted.



4. Quals vs Quants



Excellent awareness of the types of research and associated constructs, paradigms or principles.

Good awareness of the types research but could be a bit ‘sharper’.

There was some awareness of the types of research, but it needed greater precision for research practice.

Limited awareness of the types of research, and needed greater precision for research practice.

There was some evidence of awareness of the types of research but this needs developing.

Inadequate understanding of research types/not attempted.



5. Debate


The key arguments

Excellent detail developed to provide an argument about the pro’s and cons of the choice between quals and quants in a research design.

Good levels of detail developed, although could be ‘sharper’ or a bit better expressed.

There was some detail evidenced about the nature of quals and quants in a research design, but it needed greater precision and detail.

The detail needs developing a bit to be useful to research practice.

Rather weak levels of detail developed, needs to be better developed and/or better expressed.

Inadequate detail/ not attempted.



6. Instrument for quantitative research


Excellent instrument for quantitative research outlined and articulated with precision and detail.

Some good designs were outlined, but needed a bit more precision and/or detail.

Some good designs were outlined, but needed a bit more precision and/or detail.

Needs more detail or justification about the nature of the quantitative instrument.

Weak detail or weak justification for the instrument.

Inadequate attempt at the design of a quantitative research instrument.



7. Pilot study


Excellent pilot study, with good conclusions drawn about how to improve it.

Useful pilot, but needs a bit more precision in places.

Some good points made that result in the pilot study, or in its design, but needs a bit more precision and justification in some places.

Need to take more care with the design and/or implementation of the pilot study.

Inadequate understanding or little evidence of understanding of the pilot study.

Poor understanding of the process of designing and implementing a pilot study.

8. Instrument for qualitative research

Excellent instrument for quals research outlined and articulated with precision and detail.

Some good designs were outlined, but needed a bit more precision and/or detail.

Some good designs were outlined, but needed a bit more precision and/or detail.

Needs more detail or justification about the nature of the qualitative instrument.

Weak detail or weak justification for the instrument.

Inadequate attempt at the design of a qualitative research instrument.



9. Coding frame for quantitative research


Excellent justification and design for the coding of the qualitative data analysis, links to literature in evidence.

Some justification and design for the coding of the qualitative data analysis, and/or some  links to literature in evidence. But this could be developed a bit more.

Some justification and design for the coding of the qualitative data analysis, and/or some links to literature in evidence. In need of slightly stronger argument, detail or precision.

Rather weak Some justification and design for the coding of the qualitative data analysis, and/or some links to literature in evidence. Needs more precision or detail.

Relatively poor understanding and justification and design for the coding of the qualitative data analysis. Needs more precision and/or some  links to literature in evidence.

Inadequate justification and design for the coding of the qualitative data analysis, and/or no links to literature in evidence. Or not adequately attempted.

10. Action


research considerations


Excellent awareness of an action research design, and how the process can be implemented.

Some good conclusions drawn about the process characteristics of action research.

Some useful conclusions drawn about AR designs, but needs a bit more sharpening up for practice

Rather weak understanding of AR practice and associated designs. Needs more precision and detail.

Relatively poor understanding of an action research design, and how it might be conducted.

Inadequate exposition of the design of AR/ lacking in precision, detail/ Not attempted.





Additional Comments:



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